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1、第04講_時(shí)間和方位介詞時(shí)間介詞知識(shí)精講介詞是一種“媒介”詞,是用來表示句子中某一個(gè)詞或短語與另外一個(gè)詞或短語之間的關(guān)系的詞。 一、表“在時(shí)”的時(shí)間介詞 用法示例in表示較長時(shí)間,如世紀(jì)、朝代、時(shí)代、年、季節(jié)、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。in the 20th century,in the 1950s, in 1989,in summer, in January,in the morning, in ones thirtieson表示具體某一天及對(duì)某一天的早、中、晚進(jìn)行詳細(xì)描述。on May 1st, on Monday,on New Years Day,on a c

2、old night,on Sunday afternoonat表示某一具體時(shí)刻或鐘點(diǎn),有時(shí)也表示在某一節(jié)假日;若把一段時(shí)間看作某一時(shí)刻也可用at。at 3:20, at Christmas,at the beginning of, at night,at noon, at this moment 二、常見時(shí)間介詞辨析1. in和after 用法示例in“in +時(shí)間段”  表示將來的一段時(shí)間以后,用于將來時(shí)。My mother will come back in threedays.afterafter+將來時(shí)間點(diǎn)”  表示將來的某一時(shí)刻以后,用于將來時(shí)

3、。She will appear after  five oclock this afternoon. 2. since和for 用法示例since表示某動(dòng)作或情況持續(xù)至說話時(shí)刻,后接表過去的句子或者是過去的時(shí)間點(diǎn),通常與完成時(shí)連用。1. They have lived  here since 1978.2. They have lived  here since I was ten years old.for表示動(dòng)作延續(xù)貫穿整個(gè)過程,后接時(shí)間段,主句用完成時(shí)。I have studied  English for two

4、years. 3. by和till/ until 用法示例by表示時(shí)間,指“到以前”、“到時(shí)(為止)”,此時(shí)要注意它所連用的時(shí)態(tài)。I had learned 1000 English words by the end of  last term.until/till1. until/ till表示“直到”  表示動(dòng)作持續(xù)到什么時(shí)候,常與表示延續(xù)性的動(dòng)詞連用;2. notuntil 表示“直到才”,常與表示瞬間性的動(dòng)詞連用。1. I will work here  until six oclock.2. The noise of the 

5、0;street didnt stop until midnight. 三點(diǎn)剖析一、考點(diǎn):時(shí)間in/ on/ at介詞的用法。 二、重難點(diǎn):時(shí)間介詞的辨析及用法。時(shí)間介詞是中考的考查重點(diǎn)。時(shí)間介詞的中考題主要以單項(xiàng)選擇以及完形填空等題型來考查。注意:during表示事件發(fā)生在何時(shí)(when),意為“在期間內(nèi)”的行為或狀態(tài)。in 表示時(shí)間段,相當(dāng)于during,但是注意在選擇的時(shí)候一定要優(yōu)先選擇during。例:They visited many cities during their stay in China.   他們?cè)谥袊陂g,游覽了許多

6、城市。題模精講題模一 表“在時(shí)”的時(shí)間介詞例1.1、He often goes to school by bike _ the morning.A、atB、inC、onD、for例1.2、They started off _ an autumn afternoon.A、atB、inC、onD、during例1.3、用適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)間介詞填空。I often got up _ 6 oclock when I worked in the company _2008.題模二 常見時(shí)間介詞辨析例2.1、Shanghai Disneyland has started to be built and it wi

7、ll be open_ five years.A、inB、forC、fromD、before例2.2、My uncle has worked at this factory _ five years.A、sinceB、forC、afterD、until例2.3、He lived with his parents _ he graduated from college.A、duringB、forC、byD、until隨堂練習(xí)隨練1.1、My uncle has worked at this factory _ five years.A、 sinceB、 f

8、orC、 afterD、 until隨練1.2、Both Mary and Betty will get married this year. Mary is going to begin their honeymoon _Christmas while Betty _ New Years Day.A、 on; onB、 at; inC、 at; onD、 by; on隨練1.3、根據(jù)句意,用適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)間介詞填空。They will have a party _ the afternoon _ June 1st.隨練1.4、Mary i

9、s flying to France soon. She will arrive in Pairs _ the morning of July 9.隨練1.5、 Our English teacher often get to school _ 7:00 in the morning.隨練1.6、He lives with us _ these years.隨練1.7、Suffering from the terrible earthquake, the victims often awake several times _ a cold night.A、 onB、

10、0;atC、 inD、 during隨練1.8、Id like to call on my uncle _ my stay in Beijing this summer.A、 duringB、 inC、 atD、 for隨練1.9、There was a terrible storm _ the night; it rained _ four or five hours.A、 during; duringB、 during; forC、 for; forD、 for; during隨練1.10、

11、- _ you _ a new phone yet?- Yes. I _ it a moment ago.A、 Did, buy; boughtB、 Have, bought; boughtC、 Have, bought; buyedD、 Will, buy; buy隨練1.11、My father didnt sleep _ he finished his work.A、 beforeB、 afterC、 sinceD、 until隨練1.12、- Do you often go to Shanghai?- Ye

12、s, I have been there twice _ Christmas.A、 forB、 sinceC、 atD、 on隨練1.13、He hasnt heard from her friend _ a long time.隨練1.14、_ the end of this term, we had learned 1000Englsh words.隨練1.15、I waited for my mother _ 10 oclock.方位介詞知識(shí)精講一、表“在位置”的介詞at, in 用法示例at表示在小地點(diǎn),如火車站、家、辦公室等;Yest

13、erday I arrived  at school.in表示在大地點(diǎn),如國家、城市等。Yesterday I arrived  in Beijing.  二、表“在方位”的介詞1. in, on, to 用法示例in表示在范圍內(nèi);Jiangsu lies in the  east of China.on表示毗鄰,接壤;Russia lies on the north  of China.to表示在范圍外,強(qiáng)調(diào)不接壤。Fujian is to the  south of Jiangsu Province. 

14、;2. above, over, on “在上” 用法示例above指在上方,不強(qiáng)調(diào)是否垂直,與below 相對(duì);The bird is flying  above my head.over指垂直的上方,與under 相對(duì),但over  與物體有一定的空間,不直接接觸;There is a bridge  over the river.on表示某物體上面并與之接觸。He put his watch on  the desk. 3. under, below “在下” 用法示例under表示在正下方,強(qiáng)調(diào)垂直;There is

15、 a cat under  the table.below表示在下方,不一定在正下方。Please write your  name below the line. 三、常見方位介詞辨析1. between和among 用法示例between指在兩個(gè)人或兩個(gè)事物之間;There is a football  match between Class One and Class Two on the playground.among指在三個(gè)或三個(gè)以上的人或事物之間。The teacher is  standing among the st

16、udents. 2. across和through 用法示例across介詞,表示“橫過”,即從物體表面通過;She went across the  street.cross動(dòng)詞,表示“跨過、越過”=go across;Dont cross the road.through介詞,表示“穿過”,即從物體內(nèi)部穿過。He walked through the  forest. 3. along和over 用法示例along表示“沿著”街、路、河岸等線形物;There are all kinds  of beautiful flo

17、wers along the street.over表示“越過”某一障礙物。The bear went over  the mountain. 4. near, by, beside 用法示例near表示“在附近”,與far 相對(duì);A hospital was built  near the railway station.by/  besideby = beside, 表示“靠近,在旁邊”,比near  距離更近。He just sat by/  beside me in the cinema. 5. in fr

18、ont of 和in the front of 用法示例in  front of表示“在之前”(范圍外);He is standing in  front of the bus.in  the front of表示“在的前部 ”(范圍內(nèi))。He is in the front of  the classroom. 6. in the tree和on the tree 用法示例in  the tree表示“人或者動(dòng)物等外界的東西在樹上,不是長在樹上”;The boy is in the  tree.on &

19、#160;the tree表示“樹葉或者果實(shí)等長在樹上”。Those apples are on  the tree. 三點(diǎn)剖析一、考點(diǎn):介詞雖然是一種虛詞,自身不能單獨(dú)充當(dāng)句子成分,但它是英語中最活躍、最難掌握的詞類之一。中考對(duì)介詞的考點(diǎn)主要集中在介詞的基本用法上。地點(diǎn)或方位介詞在中考單選和完形里面也是多次出現(xiàn)。 二、重難點(diǎn):注意近義詞詞組的辨析,在使用時(shí)要注意根據(jù)語境和語法去選擇。比如:1.表“在位置”的介詞at, in;2. 表“在方位”的介詞:1) in, on, to;2) above, over, on 在上;3) under, below 在下。3.

20、 常見方位介詞辨析:1) between和among;2) across和through;3) along和over;4) near, by和beside;5) in front of 和in the front of;6) in the tree和on the tree。題模精講題模一 表“在位置”的介詞例1.1、Maria is leaving for France soon by air. Shell arrive _ Paris on the morning of August 8th.A、atB、inC、onD、to例1.2、Please wait for me _ the bus

21、station.A、atB、inC、toD、under題模二 表“在方位”的介詞例2.1、China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia.A、to; toB、in; toC、to; inD、in; on例2.2、The sun rises _ the horizon.A、overB、onC、aboveD、under例2.3、 I want to have a rest _ the tree.A、blewB、underC、aboveD、over題模三 常見方位介詞辨析例3.1、用適當(dāng)?shù)姆轿唤樵~填空。His grade

22、s in the exam put him _ the top students in his class.例3.2、-Excuse me, where is the bookstore?-Go _ the bridge. Youll see it on your left.A、onB、crossC、acrossD、through例3.3、Sean has formed the habit of jogging _ the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.A、betweenB、alongC、belowD、with例3.4、There are

23、some apples _ the tree and some birds are singing _ the tree.A、on; inB、in; onC、on; onD、in; in隨堂練習(xí)隨練2.1、根據(jù)漢語提示,用正確的介詞完成句子。- Where is you Chinese teacher?- Hes _ the meeting room. (在會(huì)議室)隨練2.2、Alan found a birds nest _ the tree. (在樹上)隨練2.3、He said that he would meet us _ the station.A、 onB、 a

24、tC、 ofD、 to隨練2.4、He lives _ England, _ London.A、 to; inB、 at; inC、in; atD、 in; in隨練2.5、Taiwan is a beautiful island and its _ the east of Fujian.A、 inB、 onC、 toD、 at隨練2.6、The apples rotted (爛) _ the tree.A、 inB、 onC、 aboveD、 over隨練2.7、

25、Taiwan is a beautiful island and its _the east of Fujian.A、inB、onC、toD、at隨練2.8、There is a cup _ the desk. (在桌上)隨練2.9、Raise your hands _ your head. (舉過你的頭)隨練2.10、They have designed a system which pumps up water from 70m _ ground. (地下70米處)隨練2.11、_ the bridge, you will see a big building. (穿過這座橋)隨練2.12

26、、He left the table to stand _ the two men. (站在兩個(gè)男人之間)隨練2.13、Newman walked _ the street alone. (沿著街道)隨練2.14、The sun rose _ the horizon.A、 overB、 aboveC、 blewD、 on隨練2.15、There is a striped sofa _ the wall.A、 inB、 onC、 alongD、 across隨練2.16、I have an uncle. He liv

27、es _ Shanghai. (住在上海)隨練2.17、China is _ the west of Japan. (在日本西部)自我總結(jié)能力拓展拓展1、A terrible earthquake happened in Nepal _ April 25th, 2015.A、 atB、 inC、 onD、 to拓展2、We usually have breakfast _ 8:00 every day.A、 ofB、 inC、 onD、 at拓展3、I lived with my grandparents _ 20

28、10.A、 atB、 inC、 onD、 to拓展4、The girl left her home _ a cold winter evening.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 of拓展5、 Lucy lived in Beijing from 2010 _ 2015.A、 atB、 toC、 onD、 in拓展6、- How soon will his father come back from London?- _ a week.A、 atB、&

29、#160;afterC、 forD、 in拓展7、The 30th Olympic Games will be held    2012.A、onB、atC、inD、of拓展8、 Miss Brown has taught physics _ twenty years.A、 forB、 sinceC、 untilD、 after拓展9、You _ get off the bus _ it stopped.A、 didnt; beforeB、 didnt; until

30、C、 have been; afterD、 have gone; until拓展10、My son has been ill _ Last Friday.A、 forB、 inC、 sinceD、 at拓展11、根據(jù)漢語提示,用正確的方位介詞完成句子 - Where are my books?- They are _ the sofa.(沙發(fā)上)拓展12、He lives _ Paris. (住在上海)拓展13、Viet Nam (越南) is _ the south of China. (位于中國南部)拓展14、An airplane flew


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