



1、寄售商品處理程序Consignment ProcedureVersion: June, 21, 2004寄售商品處理程序Consignment Procedure 目前商場(chǎng)有兩類(lèi)寄售商品Now we have two categories of consignment items1. 家私等大件寄售商品:由供應(yīng)商直接送貨上顧客門(mén),商場(chǎng)只存樣品,PI為零.Furnitures delivered by the vendor to the customers' house, only sample in the store, PI is zero2. 季節(jié)性商品:如圣誕飾品等,商場(chǎng)入貨售完

2、結(jié)算,PI為實(shí)數(shù).Seasonal items such as Christmas decorations, PI equals to on-hand.一、供應(yīng)商直送顧客程序 Vendor Direct Delivery Procedure 備注:顧客付款后再開(kāi)送貨單。The delivery sheet should be issued after payment.單據(jù)發(fā)放及保管要求。Delivery Sheet 1. UPC建立送貨單檔案管理系統(tǒng)。如文件柜、登記冊(cè)、已完成送貨單據(jù)夾(紅白黃三聯(lián)齊全)、未完成送貨單據(jù)夾(已有白聯(lián)、黃紅聯(lián)未返回)、已完成供應(yīng)商直送單據(jù)夾、未完成供應(yīng)商直送單據(jù)夾

3、及待跟進(jìn)問(wèn)題單據(jù)夾等。UPC Office shall set up delivery document file system including cabinet, register book, "finished delivery document(three duplicates)" folder, "unfinished delivery document(only white copy, without yellow and red copy)" folder, "to be followed up" folder , et

4、c. 2. 家電部每天早上從UPC辦公室領(lǐng)取紅白黃一式三聯(lián)送貨單,送貨單按控制號(hào)碼登記領(lǐng)取并雙方簽字確認(rèn)。Electronics department shall get delivery sheets (with red, yellow and white copies) from UPC office every morning with these sheets control numbers recorded and confirmed in signature by both of Electronics and UPC.3. 家電部每天中班下班前將已使用的送貨單白聯(lián)返回UPC,若為

5、供應(yīng)商直送之商品,則必需附電腦小票副本,UPC按控制號(hào)及聯(lián)次逐項(xiàng)登記,并由雙方簽字確認(rèn)。附電腦小票之供應(yīng)商直送的送貨單白聯(lián)與其它白聯(lián)分開(kāi)獨(dú)自存放。Before the middle shift of Electronics off duty every day they shall take white copy of used delivery sheets back to UPC. If the sheet is used to vendor delivery items, shopping ticket shall be attached to the sheet. UPC shall

6、register them according to their control number and then confirm in signature by both. White copies with shopping tickets attached shall be divided from other white copies.4. 家電部每天中班下班前將未使用的送貨單一式三聯(lián)全數(shù)返回UPC,UPC按控制號(hào)登記注明未用返回,并由雙方簽字確認(rèn),下次再作使用時(shí)必需重新登記控制號(hào)。Electronics shall take all unused delivery sheets wit

7、h three duplicates back to UPC. UPC shall register them in unused file and confirm with Electronics in signature . When these sheets are reused next time, new control numbers shall be registered.5. 供應(yīng)商直送類(lèi)由收貨部收到供應(yīng)商送至的訂單復(fù)印件及送貨單黃聯(lián)后,將黃聯(lián)交至UPC,UPC找出相對(duì)應(yīng)之白聯(lián),核查小票副本、售價(jià)、數(shù)量無(wú)誤后,將送貨單黃聯(lián)復(fù)印(因其上有顧客收貨簽名),復(fù)印件返回收貨部按送貨單數(shù)

8、量進(jìn)行登錄定案,單據(jù)交接按正常程序完成。完成核對(duì)后UPC需將紅白黃三聯(lián)裝釘在一起表示該商品的收貨已完成。 When Receiving get vendor delivery items order and delivery yellow copy, they shall take yellow copy to UPC for them to check with the white copy. If shopping ticket copy, retail and quantity are all correct, Receiving shall get a copy of yellow s

9、heet to log on and then process the sheets as usual. After verification, UPC should attach the yellow copy to the white and red copy of the delivery sheets to ensure the whole delivery and receiving procedure for the vendor direct delivery items have been completed.6. 票據(jù)辦完成傳送件后UPC應(yīng)記錄供應(yīng)商直送貨的收據(jù)號(hào)。 UPC

10、should write down the receipt# of vendor direct delivery items on the control log for evidence after invoice associates finish processing store transmittals for them.7. 7.將送貨單拷貝一份送到服務(wù)臺(tái)致電顧客核查供應(yīng)商是否已按時(shí)送貨。 One copy of delivery sheet shall be sent to Courtesy Desk check if the vendor has delivered mercha

11、ndise to customers on time, by calling the customer.單據(jù)核查要求Verifying Documents1. 每月5日UPC將仍保留在“未完成供應(yīng)商直送單據(jù)”夾(供應(yīng)商未結(jié)帳)中的單據(jù)數(shù)量、總金額上報(bào)GM跟進(jìn)處理。On fifth of each month UPC shall collect the sheets numbers and total amount remained in the "unfinished vendor direct delivery sheets" file (vendor not settl

12、e the account) and submit to GM for follow up. 2. 每日晚班UPC核查當(dāng)日發(fā)出送貨單之白聯(lián)是否全數(shù)返回(包括未使用單據(jù)三聯(lián)),對(duì)未返回情況進(jìn)行跟蹤處理。UPC nignt shift shall check if all the white copies of issued delivery sheets the day back to UPC(including the unused sheets) and follow up the unreturnd sheets. 3. 每周日UPC核查“已完成送貨單據(jù)”夾中的單據(jù)是否完整,除供應(yīng)商直送外

13、的送貨單是否一式三聯(lián)全數(shù)返回,對(duì)未返回情況進(jìn)行跟蹤處理,已全數(shù)返回的按號(hào)碼大小順序進(jìn)行歸檔整理。Every Sunday UPC shall check the sheets in "finished delivery sheets" file. Except the vendor direct delivery sheets, if all the other issued delivery sheets are back with all three duplicates. If so UPC shall file them in order of number seq

14、uence. If no, UPC shall follow up these exceptions.二、寄售商品變價(jià)程序 Price Change1. 首先確定所有此類(lèi)商品的商品清單,采購(gòu)部應(yīng)將每月更新的寄售商品清單傳給商場(chǎng),商場(chǎng)將清單交UPC/票據(jù)辦存檔備案。如有新增加商品應(yīng)第一時(shí)間通知UPC/票據(jù)。First confirm a list of such items and submit the list to UPC/Invoice. The buyer should update the consignment items list on monthly basis and send

15、 to store by email. The store should pass this list to UPC/Invoice at the first time. 2. UPC存檔此類(lèi)商品的商品清單并負(fù)責(zé)隨時(shí)更新檔案內(nèi)容。UPC shall file the list of such items and update the list timely. 3. 此類(lèi)商品發(fā)生任何變價(jià),變價(jià)計(jì)數(shù)必須為“0”。 Any price change on this type of items, the qty. must be "0".4. 票據(jù)辦對(duì)這類(lèi)收貨單據(jù)進(jìn)行商店傳送件時(shí),

16、必需核查收貨最終報(bào)告上的零售價(jià)與DSS報(bào)告上的零售價(jià)(不含稅)是否一致。若不一致,需按DSS 報(bào)告上的零售價(jià)完成更改與清除工作。 When invoice office process transmittal for these receiving, they should compare the retail of the items in the Receiving Detail Final Report to that in DSS report (without TAX) to see if they are matched. If any discrepancies are foun

17、d, invoice associates have to update the retail according to the DSS report and complete the transmittal. 注Notes:1. UPC作為商場(chǎng)系統(tǒng)管理部門(mén),基本上只要商場(chǎng)營(yíng)業(yè),其必有當(dāng)班工作人員.所以由UPC發(fā)放及收回送貨單最有利于配合樓面銷(xiāo)售需要。另UPC與票據(jù)辦多為同一辦公區(qū)域,所以收貨部核查收貨數(shù)量時(shí)與每日必需送單據(jù)到票據(jù)辦工作結(jié)合進(jìn)行較為方便.建議單據(jù)由UPC保管發(fā)放。UPC is store system management office and they have shifts

18、 all day. They can well cooperate with the sales floor. Usually UPC and Invoice share the same working area. It is convenient for Receiving department to check file in UPC and submit receiving document to Invoice Office.2. 商店必須在24小時(shí)內(nèi)完成總部傳來(lái)的寄售商品變價(jià)。Store should complete the price change for consignmen

19、t items issued by OH within 24 hours.3. 為了最大限度地減少由于寄售商品而產(chǎn)生的損耗,采購(gòu)需嚴(yán)格按照以下程序執(zhí)行.In order to minimize the shrinkage/overage that occur due to consignment items, buyer should strictly work according to the following:* 采購(gòu)必須于每月一號(hào)將上月寄售商品的PO發(fā)出(寄售商品的PO必須是每月發(fā)出)。Buyers should issue the PO for consignment items f

20、or previous month at the first day of each month.(PO for consignment items should be issue on a monthly basis.) · 如果需要提高寄售商品的零售價(jià),采購(gòu)需于每月一號(hào)將變價(jià)傳到各店。 When Buyer wants to raise the retail of consignment items ,price change issued by HO should be downloaded to stores at the first day of each month.Ma

21、rk “*” For Consignment Names寄售商品的商品名稱(chēng)上加“*”1. It is very necessary to make attention to the consignment item for the floor and UPC associates. In the screen of merchandise inquiry, the Mark”*” is ahead of the consignment names. So the floor associates can find out consignment item easily and check wh

22、ether they are.對(duì)于樓面及UPC同事在工作時(shí),寄售商品加*時(shí)是很有益處的,在商品查詢(xún)屏幕中,對(duì)于寄售商品的商品名稱(chēng)前會(huì)有“*”體現(xiàn),這樣樓面同事在工作中,很容易關(guān)注到和核查到帶“*”的ITEM是否是寄售商品與實(shí)際情況是否相符。2. When the associates change price, it will be showed on the “Detail Department Markdown Recap” and the “*” be showed at the same time. According to the information we can check w

23、hether the MD is correct or not and SK can be controlled very easily. (Because the consignment items PI is assumed: Assumed PI does not need to create when we change it price, if it is not, SK will be happened.)That means when changing the price of consignment item, the quantity should be key in zer

24、o. So the Mark “*” will remind the floor associates entering zero in the system and the UPC associate will be reminded also when they check the “ Detail Department Markdown Recap”.By this way, we can avoid the shrinkage.當(dāng)寄售商品變價(jià)時(shí),“*”及變價(jià)時(shí)的細(xì)節(jié)都會(huì)體現(xiàn)在“減價(jià)詳情小結(jié)報(bào)告”中,根據(jù)這個(gè)信息我們可以核查MD是否正確,損耗是否發(fā)生(因?yàn)榧氖凵唐返腜I是虛擬的,在變價(jià)時(shí)

25、寄售不需要計(jì)數(shù),否則損耗將產(chǎn)生。)寄售商品變價(jià)時(shí)的計(jì)數(shù)應(yīng)輸“0“。當(dāng)樓面及UPC同事在審核“減價(jià)詳情小結(jié)報(bào)告”中,“*”能給予樓面及UPC同事以提醒。用這 種方法,可以避免損耗。供應(yīng)商直送顧客程序Vendor Direct Delivery ProcedureUPC建立送貨單檔案管理系統(tǒng).UPC set up delivery document file system.家電部每天早上從UPC領(lǐng)取一式三聯(lián)送貨單。Elec. Dept. shall get triple copy of delivery sheets from UPC every morning.白聯(lián)White Copy使用use

26、d紅聯(lián) Red copy黃聯(lián) Yellow copy未使用 unused每天中班下班前將送貨單一式三聯(lián)返回UPC, 雙方簽字確認(rèn)。 Before the middle shift Off duty everyday they shall return unused triple copy of delivery sheets to UPC, both sides will sign to confirm.傳真給供應(yīng)商后返回 UPCFax to the vendor return to UPC.顧客攜帶Customers keep it.附電腦小票返回UPC雙方簽名確認(rèn)。 Attached wi

27、th register ticket and return to UPC, both sides confirmed with signature.供應(yīng)商送貨給顧客后,收回黃聯(lián)。The vendor shall take back the yellow copy when make delivery.未收黃聯(lián) Not Received(yellow copy)供應(yīng)商持黃聯(lián)去采購(gòu)部下訂單并交到收貨部,收貨部將黃聯(lián)交至UPC。 The vendor shall go to merchandising to get PO with Yellow copy and hand in all of the

28、m to Receiving. Receiving take the Yellow copy to UPC for checking.UPC每周整理檔案一次UPC shall organize file weekly.已收黃聯(lián) Received(yellow copy)每月5號(hào)UPC將未完成單據(jù)的數(shù)量、金額上報(bào)GM。Report unfinished amount & qty of consignment delivery to GM by 5th of each month.UPC找出相應(yīng)白紅聯(lián)核查無(wú)誤后,將黃聯(lián)復(fù)印件交收貨部,并將白黃紅三聯(lián)裝釘在一起。UPC find out th

29、e White & Red copy 。 After verification, return a copy of yellow sheet to Receiving to log on. And UPC should staple the triple copy altogether.收貨部登錄定案。 Receiving log on and finalize。GM做相應(yīng)處理。GM is responsible for dealing with it.交送貨拷貝到相應(yīng)部門(mén)跟蹤送貨情況。Give one copy to Dept for checking the delivery result.交單據(jù)到票據(jù)清除。Hand in all documents to Invoice for clearanceUPC 在登記冊(cè)上記錄收據(jù)號(hào).UPC record the receipt# on the register book.交易完成。Transaction finished.寄售商品變價(jià)程序Consignment Items Pric


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