北京市2013年高考英語二輪專題限時訓(xùn)練 完形填空系列10_第1頁
北京市2013年高考英語二輪專題限時訓(xùn)練 完形填空系列10_第2頁
北京市2013年高考英語二輪專題限時訓(xùn)練 完形填空系列10_第3頁
北京市2013年高考英語二輪專題限時訓(xùn)練 完形填空系列10_第4頁
北京市2013年高考英語二輪專題限時訓(xùn)練 完形填空系列10_第5頁
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1、北京四中2013高考英語二輪專題限時訓(xùn)練:完形填空系列10(解析版)Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining(留住) customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But, 41 , words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted customers they often 42 the second half of the story. In

2、 the excitement of beating off the competition, negotiating prices, securing orders, and delivering the product, managers 43 become carried away. They forget what they regard as the boring side of business- 44 that the customer remains a customer. 45 to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting

3、 customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. It has been estimated that the 46 company loses between 10 and 30 percent of its customers every year. In constantly changing 47 , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any idea how many customers they

4、 have lost.Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to these lost opportunities and calculate the 48 implications. 49 the number of customers a company loses can make a big 50 in its performance. Research in the US found that a five percent decrease in the number of defecting(流失的) customers l

5、ed to 51 increases of between 25 and 85 percent.In the US, Dominos Pizza estimates that a regular customer is 52 more than five thousand dollars over ten years. A customer who receives a poor quality product or 53 on their first visit and 54 never returns, is losing the company thousands of dollars

6、in 55 profits (more if you consider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experience).The logic behind cultivating customer 56 is impossible to deny. “In practice most companies marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with little attention paid to 57 them”, says Adrian Pa

7、yne of Cornfield Universitys School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close relationship between retaining customers and making profits. 58 customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price 59 , an

8、d may provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Retaining customers also makes it 60 for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market.”1A. in particularB. in realityC. at leastD. first of all2A. emphasizeB. doubtC. overlookD. believe3A. tend toB. contribute to C. appeal toD. devot

9、e to4A. denyingB. ensuringC. arguingD. proving5A. MovingB. HopingC. Starting D. Failing6A. averageB. ordinaryC. normalD. usual 7A. marketsB. tastesC. prices D. expenses8A. culturalB. socialC. financial D. economical9A. Cutting upB. Cutting throughC. Cutting in D. Cutting down10A. promise B. planC. m

10、istake D. difference11 A. costB. opportunityC. profit D. budget12A. worthyB. worthC. valueD. price13A. serviceB. deliveryC. orderD. promotion14A. as a resultB. on the wholeC. in conclusion D. on the contrary15A. hugeB. potentialC. extra D. reasonable16A. beliefsB. loyaltyC. interestD. habits17A. alt

11、eringB. understandingC. keepingD. attracting18A. EstablishedB. AssumedC. Respected D. Unexpected19A. SensitiveB. friendlyC. flexibleD. agreeable20A. unfairB. convenientC. difficult D. essential【答案】1B2C3A4B5D6A7A8C9D10D11C12B13A14A15B 16B17C18A19A20C【解析】文章講述了很多公司把很多精力放在了吸引顧客的方面卻很少去關(guān)注如何留住老客戶。文章講述了留住老客

12、戶的重要性。1B 短語辨析。A尤其;B實際上;C至少;D首先;這里是指事實上,明智的話經(jīng)常被忘記。2C 代詞辨析。這里是指這家公司忽視了另外一方面。3A 上下文串聯(lián)。管理者往往會變得忘乎所以。4B 上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指他們忘記了要保證顧客還是顧客。5D 上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指不能留住顧客和吸引顧客會讓公司失去很多。6A 形容詞辨析。這里是指每個公司評價每年損失百分之10-30的顧客。7A 名詞辨析。這里是指在不斷變化的市場上,這是常有的事情。8C 形容詞辨析。只有現(xiàn)在組織開始喚醒那些失去的機(jī)會,并計算出經(jīng)濟(jì)的影響。9D 上下文串聯(lián)。一個公司失去的客戶數(shù)量的減少可以產(chǎn)生很大的影響。10D 固定詞組

13、。Make a difference產(chǎn)生影響。解析同上。11C 名詞辨析。在美國的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)人數(shù)減少5%(流失的)客戶至利潤25至85%的升幅。12B 上下文串聯(lián)。一個普通的客戶是價值5000美元以上的超過十年13A 上下文串聯(lián)。一位顧客接收質(zhì)量差的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù),在首次訪問以后結(jié)果就再也不來了、14A 上下文串聯(lián)。解析同上、15B 形容詞辨析。是指這樣會讓公司損失潛在的利潤。16B培養(yǎng)顧客忠誠背后的邏輯是無法否認(rèn)的17C 上下文串聯(lián)。上文說很多公司聚焦于吸引顧客,卻忘記了要留住顧客,keep表示留住。18A 上下文串聯(lián)。已經(jīng)留住的顧客傾向于購買更多的,是可以預(yù)見的成本通常低于新客戶提供服務(wù)。19A

14、 這里指這部分顧客對于價格并不敏感。20C 上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指留住顧客讓競爭對手很難進(jìn)入你的市場。I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. One day, a sociologist(社會學(xué)家) proposed that the 36 society has been consuming modern humans little by little. For fear that I would become a victim of the consumer society, I 37 hurried to a bicy

15、cle shop in my neighborhood. 38 the shopkeeper Mr. Johnson was selling me the bicycle, he said, “This is the best thing you 39 have done. Life has become hopelessly 40 . A bicycle is simple, and it brings to you 41 things: fresh air, sunshine and exercise.” I agreed. Happy as a child, I got on the b

16、icycle and headed out onto the streets. After some time, I 42 at the other end of the town. I was 43 that this simple vehicle could let me 44 long distances in a fairly short time. But how 45 did I really go?Since I hated to be 46 , I went back to Mr. Johnson and asked him to 47 an odometer (里程表) on

17、 my bicycle. He agreed, but 48 , “An odometer without a speedometer (速度計) is like a 49 without a knife.” I admitted he was right and in a few minutes, the two devices (裝置) were 50 to the handlebars of my bicycle. “What about a horn?” he then asked. “Look, this horn is no larger than a matchbox and h

18、as many 51 .” Attracted by these functions, I bought the horn.“You cant leave the back part 52 ,” noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons 53 the seat, and said, “Is there anything better than this oven(烤箱) when you feel 54 on your way? I can give you a special discount.” I was not stron

19、g enough to 55 the offer.“I congratulate you once more; this is the best thing you could have done,” said Mr. Johnson in the end.21A. adultB. humanC. consumer D. bachelor 22A. eventuallyB. immediatelyC. reluctantly D. gratefully23A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. As D. Unless24A. wouldB. shouldC. must D. coul

20、d25A. boringB. complicatedC. stressful D. tough26A. naturalB. mysteriousC. complex D. unique 27A. gave upB. broke downC. calmed down D. ended up28A. amazedB. amusedC. confused D. concerned29A. marchB. driveC. cover D. measure30A. farB. longC. fast D. deep31A. unreliableB. impracticalC. unprepared D.

21、 inaccurate32A. fixB. checkC. repair D. lay33A. sworeB. addedC. replied D. concluded34A. pencilB. forkC. box D. cake35A. distributedB. convertedC. applied D. attached36A. shapesB. sizesC. functions D. models37A. looseB. blankC. bare D. incomplete38A. besideB. beforeC. below D. behind39A. sickB. hung

22、ryC. hot D. thirsty40A. considerB. withdrawC. make D. resist 【答案】21C22B23C24D25B26A27D28A29C30A31D32A33B34B35D36C37C38D39B40D【解析】本文為記敘文,講述了我接受了社會學(xué)家在電視節(jié)目中提出的消費觀點,擔(dān)心成為現(xiàn)代消費社會的受害者,便去鄰家商店買了自行車。老板推薦了自行車上的多種裝置,甚至烤爐,我無法拒絕,一一購買。實際上我仍然是現(xiàn)代消費社會的受害者。21C【命題立意】考查名詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】根據(jù)本句中的“consuming”和下句中的“consumer soci

23、ety”可知,答案為C?!癱onsumer society”意為“消費社會”。A項意為“成人”,B項意為“人類”,D項意為“單身”,都與語境和文章主題不符。22B【命題立意】考查副詞辨析。難度中等。【解題思路】根據(jù)本句中的“hurried”,結(jié)合語境可知,我立即趕到鄰家的自行車商店,B項意為“立即”,符合語境;A項意為“最后,終于”,C項意為“不情愿地”,D項意為“感激地”,都與語境不符。23C【命題立意】考查連詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】根據(jù)語境可知,當(dāng)老板在賣自行車給我的時候說,C項意為“當(dāng)時候”,符合句意,故C項正確。A項意為“盡管”,B項意為“因為”,D項意為“除非”,都與句意不符。

24、24D【命題立意】考查情態(tài)動詞辨析。難度中等。【解題思路】根據(jù)語境可知,該句意為:這是你所能做到的最好的事。could have done意為“能夠做到的”,與語境相符,故D項正確。A項意為“愿意”,B項意為“應(yīng)當(dāng)”,C項意為“必須”,都與語境不符。25B【命題立意】考查形容詞辨析。難度中等。【解題思路】根據(jù)下句中的“A bicycle is simple”,結(jié)合語境可知,該句意在表達(dá):生活是很復(fù)雜的,而自行車是簡單的。B項意為“復(fù)雜的”,符合句意;A項意為“令人厭煩的”,C項意為“有壓力的”,D項意為“艱苦的”,都與語境不符。26A【命題立意】考查形容詞辨析。難度中等。【解題思路】根據(jù)本句中

25、的“fresh air, sunshine and exercise”可知,這些都是“自然的”,A項意為“自然的”,符合句意;B項意為“神秘的”,C項意為“復(fù)雜的”,D項意為“獨一無二的”,都與語境不符。27D【命題立意】考查動詞短語辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】該句意為:一段時間之后,我抵達(dá)小鎮(zhèn)的另一頭。D項意為“以而告終,結(jié)束”,符合句意。A項意為“放棄”,B項意為“拋錨”,C項意為“平靜下來”,都與語意不符。28A【命題立意】考查形容詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】根據(jù)語境可知,對于這中簡單工具的作用,我感到很驚奇。A項意為“驚奇的”,B項意為“愉快的”,C項意為“困惑的,不解的”,D項意為

26、“關(guān)注的”,都與語意不符。29C【命題立意】考查動詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】根據(jù)語境可知,該句意為:這種簡單的工具在如此之短的時間內(nèi)能夠讓我經(jīng)過如此長的路程,cover long distances 意為“經(jīng)過漫長的路程”,故C項正確。A項意為“行軍”,B項意為“駕駛”,D項意為“測量”,都與語境不符。30A【命題立意】考查形容詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】根據(jù)第二段第一句中“ an odometer”可知,我安裝了里程表,是想知道我實際上行了多遠(yuǎn),A項意為“遠(yuǎn)的”,符合句意,故A項正確。B項意為“長的”,C項意為“快的”,D項意為“深的”,都與語意不符。31D【命題立意】考查形容詞辨析。


28、項意為“發(fā)誓”,C項意為“回答”,D項意為“總結(jié)”,都與語意不符。34B【命題立意】考查名詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】該句意為:有里程表沒有速度計,就如有刀卻無叉。B項意為“叉”,符合句意。35D【命題立意】考查動詞辨析。難度中等。【解題思路】根據(jù)語境可知,這兩種裝置被綁在手把上,D項意為“綁上,系上”,符合句意。A項意為“貢獻(xiàn)”,B項意為“轉(zhuǎn)換”,C項意為“申請”,都與語意不符。36C【命題立意】考查名詞辨析。難度中等?!窘忸}思路】根據(jù)下句中的“attracted by these functions”可知,這種喇叭小功能卻多。C項意為“功能”,符合句意。37C【命題立意】考查形容詞詞辨析


30、抵抗,拒絕”,符合語意。A項意為“考慮”,B項意為“收回”,C項意為“使”,都與語意不符。We come by business naturally in our family. Each of the seven children in our family worked in our fathers store. 11 we worked and watched, we learned that work was about more than 12 and making a sale.One lesson stands out in my 13 . It was shortly befo

31、re Christmas. I was in eighth grade and was working evenings, straightening the toy section. A little boy, five or six years old, came in. He was 14 a brown torn coat with dirty sleeves. His shoes were scuffed (磨破)and his one shoelace was torn. The little boy looked poor to me too poor to 15 to buy

32、anything. He looked 16 the toy section, picked up this item and 17 , and carefully put them 18 in their place.Dad came down the stairs and walked over to the boy. His steel blue eyes 19 and the dimple(酒窩)in his cheek stood out as he asked the boy what he could do for him. The boy said he was looking

33、 for a Christmas _20_ to buy his brother. I was impressed that Dad treated him with the same respect as any adult. Dad told him to take his 21 and look around. He did.After about 20 minutes, the little boy carefully picked up a toy 22 , walked up to my dad and said, “How much for this, Mister?”“How

34、much you got?” Dad asked.The little boy held out his hand and 23 it. His hand was creased(起皺) with 24 lines of dirt from holding his 25 too tightly. In his hand 26 two dimes, a nickel and two pennies27 cents. The price on the toy plane hed picked out was $3.98.“Thatll just 27 it,” Dad said as he 28

35、the sale. Dads reply still 29 in my ears. When the little boy walked out of the store, I didnt notice the dirty, worn coat or the single torn shoelace. What I saw was a happy child with a 30 .41A. BecauseB. SinceC. AsD. After42A. survivalB. laborC. hardshipD. entertainment43A. wayB. mindC. lifeD. ti

36、me44A. putting onB. dressingC. having D. wearing45A. tryB. attemptC. affordD. manage46A. forB. aroundC. upD. over47A. thatB. oneC. itD. this48A. upB. awayC. backD. off49A. openedB. smiledC. shoneD. looked50A. treeB. cardC. presentD. cake51A. effortB. wordC. timeD. courage52A. carB. giftC. planeD. se

37、ction53A. showedB. openedC. gaveD. turned54A. longB. straightC. wetD. main55A. toyB. pocketC. handD. money56A. layB. hadC. heldD. laid57A. workB. coverC. needD. take58A. tookB. returned C. made D. offered 59A. ringsB. stays C. remainsD. gets60A. bag B. treasure C. package D. thing【答案】41C42A43B44D45C

38、 46B47A48C49B50C 51C52C53B54C55D56A57B58C59A60B【解析】本文講述了小時候幫助父親做生意的過程中,目睹父親對一個身穿破爛衣服的小男孩做生意的過程,父親的愛心和對人一視同仁的品質(zhì)給我上了很好的一堂課。41C考查連詞辨析。我們一邊工作一邊用心觀察,這讓我們明白了,在工作中除了生存和交易還有很多更有意義的東西。As一邊一邊.;在這里引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。because和since引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,after不符合句意。42A考查名詞辨析。解析同11題。survival生存labor 勞動 hardship困苦entertainment娛樂43B考查名詞辨析。有

39、一個教訓(xùn)在我的腦海(mind)里留下了深刻的印象。44D考查動詞辨析。他穿著(wearing)一件棕色大衣袖口又破又臟。45C考查動詞辨析。這個小男孩看上去真是太窮了,我覺得他應(yīng)該什么都買不起的。afford買得起46B考查介詞辨析。在玩具柜臺看來看去(look around),around是副詞。47A考查代詞辨析。拿起這個,又拿起那個(that)。48C考查副詞辨析。放回(put back)原來的地方。put up提供,建造 put away放好;儲存 put off推遲49B考查動詞辨析。父親炯炯有神的藍(lán)色眼睛帶著笑意(smiled),臉上的笑容也蕩漾開了,生成了兩小酒窩。50C考查名詞

40、辨析。因為是圣誕節(jié),所以應(yīng)該是給弟弟買禮物(present)。51C考查固定短語。take ones time別著急,慢慢來。父親又讓男小孩隨便看看,不要著急,小男孩照做了。52C考查上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文The price on the toy plane hed picked out was $3.98.可知答案為C。53B考查動詞辨析。小男孩伸出并打開(opened)了他的手54C考查形容詞辨析。因為長時間緊握著錢(money),他的手心滿是汗?jié)n(wet)、臟兮兮的。55D考查名詞辨析。解析同24題。小男孩手里握著錢。56A考查動詞辨析。他的手里躺著(lay)兩塊銀元,一個五分硬幣,兩個一

41、分的便士,一共是27美分。57B考查動詞辨析。cover夠只付;work工作need需要take花費。根據(jù)意思,應(yīng)選B。58C考查動詞辨析。make the sale成功銷售,也就是說父親完成了這個生意,把玩具飛機(jī)給了小男孩。59A考查動詞辨析。父親的回答在我耳邊回響(rang).60B考查名詞辨析。我所看到的是一個光芒四射的孩子,他有著寶石(treasure)一樣美麗的心靈。bag袋子;package包裹 ting東西。As we all know “ The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” and “ 26 every succes

42、sful man there is a woman.” Both these 27 mean the same things. Men rule the 28_ , but their wives rule them.Chinese people and other foreigners often say, 29_ of the American women like making their husbands and sons successful, but some of them want 30_ for themselves. They want good 31 . When the

43、y work they want to 32_ better paid. They want to be as 33_ as men.In the 1960s, the American womens liberation 34 was started by women who dont want to 35 behind successful men. They want to stand beside them, with the same 36_ for success. They dont want to be told that certain jobs or 37_ are clo

44、sed to them. They refused to work side by side with men who do the 38 work for higher pay.In America, a liberation woman must be 39 of being a woman and have confidence in herself. If somebody says to her, “ You have come a long 40 , baby”, she will 41 and answer, “Not nearly as 42 as I am going to

45、go, baby.”O(jiān)n the other hand , this movement is quite 43 and many American women do not agree. 44_ it has already made some important 45_ in womens lives. 61A. Before B. Beside C. BehindD. Near62A. writings B. words C. letters D. sayings63A. family B. world C. earth D. society64A. most B. few C. all

46、D. none65A. anything B. nothingC. something D. everything66A. jobs B. clothes C. food D. houses67A. have B. make C. receive D. be68A. good B. successfulC. wonderful D. much69A. activity B. affairs C. movementD. incident70A. cooperate B. work C. help D. stand71A. work B. job C. positionD. chance72A.

47、offices B. schoolsC. shops D. places73A. better B. same C. less D. important74A. tired B. afraid C. proud D. fond75A. place B. walk C. way D. journey76A. smile B. cry C. sob D. laugh77A. long B. far C. soon D. much78A. new B. good C. important D. pleasing79A. So B. And C. But D. Or80A. progress B. i

48、mprovement C. decisions D. changes【答案】61C62D63B64A65C66A67D68B69C70D71D72D73B74C75C76A77B78A79C80D【解析】文章介紹了美國的婦女解放運動。61C 介詞辨析。A在之前;B在旁邊;C在后面;D附近。這里是指站在男性背后。62D 名詞辨析。A文章;B話;C信;D諺語。上文提及的兩個都是諺語,故D正確。63B 上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)句意可知是指男性統(tǒng)治世界,而女人統(tǒng)治男人。64A 上下文串聯(lián)。這里指大部分的美國女性都喜歡讓丈夫或者兒子成功,但是也有一些是想為自己做一些事情。65C 代詞辨析,解析同上。66A 上下

49、文串聯(lián)。這里是指她們想要有自己的工作。想要有很好的報酬。67D 被動語態(tài)。Be paid獲得報酬。68B 形容詞辨析。根據(jù)上下文的句意可知是想與男人一樣成功。69C 上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)下文43空之前的this movement可知是指婦女解放運動。70D 詞義辨析。這里是指女性不愿意再站在男性的背后,他們也想要同樣的成功的機(jī)會。71D 名詞辨析。解析同上。72D 詞義辨析。這里的place是指職位。意指:她們得不到這樣的工作或者職位73B 上下文辨析。這里是指做同樣的工作而得不到同樣的報酬。74C 上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指參加婦女解放運動的女性都為自己感到自豪。75C 上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指要走很長的

50、路。76A 動詞辨析。參加婦女解放運動的女性都很獨立,在這種情況下不會出現(xiàn)BCD那樣情況。77B 上下文串聯(lián)。這里是指并不像我要走的那么遠(yuǎn)。這里是指她們下定決心要取得自己的權(quán)利。78A 形容詞辨析。根據(jù)上下文可知很多女性都不了解,說明婦女解放運動仍然是很新的事物。79C 上下文串聯(lián)。根據(jù)上下文可知這里是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,是指婦女解放運動已經(jīng)給女性的生活帶來了很多的變化。80D 名詞辨析。解析同上。A boy selling magazines walked up to a house people seldom visited. The house was old and the owner 36 c

51、ame out. When he did come out he wouldnt say hello to anybody 37 simply stared at them.The boy knocked on the door and 38 . As he was ready to 39 away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want?” the old man said.“Uh, sir, Im selling these magazines and I was 40 if youd like to buy one.” The old man

52、 41 stared at the boy. The boy could see the inside of the house and 42 some dog figurines(小雕像). “Do you 43 dogs?” the boy asked. “Yes, I do. Theyre my family here and theyre all I have.” The boy felt sorry for the man, as he seemed to be very 44 . “Ive a magazine here for collectors. Its perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” But the old man said, “I need 45 of the magazines, now goodbye.”The boy was sad. He went home and then an idea 46 to him. He had a little dog figuri


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