



1、任務(wù)型詞匯轉(zhuǎn)換1. get involved in= participate in2.everyone runs the risk of developing conditions due tostress= almost people are likely to develop conditions resulting/ arising from stress ( Problem)3. tend to do sth= have a tendency to do sth. 4. learni ng to bala nee work and play makes for a long and h

2、ealthy life. 5. allow your mi nd to relax= make your mi nd relaxed/relax 5.You l find an in crease in your self-esteem= Your self-esteem can be in creased 6. en thusiasm (n)-e nthusiastic(adj.) 7. men tal(spiritual )/ physical 8. Help them break the cycle of addiction= help the students addicted to

3、the drugs return to normal 9. get into shape= build up ones body 10.be ben eficial to= be of ben efit to ll.work as a part of team= develop a sense of cooperation 12.every minute is scheduled by school adm ini strati ons= have stude nts time scheduled 13.the results /finding/ discovery of the resear

4、ch 14.cannot be dismissed= cannot rule out 15.propose a ban on plastic baby bottles that can contain BPA= to preve nt disease caused by BPA , people may reduce con tact with it; and it is the fist country that has bann ed/prohibited maki ng baby bottles with BPA. 16.prodcus are made with bisphe nol

5、A are safe= No danger/risk s found in products made with Bis-phe nol 17. a recent large study in volved in 1,50000 America n adults 18. homes/ the in side and the outside 19. content of-的內(nèi)容 20. econo mical problem /social problem 21. a sharp decrease= decrease sharply 21.improve social security ben

6、efits 22.get rid of=remove 23. accept what you are 24.you might feel happier with yourself and more con fide nt in the long run. = gain more con 25. give yourself credit for your success=praise you for your success 26.youre helpful to the people around you = Be of help to the people around you 27.so

7、luti ons to sth/ way to do sth/ a soluti on/ an approach to sth 28. Beggars are often seen sitting under blankets with heads sadly bowed as people pass them by = Some beggars ask passers-by for money. 29. do not receive cash= because of lack of money 30. The homeless charity “risis ” said the succes

8、s of any plan will depend on its style.= The homeless charity said that it is un certa in whether this pla n would work successfully/well 31.they will not get money from the boxes for their showers ,food ,and clothes =they will get from the box will not be eno ugh to cover their showers ,food ,and c

9、lothes 32. solve the problem 33.a smile on his face=wear a smile 34.try not to do=avoid dong sth=never do mon interests = whose interests are similar to yours 35. but/though/although =despite/ regardless of /in spite of 36. it takes a good five minutes every morning and night to properly care for yo

10、ur skin = spend five minutes every morning and night caring for your skin 37. slow down the speed of aging 38. Apply skin products o all areas when aging may appear 39.reasons for /causes of 40. without much consideration/thought 41.i n charge of= take resp on sibility for 42. be lack ing in/ be lac

11、k of 43. a serious dilemma= an embarrassing situati on44.stra ngely on ly little atte nti on is paid to themen tal process= fewpeople give it much atte nti on 45.i n case of fear of failure= for fear of failure 46.c onivnee him= persuade him 47.get up =get out of bed 48. go back to bed on their own=

12、 get back to bed by themselves 49. about 15% =over one seventh 50.relax at bedtime by liste ning to soft music or relaxati on tapes= release/rid your stress and get relaxed before bedtime 51.do n tsee the same way they do= look at things differently 52.th ink errors= all people make mistakes in thin

13、king 53. benefit for people to move forwards love and away from fear= Even a tiny shift towards love- and away from fear -can bring people a lot more happ in ess 54.get exam ined 去 醫(yī)院檢查)get checked (核查)55.changes in different periods = in the 1900s /in the 1950s/ in the years between 1960s and 1990s

14、 56.this will probably change again in the 21 century = the present structure is temporary , it will experienee changes again in the near future 57.thetraditional family seemed to be returning= the families tended to be fewer again 58. two main types= mainly two types 59. they were two types ,n amel

15、y -a nd 60.differ nt types of families occurred, traditi onal families are no Ion ger the typical ones in America 61.sb. be likely to do sth= it is possible for sb to do sth 62. a possible result/ consequenee 63. the information from -= 123-64. a sec ond apartme nt =an other apartme nt 65. there is

16、no evide nee that = it has not been proved that 66.create_ 67.when readers are enjoying the experienee most= their reading experie nee is most enjoyable /joyful 68. we should care about how we read as much as what we read= we should care about the way we read as much as the contents 69.problems/ dif

17、ficulties/ worries= withoutsome people bli ndly 70. her feeling/mood/se nse of happ in ess 71.thegreatest happ in ess 72. with our busy schedules =people busy/occupy/ en gage themselves with their schedules 73. rather tha n / be able to do/74. prven t/stop sb (from) dong sth 75. a varietyof= various

18、 =vary 76. educat ing wome n con tributes/leads to social ben efits ,has econo mic advantages and affects health practices significantly 77.be of less value 78.create_sympathy_79. repeat -repetition 80.don be busy starting at sth. = neednt focus/concentrate on 81.with the memories of what you were l

19、ong time ago-happy = recall your past memories 82.you re ending a chapter = start/begin a new chapter 83.medication helps= medication does help 84. proper solutions 85.get affected=affect 86.pollute/pollution 87.it doesnneed to be formal = in a casualway 88. en thusiasm /en thusiastic /en thusiastic

20、ally 89. happ in ess and sorrow 90. This kind of thinking ,al ong with a little attitude adjustme nt, helps you to con vey foes to friends and both of you are better off=Looking o n foes as friends makes you and your friends better off 91.prefer= have the preferenee for 92.in public=publicly 93.befr

21、iend= make friends 94.exercise=work out 95.rid sb. of sth.=get rid of sth.96. make it possible for sb. to do sth.= en able/allow/help sb. to do sth. 97.c on fide nee /con fide nt 98.success(ful) (fully)/suucced/ 99.everyth ing is possible= nothing is impossible 100. wholeheartedly= heart a nd soul 1

22、01. meet/satisfy one s n eeds /dema nds =meet/satisfy the n eed of sb. 102.desig ning and con struct ing =desig n and construction 103. a joint of effort of a number of skilled engineers. = work hard together 104. the removal of trees = remove trees 105. reflective /reflect 106. the cause of acciden

23、t= cause accident 107. do one small effort =make an effort to do sth. 108. keep smooth= go smoothly 109. a mother with a child= mothers with children 110. birth place= burying/ burial place 111. Natio nality(國(guó)籍)112. lifeexperie nces / stresses 113. political career (政治生涯)114. direct/ in direct 115.

24、service/serve116.attempt to do sth.=make an attempt/several attempts to do sth. 117. slow(ly) and steady(ily) 119.sleep for he whole wi nter= sleep all through the wi nter120. restart =start aga in 121. deep/depth 122.co ntact(v/n) 123.weigh/ weight 124.block out=free from 125. because =reason for 1

25、26. imag ine /imagi nati on127. be of high importa nce=be of very/highlyimporta nee128.approachable(approach) 129.don have time=be short of 130. also= besides= in addition to 131. take -i nto acco un t =con sider 132. the vast reduct ion = be vastly/greatly reduced 133. the present situati on 134.th

26、e most com monly = be friendly to 135. in appropriate behavior =behave in appropriate 136.express/show/ display ones emoti ons 137.defi niti on/con cept/ in troducti on- 138.across differe nt campus= wherever their campus are 139.they like best= chose their favorite 140.be different from=differ from

27、 141.describe 、 description 142. a main reason=mainly because of 143.won affect =without affecting 144. It s likely that= chances are that=sb. be likely to do sth =have a higher rate of-145. how long =how much time 146.says=according to 147.abuse=treat sb, badly/cruelly 148. become popular=gain/ ach

28、ieve/won/enjoy popularity 149.do not from well-educated or admirable backgro un ds=from poorly-educated or ordin ary/average backgro unds150.improve their skills by playing =be skilled /expert/good at playing 151.explain、explanation152. want their leaders to be more trustworthy=for leaders worth /de

29、serving trust 153.be given the opportunities =get the chances/opportunities 154.consistent with their behavior= behave consistently 155.never grow self-satisfied= never let self-satisfaction 156. commitment to=be committed to 157. act like=copy/imitate 158.reveive training 159. dated =out of date 16

30、0.why=reasons for 161.use=put into use/practice 162 .with all these resources available it hard n ot to stay in shape= the resources like pers onal trai ners are un available to the poor 163.work out=take exercise 164.have succeeded in doing sth 165.analyze-analysis 166.predcition/predict 167.if the

31、y re correct= its accuracy 168. curious/curiosity 169. they delight in =get delighted in 170. if= on con diti on that 171. leave eno ugh time for the family to do what/something they can do together 172.promotion/promote 173.avoid any indication that you re impatient=remain patient 174. give sb. a h

32、ead start in life= sb.get a head start in life 175. lack of self-respect 176.regarldless of how much this costs =regardless of expe nses/ costs 177. a certa in outcome that did not meet your expectati ons =un expected outcomes 178. disappo in tme nt is the reflect ion of your passi on towards someth

33、ing= disappoint reflects/indicates a person passion towards -179.the ability to feel is what sets us apart from non-living beings = the ability to feel differentiates/differences huma n beings from mach ines 180. think of-as= regard/treatas 181. con diti ons due to stress= conditions resulting/arisi

34、ng from stress 182.tend =have a tendency to do 183.allow your mind to relax=make your mind relaxed 184. make for 有禾U于-185. develop low self-esteem= your self-esteem can be increased 186.fi nd hard to achieve= find it not easy to achieve 187.a lot of=lots of/ple nty of 188. kinds of= a variety of 189

35、. can breath well= have difficulty breathing 190.your temperature goes up= your temperature rises 191.make themselves feel better= help you recover 192.be bad for= do harm to 193. get over a cold= rid/cure the cold 194. give our kids room to fail= give kids room to experie nee failures 195. lead to=

36、result in 196.sb. will likely to choose= have a tendency to -197.hold them back from= prevent sb. from 198.attach importance to 199.all over the coun try= throughout/across/ around the country 200. office work= office workers 201.depe nd on= be dependent on 202.do this regularly = regular sth 203.br

37、eathe deeply=take a deep breath 204.shameful/shame 205.lost interest in = become uninterested in 206. consequences of-不好的 207.isntmeaningful = doesn make sense 208.have the ability to do =be able to do 209. But/despite/regardless of /in spite of 210.indentity -an En glish major/ a biological engin e

38、eri ng major/professor of-211.anxiety/anxious 212. a new set of online Ianguage norms also appears=online talkers start to use/adopt/employ a new set of online Ianguage norms 213.speed=how fast/quickly 214. people hate-=people hatred/ dislike 215.increase/widen the gap betwee n people 216. eight hou

39、rs a day= daily 217. youn ger tha n 2 years old= un der /below 2 218. tips for sth 219.take an active role in educat ing their childre n= actively educate their childre n 220.havi ng not eno ugh sleep= lack of sleep 221.tee ns have almost con sta nt exposure to a wide range of media= childre n are c

40、on sta ntly exposed to various media 222.availablity/available 223. tips for-/advice on -224.useless= be of little use 225.learn more effectively =lear n in a more effective way 226.we read ,memorize and practice , and still the in formatio n does nt always stick=After readi ng, memoriz ing and prac

41、tici ng, we are still un able to remember the in formati on clearly 227.approve/approval 228.develop the standards= the standards have been developed 229.acceptance/accept 230.provide clear goals to prepare students to succeed . =offer students clear goals to succeed - 231.advice on /tips for 232. d

42、iffere nt views/opi nions on -233.does not make sense= it is meaningless 234.put-to great risks= be in great danger235.deliberately= on purpose/ by design 236.speed the growth of -= the growing speed of 237.extinction= die out 238.be to blame for=be responsible for =lead to 239.1ead an average life pla in (t) 141.ho _ they talk an d what they talk about 142.creative ideas 143. harm onio us/harm ony 144. lose motivation in / k


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