



1、讀未來百家號D. ow OldD. CanD. or6x JUlIe takes good Care Of the family dog. She isA. PatientC. most Patient7、 SamWith is &IelldS 已Very weekend.A. SkateSB. is Skatillg8n Tom, What,s yor dad doing?Hemy bike.A. repairsB. Will repair9、Or SChOOl IifeA. ChailgeS_ than her brother.B. more PatIentD. the most PatI

2、entC. has SkatedD. WaS SkatlngC. has repairedD. is IePaIrmgIOX If you Want to ViSit the PalaCe Museum, IA. WiIl bookB. bookedIIX My advice On how to SaVe PaPer _A. acceptsB. accepteda IOt SmCe 2017. We have more activities now.B. ChallgedC. Will Challgetickets for you tomorrow. C. IIaVe booked by my

3、 CIaSS IaSt Monday.C. WaS acceptedD. has ChangedD. WaS bookmgD. is accepted中考英語測試題一、單項選擇(共12題,共12分)IS Mr. Wallg is COming to OUr school. I Cant Wait to See.A. Iler B. in C. itD. them2x PIanted SOme flowersthe garden yesterday.A. onB. to C. inD. Of3. EXCUSe me,is this T-SlIirt?ItS 88yuan.A. how muchB

4、. how IllanyC. how IOngLily,you finish the Ietter i ten minutes? Yes, I can.A. mustB. SllOUldC. need5、TlIiS CaP is nice,it doesn,t IOOk good On me.A. forB. SOC. but讀未來1貞12、DId you noticein her office? Yes. She WaS gomg OVeT OUr writing.A. What WaS MiSS Lm domgC. What does MISS LIII doB. What MISS Lm

5、 WaS doingD. What MISS Lnl does二、完形填空(共1題,8小題;共16分)13. RUn for CIaSS PreSidentTWO months ago, Whell OUr CIaSS election (選舉)started, I decided to run for CIaSS president. I enjoyed SPeakmg m PUbliC ad got along Well With people, SO I felt It easy to Wil. BUt I WaS tlat PeOPle WOUld feel bad for me if

6、 I lost.I WaS busy PreParmg in the following week. My Plan WaSnt to IiIake PrOnliSeS to do things I COUldi,t2 butto ShOW my CIaSS Why I Wanted to be PreSident. I PUt UP my POSterS In hallways and In the classroom. I also SPellt three hours WritIng my speech, Sayillg that I WaS the One they COUld tur

7、n to Whellewer they had a problem. SinCe I WaS 3prepared. I felt tlat my ClIanCeS Of Vrlimlng Were strong.However、rhen I gave my SPeeCh On EleCtIOn Day, the IeSPOnSe (反應(yīng))WaSlrt What I had 4. FeW PeOPleactually listened. Whell It WaS my OPPOneIItS (對手的)tm, everyone WaS SCreamlllg is name. HIS SPeeCh

8、was short, but all to the point. By then. I IealiZed I SllOUld have made mine ShOrter and ClearerIt WaS obvious WllO WOUld 5. FOr the IeSt Of die day, I felt IIke It WaS OVer I Wanted to just go home and cry,but I made it through.My 6 WaS right: I did,t win.The next day, PeOPle Were Still talkmg abo

9、ut the election. I JUSt Pretended 裝)not to hear BUt Iate匚 things got better. PeOPle 7 about the election and talked to me just as they did before.I dont Iegret PUtting tune and energy into the election because Ie Ieamed tlat tmgs arent always going die Way I expect. Aild moments Of failure IIke tlis

10、 build 8 SillCe then TVe Ieanled to face disappointment and grownStrOnger.A. boredB. afraidC. excitedD. opefl(2)、A. COmPareB. IememberC. manageD. repeat(3)、A. fllyB. quicklyC. freshlyD. PhySiCally(4)、A. fearedB. facedC. mentionedD. PICtllred(5)、A. insistB. IenImC. WaitD. Wiil(6)、A. SUggeStiOnB. Pred

11、ICtIonC. directionD. Hitroduction(7)、A. forgotB. WrOteC. CaredD. discussed(8)、A. trstB. PndeC. CharaCterD. SUPPOrt三、閱讀理解(共4題,13小題;共26分)14. EXPerienCing ChinaMike5 CanadaI SPent three months with my host family (接待家庭)ill China. It WaS a IIfetmle experience. I WaS able to experience CIlmeSe Iitmg ad c

12、ulture, from basic TaI CIIi to BeIJmg Opera. I even ViSited a famous traditional CIlHleSe medicine hospital. NOW I have a better UnderStalIdIng Of ClImeSe culture.Joanna9 AUStraliaI Stayed with my host family for five months. My host mother IS a ChUleSe teacher and She IS IealIy Warm-hearted. WIth h

13、er help, my CIimeSe has improved a lot. AlId I IlaVe got USed to a nev CUltlire. My fhvot已 Part Of the experience WaS Sharing my feelings m China With her.Bill, AmenCaMy IlOSt mother is a Wonderfl cook! She makes me all kinds Of traditional CIiIneSe dishes. They are tasty and I IIke tlem Very much.

14、JUSt Ilke me, my host ParentS loe to Ieam about dfieret cultures. Tlley Often ask Ille questions about Iife In America.Cindy, GermanyReCently I took Part m a PrOgranl to SnIdy Chinese. I IlVed Wlth a host family in Chma for SiX months. My host SiSter is a Ieany hardworking student. It WaS amazmg to

15、See how She made PrOgreSS In English. Alld a ClOSe IeIationSllIP IlaS developed benvee us.(1) (2 分)WhO isited a traditional ChiileSe medicine hospital?A. Mike.B. Joainia.C. BIILD. Cindy.(2) (2 分)HOW Iong did JOamIa Stay With her host family i Cma?A. TlIree months.B. FOUr months.C. FiVe months.D. SIX

16、 months.(3)(2 分)Cmdy tliks her host SiSterSA. a Wonderfill COOkB. a IeSPOnSlble doctor D. a hardrorkng SnIdentC. a Warm-hearted teacherSany lo*ved CarS more than anything else. TlIiS SPrillg Slle thouglt OfbUildmg a go-kart to enter for the GO-GO Race. SO She asked her dad for help.HWeILn he said. H

17、ow about this: you do SOme research first and then COme back to me With a design.A Week later. Sally brouglt her notes and drawings to Dad. She named her go-kart HBlUe Liglitnmgo. Dad IOOked OVer her WOriG thinking. Wdl, that,s HiterestiiigJ* he said. HHaVe a try JllSt build BhIe LIghtmng as youe de

18、signed.Over three WeekelldS Of hard work, Sany turned her design mto a real. WOrklng go-kart and Pamted It IIght blue. Dad asked her to take it for a test dve. Sany agreed.After She did that, Sany drove back to Dad. nWell/* She said. HNOWI know Why you Wanted me to have a test drive.”HOh. do you? he

19、 said. HPIeaSe Share.hHWhen I droe fast, tlere WaS a IOt Of pushback/* Slle said. ,I tlinik it,s because Of the IIghtmllg bolt (f ) shape.* Vry good!* Dad said.So, Wlly ddn,t you tell me about that PrOblem In the first place?H Sally asked.Dad IalIglled- MWheres the ftn m that? If you give a man a fi

20、sh, hetll eat for a day. BUt if you teach a mail to fish, hell eat for a Ufetmle MSally said, ,I see. Anyxvay, desgnmg is half tle fm !Dad SnlIled. HGOOd- Sometimes, Ieanling happens during the process. We Ieanl how to do SOmethmg right by doing it a few tunes first and Inaking mistakes along the wa

21、y.That encouraged Sally and She WOrked even harder When She ShOwed Dad her new go-kart, he nodded With pride.FillalIy Came the race. SaIly wasnt WOrrIed about whether She WOUld Win m her nmd. She had already won. by building SOmethillg better than ever before.(1)(2 分)SaIIy thought OfblHldnlg a go-ka

22、rt to.A. PraCtiCe drivingB. enter for a IaCeC. Play WitIl friendsD. do SOme IeSearCh(2)(2 分)What did Sally,s dad ask her to do after She built the go-kart?A. TO have a test dve.B. TO take a good rest.C. TO give it a COOl name.D. TO Pamt it Iight blue.(3)(2 分)Sallys StOty mamly tells US tlat.A. Wmnmg

23、 a IaCe is ImPOrtalltB. fishing brmgs US a IOt Of fiC. driving experience is necessaryD. IeanlHlg happens during die PrOCeSS16. SOmetiilleS it SeelIlS that time is yig. Perhaps it doesn,t Ileed to feel this way. OUr experience Of time Call be POSSibly changed. By UnderStandmg the PSyChOlOgiCal (心理學(xué)白

24、勺)PrOCeSSeS behind OUr different experiences Of tme, We niglt be able to SlOw down time a little.One basic Iaw Of PSyChOlOgICal tme is that tme SeemS to SlOW down Wllen Were exposed (接觸!)to new environments and experiences. The IaW is CaUSed by the relationship between OUr experience Of time ad die

25、amount Of information Ollr niHids PrOCeSs. The more mfbnaton Olir minds take m, die SlOWer time SeenIS to pass.It follows, then, that We have dfieret experiences Of time in different situations. Iil SOme situations, OUr IIfe is hill Of new experiences. Ollr ninds PrOCeSS a IOt Of InfbnllatIOn and ti

26、me SeemS to SlOW down. Iii Otller situations, We have fewer IleW experiences and the WOrld around US becomes more and more familiar (熟悉的).We become insensitive to OUr experience, WhiCh means We PrOCeSS IeSS Infbnllation, and time SeemS to SPeed up.HOW Can We SlOW down time? Here are two suggestions.

27、Firstly, SlilCe We know that familiarity makes time PaSS faster, We Can expose OUrSehes to as many new experiences as possible. W Can give ourselves IleW challenges, meet new people, and expose OUr ninds to new HIfbrmation, IlObbieS ad skills. TlliS will InCreaSe the amount Of information Our InindS

28、 PrOCeSS ad expand (增力(!)OUr experience Of time.Secondly, ad PerhaPS most effectively, We Can give OUr WhOle attention to an experience to What We are Seemg, feeling, tasting. SmelIing or hearmg. TlliS means IiVlng through OUr SenSeS Iather than though OUr thoughts. FOr example. On die Way home, foc

29、us your attention OUtSide Of yourself, instead Of tlukmg about the PrOblemS you have to deal Witl. LOOk at the sky, or at the buildings you pass, tavelmg among them. ThlS OPell attitude to your experiences helps take In more mfbnaton ad also has a tme-exandmg efiect.TO a Certam degree, We Can IInder

30、StaIld and COntrOl OUr experience Of time passing. ItS POSSlble for US to SlOW down time by expanding OUr experience Of time.(1)(2 分)ACCOrdlng to the Write匚 We Can expand OUr experience Of time by.A. going to bed On timeB. traveling to new PlaCeSC. having dinner as USUalD. Prilltmg the SaIne Illater

31、iaIS(2)(2 分) What Can We Ieanl from the passage?A. Being familiar WIth the WOrld around helps US get more InfbnlIation.B. UnderStaildlng PSyChOlOgICal time makes Iife PaSS more quickly.C. W Can take in more infbnaton by living through OUr senses.D. W SllOUld build a StrOnger IeIatiOnShiP between tim

32、e and us.(3)(2 分)WhlCh Of the following WOUId be the best title for the passage?A. SlOW Down TlnleB. Ollly Tillle Will TellC. RaCe AgamSt TlnleD. Tinle Will NOt COme TuEce17. HovV MUCh Can WQ AffOrd to Forget?In 2018, SeienCe InagaZme asked SOme youg SCIentiStS What SChOOIS ShOUld teach SnIdelits. M

33、ost Said SnIdentS SllOUld SPelld IeSS time memorzmg facts and have more SPaCe for Creatne activities. AS die Intemet grows more powerfill, SnIdentS Can access (獲得)knowledge easily. Wlly ShOUld they be IeqUIred to Carry SO much Of it around In their heads?Clzations (文明)develop through fbrgettmg IIfe

34、SkillS that Were OnCe necessary. Iii the AgnCUlnIral (農(nóng)業(yè)的)Age, a fanner COUld a fiord to forget mtng SkiIIs. Whell SOCietieS industrialized, the knowledge Of farming COUld be Safe to forget. Nowadays, Smart machines give US access to IIlOSt human knowledge. It SeemS that We no IOnger need to Iemembe

35、r most dungs. DOeS it matter?ReSearCIlerS have recognized SeVeIaI PrOblelIIS tlat nay happen. FOr one, IlUnIall beings have biases, and SInart machines are IikeIy to increase Olir biases. Many PeOPle believe Smart macliines are IleCeSSariIy COrreCt and objective, but machines are trained tlrough a I

36、ePeated testmg ad SCOnilg process. In the process, human beings Still decide On die COrreCt answers.Another PrOblem IeIateS to the ease Of accessing mfbnaton. Whell there Were no computers, efforts Were IeqUIred to get knowledge from Other people, or go to the Iibrary- We know Wllat knowledge IieS I

37、n Other brains or books, and What IieS In OUr heads. BUt today, the IiItemet gives US the IllfbnllatIOn We need quickly. TllIS CaIl Iead to die IiIIStaken beliefthe knowledge We found WaS Part Of What We knew all along.Iii a new civilization IICh In machine intelligence, We have easy access to Smart

38、 memory IlemrOrkS Where mfbrmation is stored. BUt dependency On a network SUggeStS POSSlbilitieS Of being Ilarmed easily. The COllaPSe Of any Of die IletWOrkS Of IelatIOnS OUr WelI-being (健康)depends upon, SUCh as food and energy, WOUld PrOdUCe terrible results. WIthOUt food We get hungry; without en

39、ergy We feel cold. And it is tlrough WideSPread IOSS Of memory that CIViliZationS are at risk Of falling mto a dark age.We forget Old WayS to UP time and SPaCe for new skills. AS IOng as the Older forms Of knowledge are Stored SOmeWhere in OUr networks, and Can be fbimd Wheil We Ileed them, PerhaPS

40、theyre not IealIy forgotten. StilL as time goes on, We gradually but UnqUeStIOnably become StrangerS to ftre people.(1)(2 分)Why are Smart nachmes Iikely to IIlCreaSe OUr biases?A. BeCalISe they go Off COUrSe in testing and scoring.B. BeCalISe We ContrOl the trammg PrOCeSS On them.C. BeCaUSe We Ofier

41、 them too much Infbnllation.D. BeCalISe they OVenlSe the PrOVlded answers.(2)(2 分)Tlle ease Of accessing IIIfbmlatIOn from the IlItemet.A. &ees US 丘Om nakmg efibrts to Ieanl IleW SkiIlSB. PTeVentS ClVlllZationS &om being IOSt at a high SPeedC. InISleadS US into thniking We already knew the knowledge

42、D. SeParateS die facts We IlaVe from those In the Smart machmes(3)(2 分)Tlle WOrd HColIaPSeH In ParagraPh 5 PrObabIy means H.A. a SUdden failureB. tle basic nleC. a disappointing StartD. the gradual development(4)(2 分)What is the WriteFS mam PUrPOSe in Writnlg this passage?A. TO question about the St

43、alldardS Of Hifbrmation storage.B. TO discuss OUr PrOblemS Of COnIinUnICatIon With machines.C. TO StreSS the InIPOrtanCe Of ImPrOVIlIg OUr memorizing ability.D. TO IeImnd US Of the IiSk Of depending On macues to Iemember四、閱讀表達(共1題,5小題;共10分)18HIIgQ 1 aves DeSh OyilIg ArCtiC ICe FaSter than EXPeCte(II

44、Ce COVerS much Of the ArCtiC OCeall (匕冰洋).SOme PieCeS Of ICe are huge. IIke moving islands. AS temperatures have increased、however、SOme Of the ICe has begun to disappear. SCientiStS have discovered huge WaVeS (海i良)In die arctic Waters.The WaVeS Were discovered by accident m May, 2010. SCIentiSt AIek

45、Sey MarChenkO and IliS SnIdentS Set OUt On a trip. Tlley Wanted to StUdy the icy waters.On May 2, the ShiP taveled east and StOPPed next to a Iarge Chlmk Of ice around 50 miles &om the Small island Of HOPen- XfarChenkO PrePared to Iead his SnldentS OUt OntO the ice.HWe Were Ieady to go but Whell I W

46、ellt out, I discovered many CraCkS (裂縫)aroud, he remembers.He decided to InOVe the SlUP deeper IntO the ICe to keep safe. The fartler Hl they Welit, Ile thought, the harder the ice WOUld become. AS they PUShed fbvard. howeer, the ShiP experienced Smail waves、and then bigger ones. Soon, tle waves bro

47、ke UP the ICe around the ship mto thousands Of Smaller pieces.WlthIn an hour、MarChenkO ad IliS team SaW a WaVe that WaS about 13 feet high. Tlle ShiPS navigation GI亢彳?。㏒yStem finally IeCOrded the IargeSt waves. Tlley Were more than 20 feet In height. The WaVeS Were SO StrOng that tley forced huge PI

48、eCeS Of ice to JUmP UP and down, breakmg the ice mto Snlaller PIeCeS Within jst One hour. SCientIStS had never imagined tlat the PrOCeSS COUld happen SO fast. The waves ill these areas USed to be SmalLThe SPeed and force Of the huge WaVeS there makes it HIIPOSSIble to know m advance When they are CO

49、mmg. Tllat COUld be dangerous for navigators and IOCal COnllnImItieS WllO are ImPIePaTed for huge WaVeS or depend On Sea ice to PrOteCt them. WlldlIfe IIke POlar bears and WalnISeS that depend on Sea ice to IiVe is also In dangerSOme SCIelItiStS tk PeOPle Wiil SOOn See even bigger waves in these icy

50、 waters. AS waves break UP ice, the SeaS Will become more open, and the waes WiIl get even StrOnge匸 There are StOnlly times ahead.(1)(2 分)When &d MarChellkO and his SnIdelltS discover huge WaVeS Iil the arctic waters?(2)(2 分)Why did MarChellkO and his SnIdelItS Set OUt on the trip?(3)(2 分)What did M

51、archenko decide to do to keep safe?(4)(2 分)HOW hgl Were the IargeSt waves IeCOrded by the navigation system?(5)(2 分)What IS ParagraPh 7 mamly about?五、書面表達(共2題,共16分)19. (8分)假如你是李華,你們學(xué)校正在開展“安全月“宣傳活動,倡議大家制作關(guān)于安全教冇的主題海報,你們班 交換生Peter給你發(fā)郵件詢問相關(guān)事情。請用英語回復(fù)一封郵件,告訴他海報上交的時間,并分享你設(shè)計海報的一 些想法。提示詞語:design, Safety rule

52、, CarefiIL protect, PICnlre 提示問題:1 . WheIl ShOUld you hand m die poster?2 . What WOUld you IIke to share With Peter about designing the poster?Dear Peter,n glad to receive your email.Ifthere is anything InOre that Icari help with, PleaSe Iet Ine how.YOUrStLi Hua20. (8分)自律,即自我約朿,是自我提升的一種途徑,有助于我們成長,促使

53、我們不斷前行。 某英文網(wǎng)站正在開展以自律,為主題的征文活動。假如你是李華,諳用英語寫一篇短文投稿,談?wù)劄榱嗽鰪娮月梢?識,你做過什么,以及這樣做給你帶來的好處。提示詞語:self-disciplined (自律的),plan, goal, habit, ImPrOIre提示問題:1. What did you do to be self-disciplined?2. What benefits hae you got from doing so?SelfLdISCIPlille PIayS an InIPOrtant role In OUr life.參考答案與解析單項選擇(共12題,共12分

54、)1. 【答案】B2. 【答案】C3. 【答案】A4. 【答案】D5. 【答案】C6. 【答案】B7. 【答案】A8. 【答案】D9. 【答案】D10. 【答案】A11. 【答案】C12. 【答案】B完形填空(共1題,8小題;共16分)13. (1)【答案】B13. (2)【答案】C13. (3)【答案】A13. (4)【答案】D13. (5)【答案】D13. (6)【答案】B13. (7)【答案】A13. (8)【答案】C閱讀理解(共4題,13小題;共26分)14. (1)【答案】A14. (2)【答案】C14. (3)【答案】D15. (1)【答案】B15. (2)【答案】A15. (3)

55、【答案】D16. (1)【答案】B16. (2)【答案】C16. (3)【答案】A17. (1)【答案】B17. (2)【答案】C17. (3)【答案】A17. (4)【答案】D閱讀表達(共1題,5小題;共10分)18. (1)【答案】IllMay 2010.18. (2)【答案】BeCallSe they Wanted to SnIdy the icy waters.18. (3)【答案】He moved the ShIP deeper mto the ice.18. (4)【答案】More than 20 feet.18. (5)【答案】The damage Of the huge WaVeS to PeOPIe and Wildllfe in Arctic.書


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