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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Unit 3 重點詞匯、句型、語法知識Story time1. a healthy diet 健康的飲食 2. like eating sweets, cakes and ice cream 喜歡吃糖、蛋糕和冰淇淋 (冰激凌)an ice cream (單數(shù)) ice creams (復(fù)數(shù))3.He does not like drinking water. 他不喜歡喝水 4. He only drinks a little water every day. 他每天只喝一點點水drink a little water every day 每天喝一點兒水5. Mike

2、has some bread and milk for breakfast. 邁克早飯吃些面包和牛奶。have some bread and milk for breakfast 早餐吃面包喝牛奶6.for lunch and dinner 對于午餐和晚餐 7. have a lot of rice 吃許多米飯 some fish and some meat一些魚和一些肉 8.He has a few eggs every week. 他每周吃幾個雞蛋 a few eggs 幾個雞蛋9. Does Mike have a healthy diet?邁克有一個健康的飲食嗎?have a heal

3、thy diet 有一個健康的飲食10. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast.楊玲早飯經(jīng)常吃許多面條。have a lot of noodles for breakfast 早餐吃許多面條11. She sometimes eats an egg too.她有時也吃一個雞蛋。eat an egg 吃一個雞蛋 12.For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables.中飯和晚飯,她吃一些肉和一些蔬菜。eat some meat and some vegetabl

4、es 吃一些肉和一些蔬菜13. She only eats a little rice.她只吃一點米飯。only eat a little rice 只吃一點米飯14.Yang Ling likes sweet food too. 楊玲也喜歡甜食。like sweet food 喜歡甜食15. She eats a little at a time. 她一次吃一點點。at a time 一次 16. She eats some fruit every day. 她每天吃一些水果。eat some fruit 吃一些水果every day 每天 every week每周17. Does Yang

5、 Ling have a healthy diet?楊玲有一個健康的飲食嗎?18. Do you have a healthy diet?你有一個健康的飲食嗎?19. Mike doesnt eat any cakes. 邁克不吃一些蛋糕。Grammar time (語法)1. a few, a little的區(qū)別。a few幾個 + (可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)) 如: a few eggsa little一些 +(不可數(shù)名詞) 如: a little rice, a little water如果后面加了可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)的話,則翻譯為:一個(只)小的. a little dog:一只小狗2. 不可數(shù)名詞六液體

6、:water,milk, juice, coffee, tea, cola六食物:bread,rice, food,meat肉,fruit,fish 魚肉 五資源:coal,oil,energy, plastic, wood,3. a lot of 許多+ (可數(shù)名詞、不可數(shù)名詞)4.some 一些+ (可數(shù)名詞、不可數(shù)名詞)5.Some和 any的區(qū)別 : some用于肯定句,any用于否定和疑問句中。但是在表示委婉語氣的問句中,要用some委婉句有:What about 、How about、Would you like.6many 許多+ (可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)) much 許多+ (不可數(shù)名詞

7、)7.名詞變復(fù)數(shù):(1)、 詞尾直接加s, 如: books (2)、以s, x, ch, sh結(jié)尾的加es,如: classes, boxes, peaches, fishes (3)、 元音字母+y結(jié)尾直接加s,如: days。輔音字母+y結(jié)尾,y變i加es,如: factories (4)、 以f, fe結(jié)尾,把f, fe變?yōu)関,再加es如:knife-knives (5)、以o 結(jié)尾,可以吃的加es,如: potatoes。不可以吃的加s,如: photos (照片) mangoes芒果potatoes馬鈴薯tomatoes番茄,西紅柿(6)、單復(fù)數(shù)一致,sheep, chinese

8、(7)、不規(guī)則:child-children, woman- women, man-men,footfeet, toothteethmousemiceFun time /Sound time /song time 1.What do you have for breakfast? 你早飯吃什么?2.I have some noodles. 我吃些面條。3.What about lunch and dinner? 午飯和晚飯呢?4.For lunch and dinner, I have a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables.中飯和晚飯,我吃許

9、多的米飯,一些肉和一些蔬菜。5.What does Mary have for breakfast? 瑪麗早飯吃什么?6. Mary has some noodles for breakfast. 瑪麗早飯吃些面條。7. She has a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables for lunch and dinner.中飯和晚飯,她吃許多的米飯,一些肉和一些蔬菜。8. get out 出去9. Theres a little mouse in her house. 有只小老鼠在她房子里。10. a little mouse 一只小老鼠11. C

10、hinese people 中國人12. have some porridge and steamed buns for breakfast 早飯吃些粥和饅頭have some porridge 吃一些粥 steamed buns 饅頭13. western people 西方人 14.have cereal,bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast早飯吃谷物,面包,雞蛋和香腸15. much cereal 許多麥片 many sausages 許多香腸16.the following words 下面的單詞Cartoon time1. There is n

11、ot much food in the fridge. 冰箱里沒有許多食物。in the fridge 在冰箱里2. I have to go to the supermarket. 我不得不去超市。 have to+動詞原形 不得不(必須)做某事have to go to school 不得不(必須)去上學(xué) 3.Do you want to come with me? 你想要和我一起來嗎?want to come with me 想要和我一起來4. see some drinks看見一些飲料5. Can I have some cola? 我可以喝一些可樂嗎?6. take a small

12、bottle 拿一小瓶7. You shouldnt drink too much cola. 你不應(yīng)該喝太多的可樂。 drink too much cola 喝太多的可樂8. want some fish = would like some fish 想要一些魚 9. want this big fish想要這條大魚10. Do we need rice? 我們需要大米嗎?11. We need a lot of rice. 我們需要很多大米。12. take the big bag 拿這個大包的13 . too heavy 太重14. have a rest 休息一下Checkout ti

13、me1.Are there a lot of vegetables? 有很多蔬菜嗎?Yes, there are. 是的,有2. Is there any water?有一些水嗎? No, there isnt. 不,沒有。3. in a healthy diet在一個健康的飲食中4. a lot of fruit and vegetables 許多水果和蔬菜5.There is also a lot of rice and bread. 也有許多米飯和面包。6. have some meat and fish in your meals 在吃飯時吃些肉和魚 7. Milk is good f

14、or your body. 牛奶對你的身體有好處。be good for your body 對你的身體有好處be good for 對有好處be bad for 對有壞處8.You can have some milk every day. 你可以每天喝一些牛奶9.Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for your teeth. 甜食雖好,但對你的牙齒沒有好處。Sweet food is nice. 甜食很美味。It is not good for your teeth. 它對你的牙齒不好。10.Eat only a little sweet fo

15、od every day. 每天只吃一點甜食。Unit 4 重點詞匯、句型、語法知識Story time1. Road safety 道路安全,馬路安全2. There are many busy roads in the city. 在城市里有許多繁忙的馬路。 many busy roads 許多繁忙的馬路 in the city在城市里 3. How can you cross the road safely? 你怎樣安全過馬路?cross the road safely 安全地過馬路4. You must look for a zebra crossing. 你必須找一條斑馬線。look

16、 for a zebra crossing 尋找一條斑馬線5.You must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. 你必須看交通燈,并且等待綠燈。 look at the traffic lights 看交通燈 wait for the green man 等待綠燈 wait for the bus 等待公交車 wait for me 等我6.Can you see the red man? 你看見紅燈了嗎? see the red man 看見紅燈7.You mustnt cross the road now. 現(xiàn)在你

17、禁止過馬路。cross the road 過馬路 8.You can cross the road now.你現(xiàn)在可以過馬路了。9. find a zebra crossing near you 在你附近找到斑馬線10. To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. 為保證安全,你可以在人行道上等,并且當(dāng)心小汽車和自行車。句首用to表目的,意為“為了”keep safe = stay safe 保持安全wait on the pavement 在人行道上等待look out for car

18、s and bikes 當(dāng)心小汽車和自行車look out for 當(dāng)心,當(dāng)心 11. You must first look left, then right and then left again. 你必須先看左邊,然后看右邊,再看左邊。look left 向左看 look right 向右看 look left and right 左右看看12. You can also cross the road with other people.你也可以和其他人一起過馬路。cross the road with other people和其他人一起過馬路13. see you easily很容易

19、看見你14.some children 一些孩子們a child 一個孩子15. run or play football on the road 在馬路上奔跑或踢足球16.You must not play on the road because there are many cars and bikes.你禁止在馬路上玩耍,因為有很多小汽車和自行車。play on the road 在路上玩 many cars and bikes 許多小汽車和自行車17. follow the rules 遵守規(guī)則18.stay safe on the road 在路上保持安全 on the road 在

20、馬路 19.What must you do to cross the road safely?你必須做什么來安全過馬路?20.What must you not do?你禁止做什么?Grammar time (語法部分)情態(tài)動詞:1、情態(tài)動詞沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,后面跟動詞原形,它們的否定式后面同樣跟動詞原形。本單元重點學(xué)習(xí)情態(tài)動詞can和must以及cant 和mustnt。例如:You can wait on the pavement. You mustnt run on the road.在一般疑問句中,情態(tài)動詞放句首。例如:Can you wait for me?在特殊疑問句中,情態(tài)動

21、詞放在疑問詞之后,例如:What must you do on the road?注意:Must I go to see the doctor?肯定回答:Yes, you must.否定回答:No, you neednt. 2、must、can、should都是情態(tài)動詞,后跟動詞原形。這三個詞中must語氣最強,表示命令或權(quán)威;can表示允許,能力或可能;should語氣最弱,表示建議。1. A: How can you cross the road safely? 你如何安全地過馬路?B:I must look for a zebra crossing.我必須尋找一條斑馬線。2. A: Wh

22、at must you do to cross the road safely?為了安全地過馬路,你必須做什么?B: I must look at the traffic lights.我必須看交通燈。3. A: What must you not do on the road ?在馬路上你們絕不能做什么?B: We mustnt play on the road.我們絕不能在路上玩耍。4. You cant cross the road here.你不能在這兒過馬路。Fun time /Sound time /song time1. Red man , stop! 紅燈停!Green man

23、 ,go ! 綠燈行!2. What must you do on the road ?在馬路上你必須做什么?I must look out for cars.我必須當(dāng)心小汽車。3. run quickly on the road 在路上快速地跑4. You mustnt run quickly on the road! 你禁止在路上快速地跑。5. We mustnt walk now. 我們現(xiàn)在絕不能行走。6. We must wait for the green man. 我們必須等待綠燈。7. There he is. 他在那兒。8. In the UK, people drive on

24、 the left side of the road. 在英國。人們駕車靠左行駛。drive on the left side of the road駕車靠左行駛on the left side of the road 在馬路的左邊9. In China, except Hong Kong and Macau , people drive on the right side of the road. 在中國,除了香港和澳門,人們駕車靠右行駛。drive on the right side of the road駕車靠右行駛on the right side of the road 在馬路的右邊

25、except Hong Kong and Macau 除了香港和澳門 Cartoon time1. go to see their aunt 去看望他們的阿姨2.How do we get to your house? 我們怎樣才能到達你家?get to your house 到達你家 get to 到達 get here 到這兒get there 到那兒 get home 到家 注意:副詞“here,there,home ”前不加“to”。3. take a/the bus 乘公交車4. get on the bus上車(公交車) get off the bus下車(公交車)5. There

26、 are so many cars on the road. 馬路上有如此多的汽車。so many cars 如此多的小汽車 so much water 如此多的水6. go fast 走得快(開得快)7. a red light 一個紅燈8. Why does the bus stop here? 公交車為什么停在這兒?9. Look at the red light . 看紅燈 It means we must stop. 它的意思是我們必須停下來。10. go on 繼續(xù),繼續(xù)前進 stop again再次停下來11. There arent any traffic lights her

27、e. 這兒沒有交通燈。12.Why is the bus stopping again?公交車為什么又停下來? 13. Some elephants are crossing the road. 一些大象正在穿馬路。 14. We must stop and wait. 我們必須停下來等待。 Checkout time1.A: Can I watch TV?我能看電視嗎?B: No, you cant. Its late. 不,你不能。 現(xiàn)在晚了。You must go to bed. 你必須去睡覺。2.A: What can you do ? 你能做什么?B: I can run fast

28、. 我能跑得快。A: You mustnt run fast on the road. 你禁止在路上快速地跑。3. A: Must I go to see the doctor? 我必須去看醫(yī)生嗎?B: Yes, you must. 是的,你一定要去。 You cant go to school because you are sick. 你不能去上學(xué)因為你生病了。be sick 生病了4. 我能看電視嗎?不,你不能。 Can I watch TV? No, you cant.5 . 我必須去看醫(yī)生嗎?是的。 Must I go to see the doctor? Yes, you must

29、.go to see the doctor去看醫(yī)生 6. Classroom rules 班級公約7. run in the classroom 在教室里跑8. keep your desk clean and tidy 保持你的課桌干凈和整齊9. play ball games玩球類游戲 10. talk loudly 大聲地談?wù)?1. keep the classroom clean 保持教室干凈12. listen to your teachers in class 在課堂上聽你們老師講課 一、英漢互譯。(10)1. 健康飲食_ 2.幾個蘋果_3. 一點牛奶_ 4.喝果汁_5. 許多芒果

30、_ 6.much food_7. go to the supermarket_ 8.some drinks_9. every week_ 10.a small bottle_2、 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(20)1. Dont eat too _(much)sweets.2. Lets _(have)a rest.3. Nancy has a few_(cherry)at a time.4. Theres no _(bread)in the fridge.5. My brother doesnt like eating_(tomato).6. Mike eats a lot of _(noo

31、dle).7. I drink a little_(milk).8. Do you have any_(tomato).9. Theres some_(bread).10.Liu Tao _(eat)some meat every day.3、 單項選擇(10)( )1.We should drink_water every day. A a few B many C much( )2.-Whats_breakfast ?-Milk,bread and eggs. A in B have C for( )3.Milk always has some_in the morning. A rice

32、 B meats C vegetable( )4.Theres _juice in the bottle. A a lot B a few C a little ( )5.Do you want to go _me? A and B with C for( )6.Mike and Helen are_home. A going B going to C to( )7.Can I have _water? A a B some C any( )8.The box is too_.I cant move it. A heavy B short C small( ) 9. _ a little fi

33、sh in the kitchen. A Have B Theres C There are( )10.Sweets are _for our teeth. A good B nice C bad4、 配對(10)( )1.Do they have a healthy diet ? A She has a little rice.( )2.Is there any cola? B Yes, they do.( )3.What does she have for lunch? C Yes,he does.( )4.Does Mike like sweet food? D No,there isn

34、t.( )5.What would you like? E Id like some fruit.5、 按要求完成句子。(30) 1.Mike likes drinking cola.(改為否定句)Mike _ _drinking cola. 2.Helen has some noodles for breakfast.(對畫線部分提問)_ does Helen _ for breakfast. 3.Sweet food is not good for our teeth.(改為同義句)Sweet food is_ _ our teeth. 4.There are a few apples o

35、n the table.(對劃線部分提問)_ _ apples are there on the table? 5.Liu Tao has a healthy diet.(改為一般疑問句)_ Liu Tao_ a healthy diet? 6.Id like to take some bread.(改為同義句).I_ to_ some bread. 7.Its time for breakfast.(改為同義句) Its time _ _breakfast. 8.There is some rice in the bowl.(改為一般疑問句) _ _ _ rice in the bowl?

36、9.I have breakfast at seven oclock.(對劃線部分提問) _ _you _ _ ? 10.I ate a lot of rice for dinner.(改為否定句) I _ _ a lot of rice for dinner?11. -你最喜歡什么食物?-我最喜歡魚。 - _your favourite _ ? -My favourite food _ _. 12.楊玲喜歡吃西紅柿嗎? _ YangLing _ _ _ ?6、 連詞成句。(10) 1.eats, every, Tim, meat, some, day(.) _ 2.have, a, heal

37、thy, does, Nancy, diet(?) _ 3.eat, shouldnt, too, evening, in ,we ,much, the(.) _ 4.are, a, vegetable, of, there, lot(?) _ 5.have, fish, can, in, you, your, meals, some(.) _七、以“My diet”為題,寫一篇不少于50詞的小作文。(10)_一、 判斷下列各組單詞中畫線部分的讀音,相同的寫T,不同的寫F。( )1.road coat ( )2.home cross( )3.light night ( ) 4.must rul

38、e( )5.safe plane ( )6.throw tomorrow( )7.rule student ( )8.zebra diet( )9. leg next ( )10.now follow二、 用括號內(nèi)單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. How can we (cross) the road safely?2. What must you not (do)on the road?3. You must (look)for a zebra crossing.4. You can (wait) on the pavement.5. Must I (look) at the traffic ligh

39、ts?6. To keep (safe) , you can wait on the pavement.7. Follow the rules , and stay (safe) on the road!8. Cross the road with other people , and let the drivers see you (easy).9. Wait for the green man and cross the road (safe) .10. What do you know about road (safe)?11. We should look for a zebra_(c

40、ross)first.12. She can see many traffic_(light)on the road.13. He must _(finish)his homework before dinner.14. We can cross the road with other_(people).15. Must Nancy_(wash)clothes now?16. I can draw this picture_(easy).17. You shouldnt_(talk)loudly in the classroom.18. Wang Bing didnt_(play)footba

41、ll on the road.19. Were late .Lets run _(quick).20. Look,Mike _(cross)the road.21. My father never (go) to bed early.22. Mike is brushing his (tooth) in the bathroom.23. I (finish) my homework early yesterday.24. Liu Tao should listen to (he ) mother at home.25. Yang Ling always does (good) at home.

42、26. My brother (do not )go to school early every day.27. Lets (be) friends.28. I (go)to bed late last night.29. They are (Tina)good friends.30. Sam sings (bad). I cant stay here.6、 單項選擇( )1.Theres a red light.We_walk now. A can B must C mustnt( )2.Its cold .You _open the window. A should B must C ca

43、nt( )3.Liu Tao never_football on the road. A play B plays C playing( )4.There are_ bikes in front of the classroom. A many B much C lot( )5.Helen cant_a zebra crossing near her. A look for B look out C find( )6.Nancy_to see her grandparents last Sunday. A goes B went C want( )7.You can_a metro to Na

44、njing. A by B in C take( )8.Theres _food on the table. A too many B too much C much too( )9.Look,the train_fast. A goes B going C is going( )10._,the bus is coming. A Look out B Look for C Look after( )11. _I play computer games? No ,you_.Its late.A. Can, cant B. Must, mustnt C. Must, cant( )12 I wa

45、tch TV? No, you cant. Its late. You _go to bed now.A. Must, must B. Can, must C. Can, can( )13. What the sign mean? It “Danger” .A. do mean B. does ,means C. does ,mean( )14. What you do? I run fast.A. do, do B. can , can C. must, can( )15. I run fast. But I run on the road. A. can must B. can , can

46、t C. can ,mustnt( )16. We listen to the teacher in class. A. may B. must C. mustnt ( )17. Does the sign you cant smoke here? Yes, it _.A. mean, does B. means, doesnt C. mean, doesnt( )18. I go to school ,Mum? No, you .Because you are sick.A. Can, cant B. Can , can C. Must, mustnt( )19. You shouldnt the rubbish on the ground. It _the park dirty. A. throw , makes B. throws, make C. throws ,makes( )20. You keep the clas


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