



1、人教 Book4 Unit 5-Book Unit 2 Theme parks重點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)句式集合 英文 word 版(無(wú)答案)1 / 430. get close to31. be available32. up-to-date33. hands-on34. come to life35. with in easy reach36. Some parks are famous for having the biggestor Ion gest roller coaster, others ( -)forshowing the famous sights and sounds of acultur

2、e.37. Whichever and whatever you like, there is atheme park for you.38. With all these attract ions, no won der tourism isin creas ing wherever there is a Disn eyla nd.39. Dollywood is one of the most unique themeparks in the world.40. News came that Britainking had diedwithout a son.41. He announce

3、d that whichever knight couldtake it out was Brita intrue king.42. Opened in 1987, Futuroscope is one of thelargest space-age parks in the world.43. This scie nee and techno logy-based themepark uses the most advanced tech no logy.44. The amazing, up-to-date information togetherwith ma ny opport un

4、ities for hands- on lear ningmakes the world come to life in a completelynew way for visitors.45. Learning centers throughout the park let visitors try their own scientific experiments, aswell as learn more about space travel, the undersea world and much more.46. For anyone coming out of town, Futur

5、oscopehas many excelle nt hotels nearby, most ofwhich provide a shuttle service to the park.47. If drivi ng, Futuroscope is with in easy reach.48. Futuroscope has so many shows, activities thatit is difficult to see them all.Book4 Un it 5 Theme parks1.match- with2.various kinds of3.be famous for4.be

6、 familiar with5.bring into6.make onedream come true7.whether-or8.fairy tale9.amuseme nt park10. free-fall drops11. have fun and more than fun12. in door and outdoor theaters13. in the old-fashioned way14. take a ride on15. steam engine16. be modelled after17. ran onefarms18. take care of19. througho

7、ut the whole year20. Electric train21. keep sth. as it is22. slide down slides23. swing on swings24. prepare for25. preserve- from disorder26. come across27. make sb. King a28. take a trip deep into space29. solar system brand new人教 Book4 Unit 5-Book Unit 2 Theme parks重點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)句式集合 英文 word 版(無(wú)答案)2 / 430.

8、 make the world31. go forward32. at times33. work on34. be against35. Who wrote a book explaining how animals andpla nts developed as the environment changed?36. Joh n Snow was so_expert, in deed, that heattended Quee n Victoria as _her physicalphysicia n.37. He became in spired whe n he thought abo

9、uthelp ing ordinary people exposed to cholera.38. Neither its cause nor its cure was_un derstood.39. Many thousands of terrified people died everytime there was an outbreak.40. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighborhoods, he bega n to gatherin formati on.41. He marked on a map the exact

10、 places where allthe dead people had lived.42. It seems that the water was to blame.43. A woman, who had moved away from the street,liked the water so much that she had it deliveredto her house.44. With the extra evidenee John Snow was able toannounce with certai nty that polluted watercarried the g

11、erms.45. To prevent this from happening again, JohnSnow suggested that the source of all the watersupplies be examined.46. Only if you put the sun there did the movementsof the other planets in the sky make sense47. He did not want to be attacked by the ChristianChurch, so he only punished it as he

12、lay dying in1543.48. Yet his theory is now the basis on which all - ourideas of the universe are built.Book5 Unit 1 Great Scie ntists1.lift up2.physical characteristics3.passto4.keep sb. Safe5.put forward6.set out7.put sth. In order8.content9.of its day10. the cause of11. make further investigations

13、12. look into the source of water13. slow down14. supporting evidenee15. be linked to16. die of17. win a victory over18. be responsible for19. take in20. come to an end21. apart from22. in stead of23. make oneway to24. make dinner25. make the bed26. make room for27. reserved seats28. be strict with2

14、9. lead to人教 Book4 Unit 5-Book Unit 2 Theme parks重點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)句式集合 英文 word 版(無(wú)答案)3 / 4Book 5 Unit 2 The Uni ted Kin gdom1.con sist of2.divide into3.be used to do/ be used to doing/ used to do4.be joined to5.in the 17thcentury6.break away from7.to onecredit8.legal system9.the World Cup10. for convenience11. I

15、t is a pity that12. make up13. separate -from14. leave out15. compare- with/ to16. be close to17. take the place of18. be thrilled by19. leave for20. I m sorry, but21. make a comment on22. on show23. in memory of24. set the world time25. pass through26. have a photo taken27. refer to28. look around3

16、0. on occasions31. How long it take to fly from Beijing to London?32. Now when people refer to England you findWales included as well.33. The English government tried to form the United Kin gdom by getting Irela nd connected inthe same way.34. You find most of the population settled in thesouth.35.

17、If you look around the British countryside youwill find evidence of all these in vaders.36. You must keep your eyes open if you want tomake your trip to the UK enjoyable andworthwhile._37. Worried about the time available, she made_a list of the sites she wan ted to see inLondon.38. This solid, squa

18、re tower had remainedstanding for one thousa nd years.39. To her great surprise, she found the Queenjewels guarded by special royal soldiers, whoon special occasi ons, still wore the four-h undred-year-old_u niform of the time of Quee nElizabeth.40. It looked splendid when first()built.41. She heard the famous sound of the clockringing out of the hour.42. What interested her most was the longitudeline.43. It seems strange that the man who haddeveloped comm un i


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