



1、使用時間:2014.9設(shè)計者:曾秀群新課導入:Teaching methods1). Skimming &sea nning methods tomake the Ss get a good un dersta nding of the text.1. Discussi on methods to make the Ss un dersta nd what they ' veearned in class.2. Pair work of group to get every stude nt to take part in the teach in g-a nd-lea rni

2、ng activities.3. Competiti on and role-play method to arouse the Ss' in terest湖北襄陽第二十四中學高二年級英語學科導學案課時設(shè)計:Period 2Book5 Unit2 Reading I PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY【學習目標】:1. Read the passage on P9 and comprehend it.2. Know someth ing about The Un ited Kin gdom.3. An alyze the difficult and importa nt sent

3、en ces in the passage.【預(yù)習導航】I.【課前熱身】以下這些,你都認識么?_ 11匚上David Robert Joseph BeckhamThe London EyeUni versity of Cambridge學科負責人: 曾秀群小組:學生姓名:完成評價:II.【自主學習 靜心研究】(1) Whywas Great Britain able to beat out four other world class cities? Have you ever been to the UK?(3) Wha' s the full nameof the UK?(the

4、United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther n Irela nd)(4) Can you give us some informationabout the UK in geography,literature, politics, sports, sightsee ing and so on?(教師備課 區(qū))Elizabeth TowerIII. The importa nee of Great Brita in especially as an En glish-speak ing coun try.Work in pairs. Do this

5、quiz and find out how much you know about the UK. (Page 9 Warmi ng Up)1) . How many coun tries does the UK con sist of? What are they?2) . Who rules the UK: the Prime Mi nister or the Quee n?3) . What are the provin ces called in En gla nd?4) . Which is the Ion gest river in the En gla nd?5) . Does

6、South Irela nd bel ong to Brita in?IV. Slow Reading細讀課文,在文中勾畫出下列短語并記住其意義 Warming up:"find out找出,發(fā)現(xiàn)know about了解,知道 的情況con sist of由組成used to doconvenienceUn iversity of Oxford被用于提及、涉及、參考 擺脫、脫離為了方便起見divide intobe lin ked toas wellto one's credit be divided into把分成和聯(lián)系起來 也、又 給帶來榮譽 被劃分為湖北襄陽第二十四中學

7、高二年級英語學科導學案使用時間:2014.9設(shè)計者:曾秀群課時設(shè)計:Period 2學科負責人:曾秀群小組:學生姓名:完成評價:【使用說明與學法指導】:1先限時閱讀課文, 掌握文章大意,然 后再結(jié)合課后 P79 注釋認真研讀全文 完成導學案。2.將預(yù)習中不明白 的地方用紅筆標 出,待課上解決!3認真限時完成(20 分鐘),規(guī)范書寫。C層同學全部完 成;AB層同學全部 完成并記住短語。was formed geographically and historically .,and something about England.【課后鞏固訓練】Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Pa

8、ra 5Para 6(Read the passage carefully and fill cities in the Midla nds and North of En gla nd (T)教師評價:亠=_=_【合作探究】探究一:Skimmi ng1. 快速瀏覽全文,了解文章大意。碰到生詞利用上下文猜測或跳過。The passage mai nly tells us how the探究二.Fast reading (Match the main idea of each paragraph.)A. Expla ins the joining of En gla nd and Wales.B

9、. Explains the importance of London as a cultural and politicalcenter in thC. States the topic to be exam ined in the readi ngD. Explains differences in the four countries.E. Explains what the term“Great Britain” means and how itF. Expla ins how En gla nd is divided into three zon es.探究三.Careful Rea

10、ding in the form)Paragraphs 1-2 What countries the UK includes.The UK consistsof four countries: England Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. And they were1 without conflict.Paragraphs 3-4 Introduction of the countries in the UK.England is 2 three zones. To the north o1 England is Scotland. Though

11、the four countries work together in some areas, they are different in other aspects, such as educational systems3 systems etc.Paragraphs 5-6The 4 treasureof Londor and the influence of the invaders.London has the oldest port and the oldest cas which were5by the invaders. Theinvaders not only influen

12、ced the building style in 1 ondon but also its government and 6_ such as vocabulary, place-names etc.tle,探究四.Careful Reading1. When did Wales link to En gla nd?2. What happe ned in 1603?3. Whe n were the in dustrial cities built in Midla nds and North En gland?4. What happe ned in the 1st cen tury A

13、D and 1060s?【展示點評】組內(nèi)評價: =_I. Read the passage and judge the following statements true or false.1. Wales was linked to England in 15th century AD.()e UK2. Whe n King James of En gla nd became King of Scotla nd and Wales as well, thethree coun tries un ited peacefully.() camaToetfour countries work together in all areas. ()4. Most of the populati on settled in the South, but most of the large in dustrial5. If you want to find out more about British history and culture, you have to goto the big cities.()6. London is a great cultural and historical ci


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