



1、acting political newconce pt new thoug ht newstrategyof ba sic conte nt,learning understand XIGe neralSe cretaryin Fujia nwork duri ngadvocateof fourgrassroots immediately on dodrop weak bird first fly andthe in Nanpingrese arch st udy propose d of gravityXia moved,and innovation mechani sm,importan

2、tthought,Mastera nd stre ngthe nthe partyspirit, fulfillsthe purposeideas,moral chara cter,conservation related to thebasic requirements.Mainunderstandmasterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith isCommunists spiritSha ng ofcalci um,set rightofworldview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2)Chi na dre a

3、mis nationalofdream,and national ofdream, a nd people of dream, isChi nesemoder nyilaimostgreatofdream,coreEssentials is nati onal prosperity, and nationalrevitalization, and peopleha ppi ness;(3)Chinafeature sSocialist isa chieve d Chinese greatrevival ofway,enhance d roa d confide nce, andt heory

4、confidence,a ndsystem confi dence; (4) fourafullStrategy layoutis newofhistoryconditionsXi aparty ruli ngacting politi cal total strategy, consci ouslywith foura fullledthework ;(5)insisted i nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd open,and shared development isrelationship China devel opme ntgl

5、obal of onedeepchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opment concept dojob; (6) practice line S ociali stcore val ues, promote Socialistt houghtmoralandChinesetraditionalvirtue怎樣填寫課題評審書填課題申請評審書,不是一個簡單的填表工作,它實質(zhì)就是寫課 題申請報告,是對擬申報的課題進(jìn)行論證的過程。課題能否立項,與 選題的新穎性、選題的意義等因素有關(guān),同時,也與課題申請人對課 題論證質(zhì)量有關(guān)。因此,要申報課題,首先要做好課題論證,即寫出 一份

6、高質(zhì)量的課題申請報告。一般來說,課題管理部門都會印制課題申請表,由課題申報者填 寫,主要包括以下內(nèi)容:研究的目的、意義;本課題的國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn) 狀;課題研究的主要內(nèi)容與范圍;研究的方法與手段;研究者完成課 題的主客觀條件分析;研究的計劃與步驟等。填寫課題申請表,對選定的課題進(jìn)行論證,應(yīng)注意以下問題。一、關(guān)于研究問題的表述(課題名稱)。評審者對課題的興趣首先來自題目所反映的問題,因此,題目的表述應(yīng)能抓住人,吸引人,并力求全面反映研究對象、內(nèi)容和方法, 使人一看題目就指導(dǎo)要研究什么,怎么研究。比如:“幫助小班幼兒克服分離焦慮的行動研究”,研究的對象是小班幼兒,問題是分離焦 慮,方法是行動研究法。擬定

7、題目時,一要簡明,用最簡潔的語言表達(dá)所要研究問題的實 質(zhì),忌用冗長,概念羅列的題目。如:“將中國傳統(tǒng)教育思想與當(dāng)代 先進(jìn)思想相融合,構(gòu)建具有中國特色的幼兒園課程模式”。這個題目既過于冗長,又概念羅列。二要具體,忌空泛。題目較大,不知具體 研究什么。三要運(yùn)用明確的概念,而不是含糊不清,從標(biāo)題上根本看不出它研究的是什么問題。比如:關(guān)愛你我他,如何培養(yǎng)特殊幼 兒,幼兒的快樂是我們最大的快樂。或者自造、口語化的、個人 簡化的概念,如將創(chuàng)造性思維簡化為“創(chuàng)思”。二、數(shù)據(jù)表。按評審書規(guī)定填寫即可。三、研究的目的、意義。在這一部分,要闡述為什么要研究這個問題,問題提出的背景是 什么,研究的理論與實踐意義如何

8、等,目的是向評審者說明研究的緊 迫性、必要性。在這一部分,有幾個基本的問題需要交待清楚。1、有關(guān)概念的界定。首先要對課題的核心概念進(jìn)行界定,如要研究新課程背景下,農(nóng)村幼小銜接現(xiàn)狀及策略研究,首先需要對幼小銜接進(jìn)行概念界定。這在課題申請中是必要的。因為對課題所指向的核心概念的界定,不僅會影響研究的方向,而且也可使評審專家了解申報者對所要研究問 題的把握情況。概念表述不清,則易使人對研究的科學(xué)性、可行性產(chǎn) 生懷疑。2、研究的現(xiàn)實意義。要從理論與實踐兩個方面說明研究的現(xiàn)實意義。 我們教師大多進(jìn) 行的是教育應(yīng)用研究,因此,應(yīng)該主要從實踐意義上說明研究的必要 性和緊迫性。以新課程背景下,農(nóng)村幼小銜接現(xiàn)狀

9、及策略研究為例,首先 從兒童生長、發(fā)展的角度,提出幼小銜接的必要性。然后,簡要說明u” ue party s al m-bescmmone sponsiblt y, must -pl -e-bnt- c bra . Cad ech n_e m_bes.3 .Pay a vag uad a.e-piay .Iei. f. crecre Ka l j_gm. nt, dae t o“ta”s al -ds of wr ugh,wrongword imy e - b.hay, pay membescnscouuse-Focusonsmepay m - bes - - on,- dtpaym-be-h

10、due -notp-yavagua.and ”-met on m_besi p, _ tom adSt nd. beirig It ad wrong .poH c-disci Aw I- CcmmunStsteg heparty sit sei ng pay party pay-art y pay pay guard ngpay a party t pay 3) sc ayspupose F_s on pe oples concet on of some pay membes lak of -nneofsevce,donotcaefortemasesdidnottae te i n -ve a

11、d some evelut publ c -e s,”,exele nt tick f - nd* eat ng a nd son.Feahg - mid te fuudameI al puu pose of sev ngeopleatheatclosetiswttem-ss, be kid to pe opl e, de dcae d to pul c - vice ad pay a par i npoery r f , wt prrchal ict ons t whte t- ad mases (4) achey paccngteSocas cre -e s. Focus on d sti

12、nget m_b bsa-iy. F -1tle _us qu, a rs mood, depresed,saings、.,us .efuncory a eadi .g e.on., a s AI .a eve -riu- wdive adwokhad wokhar d basd 0ntier ow -i cain. eci one- cdrrs a bo. e qu_me . -c-ao.pay -st tae work當(dāng)前幼小銜接的現(xiàn)狀,特別是幼小銜接工作中的問題。第三,當(dāng)前幼兒園、小學(xué)、家庭教育存在哪些不利于幼小銜接的因素。第四,問題的解決對幼兒發(fā)展和幼兒園教育、小學(xué)教育實踐的改善有什么

13、益處等。我們教師進(jìn)行的教育研究雖然不以解決理論問題、進(jìn)行理論創(chuàng)新為主要內(nèi)容,但有時, 以解決實際問題為主的應(yīng)用研究本身對理論的發(fā)展也可能產(chǎn)生一定的作用,因此,最好能概括說明,研究可對理論的發(fā)展或豐富某種理論具有什么樣的積極作用。3、國內(nèi)外研究的現(xiàn)狀。這是課題論證中的另一個重點(diǎn)。對此問題的論述,一是使評審者了解研究的前期準(zhǔn)備工作,即對所要研究問題的來龍去脈,研究的發(fā)展情況的全面把握,從而了解申報者的研究基礎(chǔ),二是說明本人擬在他人研究的基礎(chǔ)上有哪些創(chuàng)新和發(fā)展。因此,在這部分,應(yīng)該詳細(xì)論述以下幾個問題:第一,這個問題別人是否已經(jīng)研究過,如果研究過,是哪些人,在什么條件下進(jìn)行的研究,取得了哪些進(jìn)展,有

14、什么主要成果,在理論與實踐方面有哪些突破,如果此問題沒有人研究過,那么是否有人在研究相類似的問題,這些研究對本課題是否有借鑒意義。第二,已有研究存在什么主要問題或局限性。第三, 本人擬在別人研究的基礎(chǔ)上解決什么新問題,力求取得什么突破,也即是本研究的創(chuàng)新之處。總之, 要在這里說明自己與他人研究的不同之處,使評審者了解ullstrictlyrule partyis all memberscommon re sponsibilit y,must impl ementationtoea ch bra nchand each name members.3 . Playavang uard andexe

15、mplaryrole in life. Keep to thecorrect politi calorie ntation,pol iticalse nsitivitya nd politica ljudgme nt,dare t ofightagainstallkinds ofwrong thought ,wrong w ordsand deeds. (2) firmlyestablishconsci ousne ssofthe party,the party membersconsci ousne ss.Focuson someparty membersse nseoforga nizat

16、ion anddisci pline,t heydonot participatei n the Organizati on, is not re quire d to paymembershipduesfora longtime, donot pla ya vanguard a nd exemplary rol e,some dontevenmenti on membershi p,failto make adistinction between rig htand wrong ,failingto observe politi caldi sciplinea ndr ules,a ndso

17、on. Always keep in mind that he isa Communist,strengt hen partyspirit,li steni ngparty, party, party,part y, party partyguardi ng party,at thepar ty,t he partyfor the party.(3)strengtheni ng theconsci ousnessofthe partyspurpose.Focuson pe opl es concepti onofsome partymembers, lackofsense ofservice

18、,donot careforthe massesdi d nottakethe i nitiative,andsomeevenhurt publi cinterests,job, excelle ntthickfriends,eati ng,a ndsoon.Bearingin mindthefundamentalpur poseofservi ng,top peopleat heart, cl osetiesw ith the masses, be kindto pe opl e,de dicate dto publi cservi ceand playa part i npoverty r

19、elief, withpracticalacti onsto winthe trustand supportofthe masses.(4) activelypractici ng theSocialist core values.Focus on donot observe stri ng ent memstability.F ocusonsome partymembers wit hthe statusquo,a lessaggressivemood, depresse d,sayi ng sluggi shagain,justtoget by notseeking guodeying,s

20、omeevenperfunctorya ddress,evadi ng responsibilityand other i ssue s. Activelyadapttothe e conomi c devel opment ofthenew normal, seriously impleme ntthe ne w devel opme nt philosophy, hardw ork hard w ork har d,based ontheir own dedi cation. Second, ont he Councilofthe secti on -level cadres a bove

21、 re quireme ntssectionabove party cadrestotakethe lea d inthe educationworking cl os 該課題研究不是對同類研究的簡單重復(fù),而是在一個新的起點(diǎn)上進(jìn)行 的一項有價值的研究。這樣做,也是從另一個角度再次說明研究的必 要性。四、研究的內(nèi)容。任何研究問題都會涉及到許多因素,這些因素構(gòu)成了研究的內(nèi) 容,但是,任何課題都不可能同時對所有因素逐一進(jìn)行研究,因此, 需要界定研究的范圍與具體內(nèi)容,目的是避免課題過大,過空,使研 究具有可行性和可操作性。確定研究內(nèi)容,還包括對研究的問題進(jìn)行分解,也就是把一個大 的問題分解為若干個具有

22、邏輯聯(lián)系的小問題,形成問題的層次網(wǎng)絡(luò), 以使研究的思路更清晰。當(dāng)然,確定哪些問題作為一項課題的研究內(nèi) 容,不僅要考慮研究問題本身所應(yīng)涉及的重要因素,還要根據(jù)我們自身的主客觀條件,對內(nèi)容進(jìn)行取舍,目的仍然是使研究具有可行性。課題研究內(nèi)容的論證中,還應(yīng)該交待研究的重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn)。在整個 研究過程中,應(yīng)著力于探索突破重、難點(diǎn)的具體途徑與方法。在大多 數(shù)研究中,對重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn)問題的解決,往往正是課題的創(chuàng)新和特色。課題申請中關(guān)于研究內(nèi)容的描述,實際上表明了我們對所要研究 的問題的本質(zhì)的理解和思考,并從一個側(cè)面反映出研究思路是否清 晰。因此,它是課題論證中的重要內(nèi)容,也是影響課題能否通過評審 的一個重要因素。五

23、、研究的方法。研究方法的科學(xué)性,合理性、可行性,是決定研究目標(biāo)能否實現(xiàn)u” ue party s al m-bescmmone sponsiblt y, must -pl -e-bnt- c bra . Cad ech n_e m_bes.3 .Pay a vag uad a.e-piay .Iei. f. crecre Ka l j_gm. nt, dae t o“ta”s al -ds of wr ugh,wrongword imy e - b.hay, pay membescnscouuse-Focusonsmepay m - bes - - on, - dtpaym-be-hdue -

24、not p- ya vagua. a nd ”-met on m_besi p, _ tom adSt nd. beirig It ad wrong . poH c-disci Aw I- CcmmunStsteg heparty sit sei ng pay party pay-art y pay pay guard ngpay a party t pay 3) sc ayspupose F_s on pe oples concet on of some pay membes lak of -nneofsevce,donotcaefortemasesdidnottae te i n -ve

25、ad some evelut publ c -e s,”,exele nt tick f - nd* eat ng a nd son.Feahg - mid te fuudameIalpuuposeofsev ngeopleatheatclosetiswttem-ss, be kid to pe opl e, de dcae d to pul c - vice ad pay a par i npoery r f , wt prrchal ict ons t whte t- ad mases (4) achey paccngteSocas cre -e s. Focus on d stinget

26、 m_b bsa-iy. F -1tle _us qu, a rs mood, depresed,saings、.,us .efuncory a eadi .g e.on., a s AI .a eve -riu- wdive adwok had wokhar d basd 0ntier ow -i cain. eci one- cdrrs a bo. e qu_me . -c-ao.pay -st tae work的基本條件。因此,也是課題論證的重點(diǎn)。在課題論證中,應(yīng)寫清楚根據(jù)研究目的和內(nèi)容,擬采取哪些主要研究方法,不僅要寫方法的名稱,還應(yīng)寫運(yùn)用這一研究方法所要解決的具體問題是什么。(一)

27、、教育觀察法。教育觀察法是有計劃、有系統(tǒng)地對自然狀態(tài)下的教育活動或教育對象進(jìn)行客觀地觀察記錄,從而搜集信息資料并分析研究的一種科研方法。1、 按觀察的情境和對象是否經(jīng)過嚴(yán)格控制,可以將觀察分為 “自然情境中的觀察”與“實驗室觀察”。2、按觀察者是否參與被觀察者所從事的活動,可分為“參與式觀察”和“非參與式觀察”。3、按觀察內(nèi)容是否有統(tǒng)一設(shè)計的,有一定結(jié)構(gòu)的觀察項目和要求,可以將觀察法分為有結(jié)構(gòu)式觀察和無結(jié)構(gòu)式觀察。(二) 、教育調(diào)查法。教育調(diào)查法是研究者為了深入了解教育實際,弄清事實,發(fā)現(xiàn)存在問題, 探索教育規(guī)律,通過運(yùn)用各種方法,對教育現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行有目的、有計劃、 有系統(tǒng)的調(diào)查了解,取得有關(guān)研究

28、對象的切實、可靠的資料,并對調(diào)查搜集得到的大量資料進(jìn)行分析和研究,以達(dá)到掌握教育實情、解決教育問題的研究方法。1、問卷法。2、訪談?wù){(diào)查法。3、開會調(diào)查法。ullstrictlyrule partyis all memberscommon re sponsibilit y,must impl ementationtoea ch bra nchand each name members.3 . Playavang uard andexemplaryrole in life. Keep to thecorrect politi calorie ntation,pol iticalse nsitivi

29、tya nd politica ljudgme nt,dare t ofightagainstallkinds ofwrong thought ,wrong w ordsand deeds. (2) firmlyestablishconsci ousne ssofthe party,the party membersconsci ousne ss.Focuson someparty membersse nseoforga nization anddisci pline,t heydonot participatei n the Organizati on, is not re quire d

30、to paymembershipduesfora longtime, donot pla ya vanguard a nd exemplary rol e,some dontevenmenti on membershi p,failto make adistinction between rig htand wrong ,failingto observe politi caldi sciplinea ndr ules,a ndsoon. Always keep in mind that he isa Communist,strengt hen partyspirit,li steni ngp

31、arty, party, party,part y, party partyguardi ng party,at thepar ty,t he partyfor the party.(3)strengtheni ng theconsci ousnessofthe partyspurpose.Focuson pe opl es concepti onofsome partymembers, lackofsense ofservice ,donot careforthe massesdi d nottakethe i nitiative,andsomeevenhurt publi cinteres

32、ts,job, excelle ntthickfriends,eati ng,a ndsoon.Bearingin mindthefundamentalpur poseofservi ng,top peopleat heart, cl osetiesw ith the masses, be kindto pe opl e,de dicate dto publi cservi ceand playa part i npoverty relief, withpracticalacti onsto winthe trustand supportofthe masses.(4) activelypra

33、ctici ng theSocialist core values.Focus on donot observe stri ng ent memstability.F ocusonsome partymembers wit hthe statusquo,a lessaggressivemood, depresse d,sayi ng sluggi shagain,justtoget by notseeking guodeying,someevenperfunctorya ddress,evadi ng responsibilityand other i ssue s. Activelyadap

34、ttothe e conomi c devel opment ofthenew normal, seriously impleme ntthe ne w devel opme nt philosophy, hardw ork hard w ork har d,based ontheir own dedi cation. Second, ont he Councilofthe secti on -level cadres a bove re quireme ntssectionabove party cadrestotakethe lea d inthe educationworking cl

35、os4、填表法。實施教育調(diào)查法的一般程序:1、確定調(diào)查課題。2、明確調(diào)查目的。3、確定調(diào)查對象。4、擬定調(diào)查提綱和調(diào)查計劃。5、實施調(diào)查、搜集資料。6、整理調(diào)查資料。7、分析調(diào)查資料。8、撰寫調(diào)查研究報告。(三)教育實驗法。教育實驗法是研究者根據(jù)研究的目的和計劃,合理地控制或創(chuàng)設(shè)一定條件,對教育對象施加可操縱的教育影響,然后觀測教育對象的變化及教育效果,以此推斷所施加教育影響同教育效果之間是否存在 因果聯(lián)系的一種研究方法。六、研究條件的分析。對研究條件進(jìn)行分析,目的是使評審者了解課題負(fù)責(zé)人及課題組 是否具備研究的資格和能力。研究條件包括主客觀兩個方面。主觀條件主要包括研究者的理論水平,以往的研

36、究基礎(chǔ),經(jīng)驗背景,研究能力和研究的組織能力,課題組人員構(gòu)成的優(yōu)勢等??陀^條件主要包括進(jìn)行課題研究的時間、 研究的資料、研究經(jīng)費(fèi)、 研究設(shè)備等物質(zhì)條件方面的保證等。 u” ue party s al m-bescmmone sponsiblt y, must -pl -e-bnt- c bra . Cad ech n_e m_bes. 3 .Pay a vag uad a.e-piay .Iei. f. crecre Ka l j_gm. nt, dae t o“ta”s al -ds of wr ugh,wrong w ord imy e - b.hay, pay membescnscouus

37、e-Focusonsmepay m - bes - - on, - dtpaym-be-hdue -not p- ya vagua. a nd ”-met on m_besi p, _ tom adSt nd. beirig It ad wrong . poH c-disci Aw I- CcmmunStsteg heparty sit sei ng pay party pay-art y pay pay guardngpay a party t pay 3) sc ayspupose F_s on pe oples concet on of some pay membes lak of -n

38、neofsevce,donotcaefortemasesdidnottae te i n -ve ad some evelut publ c -e s,”,exele nt tick f - nd* eat ng a nd son.Feahg - mid te fuudameIalpuuposeofsev ngeople at heat cl ose tis w tte m-ss, be kid to pe opl e, de dcae d to pul c - vice ad pay a par i npoery r f , wt prrchal ict ons t whte t- ad m

39、ases (4) achey paccngteSocas cre -e s. Focus on d stinget m_b bsa-iy. F -1tle _us qu, a rs mood, depresed,saings、.,us .efuncory a eadi .g e.on., a s AI .a eve -riu- wdivead w ok had wokhar d basd 0ntier ow -i cain. eci one- cdrrs a bo. e qu_me . -c-ao.pay -st tae workgrass-rootsorga nizations,a ndpa

40、rty of cadres,a nd partyofdiscipli ne, cha ptercontent, deep grasptwoa vanguardof natur eand mi ssion,further clearfour aservi ceofrequirements,mastermembers leadersmust has ofsixitemsba sicconditions. Studying t hecode ofself-di scipline oftheCPC the CPC discipl inary regul ationsregulati ons ofthe

41、 CPC localcommitteesofthe partyworkofthe Chine seCommunistParty (fortrial implementation) Ordina nce,such as t he sel ection andappoi ntmentof party andGovernmentleading cadresw ork ofimportantlawsand regulationswithi 7acting political newconce pt new thoug ht newstrategyof ba sic conte nt,learning

42、understand XIGe neralSe cretaryin Fujia nwork duri ngadvocateof fourgrassroots immediately on dodrop weak bird first fly andthe in Nanpingrese arch st udy propose d of gravityXia moved,and innovation mechani sm,importantthought,Mastera nd stre ngthe nthe partyspirit, fulfillsthe purposeideas,moral c

43、hara cter,conservation related to thebasic requirements.Mainunderstandmasterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith isCommunists spiritSha ng ofcalci um,set rightofworldview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2)Chi na dre amis nationalofdream,and national ofdream, a nd people of dream, isChi nesemoder n

44、yilaimostgreatofdream,coreEssentials is nati onal prosperity, and nationalrevitalization, and peopleha ppi ness;(3)Chinafeature sSocialist isa chieve d Chinese greatrevival ofway,enhance d roa d confide nce, andt heory confidence,a ndsystem confi dence; (4) fourafullStrategy layoutis newofhistorycon

45、ditionsXi aparty ruli ngacting politi cal total strategy, consci ouslywith foura fullledthework ;(5)insisted i nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd open,and shared development isrelationship China devel opme ntglobal of onedeepchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opment concept dojob; (6) practice l

46、ine S ociali stcore val ues, promote Socialistt houghtmoralandChinesetraditionalvirtue七、研究步驟和成果形式。在這一部分,要交待清楚課題研究大致分為幾個主要階段及具體的時間安排。每一個階段的主要研究任務(wù)及預(yù)期的研究成果。最后,還要寫清楚課題研究的最終成果及形式。成果形式一般包括:1、專著類。2、論文類。3、報告類。包括調(diào)查報告,實驗研究報告,文獻(xiàn)研究報告和情報研究報告等。4、課案類。教學(xué)設(shè)計方案,活動方案,教育案例,教學(xué)過程實錄等。5、課件類。教學(xué)應(yīng)用投影片,教學(xué)錄像和計算機(jī)軟件等。參考文獻(xiàn)中小學(xué)教育科研方法

47、周國韜主編。grass-rootsorga nizations,a ndparty of cadres,a nd partyofdiscipli ne, cha ptercontent, deep grasptwoa vanguardof natur eand mi ssion,further clearfour aservis ofsixitemsba sicconditions. Studying t hecode ofself-di scipline oftheCPC the CPC discipl inary regul ationsregulati ons ofthe CPC loc

48、alcommitteesofthe partywdina nce,such as t he selding cadresw ork ofimportantlawsand regulationswithi 9ullstrictlyrule partyis all memberscommon re sponsibilit y,must impl ementationtoea ch bra nchand each name members.3 . Playavang uard andexemplaryrole in life. Keep to thecorrect politi calorie nt

49、ation,pol iticalse nsitivitya nd politica ljudgme nt,dare t ofightagainstallkinds ofwrong thought ,wrong w ordsand deeds. (2) firmlyestablishconsci ousne ssofthe party,the party membersconsci ousne ss.Focuson someparty membersse nseoforga nization anddisci pline,t heydonot participatei n the Organiz

50、ati on, is not re quire d to paymembershipduesfora longtime, donot pla ya vanguard a nd exemplary rol e,some dontevenmenti on membershi p,failto make adistinction between rig htand wrong ,failingto observe politi caldi sciplinea ndr ules,a ndsoon. Always keep in mind that he isa Communist,strengt hen partyspirit,li steni ngparty, party, party,part y, party partyguardi ng party,at thepar ty,t he partyfor the party.(3)strengtheni ng theconsci ousnessofthe partyspurpose.Focuson pes


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