中學(xué)七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 7 Shopping Reading II課件 (新版)牛津版 課件_第1頁(yè)
中學(xué)七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 7 Shopping Reading II課件 (新版)牛津版 課件_第2頁(yè)
中學(xué)七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 7 Shopping Reading II課件 (新版)牛津版 課件_第3頁(yè)
中學(xué)七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 7 Shopping Reading II課件 (新版)牛津版 課件_第4頁(yè)
中學(xué)七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 7 Shopping Reading II課件 (新版)牛津版 課件_第5頁(yè)
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1、Unit 7 Shopping Reading IIAmy is shopping at Sunshine Shopping Mall. She is l_ for Christmas p_ for Simon and Sandy. In the first shop, the shopkeeper tells her that this years f_ cards c_ two yuan e_. Amy b_ five ones. In the second shop, she finds nice h_ _. ookingresentsootballostuysair clipsachS

2、he thinks they m_ Sandys p_ coat. All the gifts cost Amy n_ yuan.atchinkineteen1. Can I help you? 我能幫助你嗎?我能幫助你嗎? 本句常用來(lái)主動(dòng)提供幫助,類(lèi)似的說(shuō)本句常用來(lái)主動(dòng)提供幫助,類(lèi)似的說(shuō)法還有:法還有:What can I do for you? / Is there anything I can do for you?2. cost vt. 花費(fèi),值(多少錢(qián))花費(fèi),值(多少錢(qián)) 常用結(jié)構(gòu):常用結(jié)構(gòu):sth costs sb. some money 某物花了某人多少錢(qián)某物花了某人多少錢(qián) st

3、h. costs some money 某物值多少錢(qián)某物值多少錢(qián) 疑問(wèn)句:疑問(wèn)句:How much does / do cost? = How much is / are ?Last years football cards cost one yuan each.Food costs me a lot of money every year.How much does this coat cost? 注:注:cost 的句子要以物作主語(yǔ),而的句子要以物作主語(yǔ),而 不是人。不是人。3. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 給某人買(mǎi)給某人買(mǎi)某物某物 Do you oft

4、en buy presents for your parents? = Do you often buy your parents presents?4. different kinds of 不同種類(lèi)的不同種類(lèi)的 There are many different kinds of birds in this area. 5. enough adj & adv 足夠足夠 We still have enough time. 我們還有足夠的時(shí)間。我們還有足夠的時(shí)間。 The room is big enough for two beds. 這房間足夠可以放下兩張床。這房間足夠可以放下兩張

5、床。 enough 修飾形容詞和副詞時(shí)必須后置。修飾形容詞和副詞時(shí)必須后置。6. Ill take them. 我就買(mǎi)下他們吧。我就買(mǎi)下他們吧。 = Ill buy them. 7. Heres your change. 這是找給你的零錢(qián)。這是找給你的零錢(qián)。8. different from = different to 與與不同不同 Chinese food is different from/ to Western food. 中餐與西餐不同。中餐與西餐不同。一、根據(jù)中文或首字母寫(xiě)單詞。一、根據(jù)中文或首字母寫(xiě)單詞。1. The _ (售貨員)售貨員)in the shop are all

6、very kind to us.2. Is the table _ _ (足夠長(zhǎng)(足夠長(zhǎng)) ?3. Just a m_, please. Ill take them for you.shopkeepersshopkeeperslong enoughlong enoughinuteinute4. British English is a little d_ from American English.5. White m_ any other colour.ifferentifferentatchesatches二、完成句子:二、完成句子:1. 要我?guī)兔??要我?guī)兔幔?2. 服裝每年要花費(fèi)你多

7、少錢(qián)?服裝每年要花費(fèi)你多少錢(qián)?3. 我想為我的弟弟買(mǎi)件禮物。我想為我的弟弟買(mǎi)件禮物。Can I help you?How much do clothes cost you every year?Id like to buy my brother a gift. = I want to buy a gift for my brother.4. 你的外套我你的褲子不搭配。你的外套我你的褲子不搭配。5. 北京的天氣和昆明的很不一樣。北京的天氣和昆明的很不一樣。Your coat doesnt match your trousers very well.The weather in Beijing is quite different from that in Kunming.You are an interviewer. You want to interview Amy about her shopping before Christmas. Ask such questions like:Do you often buy presents?Why dont you buy some other presents for Simon?Are you sure Simon will like the ca


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