



1、1 / 4 【真題演練】2015中考賓語(yǔ)從句 【2015 安順】32. Excuse me, can you tell me _ ? At about 8 o clock. A. what time the plane arrive in Beijing B. what time the pla ne will arrive Beiji ng C. what time the pla ne will reach Beiji ng D. what time will the plane get to Beijing 【2015 德州】35. I wonder _ . Yes, of course

2、. A. where we can buy the parts B. how ofte n you hear form your sister C. if I may have a word with you D. why he arrived late yesterday 【2015福州】32.So beautiful flowers! I can t decidfo_ my mom. For Mother s Day, it can t be better to take some cO康乃tBns A. whe n to choose B. which to choose C. how

3、to choose 【2015廣州】25. Could you tell me _ a moment ago? A. what were they talk ing about B. what are they talk ing about C. what they were talk ing about D. what they are talk ing about 【2015 哈爾濱】11. - Could you tell me _ ? -You d better keep a diary in En glish as ofte n as possible. A. whe n I can

4、 improve my writte n En glish B. how I can improve my writte n En glish C. if can I improve my written English 【2015杭州】19. Franklin told them all _ to be in Britain again. A. how happy was he B. how happy he was C. how was he happy D. how he happy was 【2015 河北省】39. Its important for us to know _ all

5、 the subjects. Yeah, group work is my favorite. 2 / 4 A. how to study B. whe n to study C. which to study D. what to study 【2015 河北省】40. Could you tell me _ ? Talking about festivals. A. how they are playing B. what they are doing C. where they are going D. why they are practicing 【2015河南省】 35. Excu

6、se, can you tell me _ ? Sorry, I don t. You can go to the information desk. A. that there is a train B. when the train C. which train can I take D. where does the train go. 【 2015呼和浩特】 9. - Could you please tell me _ ? - About twenty minutes ago. A. when did you see this kid B. where did you see thi

7、s kid C. when you saw this kid D. where you saw this kid 【2015黃岡市】 39.Excuse me, do you know _ ? Sure, there is a bookstore down the street near here. A. where can I get some postcards B. where I can get some postcards C. how can I get some postcards D. when I can get some postcards 【2015蘭州市】 33. Li

8、 Ming, do you know _ this year? It s on June 20th. A. when is the Dragon Boat Festival B. when is the Mid-autumn Festival C. when the Mid-autumn Festival is D. when the Dragon Boat Festival is 【 2015龍東地區(qū)】 9.Many people talk about Didi. I really wonder _ . You call to order a taxi through it on your

9、mobile phone easily. A. how can I use them B. who uses them most C. what they are used for 【2015梅州市】 43. - Show me the map, please. I wonder _ . - Look, its here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province. A. where is Diaoyu Island B. where Diaoyu Island is C. what is Diaoyu Island like D. when Dia

10、oyu Island is 【2015南昌市】 37. Excuse me. I wonder _ there is a bus here to go to Downing Street. -Yes, Bus No. 223 A. that B. when C. why D. whether 2 / 45 / 4 【2015 南通市】14. Could you please tell me _ ? By tak ing an on li ne tour. A. in which way can I improve my writing skills B. how I can travel ar

11、ound the world in eight hours C. what places of interest we can visit at a time D. how should I get some more useful in formatio n 【2015青島市】4. I m waiting for the mail. Do you kno _ it will arrive? Usually it comes by 4:00 p.m. A. how B. where C. whe n D. what 【2015青島市】19. I wonder _ . A. how will y

12、ou celebrate Than ksgi ving B. that the Water Festival is really fun. C. what do people eat on the Mid-Autu mn Festival D. whether you will make resolution on New Year s Day 【2015 陜西省】29. - Mum, can you tell me _ ? I dreamed of him last night. -Next week. A. whe n my dad comes back B. where my dad goes C. whe n my dad will come back D. where my dad will go6 / 4 參考答案: 【 2015安順】 32.C 【 2015德州】 35. C 【 2015福州】 32. B 【2015廣州】 25. C 【 2015哈爾濱】 11. B 【 2015杭州】 19. B 【 2015河北省】 39


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