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1、巧用推測(cè)手段解完形填空題完形填空是高考英語(yǔ)試卷中客觀試題的主要組成部分,也是考生感到困難、得分率較低的一種綜合性題型。做完型填空時(shí),考生應(yīng)該充分地利用上下文,注意行文邏輯,強(qiáng)調(diào)整體性閱讀。它要求考生不但要有比較扎實(shí)的語(yǔ)言知識(shí),較大的詞匯量,而且要具有一定的語(yǔ)篇分析能力及邏輯思維能力。要做好這種題型, 考生除了必備的語(yǔ)言基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)和基本技能之外,還應(yīng)了解其命題特點(diǎn),掌握一定 的解題技巧。一、利用上下文語(yǔ)境來(lái)推測(cè)(Judge by con text)在完形填空中,有些空格設(shè)計(jì)要求考生根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容選擇。一般情況下,此類(lèi)試題特征是上下文有呼應(yīng),考生必須從上下文的提示中尋找答案。也就是說(shuō), 上文空格中需

2、要填空的詞,下文會(huì)直接或通過(guò)暗示出現(xiàn)。反之,下文的空格所要填的詞,在上文已直接或通過(guò)暗示出現(xiàn)。更要注意的是,有些在文章開(kāi)頭挖的空, 可能要到文章結(jié)束才能獲得信息提示,也有的在文章末尾挖的空,可能在文章開(kāi)頭就已經(jīng)點(diǎn)明了。因此,快速瀏覽全文,領(lǐng)悟文章主旨,通過(guò)上下文的語(yǔ)境來(lái)選 擇答案是解決這類(lèi)題的關(guān)鍵??忌谧鲱}時(shí),應(yīng)注意上下文呼應(yīng),前后聯(lián)系,善 于抓住文章的每一個(gè)細(xì)節(jié),也即做到瞻前顧后”往往會(huì)有茅塞頓開(kāi)的喜悅!例 1: One time he said, “ Do, a deaf-and-dumb (聾啞)needed some nails Having en tered a house, he

3、 put two fin gers together on the coun ter and made 47 moveme nts with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer.”47、AcuttingB hammering C waving D circling分析:第47題應(yīng)選B。因?yàn)槠浜笠痪渲v到店員給他拿了一把錘子”由此 可以推斷出這個(gè)聾啞人前面做出的應(yīng)該是錘打”這一動(dòng)作,故選B。例 2: Ed first phoned and suggested we play So whfefoEdur game not only with

4、the bottom of his shirt gathered in side his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly 46 , I was so surprised that I was speechless. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape45、Aset outB got readyC arrivedD returned46、AnoticeB admireC believeD measure分析:本題既要求 瞻前”又要 顧后”第45

5、空從句型,固定搭配上看四個(gè)答案均可,但文章前面提到 “ Ed first phoned and suggested we pia可知Ec”是預(yù)約我”去打羽毛球。故第45空應(yīng)為C: arrived(趕到),再看第46空,許多考生只看了 “His big stomach has always ballooned out between his Tshirt and trousers 而 ” 錯(cuò)選了 C或D。其實(shí)只要再往后看,即 顧后” “ Iwas so surprised that I was speechless. My cous in must have made an effort to

6、gtehimself into shape貝 U不難看出作者是說(shuō)Ed肚子前后變化形成鮮明對(duì)比,故而引起驚奇,所以第46題正確 答案為A。例 3: I would go to the pile of letters marked with“Funny” if w49heeded aor 49、 A cry B laugh C chat D sigh 分析:根據(jù)前文的“Funny可知正確答案為B.例4:Dear Laura,I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and un selfish love in your program.Yo

7、u doubted that such un selfish love would happe n in todayWei's vvorldhereto give you _36 .I could 41 wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before.36、 A hope B advice C support D courage41、 A perhaps B really C almost D hardly分析:由該段中的上一句話 “You doubted that such unse

8、lfish love would happenin today ' s wc可知口”Hilary對(duì)生活中是否有真愛(ài)存在質(zhì)疑,缺乏信心,故作者為了增加當(dāng)事人對(duì)生活的 信心,希望和熱愛(ài)”所以正確答案為A。例 5: Fin ally he got up and went into the 46 The owner continu ed,“ He came intothe kitche n and showed me a photo of the wan ted man ”46、A restaura ntB washroom C office D kitche n分析: 由文章末尾的 The

9、owner continued, “Hecame into the kitchen and showed me a photo of thewanted man 可知偵探是走進(jìn)了廚房 “ kitchen,所以正 確答案為D。二、利用文化背景知識(shí)和生活常識(shí)來(lái)推測(cè)(Judge by cultural backgrou nd and com mon sense of life)完形填空的知識(shí)包容量大,涉及范圍廣。從政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化、科技到天文、 歷史、地理知識(shí);從風(fēng)俗人情到民族習(xí)慣等,可謂包羅萬(wàn)象。其中有些命題角度正落腳在生活常識(shí)背景知識(shí)方面。通常該類(lèi)題以學(xué)生熟悉的生活常識(shí)為主,還要求考生不僅要熟練

10、掌握語(yǔ)言知識(shí)和運(yùn)用能力,還要求考生具有比較豐富的閱歷,背景知識(shí)和生活常識(shí)的積累和個(gè)人體驗(yàn)。一般來(lái)說(shuō),個(gè)人閱歷越多,背景知識(shí)和生活常識(shí)積累越多,選擇此類(lèi)題型的難度越小。例 1: It was an early morning in summer .In the streets ,sleepy-eyed peoplewere moving quickly, heading towards their 41.41、A jobs B homes C buses D offices分析:人們正在上班的路上,但上班的人并非都坐在辦公室,故選A。例 2: Every morning she would gi

11、ve him breakfast in bed and bring him the papers to _30.30、 A check B read C keepD sig n分析:溺愛(ài)兒子的老母讓兒子過(guò)著衣來(lái)伸手飯來(lái)張口的生活,自然連報(bào)紙也是送到他身邊讓兒子看,故選 B read.例 3: What is in tellige nce(智力)any way? Whe n I was in the army I received anintelligenee test that all soldiers took, and against_37 of 100 scored 160.37、A a

12、n average B a total C an exam D a number分析:該題若考生能充分調(diào)動(dòng)自己關(guān)于智商的基本常識(shí), 就能輕而易舉地選 出答案A。我”在智商測(cè)試中得了 160分,按常識(shí),高于120為高智商者,低于 80分者為低智商者,故100分為平均水平 所以第37空應(yīng)該選A “an average ”三、利用語(yǔ)篇標(biāo)志來(lái)推測(cè)(Judge by clue words)所謂 語(yǔ)篇標(biāo)志”,簡(jiǎn)而言之,就是指行文中用來(lái)表示邏輯關(guān)系(如so,thus,therefore,for;however,but,while;also,as well;besides,fourthermore,what

13、' s more,fu等)er 結(jié)構(gòu)層次(firstly sec on dly thirdly 等) 以及插入語(yǔ)等標(biāo)明句群,段落,篇章的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系的詞或詞組,抓住語(yǔ)篇標(biāo)志有利于理清文章的網(wǎng)絡(luò)及上下文的聯(lián)系。因此在學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)程中要善于總結(jié)積累,注意分類(lèi)學(xué)習(xí)。例 1: “ If we must have these noisy trucks on the roads,” said John Harry, abiology stude nt Harry Field also studyiSQ said they wan ted to make as much no ise as possible

14、to force the gover nment officialsto realize what everybody was hav ing to sta nd .36、A well B hard C biologyD educati on分析:此題中關(guān)鍵詞是 “also,說(shuō)明Harry Field的情況同上文的Jean Laceya biology stude nt 中的情況一致,故應(yīng)選 C。例 2: Fin ally I tur ned the lock and pushed the door ope n, with Dad still compla ining about a hurt

15、 ing knee or someth in g. I put my head in, expect ing the worst. But to my 43, the room wasn ' t empty!at all43、 A regret B disappo in tme ntC surprise D kno wledge分析:由關(guān)鍵詞“ But說(shuō)明后面所發(fā)生的情況出乎意料,故正確答案為 C surprise例 3: Whatever their bills came to, he 53 gave them back the few odd pence(零 錢(qián)),and I am

16、 sure they thought he was generous.53、 A n everB ever C seldom D always分析:由語(yǔ)篇標(biāo)志詞 “anc及語(yǔ)境 “ I am sure they thought he was generoi可知”顧客們認(rèn)為店主特別的大方,所以總是把該找的零錢(qián)如數(shù)找回,故正確答案為D always。4: The preside nt was_51 , because he could get rid of them now.51、A bored B astonishedC interestedD pleased分析:由語(yǔ)篇標(biāo)志詞“ becaus及

17、語(yǔ)境“ hecould get rid of them noW可知“ president打發(fā)走他不愿見(jiàn)的人之后的心情應(yīng)該是D pleased四、利用語(yǔ)法知識(shí)來(lái)推測(cè)(Judge by grammar)近幾年來(lái)的完形填空在命題設(shè)計(jì)上出現(xiàn)了重大突破,一改過(guò)去對(duì)語(yǔ)法,句式關(guān)系及固定句型的考查,而側(cè)重于考查學(xué)生的邏輯思維能力和對(duì)具體語(yǔ)境的把 握,尤其是對(duì)整體語(yǔ)義的理解能力,單純語(yǔ)法知識(shí)的考查日趨漸少,但也不是完全沒(méi)有。從語(yǔ)法角度命題主要體現(xiàn)在兩個(gè)方面:一是句子結(jié)構(gòu),二是上下文邏輯關(guān)系。解題時(shí)要重視設(shè)置題目的長(zhǎng)難句句子的分析和上下文的邏輯關(guān)系。例 1: She picked up a wire baske

18、t and walked towards the back of the stoie_36 the rice was kept.36、A which B that C there D where分析:此題是一純粹考查定語(yǔ)從句語(yǔ)法知識(shí)的空,其先行詞為“store, ”定語(yǔ)從句中缺狀語(yǔ),所以正確答案為D where。例 2: When Ed first phoned and_56we play, I laughed quietly 56、A declared B mentioned C persuaded D suggested分析:該空也是純粹考查語(yǔ)法知識(shí),根據(jù)其賓語(yǔ)從句“ we play可知道

19、其實(shí)是 省略了 ” should而來(lái),四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中的動(dòng)詞只有 D suggested有此用法,故正確答 案為D。例 3: they sometimes evenhad their order already made up. Always 40 me to carry it out to their car.40、 A mak ingB lett ingC gett ing D keep ing分析:由后面的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中的賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)是帶“to可知正確答案為C getting。例 4: What kind of people put themselves in dan ger to 42 pictu

20、res to our TV scree ns and stories to our n ewspapePs42、A bring B showC takeD make分析:該題是考查同一動(dòng)詞能與兩個(gè)賓語(yǔ)的搭配,根據(jù)句中的兩個(gè)賓語(yǔ)“ pictures和“storie可知唯有 A bring才是最佳選項(xiàng)。五、利用詞意的細(xì)微差別來(lái)推測(cè) (Judge by telling the slight differe nee betwee n synony ms)動(dòng)詞、名詞是考查的重點(diǎn),特別是對(duì)意義上較接近的詞應(yīng)仔細(xì)區(qū)別,并結(jié)合 上下文提供的線索,精斟細(xì)酌、辨析意義,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。完形填空中的詞與詞 的搭配和詞

21、義的辨析,主要考查動(dòng)詞和介詞的搭配,動(dòng)賓的搭配。 這主要是考查 特定的語(yǔ)境與情景的語(yǔ)意辨析。解答此題時(shí),首先要通讀全文,掌握大意,在解 答時(shí),盡量使用語(yǔ)言知識(shí)和故事情節(jié),語(yǔ)言環(huán)境。,例 1: Whe n she fin ally graduated she had her eyes on a teach ing 51 at a n earby primary school. With the help of her frie nds, she had an in terview with the head.51、 A profession B position C career D occup

22、ation分析:該題要求我們仔細(xì)區(qū)分四個(gè)同義詞:A profession職業(yè)”;B position職“ 位,工作崗位”;C career謀生之道,職業(yè)”;D occupation行業(yè),事業(yè)”,所以 正確答案為B position。例 2: I went to the kitchen to _42 the coffee, tea, and moring goodies 42、A start B cook C set D serve分析:句 中所要填的動(dòng)詞連續(xù)帶了三個(gè)賓語(yǔ)“coffee,tea, and morning goodies;'能接的只有動(dòng)詞A start和D serve,但根

23、據(jù)上下文知道 我”不是去“ serve ” 而應(yīng)該是A “ start ”例 3: My first novel 45 while I was at college.45、 A came on B came in C came out D came back分析:A came on取得進(jìn)步,發(fā)展;到達(dá)” B came in開(kāi)始流行,取得名次; 上漲”;C came out 出版發(fā)行;(真相)大白;出現(xiàn),呈現(xiàn)”;D came back再度流 行,回來(lái)”,故正確答案為Ct例 4: My patienee had 26 and I shouted at her,yoansete you ' re notleav ing me eno ugh space Park me ove! ”26、A run into B run about C r


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