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1、Music-知識點復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案核心單詞1. attachvt.&vi.系上;縛上;附加;連接常用結(jié)構(gòu):attach .to .附上;連接;系上;把 歸于attach importance/significance/value to sth.認為某事物重要/有意義/有重要價值attach oneself to依附;參加(黨派等) be attached to熱愛;依戀;附屬于I attached a wire to the radio.我在收音機上接了一根金屬線。He' ll attach the label to your luggage.他會把標簽系在你的行李上。How can

2、you attach the blame for this accident to the driver?你怎么能把這次事故的責(zé)任歸于司機呢?Although he was seriously ill, he took part in the basketball match because he attached great value to his school sports record.盡管他病得很重,他還是參加了學(xué)校的籃球比賽,因為他 把學(xué)校的體育紀錄看得很重。He is deeply attached to his mother.他深愛著自己的母親。This hospital is

3、 attached to the medical college nearby.這個醫(yī)院附屬于附近的那所醫(yī)學(xué)院。高手過招完成句子(原創(chuàng))很多人認為成為富人和名人很重要。Many people attach becoming rich and famous.我們要把發(fā)展經(jīng)濟的工作放在首位。(primary)We should attach the development of economy.答案: great importance to primary importance to2. formvt.形成;構(gòu)成;排列;(使)組成;養(yǎng)成(習(xí)慣)聯(lián)想拓展form用作名詞時的固定搭配:as a mat

4、ter of form fill out/in a form take the form of . in the form of .be in/out of form作為一種形式;禮貌上填表格采取的形式以的形式處于良好/不良的競技狀態(tài)易混辨析form/shape/figureform是其中最普通、使用范圍最廣、含義最多的詞。它可以表示哲學(xué)上講的形態(tài)”文藝上的 體裁”雕刻藝術(shù)中的 形狀”以及普通含義的 方式”或 形式”等。此外,form也 可以表示人或動物的 體形;外形”。shape可以表示隱約可見的人影”或 物影” 幾何圖形”、人體 外形”引人注目的人物或塑像等。figure指物時,側(cè)重指輪廓

5、;指人時,著重指姿態(tài)。A plan began to form in his mind.一項計劃在他腦海里形成。One of the most important tasks for parents is to help and promote to form a child' s character.父母的一個重要任務(wù)就是要幫助和促進孩子個性的形成。The soldiers formed into a line. 士兵們排成一行。Flour, eggs, fat and sugar form the main contents of a cake. 面粉、雞蛋、脂肪和糖是做蛋糕 的主

6、要原料。This disease takes the form of high fever and sickness for several days.這種病呈現(xiàn)持續(xù)幾天 的發(fā)熱和嘔吐癥狀。高手過招(1) 單項填空This band isof eight boys and girls, including two Japanese.(2009 42福建泉州檢測)A. made B. consist C. attended D. formed(2) 翻譯句子(原創(chuàng)) 老師讓學(xué)生排成一排。 他們正在用陶土做碗。解析:(1)選D。句意為:這支樂隊由8個男孩和女孩組成, 其中有2個是日本人。 由 組成

7、"可用 be made up of, be formed of 或 consist of表示。(2) The teacher formed the students into a line. They are forming bowls from clay.3. briefadj.簡短的;簡要的n.搞要;大綱briefly adv.簡要地;短暫地Mozart's life was brief.莫扎特的一生是短暫的。It' s not part of my brief to train new employees.培訓(xùn)新雇員不是我工作范圍內(nèi)的事。常用結(jié)構(gòu):in brie

8、fto be brief簡言之;簡單地說;一句話高手過招翻譯句子 請簡潔地說。 總之,你做得不好。答案: Please be brief. In brief, your work is bad.4. earnvt.賺;掙得;獲利;贏得;獲得常用結(jié)構(gòu):earn one' living=make a living 謀生earn money= make money 掙錢earn a good reputation 贏得一個好名聲易混辨析earn/obtain/acquire/get/gainearn側(cè)重指依靠自己的勞動或因付出代價,有功而獲得。obtain著重指通過巨大努力、要求得到所需或盼

9、望已久的東西。acquire書面用語,強調(diào)通過不斷地、持續(xù)地努力而獲得某物,也指日積月累地獲得。 get 一般用語,使用較廣??芍敢匀魏畏绞降玫侥澄?,也不一定要經(jīng)過努力。gain側(cè)重指經(jīng)過努力或有意識的行動而取得某種成就,或指獲得某種利益或好處。She earned a living as a part time secretary.她靠做兼職秘書為生。He failed to obtain a scholarship.他沒有獲得獎學(xué)金。(巨大努力、盼望已久的)His achievement earned him respect.他的成就贏得人們的尊敬。(靠自己的勞動)He gained mu

10、ch good.他得到很多好處。(利益或好處)He got the first prize in the listening contest.他在聽力比賽中獲得了一等獎。(使用較廣)高手過招單項填空The day I discovered that the good name my parents , fame,brought our whole family the respect of our (2009 42福建福州檢測)A. earnedB. deserved C. givenD. Used解析:選 A。按照句意,此處應(yīng)為贏得”的意思。earn的賓語

11、可以是reputation, position 等。5. hitn.(演出等)成功;打擊;打vt.&vi.擊中;碰撞;襲擊;(精神上)打擊;使突然想起常用結(jié)構(gòu):hit it猜中,說對了hit on/upon 偶然碰上;偶然找到;偶然想起be/make a hit (with sb.)(給某人)留下很好的第一印象;使某人一見鐘情易混辨析hit/strike/beathit用于表示命中,擊敗”。strike指有意識的動作,也可以指無意識的動作,可能是用力地打一下,也可 能是多下。敲鐘必須用strike。beat指有目的地在某物上連續(xù)不斷地擊打、輕打、重打都可以。如:心臟的跳動。Her ne

12、w series is a smash hit.她的新系列節(jié)目極為成功,引起轟動。The farmers were hit hard by the drought last winter.去年冬天久旱不雨,農(nóng)民受到嚴重打擊。It hit me all of a sudden that he had already come back.我突然想到他已經(jīng)回來了。高手過招單項填空The song was a at once and its recording tape rose to No.1 on the best-sellerlist.(2009 12江西玉山檢測)A. shockB. stri

13、keC. hitD. beat解析:選C。按照句意此處表示“(演出等方面)成功”。6. performancen. : C 演出;演奏;表演;成績;成果;表現(xiàn):U 履行;實行;完成常用結(jié)構(gòu):put on a performance 上演; 表演give a performance 進行表演The evening performance begins at 8 o' clock.晚上的演出8點開始。He failed completely in the performance of his duty.他完全沒有履行他的職責(zé)。Our basketball team ' s perf

14、ormance has been excellent.我們籃球隊的表現(xiàn)一向優(yōu)異。聯(lián)想拓展perform v.履行,執(zhí)行,做;表演,演出;工作運轉(zhuǎn)(好/不好)The engine seems to be performing well.這臺機器看上去運轉(zhuǎn)良好。perform an experiment 做實驗perform an operation 做手術(shù)perform a ceremony 出席儀式高手過招單項填空It was known to him that they would invite him to in the New Year' s Concert.(2009 12江西

15、安福中學(xué)檢測)A. perform B. reach C. attain D. accomplish解析:選A。動詞perform此處用作不及物動詞,意為表演;演出;演奏”,其他三個詞意為達到;完成”,不符合句意。7. familiaradj.熟悉的;常見的;親近的聯(lián)想拓展get/be familiar with主語通常是人,表示熟知某人/某事”be familiar to主語一般為物,表示"(對某人來說)某物是很熟悉的(事物)”Are you familiar with this type of car?你熟悉這種型號的汽車嗎?Are you familiar with the r

16、ules of baseball?你熟悉棒球的規(guī)則嗎?These facts are familiar to you all.這些事實你們大家都很熟悉。French was as familiar to him as English.他像熟悉英語那樣熟悉法語。高手過招完成句子(原創(chuàng)) 我可以當你的導(dǎo)游,因為我對這個地方非常熟悉。I can be your guide because I this area. 他的名字是我所熟悉的,但是我想如果我再看到他,恐怕認不出來了。His name me, but I don' t think I can recognize him if I se

17、e himagain.答案: am familiar with is familiar to重點短語8. dream of夢想常用結(jié)構(gòu):dream of/about (doing) sth.夢見做dream of/about sb./sth 夢見某人 /某物dream one's life away 虛度光陰dream a .dream 做夢I dreamt about flying last night.昨夜我夢見自己在飛翔。Was it real or did I dream it?是真的還是我當時在做夢呢?高手過招翻譯句子(原創(chuàng)) 她虛度一生,一事無成。 我夢見自己能飛翔。答案:

18、 She dreamt her life away, never really achieved anything. I dreamt (that) I could fly.9. to be honest(with you)老實(對你)說聯(lián)想拓展honestly speaking老實說;實話實說to tell the truth 說實話;老實說To be honest, I don' t like him very much.老實說,我并不是很喜歡他。We don' t have a chance of winning the match, to be honest.說實話,我

19、們沒有贏得這場比 賽的可能。高手過招單句改錯(原創(chuàng)) To be honesty, it is the worst film I have ever seen. Honest speaking, you are the most hardworkingperson I have ever seen.答案: honest尸 honest Honest Honestly10. break up解散;驅(qū)散;分裂;拆散;結(jié)束;使精神垮掉聯(lián)想拓展break away from 擺脫;脫離break down機器出故障;崩潰;瓦解break in 破門而入;插嘴break into the house 破

20、門而入break one's promise/word 食言break out戰(zhàn)爭、火災(zāi)等爆發(fā)break into laughter 突然大笑break through 突破;穿過break off the conversation/relations 中斷交談 /關(guān)系The police tried to break up the crowd.警察試圖驅(qū)散人群。The car is always breaking down.這輛車老是出毛病。Children shouldn ' t break in on adults ' conversation.小孩子不要打斷大人

21、們的談話。高手過招單項填空The couple had quarrelled all time before they their engagement.(2009 42安徽合肥一中檢測)A. broke downB. broke throughC. broke offD. broke out解析:選 C。句中 quarrel 暗示了 中斷婚約 ” break off the conversation/relations 中斷交 談/關(guān)系。11. above all首先;尤其;最重要的是聯(lián)想拓展above all是從事物的重要性上說的首先,最重要的是first of all是從事物的排列順序上

22、說的第一 ”。in all表示 總共;總而言之”。after all表示畢竟” ”all in all從各方面考慮;總的來說not at all不用謝all long 一直,始終Never waste anything, and above all, never waste time.不要浪費東西,尤其是不要浪費時間。高手過招單項填空Would you like to see a film with me?I ' d love to, but I cannot; , I am busy. For another, I don ' t want to go out today.(

23、2009 11江蘇揚州檢測)A. for one thingB. for exampleC. for another thingD. above all解析:選 A。從空后的for another可知答案。for one thing, .for another為固定搭配,意 思是一萬面,另一萬面。12. sort out分類;整理常用結(jié)構(gòu):sort sth./oneself out解決(某個/自己的問題等)We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.咱們得把好蘋果揀出來,同壞的分開。Let' s leave them to so

24、rt themselves out. 他們的事兒讓他們自己解決吧。聯(lián)想拓展look out pick out sell out put out wear out carry out take out try out find out be/go out當心 挑選出 賣光 撲滅 穿壞 執(zhí)行取出 試試查明 外出,熄滅高手過招 翻譯句子 創(chuàng))(原 我需要先安頓一下,然后再去找新的工作。 這個房間需要收拾一下。答案: I need to sort my life/myself out a bit before I start looking for a new job. This room needs sorting out.重點句型13. Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends.一些不認識他們的人也在不斷地討論他們的私生活,而且就像是他們的密友一樣在談?wù)撍麄?。as if/though好像,似乎”;可引導(dǎo)狀語從句。作連詞時,后可跟從句、分詞、形容詞等,引導(dǎo)從句時常用虛擬語氣,表示與事實不符或相反的情況。與現(xiàn)在事實不符或相反,謂語動詞常用一般過去時( be動詞用we


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