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1、一定要背的經(jīng)典英語作文36 篇(作者 : 賴世雄)賴世雄,男, 1948 年出生于南京,祖籍廣西永淳,賴教授最高學歷是在美國明尼蘇達大學修得大眾傳播與英語教學雙碩士學位,以及博士班研究。曾多次擔任國際性逐步及同步口筆譯, 1998 年創(chuàng)立常春藤解析英語雜志社 ,出版專業(yè)性的英語學習雜志與叢書,曾在十多家知名廣播電臺擔任英語教學節(jié)目主講。2003 年 3 月創(chuàng)立賴世雄智網(wǎng)文教機構(gòu),致力研發(fā)兒童美語教材,拓展兒童美語教學加盟事業(yè),期將英語教育從小扎根。2003 年 10 月 31前 10 名人物中排行第日中國圖書商報評選賴老師為“英語學習的風云人物” 5 名,且為十名中,唯一來自中國臺灣地區(qū)的英語

2、界名師!- 中國十大名師之一,人物篇1. My FatherOne of my earliest memories of Dad is that he would often leave the house at dawn to go jogging. He was a traditional Chinese father, which means that he didn't show his affection for his kids easily. And he and I didn't talk much.Some time ago, he made me go jo

3、gging with him. I hated it because I didn't know what to say to him. Needless to say, I did not enjoy exercising with Dad. However, as time went by, he and I began to talk while jogging. Later, he even began to tell me jokes! It was a side of him that I had never seen before. I'm Bald that h

4、e made me go jogging with him because our relationship has greatly improved as a result.我的父親我對父親最早的一些記憶之一是他以前常在黎明時離家去慢跑。 他是一個傳統(tǒng)的中國父親,這意味著他不輕易對兒女表露他的情感,而且我和他并不常交談。前一陣子, 他叫我和他去慢跑。 我討厭和他慢跑, 因為我不知道要和他說什么。 不用說,我不喜歡和爸爸一起運動。然而,隨著時間推移,我和他開始在慢跑時交談。后來,他甚至開始講笑話給我聽! 這是我以前從未見過的一面。 我很高興他要我和他去慢跑, 因為我們的父子關(guān)系因此大為改善。2

5、. My NeighborNext to us lives Mr. Zhang, who is a street-sweeper. He is in his early sixties and looks quite stern but, in fact, he is easy to get along with and is always considerate of others. Even though he is uneducated, he is a pleasant man to talk to.Rain or shine, he goes out to work in the e

6、arly morning when there is little traffic on the road. Because uncaring people litter the streets with so much garbage , he cannot take a rest until noon. To my surprise, he never complains about his hard and dirty work. In a word , I don't look down upon him just because he is a street-sweeper;

7、 instead, I respect my kind neighbor.我的鄰居我們家隔壁住著一位張先生,他是一個清道夫。他年約60 出頭,看起來很嚴肅;但事實上,他很容易相處而且總是為別人設想。雖然他沒受過教育,但和他交談是件令人愉快的事。不論晴雨, 他都會在一大早交通流量還很小時就出去工作。因為那些沒有公德心的人會在街道上亂丟大量的垃圾,所以他直到中午才能休息。令我驚訝的是, 他從不抱怨他那辛苦又骯臟的工作。 總之,我不會因他是個清道夫就看不起他; 相反地, 我尊敬我的這位好鄰居。3. My MotherMy mother was an elementary school teacher

8、 until she retired twoyears ago. She devotedherself to teaching for forty-five years. That is, she spent the best part of her life educating her students. Although she isn't a teacher now, she is still very much concerned about the development of education in Taiwan.Though Mom is no longer a car

9、eer woman, she is busy all the time. Each day she gets upearly to prepare our breakfast and does all the housework. In addition, she goes to a temple and volunteers to help the priests and worshippers with little chores. As Teacher's Day is drawing near, I wish her eternal health and happiness.

10、After all , mothers are the world's greatest educators.我的媽媽我媽媽本來是個小學老師,她在兩年前退休了。她獻身教育達45 年之久。換句話說,她把最美好的青春歲月用來教導她的學生。雖然她現(xiàn)在不是老師,但她仍然很關(guān)心臺灣的教育發(fā)展。雖然媽媽不再是職業(yè)婦女,但她仍然無時無刻不在忙。她每天都早起準備我們的早餐和做所有的家務。 此外,她也到一座寺廟去自愿幫助那些僧侶及信徒們做些小雜事。因為教師節(jié)快到了,我祝她永遠健康快樂。畢竟,媽媽們是世界上最偉大的教育家。4. My BrotherIn his teachers' and my p

11、arents' eyes, my youngest brother is a sidetracked young man, but in mine, he is a musical genius. He has a terrible attendance record at school and actually quit going twice. The fact is that it's music which really interests him. Indeed, he has a musical bent; he sings well, is gifted in c

12、omposing songs, and even formed a band with his buddies.I enjoy listening to the songs he writes and, although the lyrics are sort of immature , they come straight from the heart. He says his dream is to make music his career. Who knows if he is on the right track or not? But I do know that whatever

13、 he does, music will always be a part of his life.我的弟弟在老師和父母眼中, 我的弟弟是個偏離正途的年輕人, 然而在我眼中, 他是個音樂天才。他出勤的記錄很差, 實際上還休學兩次。 事實上真正令他感興趣的是音樂。 他的確很有音樂天分 :他歌唱得好,有作詞作曲的天賦,甚至還跟他的哥們兒組成一支樂團。我喜歡聽他寫的歌,雖然歌詞有點不成熟,但那是直接發(fā)自他內(nèi)心的情感。他說他的夢想是獻身音樂工作。誰知道他走的是不是正途呢 ?但我倒知道不管他做什么,音樂永遠是他生活中的一部分。經(jīng)歷篇5. On a Crowded busI am a senior hig

14、h student who has to commute from home to school every day. It is always an ordeal for me to try to get on a crowded bus. I am often squeezed so hard that I can't breathe.Once I felt someone pushing me very hard, and then he touched my rear. I couldn't turn around to see who did it because I

15、 was sand-wicked between two tall men. I was so angry that when the bus arrived at my school, I clenched my fists and elbowed my way through the crowd and got off. Then, to my dismay, I found that my purse had been stolen from my school bag.擠公交車我是一位每天必須通勤的高中生。對我來說, 要擠上公交車總是一種很痛苦的經(jīng)歷。我常常被擠得喘不過氣來。有一次我覺

16、得有人一直在擠我,然后他摸我屁股。我無法轉(zhuǎn)過去看是誰做的,因為我被夾在兩名高個子中間。在公交車到達學校時, 我氣得握緊拳頭從人群中擠下車。然后, 令我驚慌的是,我發(fā)現(xiàn)書包里的錢包被偷走了。6. Seeing a DoctorSeeing a doctor is the last thing I want to do. I hate waiting long hours in a hospital, only tospend five minutes with an indifferent doctor. Most of them just ask a few questions and the

17、n give you a prescription. In my opinion ,they are more like machines than sym-pathetic people.I had a severe pain in my right shoulder a few months ago. I had no choice but to see a doctor.To my surprise , the doctor was very kind. He asked me some questions and thoroughly examined my shoulder. He

18、said I would have to take some medicine for two months and get plenty of rest. Now I have fully recovered and feel great. Although I was at first reluctant , I'm glad I went to seethe doctor.看醫(yī)生看醫(yī)生是我最不想做的事, 我討厭在醫(yī)院里等候很久, 但卻只花五分鐘就被漠不關(guān)心的醫(yī)生打發(fā)走一大部分的醫(yī)生只是問兒個問題, 然后就開給你一張?zhí)幏揭牢铱矗?他們比較像機器而不像是有同情心的人幾個月前, 我的右

19、肩劇烈疼痛我除了去看醫(yī)生外別無選擇。 令我驚訝的是, 那個醫(yī)生很好,他問了我一些問題并全面檢查我的肩膀, 他說我必須吃兩個月的藥并要充分地休息。 現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)完全康復并且感覺很好雖然當初我很不愿就醫(yī),但我很高興去看了醫(yī)生。7. A Valuable LessonLast Mid-Autumn Festival was an unforgettable day for me. Partly because I ate too many moon cakes and partly because the moon cakes had spoilt, 1 had a bad stomachache.

20、Not only did I vomit, but I had the runs. Subsequently, I was sent to the hospital.This unfortunate experience taught me a valuable lesson. That is, one should eat moderately. As the old saying goes , "Don't bite off more than you can chew. You can” be sure that I will keep that in mind fro

21、m now on.寶貴的教訓對我來說, 去年的中秋節(jié)是難忘的一天。 一方面因為我吃了太多的月餅,月餅餿掉了,結(jié)果我腹痛如絞,上吐下瀉。后來,我被送進了醫(yī)院。另一方面因為這次不幸的經(jīng)歷給了我一個寶貴的教訓。也就是說,吃東西要有節(jié)制。俗話說嚼不爛。”你應當相信,從今以后我會把它牢記于心。:“貪多8. An Unlucky DayWhen I got up this morning , I had a strange feeling that it just wasn't going to be my day. First,because I got up late, I missed br

22、eakfast. Then ,as I was dashing to the bus stop to catch my bus, I stepped on a banana peel, slipped and fell on my backside.To make matters worse,the bus didn't stop for me because it was packed. I had no choice but to take a taxi. Not until the taxi got to my school did I realize I had left my

23、 wallet at home. After I did a lot of explaining and apologizing, the driver let me go. Finally, 1 arrived at the school gate.To my astonishment, I suddenly realized it was a school holiday. It never rains but it pours.倒霉的一天今天早上起床時,我就有一種奇怪的感覺,那就是今天會諸事不順。首先,因為我起得晚而錯過了吃早餐。 然后,我趕到公交車站乘公交車時, 踩到了一塊香蕉皮而滑倒

24、,跌了個四腳朝天。更糟糕的是,公交車因為客滿而沒有停下來讓我上車, 我除了乘出租車之外別無選擇。直到出租車開到我學校時我才知道我把皮夾忘在家里了。經(jīng)過一連串的解釋和道歉之后,那個司機才讓我走。最后我來到了學校大門口。令我驚訝的是,我突然發(fā)現(xiàn)今天是學校假日。真是禍不單行啊。9. That Unforgettable DayI will always remember New Year's Day in 2001.Early that morning my sister and I received a phone call. We were told Grandma had fainte

25、d and was being taken to a hospital in Taichung. The moment we received the message, my uncle drove us to the hospital as fast as he could. It was a long journey from Taipei.While we were on the road, holiday bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed us down to a snail's pace and a car accident the previo

26、us day made the congestion worse. Consequently, we got stuck for more than six hours on the highway. We were worried about Grandma the whole time. As soon as we arrived at the Taian Rest Area, we anxiously phoned home. However, Grandma had died of heart failure just half an hour before we called.難忘的

27、一天我將永遠記得2001 年的元旦。那天一大清早,我姐姐和我接到一個電話。電話中我們得知祖母昏倒后正被送到臺中一家醫(yī)院。一接到這個消息,叔叔便盡快地載我們到醫(yī)院去。從臺北到臺中路很長。一路上, 假日大排長龍的車流使我們慢得如蝸牛一般, 而前一天的一場車禍使塞車更為嚴重。因此,我們在高速公路上被困了六個多小時。我們一直擔心祖母。一到泰安休息區(qū),我們滿懷焦慮地打電話回家乙然而,在我們打電話前半小時,祖母已因心臟衰竭而去世。想像篇10. If 1 Were a University StudentGoing to university has been my dream for a long tim

28、e. If I had the chance to become a university student, I would make every effort to expand my knowledge. I would not only study artas my major, but also minor in philosophy and English literature.In the meantime, I would also involve myself in extracurricular activities such as swimming and mountain

29、 climbing. And last but not least, I would pursue the most beautiful lady on campus. With these goals in mind, I am determined to study as hard as possible to make my dream come true.如果我是個大學生長久以來上大學一直是我的夢想。 如果我有機會成為大學生的話, 我會盡全力來擴充我的知識。我不僅要主修藝術(shù),而且還要副修哲學和英國文學。同時,我也要參加像游泳和爬山等的課外活動。 最后還有一件重要的事情就是, 我要去追求

30、校園內(nèi)最漂亮的女生。在這些目標的驅(qū)使下,我決心要努力學習以實現(xiàn)我的夢想。11. What I Want to Do after the CEEEven as a child I had a musical bent, and enjoyed playing the piano. In high school I dreamed of playing the guitar in a rock band, but because of the pressure of schoolwork, I never hadenough time to practice, nor did any of my

31、classmates.However, once I enter college, I intend to devote more time to my personal interests, especially music. Perhaps I'll be able to get together with other schoolmates of similar disposition, and finally form that band I've always dreamed of.高考后我最想做的事自小我就對音樂相當喜愛, 而且喜歡彈鋼琴。 高中時,我夢想在搖滾樂團

32、里彈吉他,但是因為學業(yè)的壓力,我和同學都沒有足夠的時間練習。然而, 一旦我上了大學,我打算多花些時間在個人興趣上,特別是音樂。或許我能和其他志同道合的同學聯(lián)合起來組成那個我一直夢想的樂團。12. If I Won the LotteryTo win first prize in the lottery is most people's dream. If I were the lucky one, I would spend many sleepless nights out of excitement planning for the future. I would divide m

33、y money into two parts: half for my parents and half for myself.Overseas travel would be the first thing that I would do. Romantic Europe, the wilds of Africa and mysterious Southeast Asia are the dreamlands that I would see. I would be able to put the drudgery of studying aside and leave my world f

34、ull of pressures far behind for a while. Oh! If only I could win the lottery!假如我中大獎中一等獎是大多數(shù)人的夢想如果我是那名幸運者, 我會興奮得花很多夜晚計劃未來而不能成眠我會把錢分成兩部分 : 一半給父母,一半留給我自己。國外旅行將會是我想做的第一件事浪漫的歐洲、非洲的原野以及神秘的東南亞都是我想一窺其貌的樂土二我就能夠暫時把乏味的功課放在一邊,將我那充滿壓力的小天地拋諸腦后啊! 但愿我能中獎 !13. When I Grow UpWhen I grow up ,I don't want to be lik

35、e my parents. I don't want to be like my teacher, either.In fact, I don't want to be like anybody I know. Everybody is just too busy. They don't seem tohave time for anything except work. They have their lives, but to me, they aren't really living.There must be more to life than just

36、 work.I have ,therefore, decided that when I grow up, I want to be a writer. I will travel around as much as possible to learn about life. Eventually, I'll write a book telling people how to live a full life. I may be too ambitious, but I believe that one day my dream will come true.當我長大后我長大后,不要

37、像我父母一樣我也不要像我的老師二事實上,我不要像我認識的任何人。每個人都太忙碌了。他們似乎除了工作之外就沒有時間做任何事 :他們有自己的生活,但對我而言,他們并不是真的活。生活中一定有比工作更重要的事。因此,我決定長大后要當作家: 我要盡可能到世界各地去旅行來體驗人生。最后,我要寫一本書來告訴人們?nèi)绾芜^充實的生活我也許野心太大了, 但我相信我的夢想總有一天會實現(xiàn)的。休閑篇14. My Leisure-Time ActivityWhen I have free time, I usually go mountain climbing alone. The mountain where I go

38、all the time isn't very high or rugged; therefore, it only takes me about half an hour to reach the top. The surrounding scenery is very charming. It's no doubt the best place to view the rough sea.Moreover, when in high spirits, I'll sing several folk songs. Sometimes I'll bring a n

39、ovel with me and do some leisure reading. After climbing the mountain, I'll be exhausted, but soon I'll feel energetic again because of the fresh air at the top of the mountain. What's more, it makes me forget all my worries. As mountain climbing is so much fun, it's really worthwhil

40、e doing this healthful activity on a regular basis.我的休閑活動我有空時,常一個人去爬山。我經(jīng)常去爬的山不是很高,也不崎嶇; 因此,我只花了大約半小時就到達山頂。四周的風景非常迷人。無疑地,那是觀賞波濤洶涌的大海的最佳地點。而且,興致高昂時, 我會唱幾首民謠。 有時候, 我會隨身帶本小說, 悠閑自得地讀一讀。爬完山后,我會精疲力竭,但是因為山頂上空氣新鮮,我很快又會覺得精力充沛。此外,爬山還讓我忘卻所有的煩惱。因為爬山那么有趣,所以定期參加此有益健康的活動是值得的。15. Flying a KiteKite flying is becoming

41、 increasingly popular. Young and old alike can be seen in parks enjoying this healthy outdoor recreation.Some people enjoy watching the multicolored kites high up in the sky. Others find it thrilling to control a flying object. By tugging at the string the kite will ascend. A slack string will allow

42、 the kite to drift with the wind and descend. As far as I am concerned, flying a kite is fun because it gives me an excuse to laze away a sunny afternoon daydreaming while watching the delicate kites bobbing up and down.放風箏放風箏越來越流行了。我們可以看見老老少少在公園里享受這個健康的戶外娛樂。有些人喜歡看五彩繽紛的風箏高高飄在空中,也有些人覺得操縱飛行物體很刺激。我們用力拉

43、線時,風箏會上升:一條放松的線會讓風箏隨風飄動而下降。就我而言,放風箏很好玩,因為那可以給我一個借口一邊看那優(yōu)美的風箏上下飄動,一邊做白日夢, 懶散地打發(fā)一個晴朗的下午。16. How I Spend my WeekendsI welcome weekends with open arms. After school on Fridays I grab a bite to eat and then immediately take a long nap. God knows I need the sleep to recuperate. Friday evening is my favorit

44、e time of the week. That's the time when I usually listen to CDs. I dim the lights in my room and let my mind drift far away. On Saturdays I enjoy eating out with my family. After that I might do some shopping with Mom .Invariably , I sleep late on Sunday mornings, and soon after I get up, I sta

45、rt preparing for another grueling week at school.Although weekends aren't very adventurous, by mid-week I find myself longing for them.我如何過周末我非常歡迎周末的到來。每個星期五放學后,我會隨便吃一點東西,然后立刻好好睡個午覺。 老天知道我多需要補充睡眠。 星期五晚上是一星期中我最喜歡的時刻。 那通常是我聽 CD 唱片的時候。我會將我的房間的燈光弄暗,讓我的思緒神游至遠方。星期六我喜歡跟家人出去吃飯。吃完飯后, 我可能會和媽媽去逛街。 星期天早上我一定

46、會睡得很晚才起床,起床后我會立刻開始準備學校下一周累人的功課。雖然周末不是很刺激,但每到星期三時我就發(fā)現(xiàn)我很渴望周末的到來。學習篇17. The Joy of ReadingReading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. People who read are usually more open-minded and rarely bored. Through reading different kinds of books, you can broaden your mind and stimulate your imaginatio

47、n.Furthermore, reading is not an expensive pastime. It doesn't cost you much money because you can easily borrow books from a library or friends. It is especially good for the whole family. For instance, my family likes to read. We often spend evenings together discussing literature and sharing

48、insights from books. Hence, reading brings us closer together.閱讀的樂趣閱讀之于心靈猶如運動之于身體。 閱讀的人心胸通常較為開闊且鮮少感到無聊。 通過閱讀不同種類的書,你可以開闊心胸和激發(fā)想象力。此外,閱讀是一種花費不多的消遣。 它不會花你許多錢, 因為你可以很容易地向圖書館或朋友借到書。 閱讀對于全家人而言特別有益。舉例來說,我的家人喜歡閱讀。我們經(jīng)常利用晚上的時間聚在一起討論文學和分享從書中得來的見解。 因此,閱讀使我們更親密地在一起。18. Why Learn English ?There are many advantage

49、s to learning English. English is an international language. If you can speak it, you'll have little difficulty traveling anywhere. And if you can read it, you can acquire firsthand information about what is going on in the world. Mastering English, however, can't be done overnight. It takes

50、 time and patience.To begin with, you should get yourself a good dictionary. Consult it when encountering a word you don't understand. Any reading material is fine, but make sure you study for at least two hours every day. Keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to learning English. It takes a

51、lot of hard work, but the reward is well worth the effort.為何學英語?學英語有許多好處英語是國際語言如果你會說英語,那么你到任何地方去都不會有什么困難。 而且如果你會讀英語的話,那么你對世界上所發(fā)生的事可隨時獲得第一手的資料。然而精通英語卻不是一朝一夕就可辦到的這需要時間和耐心。首先,你必須給自己找一本好詞典。遇到你不懂的單詞時就要查詞典。任何的閱讀材料都可以, 但是務必要做到每天至少讀兩個小時的書。切記學英語是沒有捷徑的。這需要下很多功夫,但就其獲益而言,這樣的努力是非常值得的。19. One Way to Improve Your

52、EnglishMy classmate, Lily, and I are the best students in our English class. Do you know how we improve our English? We meet twice a week in a coffee shop to practice. We spend the whole afternoon discussing a wide range of topics in English. Then once a week an American friend, Stan, does language

53、exchange with us. We teach him Chinese and he teaches us English. In less than six months, we have improved by leaps and bounds.We have also met other Americans through Stan. Now we have quite a few American friends. And of course, we always speak English with them. This way of learning English has

54、worked wonders for us. Maybe it could work for you, too.提高英語的方法我和我的的同學莉莉是我們英語班上成績最好的學生。你知道我們是如何使英語進步的嗎? 我們每星期在一家咖啡廳見面兩次練習英語,我們整個下午都用英語討論各種不同的主題。然后一位美國朋友斯坦每個星期和我們做一次語言交流。我們教他中文, 他則教我們英語。不到6 個月的時間,我們的英語便突廷猛進。通過斯坦我們也認識了其他的美國人。現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)有了不少的美國朋友。當然,我們總是用英語和他們交談。這種學英語的方法對我們產(chǎn)生了驚人的效果,或許這對你也有用哦。20. Learning fr

55、om MistakesSome people think that making mistakes is shameful. But the fact of the matter is that mistakes are a common part of everyone's life. No one is perfect. It's unreasonable to expect a person to be right all the time. However, we should do our utmost to avoid making the same mistake

56、 twice.It is my feeling that making a mistake may turn out to be a good thing. It is through our errors that we can find the path to doing things correctly. Finally, it is important to remember that few mistakes are so terrible that they cannot be corrected.從錯誤中學習有些人認為犯錯是可恥的。 但事實上, 犯錯是每個人生活中很普通的事。 沒

57、有人是完美無瑕的。期望一個人永遠正確是不合理的,然而,我們應該竭盡所能避免再犯相同的錯誤。我覺得犯錯反而可能是一件好事。通過錯誤我們才能找到把事情做對的途徑。最后, 還有很重要的一點必須記住,那就是幾乎沒有任何錯誤會嚴重到無法改正的地步。21. English and IEnglish used to be a headache to me. I always found it difficult to memorize new vocabulary. Grammar was also a closed book to me because there were many exceptions to the rules I had learned, wh


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