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1、北京四中2011屆九年級英語上學(xué)期中考試試題 單項選擇(共 15 分,每題 1 分) The bottle bel ongs to me. It has _n ame on it. A. me B. I C. my D. mine - _ does Joyce study En glish? -By read ing story books. A. How B. What C. Where D. When Teen agers should not have part-time jobs. They are not _ . A. young eno ugh B. eno ugh young C

2、. old eno ugh D. eno ugh old -Have we met somewhere before? Your face is familiar _ me. -Oh, really? A. with B. to C. at D. for We ofte n help Betty because she _ look after herself. A. can t B. mustn t C. needn t D. don t Gab got up late, _ he had to take a taxi to school this morning. A. and B. bu

3、t C. so D. or Most stude nts think Lady Gaga is one of _ sin gers in USA now. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular -Professor Hopk ins _ to give us a talk n ext week. -Really? That s good news. A. will invite B. is going to in vite C. will be in vited D. has in vited Why no

4、t get some work experie nee first _ going straight onto uni versity? A. rather tha n B. tha n C. in stead D. in stead of The doctor advises us _ sports to keep healthy. A. do B. doing C. done D. to do -Did they _ the final game? -Sorry, I have no idea. 四、 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

5、A. beat B. defeat C. win D. take 32. I _ for my family if I get home early today. A. cook B. cooked C. will cook D. has cooked 33. When I came back, I saw Nancy _ a diary in her room. A. wrote B. writi ng C. writte n D. to write 34. - _ you ever _for a n ewspaper? -Yes, I have. I think it s a good e

6、xperienee for me. A. Do; write B. Did; write C. Have; writte n D. Will; write 35. Can you tell me _? A. whe n did it happe n B. whe n it happe ned C. whe n was it happe ned D. whe n it was happe ned 五、完形填空(共 12 分,每題 1 分) The 26-year-old mother stared dow n at her son who was dying of term inal leuke

7、mia( 血癌). Alth ough her heart was filled with_ 36 _ , she still wan ted her son s dreams to come true. Sh took her son s hand and asked, “ Billy, did you ever think about what you wan ted to be onceyou grew up? Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your lif e? ” “ Mommy, I always wan te

8、d to be a firema n whe n I grew up. ” Mom smiled back and said, “ Let s see if we can make your wish come true. ” Later that day she went to her local fire department in Phoenix, Arizona, where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big as Phoenix. She explained her son s final wish and asked if it

9、 might be _37_ to give her six year old son a ride around the block on a fire engine. Firema n Bob said, “ Look, we can do better than that. We ll _38_ him an honorary fireman for the whol day. He can come dow n to the fire stati on, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls! ” Three days later Fire

10、ma n Bob _39_ Billy, dressed him in his fire uniform. Billy got to sit on the back of the truck. He was in heave n. He _40_ in the differe nt fire engin es, and even the fire chief s car. Havi ng his dream come true, with all the love and _41_ upon him, so deeply touched Billy that he lived three mo

11、n ths Ion ger tha n any doctor thought possible. One ni ght all of his vital( 生命 的)sig ns bega n to _42_ dramatically and the head nu rse, who believed that no one should die, bega n to call the family members to the hospital. The n she remembered the day Billy had _43_ as a fireman, so she called t

12、he fire chief( 隊長)and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the _44_ to be with Billy as he made his transition( 過渡). The chief replied, “ we II be there in five minutes. Will you please tell people that there is not a fire when we get there? It s just the fire department com

13、ing to seesone45_ members one more time. ” About five minutes later a truck arrived at the hospital. They held him and told him how much they _46_ him. With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the fire chief and said, am I really a firema n now? ” “ Yes, Billy, you are a firema n now, ” the chief s

14、aid. With those words, Billy _47_ and closed his eyes one last time. He passed away later that evening. 36. A. sad ness B. love C.hope D. worries 37. A.comfortable B. enjoyable C. agreeable D. possible 38. A. con sider B. help C. make D. treat 39. A. dressed up B. made up C. put up D. picked up 40.

15、A. worked B. drove C. rode D. tried 41. A. care B. atte nti on C. respect D. offer 42. A. change B. turn C. drop D. fail 43. A. had B. spent C. took D. fini shed 44. A. house B. home C. hospital D. office 45. A. bravest B. most popular C. fin est D. most famous 46. A. trusted B. loved C. brought D.

16、gave 47. A. smiled B. cried C. paused D. sig ned 閱讀理解 (共 44 分) 六、閱讀理解(共 26 分,每題 2 分) A Welcome Aboard Your Piccadilly Flight To Heathrow The Piccadilly line to Heathrow(倫敦希思羅機場 )is not only the most convenient way to travel but also the most cost-effective. So the next time you re travelling to Heat

17、hrow, make sure you fly Piccadilly line. Your Piccadilly flight features: Departures from 36 stops on the Piccadilly line, or from over 200 stations only one change way Service every 5 minu tes to and from Heathrow throughout the day Journ eys from cen tral London tak ing less tha n 50 minu tes Only

18、 3.70 for a single adult fare See tables below for journey times Fares to and from central London Adult si ngle 3.70G Child si ngle 1.50G If you are traveling as a group, then you are allowed to use the Family Travelcard, which means each adult can travel for 3.40 and eich child for 0.80. 3 Travelli

19、ng to Heathrow Mo n-Sat Sun From Journey Time Freque nc First Train Last Train First Train Last Train Earls Court 39 mi ns 5 mi ns 05:55 00:43 07:15 23:49 Piccadilly Circus 49 mi ns 5 mi ns 05:45 00:32 07:05 23:38 Travelling from Heathrow Mo n-Sat Sun To Journey Time Frequency First Train Last Train

20、 First Train Last Train Earls Court 34mi ns 5mi ns 05:13 23:49 05:57 23:30 Piccadilly Circus 45 mi ns 5 mi ns 05:13 23:49 05:57 23:30 48. At what time does the first train leave Earls Court on Sun day? A. 07 : 15. B. 05: 55. C. 05:13. D. 05:57. 49. If your father wants to take the train, how much sh

21、ould he pay?C. with uni versity educati on D. speak ing no En glish In Can ada and the Un ited States, there is a new group of childre n called “ satellite kids live in one place but whose pare nts live in ano ther place. Asia ns are immigrati ng( 移民)to Can ada and the Un ited States in larger nu mb

22、ers tha n ever before. Most Asia ns immigrate because they believe that they can give their childre n a better education in the West. In Asia, especially in China, Japan, and Korea, it is difficult to go to uni versity. Stude nts must first pass the strict n ati onal exam in ati on. However, i n Can

23、 ada and the Un ited States, it is easy to go to uni versity, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result, Asia n pare nts decide to leave their coun tries so that their childre n can go to uni versity. The problem is that whe n Asia ns arrive, they discover that finding a job and making money ar

24、e more difficult in the West tha n in the East. Also, they find that they are very Ion ely, and that they miss their homes. Because of these two reasons, most Asian parents decide to go back to Southeast Asia to work while their childre n study in the West. Therefore, these childre n become “ satell

25、ite kids, ” and most of their pare nts do not know how sad it is to be a “ satellite ki Only un til now are Can adia ns and America ns discoveri ng the “ satellite kid problem. Because these childre n do not speak En glish and because their pare nts are not there to take care of them, they are ofte

26、n abse nt from school. To be a “ satellite kid ” mean into goowtry) where you know you are differe nt and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak En glish well. Also, it means to grow up Ion ely, because your pare nts are elsewhere. What these “ satellite kids ” will probably say to t

27、heir parents is that it s better to have parents around have a uni versity educati on. 50. Some Asia n pare nts send their kids abroad because _ . A. they hope their children may easily find a job there B. the kids may not be accepted by universities in their own country C. all foreign universities

28、are better than the ones in their own country D. the kids want to improve their English and make foreign friends 51. “ Satellite kids ” refer to Asia n kids _ . A. without pare nts B. livi ng abroad aloneA. .50. B. 3.40 . C. 3.70 D. 5.20. 52. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Pare nts want be

29、tter educati on for their kids. B. Parents feel lonely and miss their families. C. Can adia ns and America ns beg in to solve the “ satellite kids ” problem. D. Kids in foreig n coun tries alone are badly in n eed of care from family. C Norway Ten Chinese college students arrived at the country Asct

30、ic research base, the Yellow River Stati on, on Friday. On Saturday, the stude nts are expected to wit ness the end of four mon ths of dark ness in the area, as the sun makes a rare appeara nee. During their four-day stay at the station, the students will meet and learn from some of China s leading

31、polar researchers. They were welcomed at the station yesterday by its director, He Jianfeng, who is an expert on marine micro-ecosystems (海洋微生態(tài)系統(tǒng)) The stude nts will also visit the Germa n and Norwegia n stati ons and meet researchers there. As for entertainment, the visitors will get the chance to

32、play ice hockey at the world no rtherly stadium. Among the visitors is Zheng Li, a stude nt majori ng in telecom muni cati ons at Dalia n Marin etime Uni versity. Its so exciting to see how the Chinese researchers work in the world nsost northerly laboratory, ” she said. “Thisopportunity is precious

33、. Most people will never get the chance to travel so far from home and visit such an amaz ing place. It -in-a- lifetimencei ng. ” Wu Jinyou, head of the Polar Research In stitute of China, and the group leader, said, I hope the students have not only a field trip to the Yellow River station, but are

34、 also touched by the devotio n and spirit of the Chin ese researchers here. I also expect i n the future, some of them will choose to devote themselves to polar research and maybe eve n work with us. The stude nts have bee n in Norway since February 28, and were give n Arctic training before moving

35、to the station. The Arctic expediti on is one of the several intern atio nal cooperati on and excha nge activities forming the China Program for Intern ati onal Polar Year (2007-08). It was launched last March. (Ch ina Daily, Xi nhua News Age ncy) 53. What does Zheng Li mean by say ing “irtta- lifet

36、inoei(te ing. ”? A. It s exciting to see the sun rise in Arctic area. B. The trip to the research station is extremely exciting. C. Play ing ice hockey in Arctic area is really a life-l ong memory. D. People are only allowed to visit the station once in their lifetime. 54. Which word can most probab

37、ly replace the un derl ined word laun ched ”? “ A. en ded B. sig ned C. started D. performed 55. What could be the best title of the n ews report? A. Chin ese Stude nts Arrive at Arctic Stati on B. Chin ese Stude nts Do Research in Norway C. Chin ese Stude nts Play Ice Hockey at Arctic Stati on D. C

38、hin ese Stude nts Receive Trai ning at Arctic Stati on D My mind seems always to return to the day when I met Carl. The city bus stopped at a corner to pick up the daily commuters (some one who travels regularly to and from work), a group in which I was in cluded. Board ing the bus, I looked for a p

39、lace to sit. At last, I found a place to sit n ear the back. The occupant of the seat next to the one I was going for was an older man in a grey suit, well-worn dress shoes, and a black hat like I always pictured reporters wearing, but without the little press card. Seated myself, I bega n to read t

40、he book I had bee n carry ing, which was Jack Kerouac On the Road . The man in the seat next to me introduced himself by asking if I had read any other book like the one I was holdi ng. When I told him I had, he seemed to become in terested, and so did I. He introduced himself as Carl and asked if I

41、 liked jazz, and I told him that I didn t i it, and that I liked rock and roll. Wait ing for Carl to tell me that I should liste n to real music, I was shocked when he just smiled and nodded. He said, “ You remind me of myself when I was your age. I remember how my parents hated jazz, how they could

42、n t see how I could listen to that awful noise. I bet your parents say the same thin g, don t they? ” Now it was my turn to smile, amused with how right he was. As the bus ferried us from one side of the city to the other, Carl and I talked about a lot of differe nt thin gs. The more we talked, the

43、more amazed I became at how much the two of us really had in com mon, despite the age differe nee. I have n t see n him since we parted, but the thought of our connection that day rarely leaves my mind. Carl really made me think about how much we can learn from each other if we just break through th

44、e blocks between us we ve got. I mean, I would have never thought before that day that I could have anything in com mon with some one so much older tha n I, just because of age. But Carl taught me that no matter what, we are all just people, and that we should make an extra effort to try and get to

45、know our n eighbors and people we see every day, regardless of age, race, religi on, sex, or anything else. If we all take the time to attempt to understand each other, I think that the world would be a much better place that we could share together, as huma ns. 56. From the first paragraph we know

46、that the author_. A. did not mind whether there was a seat or not B. hoped to have a seat whe n gett ing on the bus C. thought the bus was overcrowded D. looked for a seat but failed 57. The author usually imagi ned a reporter as one who _ . A. liked jazz music B. enjoyed talk ing with others C. lik

47、ed reading Jack Kerouac s works D. usually wore a black hat and press card 58. It can be in ferred from the passage that _ . A. the author hasn t seen the old man since then B. jazz music used to be popular only among young people C. the author called on people to com mun icate more D. Carl made the

48、 author realize how much people could lear n from each other E Are you one of those who always fear whe never a dog is approach ing? If you are, you have got phobia (a very strong feeli ng of being afraid of someth in g). Of all huma n fears, phobias may be the most uncon trollable. They are most of

49、te n caused by a particular situati on or object. In gen eral, phobias can mainly be divided into three varieties. To begi n with, agoraphobia is a fear of stay ing in stra nge surro undin gs, for example, an un familiar place, or an ope n area. Social phobia refers to the an xiety people show whe n

50、 they have to stay or perform on social eve nts, for in sta nee, speak ing in front of the class. Lastly, there are a wide range of specific phobias. People sufferi ng from this kind of phobia are terrified of specific objects or creatures, such as spiders, perhaps to your surprise, clow ns. Besides

51、, there are about six hun dred and fifty phobias hav ing bee n listed by psychologists (心理學(xué)家)as yet. Faced with their phobias, many people choose to do nothing but just escape the situati ons or objects they fear. Psychologists, however, warn that if not treated properly, this kind of an xiety will

52、get worse, so that it may disturb the sleep patter n, cause physical symptoms, and fin ally affect their daily activities. As for treatme nt, cli nical research has discovered that medici ne for an xiety is not successful in curi ng phobias. However, the an xiety disorders can be efficie ntly treate

53、d through cognitive behavioral therapy (認知行為療法) ,through which patients are led to inspect the connections between their own fear and the situation or object, and then actively choose the acceptable treatme nts. Also, other treatme nts proved effective in reduci ng phobias are meditati on (quiet tho

54、ught that can help people relax), liste ning to cal ming music, and so on. 59. Which do psychologists NOT use for effective treatme nt of phobias? A. To take medici ne for an xiety. B. To liste n to comforti ng light music. C. To lose on eself in a peaceful en viro nment. D. To understand the very s

55、ource of one s own anxiety. 60. Which of the followi ng stateme nts about phobias is correct? A. Actors can help people to cure their phobias. B. Phobias can be divided into six hun dred and fifty types. C. Those sufferi ng from phobias may not sleep well or work no rmally. D. Cogn itive behavioral

56、therapy dema nds little participati on from patie nts. 七、閱讀還原(共 8 分,每題 2 分) 閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后所給的 A、B、C、D、E 五個選項中,選出能 填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有一項為多余選項。 James is a good stude nt and he has lots of frien ds, but he also has a problem. Some older boys are bullying(欺負)him at school. James is very unhappy and he d

57、oesn know what to do about it. 61 Don t feel worried. It s not y 過 U 錯 fdUBeing bullied can make you feel very Ionely and angry. 62 _ Don feel that you have to hide the problem. You should find a person you can trust, and tell them. It might be your teacher, your parents, or even your friend pare nt

58、s. After you tell some one, you will get some support and feel some relief( 解脫). Speak ing to an adult might make you n ervous, but here are other thi ngs you can do. Some people express their feeli ngs more easily on paper. 63 _ Try to in clude all the details about what the bullies do, as well as

59、whe n and where the bully ing happe ns. You can use it as proof to show what is going on. And it is a won derful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adult. Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter! Also, dont show you are sad and don

60、ttry and fight with the bullies. 64 _ lgnore(忽略)them and just walk away. The bullies will soon stop. A. You can write a letter to some one or keep a diary. B. You could get in trouble yourself. C. In this way, you can get rid of the bullies. D. Here are some suggesti ons to him and other tee nagers


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