



1、Unit 2 Reading  Puzzles in Geography一教材分析“Puzzles in geography”, 作為一篇閱讀理解課文,從歷史、地理 、文化、政治等不同角度向讀者介紹了英國。本單元是高二英語上冊的第五單元,整冊書共十個單元,教學內容貼近現(xiàn)代生活,富有較強的時代氣息,教材涉及社會和自然科學,文化知識面很廣:科技、媒體、建筑、詩歌、地理、急救、環(huán)保等,在教學活動的設計上對學生提出了更高的要求,特別是在聽力和閱讀方面。第五單元涉及的是地理知識,中心話題是“不列顛群島”,整個單元的熱身、閱讀等語言知識和語言技能

2、項目都是圍繞該話題展開的。單元的第一篇課文標題是The British Isles,與本單元的話題相同,是單元教學中的重點,一般分兩節(jié)課進行,我要說的是閱讀訓練課。作為一篇說明文,課文從總體上介紹了不列顛群島的地理位置(location)、氣候(climate)、文化(culture)、歷史(history)、語言(language)等概況。二學情分析作為高二學生,他們已掌握了閱讀的基本技能,但不能很好的將之付諸實踐。他們可以從簡單的文章中獲取主要信息,但是很少觸及外國資料。本節(jié)內容的學習,將會使學生逐漸形成一種跨文化交際意識,同時也將提高他們的閱讀技能。三教學目標分析1. 讓學生在閱讀的過程

3、中抓住主要信息和相關信息;2. 培養(yǎng)和訓練學生的閱讀技能,如略讀,跳讀;3.培養(yǎng)學生的團隊精神;4. 學習西方國家知識,拓寬學生視野。5. 尊重別國文化。四. 教學重、難點分析本節(jié)內容的重點是:使學生從總體和細節(jié)上掌握英國信息;學生使用閱讀技能有效的進行閱讀并獲取有用信息。本節(jié)的教學難點是:如何提高學生的快速閱讀能力;學生如何很好的根據(jù)上下文猜測新單詞的意思。五教法分析在本節(jié)內容教學中,我將使用PPT把課程主要內容、英國的地圖、英國主要河流的地圖、英國國旗圖片展示出來,以激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,在教與學的過程中吸引學生用英語來學習。 根據(jù)交際教學法和任務教學法,在課堂中,我會給學生布置一定的任務,

4、并分成小組鼓勵他們用英語進行討論。六學法分析1)認知策略:指導學生運用已學會的抓重點、做記號、摘筆記等方式,對所學內容進行整理與歸納。2)調控策略:培養(yǎng)自我評價與相互評價的習慣,鼓勵學生增加與教師和同學交流學習英語的體會和經驗,學會科學評價自己的學習行為與學習效果,進一步形成有效的學習方法,樹立積極向上的學習態(tài)度。3)交際策略:創(chuàng)設有意義的情景和任務活動,引導學生通過四人一小組,進行合作學習,讓他們圍繞課堂任務分工合作,相互探討、相互交流,從而獲得知識、技能和情感體驗,變被動學習為主動學習。4) 資源策略:布置任務,引導學生主動拓寬英語學習的渠道,即通過不同信息渠道(internet, new

5、spaper,dictionary, magazines)查找所需信息,把英語學習從課堂延伸到課外。七 教學過程我將教學過程分成了四個環(huán)節(jié):閱讀前;閱讀中;閱讀后;布置作業(yè)。VI. Teaching procedure (教學過程):1. Pre-reading (閱讀前)Lead in:a. Show the Ss some pictures about the UK.b. Show three pictures to lead in the three names: the UK, England and Great Britain and lead in the puzzle.c. Lo

6、ok at the title “Puzzles in Geography”, and try to guess what the content of this passage might be and share it with your partner. Then ask some Ss to speak it out.c. Teacher reads the following questions and reminds them to remember them:l What do you want to know about the UK? l What does the writ

7、er mainly talked about in this passage?2.Fast readingl a.T gives the Ss 3 minis to skim the text and choose the correct answer about the main idea。b:Read it again and match the main idea of each paragraph.c. divisionT: Encourage the Ss to divide the passage in group and try to summary the main idea

8、of each part. Then choose some group leaders to write it on the Bb.There may be several divisions:u part1 (para.1-2) part2(para.3) part3(para.4-5) part4(para.6)u part1 (para.1) part2(para.2-5) part3(para.6)u part1 (para.1) part2(para.2-4) part3(para.5-6)l3. While-reading (閱讀過程) T leads the Ss to lea

9、rn the passage one Para. by one Para.T: Ask the Ss to read para.1 and find the puzzle. After Ss read it, the teacher broadcast a PPT:T: show the map of the UK with the PPTT: In the first Para. the writer gives us a puzzle and the answer (the British history). Then its easy to guess what will be talk

10、ed about nest, ask some to speak their guesses. Now read Para. 2 and fill the following blanks:On the PPT:T: show the picture of the Union Jack to Ss with PPT.T: Let them think what's left out in the flag. Why? (Wales is left out. It's usually assumed to be part of England. ) In the second P

11、ara. , the writer explains the joining of England and Wales and how Great Britain and the UK formed. Now the puzzle becomes clear. Then let's move on to Para.3 . Scan it quickly with the following questions:T: show the picture of their currencyT: Well, now fill out the table while you are readin

12、g Para.4Para. 4 England Locations FeaturesT: Fill out the tablePara. 5Four invaders when left1 1st C AD 4The Anglo-Saxons 1060S 52 Vocabulary, place-names3 1066 6T: Check the answers 1. the Romans 2. the Vikings 3. the Normans 4. port, towns, and roads 5. the oldest buildings, language and governmen

13、t 6. the oldest castles and new words for foodT: From this Para. , we can conclude that British history has been a history of invasions. Among all the famous cities, London is the most and the heart of the country. You must want to visit it, right? If you have time and money, you cam make a list of

14、sites and go there to enjoy a variety of wonders! Let's learn the last Para. together.3. post-reading (閱讀后)b. SummaryT: ask the Ss to try to summary, and T give comments.T: In this class, our aim is to read more about the United Kingdom. We have learnt about the British history four countries an

15、d their similarities and differences. At the same time, we have a detail study of England and London.l ² Show the map of China ,and encourage the Ss to say something about China in English.(They can talk from the population, area, history, capital, and other bid cities) group work² Compare

16、 the two countries and ask them to share their feelings.4. Homework (作業(yè)):a. Read the passage aloud and carefully.b. Find more information about the UK and tell them to your desk mate. Next time, you will tell the information youve get from your desquamate.c. If you have enough time, find some inform

17、ation about the United States. Compare them with the UK and China. 八.板書設計Unit 2 The United KingdomPeriod 2 ReadingPuzzles in GeographyUKConsists of _, _ , Scotland and _.In the 13thCentury_ _ was linked to _.In the 17th Century_ and Wales were joined to _.In the early 20th Century_ Ireland broke away and _ Ireland joined with _ ,Wales and _. Thus _


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