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1、高考作文評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1 內(nèi)容要求10分9-10-內(nèi)容切題,充實(shí)7-8-內(nèi)容切題,比較充實(shí)5-6-內(nèi)容尚切題,略有例子5分以下-內(nèi)容不切題2,語言要求10分1)語言表達(dá)正確,文字流暢,得10分2)語法,措詞等錯(cuò)誤,每處扣1分。同一錯(cuò)誤不重復(fù)扣分。3)單詞拼寫,標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào),大小寫等錯(cuò)誤累計(jì)每兩處扣1分。同一錯(cuò)誤不重復(fù)扣 分。4)較長的句子,每句最多扣2分。5)語言分最多扣10分。6)語言分在7分以下者,內(nèi)容分一般不能超過5分。3,組織結(jié)構(gòu)要求5分1)凡內(nèi)容和語言兩部分得分小于14分,組織結(jié)構(gòu)分不能超過2分。2)凡內(nèi)容和語言兩部分得分超過14分,字?jǐn)?shù)在100個(gè)左右,且全文的措詞,句子結(jié)構(gòu),上下文連貫等方面

2、比較出色者,酌情加2-4分。3)凡內(nèi)容和語言兩部分得分超過14分, 字?jǐn)?shù)在100個(gè)左右, 且內(nèi)容充實(shí),語言準(zhǔn)確,句子連貫,用詞貼切的優(yōu)秀作文,可加5分。4字?jǐn)?shù)要求1)字?jǐn)?shù)不足100個(gè)酌情扣分。字?jǐn)?shù)少于50個(gè),總分最多不超過10分。2)如果作文中有較多與主題無關(guān)的內(nèi)容,作文的總字?jǐn)?shù)按與主題有關(guān)的內(nèi)容計(jì) 算,字?jǐn)?shù)少于50個(gè),總分最多不超過13分。1.Are Books Still NeededPeoples ideas on whether books are needed today vary from person toperson. . Some people think that book

3、s arent needed any more becausepeople can read information on computers. However, other people thinkbooks are still necessary. As to me, I agree with the second idea.First, while it is true that people can obtain information on Internet, this isnot to say that books are not needed any more. Books ca

4、n be easily carriedeverywhere. When you go to school, you must carry the textbooks with you.Computer hasnt been used in common class up to now. Second, forget itcould also be argued that people can read books in computer, but dontforget it is bad for your eyes. Everyone should be careful of it.There

5、fore, the first opinion cant stand up to close examination. Books arestill needed for us all.2.The Importance of Learning How to Use ComputerWith the rapid development of science and technology, computers haveentered our lives. They are used in nearly every field. So I think it is veryimportant to l

6、earn how to use computers.By using computers, people can see and speak to the world withoutleaving home. For example, instead of going to school, children can sit infront of their PC and get information about their courses through particularnetwork. They hand in their term paper and talk with their

7、teachers bye-mails.In addition, if the computer hadnt been invented, the world would havebeen in disorder. For example, the traffic would be very heavy if the trafficsystem were not controlled by computers. Without the help of computers, itwouldnt have been possible for human to explore the space.In

8、 a word, computers are the greatest invention in the 20thcentury. Itsnecessary for us to learn how to use it in order to keep up with the times.3.My FutureDifferent student has different view on what hell be in the future. Up tonow I havent decided what my major will be if I could enter the universi

9、ty. Ilike to be a teacher, or a singer, or a computer programmer. But I know Iwould choose one of them to make a living.If I could enter a good university, it doesnt mean everything would besmooth with me for the rest my life. Good qualification doesnt promise abright future. Though high education w

10、ill lay a good foundation for ourfuture career, we still have to keep learning so as to remain competitive inour future job.In a word, no matter what I did in the future, I would try to be a usefulperson to the society. I will be responsible for what I do, and I will devotemyself to the service of t

11、he people.4.How to spend leisure timeAs is known to all, the main task of students is to study. We should makethe most of time to learn as much as possible. But we still want to enjoy ourspare time to make our life full.There are many ways to spend our spare time. Some people enjoythemselves by danc

12、ing, playing ball games, going to a movie or reading athome. They can take the advantage of these activities by making friends aswell as relaxing themselves. Others prefer doing something for the needypeople by working as a volunteer in their spare time. They feel they areimportant to others and use

13、ful to the society when they offer help to others.As for me, I often listen to the music and chat with my friends. Sometimesespecially during the summer holiday, I will try to find a part time job to gainsome social experience. I think all these activities can help us young peoplelearn from each oth

14、er and make some contribution to the society as well.5.BooksBooks are our good friends. They give us both knowledge and pleasure.With books, our life is colorful and interesting. As the proverb goes, a friendin need is a friend indeed. Books are good friends that we can turn to for helpwhenever we m

15、eet any difficulties.Reading more books is important, however, learning how to make themost of books counts for much more. We read some books for fun or forinformation. But the most important value of books is that we can learn fromthem, thus we can think and behave more wisely.Books serve as a guid

16、e for youth. When we try to practice what we learnfrom books, we have learned the true value of books.6.The most effective study skillIn my opinion, the most important way to study effectively is to payenough attention to the mistakes one has made. The value of learning fromones mistakes was shown i

17、n many studentsexperience.One of my classmates found that by paying enough attention to themistakes he has made in his math exercises, he could avoid making thesame mistake in the exam. Another friend of mine, Kenny, said that mistakeshelped her learn where the problem lay, thus helping her adjust s

18、tudy planto overcome her weakness.In a word, the only answer to my academic success is to learn frommistakes and failures.7. Why should we read newspaper every dayMore and more people read newspaper every day. There are manyreasons for reading newspaper, but in general, they come down to threemajor

19、ones.For one thing, therere many important issues happening at homeand abroad. Newspaper makes us well-informed. Reports on the on-goingimportant events are often given up-to-date.For another, newspaper helps to cultivate our social responsibility ifwe join the discussion about those hot issues by w

20、riting to the editor of thenewspaper.Last but not least, it is good way of relaxing ourselves by readingnewspaper for a while after a whole days work. What we learn fromnewspaper could become a topic for dinner conversation.In a word, newspaper is our friend. We read it everyday to getinformation or

21、 to know something we need for our job. I hope that everyonewill enjoy reading newspaper as long as he can.8.Time is moneyAs we all know, time is money. But I think time is more importantthan money. Money can be earned so that we dont have to worry aboutusing up money, but time isntthe case. Once go

22、ne, it will never comeback.Lifetime is limited and every minute is precious. We should realizethat wasting time is just like wasting lives. Therefore, we should save everyminute to do useful things. Never put off what you can do today tilltomorrow. Time is fair to everyone. Some treasure it while ot

23、hers waste it.Thats why some succeed while others fail.Everyone should make full use of time.9.How I spend my spare timeThe most important duties of middle school students are studying.But besides studying, we should also enjoy a good life in our leisure time.There are many ways of spending the spar

24、e time. My ways are asfollows.First of all, I spend about half of my leisure time in listening to music. In this way, I can thoroughly relax myself both physically and mentally; thus, Iam able to study well in the future. Secondly, I consume part of my spare timeby doing some exercises. Basketball i

25、s my favorite sports game. Jogging willkeep me fit. Finally, reading is necessary.A good book can take me to amysterious place where I have never been to.These are the major ways I spend my spare time. Of course, I wontforget”timeis money”. After my spare time, I will come to study at once.10.Is it

26、good for students to do some housework?Some people think that it is important for students to do somehousework, but others dont think so. I think that students should do somehousework after school. Now many parents dont let their children dohousework, because they want their children to do well in t

27、heir study. But Idont agree with them.I dont think that housework will occupy much of their childrenstime. It can help students learn something not in the textbooks, and perhapsafter some time they will be interested in it. Now many children dont domany sports after school so that they become fatter

28、 and fatter. It is harmfulfor their health. Doing housework can enable them to be engaged in somesports. Finally, children are students at school but they are part of the familymember at home. There is no reason for them to avoid any familyresponsibilities.So I think that it is important for student

29、s to do some housework.11.My dreamEveryone has his or her dream for the future. Some want to be doctors;others want to be lawyers. These people who want to be doctors and lawyersenjoy high reputation and get high salaries.But I have a different opinion. My dream isntfor the sake of myself or myfamil

30、y but all the human beings. I want to become an environmentalist.Environmentalists are specialists who deal with environmental problems.Now we face with many environmental problems such as water pollutionand air pollution.Certainly, if I want to be an environmentalist, I must have betterunderstandin

31、g of the earth. I must have comprehensive knowledge. If wedont think of this problem, the earth will not be inhabitable. From now on, Imust make preparation for the future in order to realize my dream.12.Why should we keep our word?“Keeping ones word”is that you must do something as you promise. Iha

32、ve known that we should keep our word since I was a child. My parentstold me that I should think over when I make a promise. I have never madean empty promise. Once I make a promise,lIl never break it. There are manyreasons for this, but in general, they come down to three major ones.For one thing,

33、people would like to make friends with those who keeptheir words. Those who always make excuses arent popular because theyare not worth trusting. For another, keeping our word will bring pressure tous so that we will try our best to realize what we have promised. And thework will be more efficient.

34、Perhaps the prime reason is that keeping onesword is the basic principle of being a person.From the foregoing, everyone should keep his or her word. This is our duty.I am happy to say that I always keep my word.13. My view on how to face failurePeople have different attitudes to failure. Some people

35、 are discouraged byfailure while others dont behave in this way. They follow the proverb thatfailure is the mother of success. They will take their courage in both handsand star again and again after failure.As to me, I am for the second method. The reasons of my choice are asfollows.While it is tru

36、e that no one can avoid failure in his life, it doesnt meanthat the failure is frightening. After failure we should face it and find thecause of it. In this way, we can learn a lesson from it.If we do nothing but feel sad and idle all day long, we wont be successful.We should know that without the e

37、xperience of facing setbacks, we have nochance to enjoy the pleasure of success.In a word, when we face failure, we should not lose heart but face up to itinstead.14. My view on videogamesSome youngstersviews on videogames are different from that of adults,who think videogames are harmful to students. They hold this opinionbecause their chi


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