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1、Centralized Traffic Control(調(diào)度集中)Teacher:趙德生Date:2019.10.26 The Terms of Centralized Traffic Control The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic ControlThe Terms of Centralized Traffic Control CTC調(diào)度集中 Siding 股道 Interlocked signal聯(lián)鎖信號(hào)機(jī) Block section 閉塞區(qū)段 S

2、ignal-clear indication light 信號(hào)開(kāi)放表示燈The Terms of Centralized Traffic Control DMIS-調(diào)度指揮管理信息系統(tǒng) Dispatching Management Information TDCSTrain Dispatching Command System 列車調(diào)度指揮系統(tǒng) CTCCentralized Traffic Control 調(diào)度集中系統(tǒng)The Terms of Centralized Traffic Control TDCS:鐵路調(diào)度指揮信息管理系統(tǒng),主要完成調(diào)度指揮信息的記錄、分析、車次號(hào)校核、自動(dòng)報(bào)點(diǎn)、正晚

3、點(diǎn)統(tǒng)計(jì)、運(yùn)行圖自動(dòng)繪制、調(diào)度命令及計(jì)劃的下達(dá)、行車日志自動(dòng)生成等功能。 CTC:除了完成TDCS的全部功能外,CTC還可以完成管內(nèi)車站信號(hào)設(shè)備的操控功能,列車進(jìn)路的按圖排路和調(diào)車控制。 TDCS 是 CTC的基礎(chǔ),CTC是TDCS的功能增強(qiáng)和延伸。 The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control Centralized Traffic Control, or CTC as it generally known, is an original development of General Railway Signal Company. 調(diào)度集中,或

4、者通常稱為CTC。(該設(shè)備最初由美國(guó)通用信號(hào)公司開(kāi)發(fā)出來(lái)的The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control It was first installed in 1927 on the New York Central Railroad between Stanley and Berwick Ohio, with the CTC control machine located at Fostoria, Ohio. 在1927年最先安裝于美國(guó)斯坦利和俄亥俄州之間的紐約中央鐵路,CTC控制設(shè)備裝在俄亥俄州的福斯托利亞。The Terms of Centr

5、alized Traffic Control 分散自律Distributed Autonomic System) 分散自律:分散自律是分布式人工智能和自動(dòng)化領(lǐng)域的新概念,具體到我們鐵路調(diào)度系統(tǒng),是指車站與調(diào)度中心各自獨(dú)立,自成體系,靈活組合,由高可靠性的雙環(huán)網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)構(gòu)聯(lián)接在一起, 可由中心通過(guò)給車站系統(tǒng)發(fā)命令的方式統(tǒng)一控制,也可由車站根據(jù)預(yù)定的規(guī)則和計(jì)劃信息自動(dòng)產(chǎn)生控制命令,也可由人工發(fā)命令控制 。The Terms of Centralized Traffic Control 目前國(guó)內(nèi)已有的分散自律調(diào)度集中系統(tǒng)包括: 卡斯柯信號(hào)有限公司的FZk-CTC 通號(hào)設(shè)計(jì)研究院的FZt-CTC 北京交大

6、微聯(lián)科技有限公司的FZj-CTC 中國(guó)鐵道科學(xué)研究院的FZy-CTC 河南輝煌股份科技有限公司的FZh-CTCThe Terms of Centralized Traffic ControlThe Terms of Centralized Traffic Control非常站控時(shí)的顯示方式。這四個(gè)運(yùn)行模式指示燈中,同一時(shí)刻,只能亮一個(gè)燈。分散自律文字上面的三個(gè)燈分別表示中心控制、分散自律、車站控制,燈亮為綠色時(shí)表示車站處在相應(yīng)的控制模式下。非常站控?zé)袅翞榧t時(shí)表示當(dāng)前站處于非常站控狀態(tài)。同一時(shí)刻,控制模式燈最多只能亮一個(gè)燈。分散自律三種模式包括:中心控制 、車站調(diào)車操作方式 、車站操作方式 Th

7、e Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control CTC is a signaling system used by railroads. The system consists of a train dispatchers office that controls railroad switches in the CTC territory and signals. CTC是用于鐵路的信號(hào)系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)由一個(gè)集中的列車調(diào)度中心組成,該中心的設(shè)備可以控制調(diào)度區(qū)域的鐵路道岔和信號(hào)機(jī)。The Introduction of Centralized Traff

8、ic Control That railroad engineers must obey in order to keep the traffic moving safely and smoothly across the railroad. 鐵路司機(jī)必須服從他們的指揮,以保證鐵路列車安全平穩(wěn)地運(yùn)行 后半句靈活翻譯,在保持句子愿意的前提下,盡量符合我們的說(shuō)話方式。 That的先行詞是? train dispatchers office The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control In the dispatchers office, (ther

9、e) is a graphical depiction of the railroad on which the dispatcher can keep track of trains locations across the territory that the dispatcher controls 在調(diào)度中心,有一個(gè)鐵路線路示意圖,調(diào)度員可以通過(guò)它鐵路線路示意圖看到或了解到列車通過(guò)自己所管轄的范圍區(qū)域的位置。 which 代指graphical depiction of the railroad that the dispatcher controls修飾territory The In

10、troduction of Centralized Traffic Control Larger railroad may have multiple dispatchers offices and even multiple dispatchers for each operating division. 規(guī)模大的鐵路系統(tǒng)可以有多個(gè)調(diào)度中心,甚至每一個(gè)操作室有多個(gè)調(diào)度員。 例如全國(guó)鐵路系統(tǒng)就有很多調(diào)度中心,鐵道部一個(gè)總的調(diào)度大廳。The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control CTC was designed to enable the tra

11、in dispatcher to control train movements directly, bypassing local operators and eliminating written train orders. 調(diào)度集中可使調(diào)度員直接控制列車運(yùn)行,而無(wú)需車站操作員,取消手寫調(diào)度命令。 Bypassing 繞過(guò),避開(kāi),不顧 eliminating 排除?,F(xiàn)在分詞作狀語(yǔ)The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control 現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語(yǔ)舉例 Hearing their teachers voice, the pupils stopped

12、talking at once. 時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)= When they heard their teachers voice, the pupils stopped talking at once. 一聽(tīng)到老師的聲音,學(xué)生們立即停止講話。The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control Not knowing how to work out the difficult problem, he asked the teacher for help. 原因狀語(yǔ)= Because he didnt know how to work out the diffic

13、ult problem, he asked the teacher for help. 因?yàn)椴恢廊绾谓膺@道難題,他求助老師Studying hard, youll succeed. 條件狀語(yǔ)= If you work hard, youll succeed. 如果你努力學(xué)習(xí),你會(huì)成功的。The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control Instead,the train dispatcher could directly see the trains locations and efficiently control the trains mov

14、ements by displaying signals and controlling switches 列車調(diào)度員能夠看到列車的位置。并通過(guò)信號(hào)機(jī)的顯示和控制道岔,來(lái)高效的控制列車運(yùn)行。The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control It was also designed to enhance safety by detecting track occupancy and automatically preventing trains from entering signal blocks already occupied by other

15、 trains. 通過(guò)檢測(cè)軌道的占用和自動(dòng)防止列車進(jìn)入已經(jīng)被其他火車占用的閉塞分區(qū),來(lái)提高安全性。 ,:tmtikli The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control What made CTC machines different from standard interlocking machines was that the vital interlocking hardware was located at the remote location and the CTC machine only displayed track state

16、and sent commands to the remote locations. “What made CTC machines different from standard interlocking machines作為句子的主語(yǔ) was 系動(dòng)詞 第一個(gè)That引導(dǎo)的從句做整個(gè)句子的表語(yǔ),整個(gè)句子為主系表結(jié)構(gòu)The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control CTC設(shè)備與那些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的聯(lián)鎖設(shè)備不同的地方在于重要的聯(lián)鎖設(shè)備硬件設(shè)在遙遠(yuǎn)的車站,而CTC設(shè)備僅顯示軌道狀態(tài),把命令傳輸?shù)竭h(yuǎn)處的車站。The Introduction of Centrali

17、zed Traffic Control A command to display a signal would require the remote interlocking to set the flow of traffic and check for a clear route through the interlocking. 顯示一架信號(hào)機(jī)的命令需要遠(yuǎn)處車站聯(lián)鎖設(shè)備發(fā)送列車流量并通過(guò)聯(lián)鎖來(lái)檢測(cè)空閑進(jìn)路。The Introduction of Centralized Traffic Control If a command could not be carried out due to

18、 the interlocking logic, the display would not change on the CTC machine. 如果因?yàn)槁?lián)鎖邏輯的原因而使命令不能執(zhí)行,則CTC設(shè)備上的顯示將不會(huì)改變 carried out 執(zhí)行 due to 執(zhí)行The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control For a typical panel of a CTC control machine, above the panel is a track diagram which shows car capacities of the si

19、ding, lengths of intermediate tracks, and other information being helpful to operation. 對(duì)于一個(gè)典型的CTC設(shè)備的操作面板,在操作面板上方是一個(gè)軌道示意圖,在上面顯示了每個(gè)股道的列車數(shù)量,軌道區(qū)間長(zhǎng)度,和其他有利于操作的信息。 Which 引導(dǎo)的句子為限制性定語(yǔ)從句。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control At the top of the panel are the names of the controlled point or field lo

20、cation. 在控制盤的的上方是被控制車站或管轄區(qū)段的名稱。 Below these and above the track diagram are located the power-off lights, one for each controlled point or field location. 在名字的下方和軌道示意圖的上方安裝有電源斷電指示燈,每個(gè)被控點(diǎn)或被控車站設(shè)置一個(gè)。 These代指上頁(yè)提到的名字, power-off lights 電源斷電指示燈The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic ControlThe Control Pan

21、el of Centralized Traffic Control These lights are normally dark. when steadily illuminated (red), a light indicates that the A-C power is off at that location. 這些燈平時(shí)是熄滅的。當(dāng)有一個(gè)紅燈亮?xí)r,表明對(duì)應(yīng)車站的交流電源停了。 illuminate 照明 ;點(diǎn)亮; 闡明 Off 翻譯成停止工作。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control The track diagram is l

22、aid out in geographic representation. Adjacent to it are signal symbols with identifying numbers and the number or name of the switch or crossover or other controlled facility. 軌道示意圖是通過(guò)地理位置來(lái)布局的。與它相鄰的是帶有標(biāo)識(shí)的信號(hào)機(jī)標(biāo)志、數(shù)字、道岔名稱、道岔或其他被控設(shè)備的名稱) It代指軌道示意圖中的軌道The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control The t

23、rack occupancy indicating lights for different sections of track circuits are located within the track line . 與軌道電路各個(gè)區(qū)段相對(duì)應(yīng)的軌道占用表示燈位于軌道示意圖的軌道線上。 句子結(jié)構(gòu):主語(yǔ)+be+表語(yǔ) 句子主語(yǔ): The track occupancy indicating lights for different sections of track circuits The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control White li

24、ghts are generally provided for the “os” track sections. 在“OS區(qū)段通常設(shè)置成白燈。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control These lights are normally dark and are illuminated during track occupancy or in the event of a broken rail or any other condition that causes the track relay to open its front cont

25、acts. 這些燈通常是熄滅的,當(dāng)在軌道占用、斷軌或其他任何使軌道繼電器前接點(diǎn)斷開(kāi)的情況下被點(diǎn)亮 that causes the track relay to open its front contacts. 定語(yǔ)從句 先行詞為conditionThe Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control An audible signal, bell or buzzer, may be provided to work with the OS lights or important approach lights. 一個(gè)聽(tīng)覺(jué)信號(hào)響鈴或蜂鳴器,也許需要和OS

26、燈或重要的接近燈一起來(lái)工作。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control These are usually arranged to sound momentarily at the time the track-occupancy indication is displayed at first. 這些設(shè)備通常設(shè)計(jì)成軌道占用燈一亮設(shè)備就鳴叫的模式) momentarily ,momntrli 立刻 瞬間 At the time 引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control

27、 引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句的次很多,例如,when, after, before, until, as soon as ,at the time 等等 Check the circuit before you begin the experiment. 做實(shí)驗(yàn)之前需要檢查一下電路 Most students become very very excited momentarily at the time the bell for finishing class is ringing 下課鈴聲一響多數(shù)同學(xué)就都變得很興奮The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Co

28、ntrol Below the track diagram are the switches, usually one for each controlled point. The switches controlling devices are two-position: on and off . 軌道示意圖的下方為開(kāi)關(guān),每一個(gè)開(kāi)關(guān)對(duì)應(yīng)一個(gè)被控點(diǎn),這些控制設(shè)備的開(kāi)關(guān)都是二位的,即開(kāi)和關(guān)。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control Next are the signal-clear indication lights, two for ea

29、ch signal lever. These indications are directional, 開(kāi)關(guān)的后面是信號(hào)開(kāi)放指示燈,每個(gè)信號(hào)桿設(shè)兩個(gè)指示燈。這些指示燈是有方向的,The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control that is, the light representing the signal which govern movements in one direction will be illuminated when the corresponding signal is clear in the field. 句子的主干

30、the light+ will be+ illuminated “representing the signal which govern movements in one direction修飾主語(yǔ) when the corresponding signal is clear in the field. 時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control 那就是,代表信號(hào)機(jī)指揮列車向一個(gè)方向運(yùn)行的燈將在相應(yīng)的車站信號(hào)機(jī)開(kāi)放時(shí)點(diǎn)亮。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control Next a

31、re signal levers, which are three-position rotary switches. Their normal position is in the center which calls for the corresponding group of signals to display their stop aspects. 再后面是信號(hào)桿,這是有三個(gè)位置的可旋轉(zhuǎn)的開(kāi)關(guān)。平時(shí)處于中間位置,要求相應(yīng)的信號(hào)燈顯示停車。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control To turn a lever to the ri

32、ght calls for a signal governing movement toward the right to clear; to turn a lever to the left calls for a signal governing movement toward the left. 桿旋轉(zhuǎn)到右邊,要求信號(hào)開(kāi)放指揮列車向右運(yùn)行;桿旋轉(zhuǎn)到左邊,要求信號(hào)開(kāi)放指揮列車向左運(yùn)行。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control Where two or more signals govern in the same direction

33、, selection of the one to clear is a field function, controlled by local signal selection circuits which are taken through switch-repeater relays, 在有兩個(gè)或者兩個(gè)以信號(hào)機(jī)同時(shí)向相同方向指揮運(yùn)行時(shí),選擇開(kāi)放一個(gè)信號(hào)機(jī)是站場(chǎng)的職責(zé),站場(chǎng)信號(hào)選擇電路控制站場(chǎng)職責(zé),且該電路與開(kāi)關(guān)繼電器連接。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control CTC controlled signals are usually

34、arranged for stick operation, that is, they will remain at stop until again cleared by the operator. Non-stick operation may be provided if desired. 控制信號(hào)的調(diào)度集中通常用杠桿操作,也就是,調(diào)度集中將保持停頓直至被操作員開(kāi)通。若有需要,則可采用非杠桿操作。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control Below the signal levers are the switch levers, o

35、ne for each switch or crossover is associated with the signals governed by the lever above. 在信號(hào)桿的下面是道岔手柄,與信號(hào)桿控制的信號(hào)機(jī)相連的每個(gè)道岔設(shè)一個(gè)。The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control These levers are also rotary switches, normally two-position, being vertical position as normal. Turning 90 degrees to the ri

36、ght calls for the switch reverse. Engraved letters N and R show normal and reverse positions. 這些手柄也是旋轉(zhuǎn)式開(kāi)關(guān),一般有兩個(gè)開(kāi)關(guān),正常情況是垂直位置。向右旋轉(zhuǎn)90度要求道岔轉(zhuǎn)到反位。字符N和R表示定位和反位。 Engraved ngrevd adj.被牢記的;被深深印入的 Rotary adj. 旋轉(zhuǎn)的,轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的 The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control At the bottom of the panel are the start butt

37、ons, ordinarily used only if the CTC system coded. For example, when controls are to be sent out to reverse a switch and clear a signal for a train to enter the siding, the operator turns a signal lever and a switch lever to the right. Then he pushes the start button directly below these levers. The transmission of the controls to the field will not begin until the start button is pushed. Not .until The Control Panel of Centralized Traffic Control 控制盤的底部是開(kāi)始按鈕,一般只在CTC系統(tǒng)發(fā)送電碼時(shí)才用到。當(dāng)命令已經(jīng)發(fā)送出去,比如說(shuō),道岔轉(zhuǎn)到反位、信號(hào)開(kāi)放,列車進(jìn)入股道,調(diào)度員就把信號(hào)桿和道岔手柄旋轉(zhuǎn)到右側(cè),然后他直接按壓下面的開(kāi)始按鈕。直到按壓了開(kāi)始按鈕控制命令才開(kāi)始向車站傳送。The Control


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