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1、測試用例模板測試用例 (Test case)用例名稱 用例編號 重要程度 用例設計人 代碼負責人 測試人 測試時間 English versionTitle Case ID Level Designer Developer Tester Time 測試場景描述 (Case scenario)場景描述子場景(可選)子場景1 例如,返回10條記錄子場景2 例如,返回100條記錄測試流程 (Testing process)描述被測試應用場景的商業(yè)流程,流程必須在實際測試中發(fā)揮良好的導航作用,使不熟悉該系統(tǒng)的使用者能夠對商業(yè)流程有清晰的了解。(被測的商業(yè)流程應該事先通過檢測,以確保功能的順利運行。應用

2、程序代碼在測試階段應該被凍結)123測試條件和要求 (Requirements)環(huán)境要求硬件要求:WEB服務器 - 配置1.2 (詳細配置信息見測試計劃文檔,或附錄)軟件要求:補丁要求:網絡要求:性能基線和衡量指標 (Testing baseline & metrics)前提 (測試結果有效的先決條件)1. 例如:無內存泄漏;HTTP錯誤個數為02. 數據庫數據要求例如:流水表已有20萬條記錄3. 并發(fā)連接數要求4. 測試周期或測試次數性能基線1. 例如:每秒鐘完成XXX筆交易2.3.監(jiān)視參數 (詳情見附錄)1. 例如:Performance Monitor: Private Byte

3、2.3.性能計算方式1. 例如:數據庫交易表增加紀錄數 / 總時間(秒)2.3.測試數據和腳本 (Testing data, Scripts)測試數據準備包括登陸賬號組,輸入數據;可以事先保存在某個文本文件中測試數據庫數據庫、表、存儲過程、視圖、用戶帳號、相關數據測試腳本根據測試工具編寫相應腳本或編寫手工測試腳本for Example1LBrowser1. Navigate to the home page of the Online Shopping site.2. Click “Help.”3. Click “FAQ.”4. Click “Shopping” on FAQ.5. Click

4、 “Shopping/Our Products” on the main menu.6. Click “Product Search.”7. Click “Special Offers.”8. Click “Store Finder.”9. Click Central Scotland to view shop addresses.10. Click “Edinburgh” to see details.11. Click “After Sales.”12. Click “Basket.”13. Navigate to the home page of the Online Shopping

5、site.14. Click on Advert at bottom of page.測試手段 (Testing instrument)例如: 編寫自動測試工具或使用專用測試工具。備注 (Remarks)附錄A 應用軟件性能數據分類4.1 應用軟件性能數據概述在企業(yè)級應用的負載測試過程中,測試工具通過部署一整套性能監(jiān)視器,來收集和顯示各個架構層次、服務器和組件上的性能數據,包括網絡、操作系統(tǒng)、應用服務器、中間件、應用程序、.NET服務器、Web服務器和數據庫服務器。在進行負載測試時,這些數據用來精確測量系統(tǒng)各個方面的性能,從而用戶可以快速、簡便地定位問題和瓶頸的來源。最終,這些數據用來生成各種

6、文檔和圖表,并判斷出應用程序的性能是否滿足業(yè)務的需要。4.2 應用軟件常用性能數據描述1. Number of Concurrent Users (NCU)并發(fā)用戶數 在指定時刻,系統(tǒng)觀察到的并發(fā)用戶連接數。2. Request Per Second (RPS)每秒處理請求數 指示服務器平均每秒鐘能處理的用戶事務請求數量。3. Response Time響應時間 指從客戶發(fā)出一個事務請求到收到處理結果的最后一個字節(jié)的時間長度。4. Time to First Byte (TTFB)客戶端收到響應的第一個字節(jié)的平均毫秒數。5. Time to Last Byte (TTLB)客戶端收到響應的最后

7、一個字節(jié)的平均毫秒數。6. Think Time思考時間 用戶在發(fā)送下一個請求前花在瀏覽頁面上的時間。7. Hits per Second每秒點擊次數8. Throughput吞吐量 以kilobyte為單位,客戶每秒接收的數據總量。9. Pages per Second每秒下載頁數 每秒內從Web服務器上下載到客戶端的Web頁面數量。10. User-define Data Point (supported by LoadRunner)用戶自定義性能指標 由LoadRunner支持的自定義性能指標,比如: Transaction Response Time, Transaction Per

8、Second Passed, Failed。11. %Processor Time:CPU平均利用率12. %User Time:用戶態(tài)CPU平均利用率13. % Privileged Time:核心態(tài)CPU平均利用率14. Processor Queue Length:處理器隊列中的線程數15. Context Switches per Second:每秒線程切換次數16. Interrupts/Sec:每秒中斷數17. Page Faults / sec:每秒內存換頁數18. Memory, Available Bytes:平均剩余的可用內存19. Private Bytes:進程分配內存

9、數20. Process, Handle Count:進程使用系統(tǒng)句柄數21. Memory, Pool Paged Bytes:可交換到硬盤的系統(tǒng)物理內存byte數。22. Memory, Pool Non-paged Bytes:不可交換到硬盤的系統(tǒng)物理內存byte數。23. Network Interface, bytes total/sec:網絡帶寬利用率24. Network Interface, Output Queue Length:網絡適配器輸出隊列長度25. Physical Disk, %Disk Time:物理磁盤利用率26. Physical Disk, Avg Dis

10、k Queue Length:物理磁盤平均磁盤I/O隊列長度27. Physical Disk, Current Disk Queue Length:物理磁盤當前磁盤I/O隊列長度28. Physical Disk, Disk Read/Sec, Disk Write/Sec:物理磁盤每秒讀/寫操作次數29. COM+ Authenticate (by LoadRunner):COM+ 調用級別驗證成功頻率30. COM+ Authenticate Failed (by LoadRunner):COM+ 調用級別驗證失敗的頻率31. COM+ Activation (by LoadRunner

11、):COM+ 應用激活頻率32. COM+ Failed (by LoadRunner):COM+ 應用關閉頻率33. COM+ Thread Start (by LoadRunner):STA的線程啟動的比率34. COM+ Thread Terminate (by LoadRunner):STA的線程中止的比率35. Transaction Duration (by LoadRunner):COM+事務的平均周期36. Transaction Start (by LoadRunner):COM+事務啟動比率37. Transaction Prepared (by LoadRunner):C

12、OM+事務進入準備階段的比率38. Transaction Aborted (by LoadRunner):COM+事務回滾的比率39. Transaction Commited (by LoadRunner):COM+事務提交的比率40. Object LifeTime(by LoadRunner):COM+組件平均生命期41. Object Create (by LoadRunner):創(chuàng)建COM+組件實例的比率42. Object Destroy (by LoadRunner):釋放COM+組件實例的比率43. Object Activate (by LoadRunner):COM+ J

13、IT-actived對象激活的比率44. Object Deactivate (by LoadRunner):COM+ JIT-actived對象失活的比率45. Disable Commit (by LoadRunner):COM+對象處于DisableCommit狀態(tài)的比率46. Enable Commit (by LoadRunner):COM+對象處于Enable狀態(tài)的比率47. Set Complete (by LoadRunner):COM+對象處于SetComplete狀態(tài)的比率48. Set Abort (by LoadRunner)COM+對象處于SetAbort狀態(tài)的比率4

14、9. COM+ Method Duration (by LoadRunner):COM+方法調用平均持續(xù)時間50. COM+ Method Frequency (by LoadRunner):COM+方法調用頻率 51. COM+ Method Failed (by LoadRunner):COM+方法失敗的頻率52. COM+ Method Exception (by LoadRunner):COM+方法拋出異常的頻率53. Active Server Page, Request per Second:ASP每秒執(zhí)行請求數54. Active Server Page, Request Que

15、ue:ASP請求隊列長度55. Active Server Page, Requests Execute Time:ASP平均請求執(zhí)行時間56. Active Server Page, Requests Wait Time:ASP平均請求等待時間57. Active Server Page, Session Current:當前活動Session計數58. .NET CLR Data, SqlClient, Current # Pooled Connection:當前被連接池緩存的數據庫連接59. .NET CLR Data, SqlClient, Current # Pooled and N

16、on-pooled Connection當前所有的數據庫連接,緩存和未緩存的60. .NET CLR Memory, Gen 0、1、2 heap size:.NET中0、1、2代虛擬堆的大小61. .NET CLR Memory, # bytes in all Heaps:.NET中托管內存的總數62. ASP.NET, Application Restarts:ASP.NET中應用重新啟動的次數63. ASP.NET, Work Process Restarts:ASP.NET中工作進程重新啟動的次數64. ASP.NET, Request Execution Time:ASP.NET平均

17、請求執(zhí)行時間毫秒數65. ASP.NET, Request Wait Time:ASP.NET平均請求等待時間毫秒數66. ASP.NET, Requests Queued:ASP.NET平均請求隊列長度67. ASP.NET Application, Requests/Sec:ASP.NET某特定應用每秒鐘處理的請求數68. ASP.NET Application, Requests Executing:ASP.NET某特定應用正在執(zhí)行的請求數69. ASP.NET Application Sessions Active:ASP.NET某特定應用中活動的Session數70. Web Ser

18、vice, Get Requests per Second:HTTP的GET方法每秒請求數71. Web Service, Post Requests per Second:HTTP的POST方法每秒請求數72. Distributed Transaction Coordinator, Transactions/Sec    每秒的分布式事務數73. Distributed Transaction Coordinator, Committed Transactions    提交的分布式事務總數74. Distributed Tran

19、saction Coordinator, Aborted Transactions    回滾的分布式事務總數75. Distributed Transaction Coordinator, Active Transactions    當前活動的分布式事務數76. Distributed Transaction Coordinator, Response Time Average    分布式事務從開始到提交的平均時間間隔77. SQL Server, Cache Manager, Cache Hit

20、Ratio:SQL Server的緩存區(qū)命中率78. SQL Server, Cache Manager, Cache Used Counts per Second    SQL Server每秒內使用的緩存對象數79. SQL Server, Locks, Exclusive/Shared & Users blocked    SQL Server 每秒內用戶由于表級鎖被阻塞數80. SQL Server, % Procedure Cache Used & % Procedure Cache Active 

21、   SQL Server存儲過程緩存使用率81. SQL Server, Transaction/Sec:SQL Server每秒的事務數82. SQL Server, General statistics, User Connections    SQL Server 當前用戶連接數83. SQL Profiler, Audit Login/Logout    SQL Profiler中跟蹤用戶登入/登出數84. SQL Profiler, Stored Procedure, RPC CompletedSQL

22、Profiler中跟蹤存儲過程的調用85. SQL Profiler, TSQL, Batch Completed:SQL Profiler中跟蹤TSQL語句的調用86. SQL Profiler, SQL Transaction:SQL Profiler 中跟蹤事務的提交。4.3 應用軟件性能數據分類企業(yè)應用程序可以根據系統(tǒng)架構分成以下類型 Client/Server 客戶機/服務器架構ll 基于瀏覽器/Web服務器的三層架構 基于中間件應用服務器的三層架構ll 基于Web服務器和中間件的多層架構以上架構都由客戶機、Web服務器、中間層應用服務器、數據庫服務器組成。通過針

23、對不同層次的性能指標監(jiān)測,可以分析出整體架構的性能指標和性能瓶頸。 1 數據庫服務器的性能指標監(jiān)測l Processor, %Processor Time   Processor, %User Timel  Processor, %l Privileged Time Processor, Processor Queue Lengthl System, Contextl Switches per Second Memory, Page Faults/secl Memory, Availablel Bytes Memo

24、ry, Pool Paged Bytesl Network Interface, bytes total/secll Network Interface, Output Queue Length Physical Disk, %Disk Timell Physical Disk, Current Disk Queue Length Physical Disk, Avg Disk Queuel Length Physical Disk, Disk Read/Sec, Disk Write/Secl SQL Server,l General sta

25、tistics, User Connections SQL Server, Transaction/Secl SQLl Server, Cache Manager, Cache Hit Ratio SQL Server, Cache Manager, Cachel Used Counts per Second SQL Server, Locks, Exclusive/Sharedl & Users blocked SQL Server, % Procedure Cache Usedl & % Procedure Cache Ac

26、tive SQL Profiler, Audit Login/Logoutl SQL Profiler, Storedl Procedure, RPC Completed SQL Profiler, TSQL, Batch Completedl SQLl Profiler, SQL Transaction2 Web服務器的性能指標監(jiān)測 Processor, %Processorl Time Processor, %User Timel Processor, % Privileged Timell Processor, Pro

27、cessor Queue Length System, Context Switches per Secondll Process, Private Bytes Memory, Page Faults/secl Memory, Availablel Bytes Memory, Pool Paged Bytesl Network Interface, bytes total/secll Network Interface, Output Queue Length Physical Disk, %Disk Timell Physical

28、Disk, Avg Disk Queue Length Number of Concurrent Users (NCU)ll Request Per Second (RPS) Response Timel Time to First Byte (TTFB)ll Time to Last Byte (TTLB) Think Timel Web Service, Get Requests perl Second Web Service, Post Requests per Secondl Active Server Page,l

29、 Request per Second Active Server Page, Request Queuel Active Serverl Page, Requests Execute Time Active Server Page, Requests Wait Timell Active Server Page, Session Current   。3 基于ASP.NET的Web服務器或Web Service服務器性能指標監(jiān)測 Processor, %Processor Timel Processor, %User Ti

30、mell Processor, % Privileged Time Processor, Processor Queue Lengthl System,l Context Switches per Second Process, Private Bytesl Memory, Pagel Faults/sec Memory, Available Bytesl Memory, Pool Paged Bytesll Network Interface, bytes total/sec Network Interface, Outp

31、ut Queuel Length Physical Disk, %Disk Timel Physical Disk, Avg Disk Queuel Length Number of Concurrent Users (NCU)l Request Per Second (RPS)ll Response Time Time to First Byte (TTFB)l Time to Last Byte (TTLB)ll Think Time Web Service, Get Requests per Secondl 

32、Web Service, Postl Requests per Second ASP.NET, Application Restartsl ASP.NET, Workl Process Restarts ASP.NET, Request Execution Timel ASP.NET, Request Waitl Time ASP.NET, Requests Queuedl ASP.NET Application, Requests/Secll ASP.NET Application, Requests Executing 

33、ASP.NET Application Sessionsl Active4 中間層應用服務器的性能指標監(jiān)測 Processor, %Processor Timel Processor,l %User Time Processor, % Privileged Timel Processor, Processor Queuel Length System, Context Switches per Secondl Process, Private Bytesll Memory, Page Faults/sec Memory, A

34、vailable Bytesl Memory, Pool Pagedl Bytes Network Interface, bytes total/secl Network Interface, Outputl Queue Length Physical Disk, %Disk Timel Physical Disk, Avg Disk Queuel Length COM+ Authenticate (by LoadRunner)l COM+ Authenticate Failed (byl LoadRunner) 

35、COM+ Activation (by LoadRunner)l COM+ Failed (byl LoadRunner) COM+ Thread Start (by LoadRunner)l COM+ Thread Terminatel (by LoadRunner) Transaction Duration (by LoadRunner)l Transaction Startl (by LoadRunner) Transaction Prepared (by LoadRunner)l Transactionl Abort

36、ed (by LoadRunner) Transaction Commited (by LoadRunner)l Objectl LifeTime(by LoadRunner) Object Create (by LoadRunner)l Object Destroyl (by LoadRunner) Object Activate (by LoadRunner)l Object Deactivate (byl LoadRunner) Disable Commit (by LoadRunner)l Enable Commit (byl LoadRunner) Set Complete (by LoadRunner)l Set Abort (byl LoadRunner) COM+ Method Duration (by LoadRunner)l COM+ Method


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