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1、David arrived last night. Who is speaking, please? Two will be enough. Looking up all the new words in the dictionary took him a lot of time. To translate this ideal into reality needs hard work.How to do well is an important question. What has happened proves that our policy is right. Underline the

2、 subjects in the following sentences. n. pron. num. to do v-ingphrasesentencesubject clause Find all the examples in the reading passage where noun clauses are used as the subject.( () )( () )( () )( () ) ( ( () )( () )( () ) )( () )( () )名詞性從句:名詞性從句:名詞性從句的功能:名詞性從句的功能:名詞性從句的類型:名詞性從句的類型:在句子中起名詞作用的句子叫

3、名詞性從句。在句子中起名詞作用的句子叫名詞性從句。名詞性從句的功能相當(dāng)于名詞詞組。名詞性從句的功能相當(dāng)于名詞詞組。它在復(fù)合句中能擔(dān)任主語、賓語、表語、同它在復(fù)合句中能擔(dān)任主語、賓語、表語、同位語、介詞賓語等,因此根據(jù)它在句中不同位語、介詞賓語等,因此根據(jù)它在句中不同的語法功能,名詞從句又可分別稱為的語法功能,名詞從句又可分別稱為主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句。句。主語從句在復(fù)合句中作句子的主語。引主語從句在復(fù)合句中作句子的主語。引導(dǎo)主語從句的詞有導(dǎo)主語從句的詞有從屬連詞從屬連詞: that, whether, if;銜接代詞銜接代詞: who,

4、whoever, whom, what, whatever, whose, which;銜接副詞銜接副詞: when, where, how, why等。等。察看以下例句,指出其中所包含的主語察看以下例句,指出其中所包含的主語從句及引導(dǎo)詞從句及引導(dǎo)詞:1. What is needed for a long trip is careful preparation.該句中主語從句是該句中主語從句是 _,引導(dǎo)詞為,引導(dǎo)詞為 _。What is needed for a whatlong trip2. That Jay Zhou will come to my city excites everyb

5、ody.該句中主語從句是該句中主語從句是 _ _,引導(dǎo)詞為,引導(dǎo)詞為_。3. Whether we will travel abroad or not has not been decided.該句中主語從句是該句中主語從句是 _ _,引導(dǎo)詞為,引導(dǎo)詞為_。That Jay Zhou willWhether we willcome to my city thattravel abroad or notwhether4. Whoever knows the secret mustnt tell others.該句中主語從句是該句中主語從句是_ _,引導(dǎo)詞為,引導(dǎo)詞為_。5. It remains

6、 a puzzle why dinosaurs died out suddenly long time ago.該句中主語從句是該句中主語從句是_,引導(dǎo)詞為,引導(dǎo)詞為_。Whoever knows the whoeverwhy dinosaurs diedwhysecretout suddenly long time ago【察看總結(jié)】【察看總結(jié)】第第5句中的主語從句似乎比較隱蔽。其實(shí),句中的主語從句似乎比較隱蔽。其實(shí),這也是主語從句的一種呈現(xiàn)方式,即:當(dāng)這也是主語從句的一種呈現(xiàn)方式,即:當(dāng)一個(gè)句子主語過長時(shí),可以用一個(gè)句子主語過長時(shí),可以用it作方式主作方式主語,而把真正的主語或主語從句后移

7、至句語,而把真正的主語或主語從句后移至句子末尾,以堅(jiān)持句子的平衡。留意察看以子末尾,以堅(jiān)持句子的平衡。留意察看以下例句中的劃線部分:下例句中的劃線部分:It is not clear how the accident happened.It is a pity that you should have made such a careless mistake.It happened that I didnt bring the key with me.It is reported that more than thirty deaths were caused in the accident.

8、不難看出,雖然上面例句中都用不難看出,雖然上面例句中都用it作方式作方式主語,但句子構(gòu)造卻不盡一樣。現(xiàn)將常主語,但句子構(gòu)造卻不盡一樣。現(xiàn)將常見的由見的由it作方式主語的句型總結(jié)如下:作方式主語的句型總結(jié)如下:1. It be + n. + that從句從句2. It be + adj. + that從句,常見此類描畫從句,常見此類描畫詞有:詞有:important, necessary, clear, certain, natural, strange, obvious, likely, impossible, possible等。等。3. It+不及物動(dòng)詞不及物動(dòng)詞+that從句從句It o

9、ccurred to sb. that . 某人想起某人想起It happened (to sb.) that . 某人碰巧某人碰巧4. It + be + v-ed + 主語從句主語從句It is said / reported / believed / suggested / known / proved that .【要點(diǎn)精講】【要點(diǎn)精講】1. what與與that引導(dǎo)主語從句引導(dǎo)主語從句察看以下例句,試著翻譯例句并總結(jié)察看以下例句,試著翻譯例句并總結(jié)其規(guī)律。其規(guī)律。(1) What you lack is self-confidence. 譯為:譯為:_他所缺乏的是自信。他所缺乏的是自

10、信。(2) That more and more students are admitted into universities is true.譯為:譯為:_ _(3) What is needed for the program is more wisdom. 譯為:譯為:_這個(gè)工程所需求的是更多的智慧。這個(gè)工程所需求的是更多的智慧。越來越多的學(xué)生將被大學(xué)錄取越來越多的學(xué)生將被大學(xué)錄取的音訊是真實(shí)的。的音訊是真實(shí)的。從上面例句可以看出,that引導(dǎo)主語從句時(shí),在句中具有“兩不原那么:一、引導(dǎo)從句;二、不作句子成分;三、沒有實(shí)踐意義。而而what引導(dǎo)的從句那么恰恰相反,引導(dǎo)的從句那么恰恰相反

11、,what在從句中的作用為:在從句中的作用為:一、引導(dǎo)從句;一、引導(dǎo)從句;二、作句子成分;二、作句子成分;三、有詳細(xì)的意義。三、有詳細(xì)的意義?!痉€(wěn)定練習(xí)】【穩(wěn)定練習(xí)】 用用what或或that填空。填空。(1) _ he told us this morning was just a lie.(2) _ is important to us is enough time.(3) It worries my mom _ she is beginning to get a little fat.(4) _ we cant get seems better than _ we have.WhatWh

12、atthatWhatwhat2. whether與與if引導(dǎo)主語從句引導(dǎo)主語從句whether與與if引導(dǎo)主語從句位于句中有引導(dǎo)主語從句位于句中有時(shí)可換用。但在以下情況下用時(shí)可換用。但在以下情況下用whether不用不用if:(1) 主語從句位于句首時(shí);主語從句位于句首時(shí);(2) 從句后有從句后有or或緊跟或緊跟or not時(shí)。時(shí)?!痉€(wěn)定練習(xí)】【穩(wěn)定練習(xí)】 用用whether或或if填空。填空。(1) It doesnt matter _ he will come or not.(2) _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.(3)

13、It was doubtful _ Tom really saw Sharon.(4) _ Tom really saw Sharon was doubtful.whether / ifWhetherwhether / ifWhether3. 其它引導(dǎo)詞其它引導(dǎo)詞 銜接代詞銜接代詞who, which, whom, whose有各自的詳細(xì)意義,起銜接作用,同時(shí)有各自的詳細(xì)意義,起銜接作用,同時(shí)在從句中充任主語、賓語、表語、定語在從句中充任主語、賓語、表語、定語等;等;whoever, whatever, whichever在意在意義上更為強(qiáng)調(diào),常譯為義上更為強(qiáng)調(diào),常譯為“無論無論;銜;銜接副詞

14、接副詞when, where, why, how等也有各等也有各自的意義,起銜接作用,并在從句中作自的意義,起銜接作用,并在從句中作狀語。狀語。【常見錯(cuò)誤展現(xiàn)】【常見錯(cuò)誤展現(xiàn)】 以下各句均有一處錯(cuò)誤,請矯以下各句均有一處錯(cuò)誤,請矯正并分析錯(cuò)誤的緣由。正并分析錯(cuò)誤的緣由。1. Light travels faster than sound is common knowledge.Thatthat雖無詞義但引導(dǎo)主語從句位雖無詞義但引導(dǎo)主語從句位于句首時(shí)不能省略。于句首時(shí)不能省略。if, whether都可表示都可表示“能否能否, 但但if不能引導(dǎo)句首主語從句。不能引導(dǎo)句首主語從句。2. If sh

15、es coming or not doesnt matter much.Whether shes coming or not doesnt3. What were your problems a year ago has now become mine.has要改為要改為have。主語從句表示復(fù)數(shù)。主語從句表示復(fù)數(shù)概念時(shí),謂語要用復(fù)數(shù)方式。概念時(shí),謂語要用復(fù)數(shù)方式。have4. That the professor said is of great importance.5. Where will the trees be planted has not been decided.Whatth

16、at引導(dǎo)主語從句時(shí)無詞義。引導(dǎo)主語從句時(shí)無詞義。What the professor said表示表示“教授所說的話。教授所說的話。將將will置于置于trees之后。主語從句要之后。主語從句要用陳說句語序。用陳說句語序。6. No matter who breaks the rule will be punished.7. When and where the meeting will be held still remain a question.引導(dǎo)退讓狀語從句時(shí)二者可互換,但引導(dǎo)退讓狀語從句時(shí)二者可互換,但引導(dǎo)名詞性從句時(shí)只能用引導(dǎo)名詞性從句時(shí)只能用whoever。Whoever 主語

17、從句表示單一概念時(shí),謂語要用主語從句表示單一概念時(shí),謂語要用單數(shù)方式。單數(shù)方式。remainsRewrite the following sentences with noun clauses as the subject. 1. His discovery has not yet been proved. 2. Do the other astronomers accept his ideas? It remains a question.What has not yet been proved is his discovery. Whether the other astronomers

18、accept his ideas remains a question.3. The first appearance of life on earth is still a mystery to scientists. 4. Why is the earth becoming warmer? It is an important topic for research.How life first appeared on earth is still a mystery to scientists.Why the earth is becoming warmer is an important

19、 topic for research.5. Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight. It amazed everybody.6. Pluto is no longer considered a planet in our solar system. What a surprise!It amazed everybody that Stephen Hawking at 65 experienced zero gravity during a flight.It is a surprise that Plut

20、o is no longer considered a planet in our solar system.All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.人生就是不斷地放下,人生就是不斷地放下,但最令人痛心的是,但最令人痛心的是,我們來不及好好告別。我們來不及好好告別。Line from the film Life of Pi subject clauseIts rare that I find someone so non-patroniz

21、ing.Line from the film Zootopia subject clauseWhat pains us trains us. What doesnt kill us makes us stronger. What hurts us the most teaches us the best. 使我們苦楚的東西在真正鍛造我們。使我們苦楚的東西在真正鍛造我們。沒有要我們命的事情讓我們更強(qiáng)大。沒有要我們命的事情讓我們更強(qiáng)大。損傷我們最深的教會(huì)我們最多。損傷我們最深的教會(huì)我們最多。subject clauses用適當(dāng)?shù)你暯釉~補(bǔ)全下面的對話。用適當(dāng)?shù)你暯釉~補(bǔ)全下面的對話。Lucy: Why

22、 are you looking so happy?Jenny: Ive just attended a lecture. _ the speaker said made me excited.Lucy: What was it about?Jenny: About health. It seems _ a lot of people dont know how to keep healthy.What that Lucy: Sounds great. _ Im concerned about is my health condition at the moment. But what sho

23、uld I do to be healthy?Jenny: _ you will stay healthy depends on two factors exercise and diet.Lucy: You know I always do some running on the road every night.What WhetherJenny: Whether you take exercise is one thing, but _ you take exercise is quite another. You shouldnt run at night because it will a


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