



1、.專業(yè)A Case Study Report of Qantas Airlines.專業(yè)Executive SummaryIn this report, the author makes a case study of Qantas Airways, analyzes the external and internalenvironment of the enterprise with a series of analysis models such as PESTEL, Porters FiveForces, Value Chain, SWOT and so on, so as to fin

2、dthe development issue of Qantas and put forward some practical recommendations from differentlevels. On the positive side, the development of aircraft manufacturing, the improvement of additionalbusiness in civil aviation industry, the financial and policy support from government, the ease of trave

3、lby aircraft at a cheaper price than before, the best services among other airways, the already settledfuel supply, all these enabled Qantas more room for development. However, the economic crisis of2008 still had a strong hit on the company, the first-class passengers sharply reduced. The emergingl

4、ayoffs, cuts inoperation cost.positionsand the generalstrike had a bad influenceon thedeveloofQantas . Whats more, the decline in corporate credit rating made the is high time for Qantas to conducta series of newstrategiesso as to achievesustainable developmentand gain more pro

5、fits. Therecommendationsinclude strengthening cooperationandcoordinother airline companies,business expansionin Asia andEurope markets,implementationof better human resource managementand keeping reducing7.專業(yè)Table of ContentsExecutive summary.11. Introduction.12. External Analysis.12.1 Industry over

6、view.22.2General environment analysis2.3 The industry environmentenvironmentthreats3. Internal Analysis3.1Tangible and intangibleresources.7Capabilitiesidentificationanalysis2.4Thecompetitive2.5Opportunitiesand3.23.3Corecompetency.專業(yè)3.4 Value chain analysis.83.5 SWOT analysis .93.6Currentstrategies.

7、94.Recommendations4.1Businesslevel.104.2Corporatelevel. 114.3Internationallevel.115. Conclusion.1 1References.12.專業(yè).專業(yè)1. In troduct ionQantas Airline was set up in Queensland,Australia in 1920 by twovetera ns. Superb reputati on has made Qan tas become the symbol of reliability,security, adva needte

8、ch no logyand high quality customerservices incivil aviati on in dustry.Exceptfor thecorebus in ess ofpasse ngerand cargo tran sport,Qan tas Groupalsoown manysubsidiary compa nies in cludi ng Qan tas Link, Jet Star etc. (Qa ntas, 2013) Meanwhile, Qan tas also operate many other bus in ess releva nt

9、aviati on, such as airli nefood and holiday tourism bus in ess.Currently, Qantas is still one of the leading long haul airline companies as well as oneof the most powerful brands in Australia. It is maintaining the first class product andservices standardas well as leadingtheupdated developme nt ofi

10、ntern ati onalcivilaviati onin dustry.(Shaw,2011) The health developme nt of the civil aviati on in dustry could prese nt acountrystro nger compete nee and econo mic power. Withthe popularity of the civil aviation industry, competence among airline compa niesbecomes fiercer. Therefore,study ingthe f

11、actors thatin flue nce or limit the developme nt of civil aviati on in dustry in depth has sig nifica ntrealistic sen se.In this report, the author con ductsa case study of Qan tas Airli ne,an alyzes the exter nal and in ternal en vir onment of the en terprise with a series ofanalysis models such as

12、 PESTEL,PorterFive Forces, Value.專業(yè)Chain, SWOT and so on, so as to find the developme nt issue of Qan tas and putforward some practical recomme ndati ons from differe nt levels.2. External AnalysisWhe ncon duct inga case study of a compa ny especially aninternationalenterprise, it is importantto ana

13、lyzethe externalen vir onment of the en terprise, the en terprise exter nal en vir onment is the joint name of the political, social, tech no logicaland econo micalen vir onment etc outside the en terprise.2.1 In dustry overviewQantas Airline belongs to the civil aviation industry. All aviation acti

14、vities using alltypes of aviators except for military uses are called civil aviati on.Since the1950s, the servicerange of civil aviationhas expandedcon sta ntlyand become animporta ntecono micsect ionin manycoun tries.The developme ntof commercialaviati onis mai nlyembodiedas the rapid in crease of

15、passe nger andcargotran sport,regular airli ne routes coveralmost every con ti nentandcoun tries.(Balobaba et al,2009)As commercialaviationhas a series ofadvantagessuch as fast, safe,comfortable and unrestrictedby theIandform, it has a unique position in modern transportationstructure,especially in

16、Ion g-dista nee high-speed passe nger tran sport. It promotes thedevelopment of domestic and internationaltrade, tourism and all.專業(yè)activities, and makes it possible for the developmentof remote areas in short term.2.2 General environment analysisEconomic:Since the breakout of the global financial cr

17、isis in 2008, Qantas Airways businesshas been affected a lot because the amount of domestic and international businessand tourism travel decreases much.The international economic environment is depressing, thus result in the decreasingprofit of international airlines. Meanwhile, the price of fuel is

18、 still very high, thusnarrowed down the profit space of civil aviation. Socio- culturalThe overall income of the aviation industry in Australia in 2012 was around $79.6billion, which accounted for 6.1% of the GDP, and solved the employment problem ofover 0.8 million population. Besides that, the avi

19、ation industry plays a very importantrole in social culture in Australia, the development of tourism industry is an evidence.(Nand etal,2013) According to the 2012 industry report released by IBIS World, theappreciation of Australian dollar drives a large amount of Australians to traveloverseas. Cur

20、rently, the overseas Australian tourists occupy around 30% of the wholepopulation. It is estimated that till 2017, there will be around 50% Australians traveloverseas.(Nand et al,2013)Global:kinds of communication.專業(yè)According to a report of IATA, Bloomberg Worldwide Airlines Index in dicates that th

21、estock price of global airli nes in creases 9% in 2012, which was better tha n the overallperforma nee of finan cial market. Thefuel price keeps fluctuationbut is still very high, with near $130 pertan k.The global airli ne passe nger tran sport volume in creases 0.6%, whilevery rapidly, year-to-yea

22、rpasse ngertran sport and capacity in creased 6.2%a nd 2.6% respectively.(Nand etal,2013) Though global econo mic performa nee was weak, the finan cial con diti on ofmost airli nes was improved.Tech no logicalThe scie nee and tech no logicalinno vati on of aviatio n manu facturerssped up the develop

23、ment of civil airline enterprises. Since Boeing, the biggest aviationmanufacturer in the world made themerger andacquisiti on of the worlds third largest manu facturer McDonn ell Douglas in the year1996, the Airbus has been the only one rival of Boeing. Since that, the two gia nts havemade the inv e

24、st large amount of money onnew modelsresearch and development(Balobaba et al,2009). Theyhave developed the worldsmost advaneed airplanes, A380 andmost camefrom Chi na market. InNovember2012, in ternatio nalpasse nger tran sport dema ndin creased 5.6%, new market performedwell,year-to-yeagrowth rate

25、was 3.1%. Airline companies inAsia-Pacificregi on developed.專業(yè)B747, one after the other. These two new types of plane have the ability to fly longhauls cross two continents without stops. Besides, the new scientific and technologicaldevelopment improve the services on board such as the wireless inte

26、rnet, whichattracts more business professional and young passengers because they could enjoymore convenience. As a result, in recent years, airplane has become the main vehiclesfor long distance travel. Qantas has experimented a lot in air navigation and releasedmany new measures, thus has saved the

27、 cost of the company and also reducedenvironmental pollution. Due to this, Qantas won the Eagle Award of InternationalAviation in 1999 and 2005. (Barbot et al, 2008)Political-legalThe government of Australia has taken a series of measures to help Qantas Airways toovercome difficulties and avoid bein

28、g merged. However, in Australia, except for thenotable increase of taking off and landing fee, it also faces other industry chargingproblems. These charges are under strict review. Besides, the carbon emission tradeplan of the European Union is under discussion, Australia may provide other plans.Alt

29、hough there is no such carbon emission plan in Australia, since 2012, governmentof Australia began to levy smoke and dust emission tax, and the cost is higher than theaverage level in the world. In addition to this, in 2012, government of Australiaincreased the departure tax of passengers at airport

30、 with about 17%, which means.專業(yè)every passenger who files international flights has to pay $58 fixed fee.(Nand et al,2013) The increase of the fee evidently influences the employment andeconomic development.2.3 The industry environmentMichael Porter created the Porters Five Forces framework, it is an

31、 effective tool toevaluate the profit potential and attractiveness of different industries. It helps people toidentify the various of competition sources within an industry or a sector . This partwill adopt PorterForces to analyze the civil aviation industry environment.Bargaining power of suppliers

32、: MediumQantashas only twoairplanesuppliers, BoeingandAirbus, which arealso theonly two largestmanufacturersin theworld . Fuelof QantasAirwaysis providedbyoilcompaniessuchasShell and BritishPetroleum(BP). In terms of the information technology supplier, IT giants like IBM andNCR provide Qantas with

33、high class operation, automation, ordering and logisticssystems. (Mak & Chan, 2006) Hotels, catering services and road transport services arealso offered to passengers as well as the crew members at different flight destinations.All in all, in order to keep normal operation and achieve the compe

34、titive edge, Qantasshould keep a good relationship with there suppliers Bargaining power of buyers:MediumMain buyers of civil flights include business travelers, holiday providers, leisures Five.專業(yè)travelers, budget travelers, travel agents and so on. The consumer demands andexpectations are keeping

35、growing in recent year. Their demands become more diverse,however most of the buys wish airline services deserve every dollar they pay. Besides,the development of technology bring more convenience for the firms and individuals todecline buyer power.Threat of substitutes: LowSome others means of tran

36、sportation including railway, buses, ships are the directsubstitutes of airplanes for passengers who do not care much about the travel speed.Indirect substitutes contain video conferencing, online chatting and Voice over InternetPhone has developed fastly and widely spread. Therefore the power of su

37、bstitutes areincreasing because they could help people save time and money on long-distanceflying.Threat of entrants: LowAs the civil airline industry required extremely high fixed initial costs and is regulatedvery strictly by the governments, the entry barrier of the civil aviation industry is ver

38、yhigh. In addition to this, fierce competition and the dominant position of the existingairline giants have createdlargechances of retaliation.Rivalries: HighQantas Airways faces domestic competition from Virgin Australia directly. Besides,some low fare airlines such as Malaysia Airline and China So

39、uthern Airline bringQantas competition threats internationally. (Hanlon,2007) It is high time that Qantas.專業(yè)keeps revitalizing the product and service offerings so as to maintain its competitiveadvantage and realize sustainable development in civil aviation industry.2.4 The competitive environmentNo

40、t long ago, the IATA released theworlds top airlines of internationalpassenger and cargo traffic ranking of 2012, the top rank for cargo was Lufthansa witha total volume of 7.15 billion ton-kilometers, while the British Aviation occupied the firstposition of the passenger volume with 95.47 billion p

41、assenger- kilometers. QantasAirways was ranked the 10thin the list.(Nandet al,2013)Besides that, Jetstar replacedits parentcompany Qantasto operatethe New Zealand domesticroutes sinceJune.In the past century,QantasAirways has always beenthechiefcornerstone of Australian civil aviation industry, Anse

42、tt Australia, which is no longer inexistence, was once the biggest competitor of Qantas. Today, no matter in domesticmarket or international market, the biggest rivalry of Qantas is Virgin Australia.(Hanlon,2007) Virgin Australia is gradually expanding its international business. UnlikeQantass strat

43、egy, Virgin Australia allows other airline companies to won its stockrights, therefore, the interest of Virgin Australia links closely with many other airlinecompanies. Currently, Virgin Australia has two legal entities that are domestic serviceand international service, 49& stock right in inter

44、national services is owned by foreigncompanies. New Zealand Airway has 19.9% stock rights, Etihad Airways andSingapore Airlines own 10% stock rights respectively. (Whyte et al, 2012) Moreover,.專業(yè)Virgin was approved to merger Skywest Airlines and purchase 60% stock rights ofTiger Airways Australia. (

45、Drum, 2013) The success of Virgin Australia produceschallenges for Qantas, but also set an excellent example of strategic management.2.5 Opportunities and threatsAt present, the international routeshave large growth space. With thegrowing number of foreign tourism in Australia and the global economy

46、 recovery,Qantas will have more market opportunities. However, in order to cope withcompetition from other airlines, Qantas needs to further improve its quality of servicedomestically and globally.(Balobaba et al,2009)At the same time, the externalenvironment of the civil aviation industry is not id

47、eal. Fuel prices, the Australian dollarexchange rate fluctuations, the EU emissions trading system are the key factors thataffect the Qantas income level.3. Internal Analysis3.1 Tangible and intangible resourcesAs a giant company in civil aviation industry, Qantas own numerous resources. As forthe t

48、angible resources of Qantas, in order to keep Qantas as one of the mostprofessional airlines in the world, it keeps investment in purchasing new planes,improving interior facilities and infrastructure construction. Currently, Qantas hasordered twenty Airbus A380 planes, over one hundred Boeing 787 a

49、nd 737-800. TheGroup fleet numbered 256 aircraft till 1st September 2010) and the company hiresaround 32,500 people around the world. For the full year ended 30 June 2010, Qantas.專業(yè)reported an Underlying Profit . Before Tax of $377 million. Net profit after tax was $116million.In terms of the intang

50、ible resources, Qantas pays much attention to brand building andcommunity investment. Share the Australian spirit is the propaganda Australianheroes, promoting humanistic care, the pursuit of dreams and future for the purpose ofa series of programs and activities. (Sarina & Lansbury,2013) Qantas

51、 staff activelyparticipate in volunteer activities of the public welfare undertakings, and through thechanges, Workplace Giving program for charitable Giving. (Cowper-Smith& deGrosbois, 2011) From planting activities, waste recycling to energy saving plan,sharing the Qantas how to reduce the env

52、ironmental impact contribution and efforts.Support of Australias major cultural institutions is the Qantas play an important role.Competitive spirit is one of Australias cultural essence. Qantas is very proud as beinga sponsor of many sports events and institutions.3.2 Capabilities identificationInt

53、ernational Air Transport Association (IATA) data for 2009 showed Qantas was theworlds 11thlargest airline in terms of Revenue Passenger Kilometers (RPKs). QantasGroup airlines offer services to 182 destinations in 44 countries, with 59 in Australiaand 123 in other countries (including those operated

54、 by code share partner airlines)andcarried 41 million passengers in 2008/09. (Qantas, 2013)Every week, Qantas operates around 2000 flights to fly around 49 cities and areas inAustralia. Qantas Airways Catering Group is the whole capital subsidiary company ofQantas Airways Limited, mainly operating t

55、wo types of catering business: Q Catering.專業(yè)and Snap Fresh. Currently Q Catering has set up centers in six Australian airports.Snap Fresh is an advanced food central manufacturer in Queensland, except foroffering airline meals for airline companies, its products are also directly sold innon-aviation

56、 markets. (Qantas, 2013)Qantas Freight Company uses aircraft of Qantas and Jetstar in international routesand three rent Boeing 747-400F airplanes to provide international transport services.In addition, Qantas freight with the Los Angeles airport in Perth, Melbourne BrisbaneSydney also has their ow

57、n ground facilities, which includes the Australias biggestfreight station, in addition to dealing with Qantas flight with Jetstar, Qantas freight alsofor many other airlines provide freight services. (Qantas, 2013)3.3 Core competency analysisQantas is an internationally renowned airline brand. It ha

58、s long enjoyed great brandequity and passenger loyalty. Qantas links Australia to most important destinationsaround the world. Besides, Qantas has an excellent management team. (Franke, 2007)With over 90 years of experience, now Qantas is expertise in both domestic andinternational flights, both a f

59、ull service airline (Qantas) and a low cost carrier(Jetstar)and all levels of passengers (premium seg-ment, economic segment, andbudget segment). (Qantas, 2013)3.4 Value chain AnalysisThe value chain of a company is a tool to present the companys strategy, history,management mode and potential econo

60、mics of the activities. (Porter & Kramer, 2006)Value chain analysis of Qantas Airways begins with the inbound logistics, as a highcost fuel supply and relatively high cost aircraft supply, it also embraces the authoritycontracts of airports. The landing and taking-off operation is planned on schedule all.專業(yè)time and i


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