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1、初中英語牛津深圳版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)Unit7 Poems單元練習(xí) 一、聽力(聽力)(共20小題;共20分) 聽力理解(30分)第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,共9分)聽一遍。根據(jù)你所聽到的句子,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z,并把答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號(hào)涂黑。 1.A. In China.B. It's cloudy.C. It's a big city. 2.A. Because it's interesting.B. We have English every Tuesday.C. My English teacher is Mr. Smith. 3.A. I'

2、d like to.B. Yes, please.C. Thanks. 4.A. Yes, he is tall.B. No, he isn't.C. He is tall. 5.A. She's with my aunt.B. She's singing.C. She's beautiful. 6.A. A large bowl.B. Tomato noodles.C. Yes, please. 第二節(jié)(每小題1.5分,共9分)聽一遍。根據(jù)你所聽到的對(duì)話和問題,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福汛痤}卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號(hào)涂黑。 7.A. She re

3、ads in the library.B. She goes shopping.C. She buys books. 8.A. At 8:15.B. At 7:45.C. At 6:45. 9.A. On a farm.B. In the post office.C. At a restaurant.10.A. By bus.B. By train.C. By car.11.A. Giraffes.B. Tigers.C. Pandas.12.A. His father.B. His grandfather.C. His friend. 第三節(jié)(每小題1.5分,共6分)聽兩遍。根據(jù)你所聽到的長(zhǎng)

4、對(duì)話,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?,并把答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號(hào)涂黑。聽下面一段材料,回答第13和14小題。13. Who is the woman's favorite singer?A. Mary Smith.B. Jack White.C. William Brown.14. Where does Jack White come from?A. South Africa.B. The UK.C. Canada. 聽下面一段材料,回答第15和16小題。15. Where does the woman want to go?A. A supermarket.B. A bo

5、okstore.C. A bank.16. How far is it from here?A. About 15 minutes' walk.B. About 20 minutes' walk.C. About 50 minutes' walk. 第四節(jié)(每小題1.5分,共6分)聽兩遍。根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福汛痤}卡上對(duì)應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號(hào)涂黑。17. Nick and his mother went to the supermarket on  .A. MondayB. SaturdayC. Sunday18. Ni

6、ck and his mother wanted to buy  .A. some drinksB. fruit and meatC. vegetables and meat19. The supermarket is  .A. in front of the Central ParkB. behind the Central ParkC. in front of Nick's home20. They didn't buy  .A. applesB. chickenC. ice cream二、單項(xiàng)選擇(共10小題;共10分)21.  

7、this rock music, please. I'm afraid some people can't stand the noise!A. StoppingB. StopC. StopsD. Stopped22.   get off the bus before it stops.A. Don'tB. Doesn'tC. Didn't23.Let's   for a walk after supper, shall we?A. to goB. goingC. goD. gone24.   when you cr

8、oss streets.A. Being carefulB. Be carefulC. To be carefulD. Be carefully25.-   nice dress it is!- Thank you!A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a26.-   your little sister looks in the new skirt!- Thank you.A. What a beautifulB. How a beautifulC. What beautifulD. How beautiful27.Anna, I need some

9、 . I have trouble learning math.A. informationB. paperC. adviceD. work28.- Jason is too stubborn sometimes.- I quite  . But he's always friendly to others.A. acceptB. argueC. agreeD. admire29.The building is   that one.A. the same high asB. as higher aC. the same height asD. more

10、higher than30.Xue Wei, it's your turn to read the text  . Let us hear you clearly.A. quickB. differentlyC. aloudD. easily三、補(bǔ)全短文(共10小題;共10分) My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that people spent too much time 31.   it. Some of his friends 32.   talked about sports shows, th

11、e movies and plays. My grandfather said to himself, “They never read 33.   books or go out in the evening”. 34.   he didn't buy a TV. Two years 35.   my grandfather was 60 years old. He stopped 36.   in the hospital. My father bought him a TV. He 37.   to watch all the n

12、ews. He knows 38.   more about the world now. And he reads more books, too. Now, my grandfather will get very 39.   if you trouble(麻煩) when he is watching TV. I can't understand(明白) that one can change his 40.   when he is 60.四、完形填空(共10小題;共15分) A strange thing happens to nearly ev

13、erybody at night. They 41   the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. After they sleep for six or seven 42  , they wake up again. It is very strange, isn't it? Sleep puzzles(使困惑) scientists all the time. 43   and doctors would like to talk about why one can't fall a

14、sleep. They are not so sure 44   people need sleep. You will sleep well both 45   you are in good health and when you don't eat too much or too little. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are 46  , too. They don't advise two people in one bed. Strange things 47  

15、during sleep. For example, you often move during your sleep. You would feel 48   if you didn't move. You also 49  . Part of your brain(大腦) is still 50   when you dream. Don't worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were finished while their writers were dreaming.41.A.

16、 turn onB. turn offC. turn upD. turn down42.A. secondsB. hoursC. daysD. months43.A. ScientistsB. NursesC. ArtistsD. Teachers44.A. whyB. howC. whichD. what45.A. afterB. whenC. beforeD. until46.A. pleasedB. rightC. importantD. funny47.A. happenB. comeC. leaveD. drop48.A. hungryB. tiredC. relaxedD. wor

17、ried49.A. sleepB. writeC. thinkD. dream50.A. tiredB. asleepC. awakeD. sleepy五、閱讀理解(共20小題;共40分)A Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(宰相), He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died, when the king learned t

18、his, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once. When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily, "Effendi, since(既然) you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death(死), say it out, or you'll die today." Effendi looked at the king for

19、 a while, Then he answered, "But how can I know? I'll die two days earlier than you." The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that. He thought he must keep Effendi alive(活著) as long as possible, so he let Effendi go.51. This story tells us  .A. ho

20、w Effendi fool(愚弄) the kingB. when the king would dieC. why the Minister diedD. Effendi knew the dates of everyone's death52. The prime Minister died because  .A. Effendi killed himB. Effendi said he would dieC. he was badly illD. he fell of the horse53. Why did the king ask Effendi to tell

21、 him the date of Effendi's own death?A. Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die.B. Because the wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi.C. Because he himself had known the date of Effendi's death.D. Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die.54. The king let Effendi g

22、o because  .A. he hoped to live a long lifeB. he was afraid of EffendiC. he didn't believe(相信) Effendi's wordsD. he knew he would die two days later55. Which of the following is not true?A. Effendi played a joke on the Minister.B. The king was afraid of death.C. Effendi didn't know

23、when the king would die.D. If the king killed Effendi, he himself would die two days later.B As we know, beer is important in German life. However, beer is not the only important thing in Germany. Germany is at the heart of Europe. Its capital Berlin is also the biggest city in the country. Germany

24、has about 82 million people. Germany is a big country in the car making industry(產(chǎn)業(yè)). Today, many top cars like Audi, BMW, Porsche and Mercedes Benz are from Germany. Germany is also well known for its great poets(詩人) and writers. Germans love sports. The most popular sports in Germany are soccer, t

25、ennis, swimming and skiing. Germans are precise(嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)?. For example, a German would never cross the street when the lights are red. Many people in China and the UK will not notice the red light. Germans are punctual and every minute is very important for them. For example, if a train is going to arriv

26、e at 3 p.m., and it is only one minute late, people will get very angry. On the other hand, Germans are very relaxed about time when meeting friends. Germans are used to getting up early. They usually start work very early in the morning.56. Which is very popular with Germans?A. B. C. D. 57. Paragra

27、ph 3 is mainly about  .A. the biggest city in GermanyB. Germany's car making industryC. Germany's great poets and writersD. Germany's tourism58. Which tells us Germans are precise?A. Germany is at the heart of Europe.B. Germany is well known for its great poets.C. A German would nev

28、er cross the street when the lights are red.D. Many people in China will not notice the red light.59. The underlined word "punctual" in the passage probably means  .A. 準(zhǔn)時(shí)的B. 遲到的C. 易怒的D. 友好的60. We can infer from the passage that  .A. most Germans are poets and writersB. Germans ar

29、e hardworkingC. Germans are very relaxed when meeting friendsD. basketball is the most popular sport in GermanyC Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite a long poem by heart. There are other people who can only remember things when they have said them again and again. The fam

30、ous English writer, Charles Dickens, said that he could walk down any streets in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have had wonderful memories. A good memory is of great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by

31、remembering what he learns when he is a small child. Some children like boys and girls don't live in their own country, and they seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school, it is not so easy learn a foreign language because students have so little time for it and they are bus

32、y with other lessons, too. A man's mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but also of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same wa

33、y,there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture for ever in our minds. Memory is the diary we all carry about with us.61. Some people are good at  .A. learning long poemB. remembering thingsC. taking photosD. keeping a diary62. Other people can only remember things by  .A. say

34、ing again and againB. hearing,smelling and tastingC. learning a foreign languageD. keeping a picture63. Charles Dickens  .A. didn't live in his own countryB. had a very poor memoryC. spoke two foreign languages as easily as EnglishD. had a very good memory64. A good memory helps you  .

35、A. keep a picture for everB. tell others the name of every shop in LondonC. learn a languageD. hear,smell and taste65. Remember things is rather like  .A. learning poemsB. taking photosC. learning EnglishD. feeling thingsD When you get up in the morning, do you find it hard to choose what cloth

36、es to wear? If so, you probably need help making the bigger choices in your life, like what to do when you're older. "Brave New Girls", by American author Jean Gadeberg, will help you make such choices. It says you must be a brave new girl. A brave new girl is one who is confident, hea

37、lthy and happy. A brave new girl can realize her dreams. To be brave, you need to make decisions for yourself. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You must only do what you want. If you always wear clothes like your favourite TV star, you must stop doing so. Inst

38、ead, become your own star and wear the clothes you want. You have to like your body, it says. If you don't, you will not take good care of it and won't stay healthy. The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If you are confident, you'll succeed in life. A good way

39、 to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys. You are, just look at their grades! Only they can realize their dreams and become who they want to be.66. What quality should a brave new girl have?A. ConfidentB. Healthy and. happyC. A, and B67. "Brave New Girls" is a 

40、0;.A. filmB. storyC. . newspaper68. Suppose you are a brave new girl, which answer is wrong?A. Make decision for yourselfB. Wear clothes like your favourite TV starC. Realize that you are as clever as boys.69. What's the meaning of the word "grade" in this passage?A. 年級(jí)B. 成績(jī)C. 品位70. Wh

41、at's the best title of the passage?A. To be braveB. A good bookC. Realize dreams六、閱讀與表達(dá)(問答式)(共5小題;共10分) Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries. Recent research shows among 428 middle school students in Shanghai, nearly half of them would like to s

42、tudy abroad. "Chinese children are eager to go abroad to get a wider view, less academic(學(xué)業(yè)) competition or even family honour," said Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in the US for 16 years. "But life in foreign countries can be hard for young people." "We have to fac

43、e the culture shock and language problems," said Hong Guang, a Chinese student in London. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome(克服). To most children, controlling themselves when studying alone in a foreign country is a big challenge. Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old stude

44、nt from Shanghai, entered high school in Melbourne, Australia last October. To his surprise, his teachers there seldom pushed students to study. And usually there wasn't much homework. Some of his friends spent their whole year's money in the first two months of the new term. "Studying

45、abroad at a young age can help students learn foreign languages quickly and broaden their minds, but students and parents should know about the challenges," Chen said. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成下列小題。71. Why are Chinese children eager to go abroad?          72. What do Chinese children h

46、ave to face?          73. What is a big challenge studying abroad?          74. What does “push” mean in English?          75. What is the writer's opinion?          七、單詞拼寫(單句首字母填空)(共5小題;共5分)76. H

47、e wrote a p   about war in 1960.77. There's nothing special with the machine. It's very o  .78. - Can you c   your homework before dinner?- Yes, I can finish it in ten minutes.79. At that time I was taking a s   in the bathroom.80. - May I take your o  ?- We'd like some tomato noodles.八、單詞拼寫(根據(jù)中文提示拼寫單詞)(共5小題;共5分)81. I got the  (感覺) that he didn't like me at all.82. Jim and I are in the same  (組).83.


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