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1、貨物運輸合同英文版托運方Shipper:地址:Add.郵碼:Zip電話:Tel法定代表人:Legal representative職務:承運方:Carrier地址:Add郵碼:Zip電話:Tel法定代表人:Legal representative職務:根據(jù)國家有關運輸規(guī)定,經(jīng)過雙方充分協(xié)商,特訂立本合同,以便雙方共同遵守。The Shipper and the Carrier hereby enter this Cntract thrugh discussin accrding t the natinal related regulatin.第一條貨物名稱、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、價款Article 1.

2、 Name f gds, specificatins, quantity, price第二條包裝要求Article 2. Packing requirement托運方必須按照國家主管機關規(guī)定的標準包裝;沒有統(tǒng)一規(guī)定包裝標準的,應根據(jù)保證貨物運輸安全的原則進行包裝,否則承運方有權拒絕承運。The shipper shall prvide standard package as per the natinal standards. Fr the nn-standard package, the shipper shall pack the gds by guaranteeing the safet

3、y f the gds. therwise the carrier has the right t refuse t transprt.第三條貨物起運地點貨物到達地點Article 3. Place f departure, place f destinatin第四條貨物承運日期貨物運到期限Article 4. Date f dispatch, date f arrival第五條運輸安全要求Article 5. Safety requirement fr transprtatin第六條貨物裝卸方法Article 6. Methd f lading and unlading第七條收貨人領取貨物及

4、驗收辦法Article 7. Receptin and checking f the gds第八條運輸費用、結算方式Article 8. Freight and settlement第九條各方的權利義務Article 9. Rights and bligatin f bth sides一、托運方的權利義務 The rights and bligatin f the shipper1.托運方的權利:要求承運方按照合同規(guī)定的時間、地點、把貨物運輸?shù)侥康牡亍X浳锿羞\后,托運方需要變更到貨地點或收貨人,或者取消托運時,有權向承運方提出變更合同的內(nèi)容或解除合同的要求。但必須在貨物未運到目的地之前通知承運

5、方,并應按有關規(guī)定付給承運方所需費用。The shippers rights: Requesting the carrier t transprt the gds t the destinatin n time stipulated in this cntract. After transferring the gds t the carrier, if the shipper needs t change the destinatin r the cnsignee, the shipper shall have the right t change the cntents f the cnt

6、ract r cancel the cntract. Hwever, the shipper shall infrm the carrier befre the arrival at destinatin, and pay the relevant charges t the carrier.2.托運方的義務:按約定向承運方交付運雜費。否則,承運方有權停止運輸,并要求對方支付違約金。托運方對托運的貨物,應按照規(guī)定的標準進行包裝,遵守有關危險品運輸?shù)囊?guī)定,按照合同中規(guī)定的時間和數(shù)量交付托運貨物。The shippers bligatin: Paying the freight and ther

7、charges as the cntract t the carrier. therwise, the carrier shall have the right t stp transprting, and claim t the shipper f the punishment. The shipper shall pack the gds accrding t standards, and abide by the transprtatin regulatins f dangerus gds, and transfer the gds t the carrier as stipulated

8、 quantity and time in the cntract.二、承運方的權利義務The rights and bligatin f the carrier1.承運方的權利:向托運方、收貨方收取運雜費用。如果收貨方不交或不按時交納規(guī)定的各種運雜費用,承運方對其貨物有扣壓權。查不到收貨人或收貨人拒絕提取貨物,承運方應立馬與托運方聯(lián)系,在規(guī)定期限內(nèi)負責保管并有權收取保管費用,對于超過規(guī)定期限仍無法交付的貨物,承運方有權按有關規(guī)定予以處理。The carriers right: Charging the freight and ther csts t the shipper and the c

9、nsignee. If the cnsignee refuses t pay r fails t pay n time f the stipulated freight and csts, the carrier shall have the right t retain the gds. If the arrival ntice cannt reach the cnsignee r the cnsignee refuses t receive the gds, the carrier shall have the right t custdy the gds within the stipu

10、lated perid and charge fr it. In case the gds can nt be delivered after the stipulated perid, the carrier shall have the right t dispse the gds accrding t relative regulatins.2.承運方的義務:在合同規(guī)定的期限內(nèi),將貨物運到指定的地點,按時向收貨人發(fā)出貨物到達的通知。對托運的貨物要負責安全,保證貨物無短缺,無損壞,無人為的變質(zhì),如有上述問題,應承擔賠償義務。在貨物到達以后,按規(guī)定的期限,負責保管。The carriers

11、bligatin: Delivering the gds t the destinatin n time, and infrming the cnsignee f the arrival in time. The carrier shall be respnsible fr the safety f the gds, prtect the gds frm shrtage, damage, and cntrived deteriratin. therwise, the carrier shall be bliged t cmpensate the shipper r cnsignee. The

12、carrier shall custdy the gds fr stipulated perid after the arrival f the gds.三、收貨人的權利義務The rights and bligatin f the cnsignee1.收貨人的權利:在貨物運到指定地點后有以憑證領取貨物的權利。The cnsignees right: Taking the gds at the destinatin by presenting bill f carg.2.收貨人的義務:在接到提貨通知后,按時提取貨物,繳清應付費用。超過規(guī)定時間提貨時,應向承運人交付保管費。The cnsigne

13、es bligatin: Taking the gds n time upn receipt f the ntice f arrival, and paying the charges. The cnsignee shall pay the custdial fees when the time is verdue.第十條違約責任Article 10. bligatin fr Breach一、托運方責任: The shipper1.未按合同規(guī)定的時間提供托運的貨物,托運方應償付給承運方違約金元。If the shipper des nt delivery the gds t the carri

14、er as per the stipulated time, the shipper shall pay t the carrier RMB as a penalty.2.由于在普通貨物中夾帶、匿報危險貨物,錯報笨重貨物重量等招致吊具斷裂、貨物摔損、吊機傾翻、爆炸、腐燭等事故,托運方應承擔賠償責任。In the case f the shipper putting dangerus gds tgether with the nrmal carg, r cncealing heavy items, thus result in breakage f histing tls, drpping f

15、gds, turn-ver f crane, eplsin, crrsin, etc. the shipper shall take the bligatin f cmpensatin.3.由于貨物包裝缺陷產(chǎn)生破損,致使其他貨物或運輸工具、機械設備被污染腐蝕、損壞,造成人身傷亡的,托運方應承擔賠償責任。If thers carg r transprt facilities are plluted r crrded, r persns are injured r dead due t the defect f package, the shipper shall take the bligati

16、n f cmpensatin.二、承運方責任:The carrier1.不按合同規(guī)定的時間和要求配車、發(fā)運的,承運方應償付甲方違約金元。If the carrier des nt lad r ship the gds as per the stipulated time, the carrier shall pay t the shipper RMB as a penalty.2、承運方如將貨物錯運到貨地點或接貨人,應無償運至合同規(guī)定的到貨地點或接貨人。如果貨物逾期達到、承運方應償付逾期交貨的違約金。If the carrier delivers the gds t wrng destinat

17、in r wrng cnsignee, the carrier shall make crrectin. If the gds d nt arrive at the destinatin n time, the carrier shall pay t the shipper RMB as a penalty.3.運輸過程中貨物滅失、短少、變質(zhì)、污染、損壞,承運方應按貨物的實際損失(包括包裝費、運雜費)賠償托運方。If lss, shrtage, deter peratin, pllutin r daur t the gds, the carrier shall cmpensate fr the lss (including the packing cst and freight) t the shipper.4.在符合法律和合同規(guī)定條件下的運輸,由于下列原因造成貨物滅失、短少、變質(zhì)、污染、損壞的,承運方不承擔違約責任:The carrie


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