



1、U1人類(lèi)生活在大自然的王國(guó)里。 他們不僅是大自然的居民, 也是大自然的改造者。 隨著社 會(huì)的進(jìn)步和經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展, 人們對(duì)大自然的直接依賴(lài)越來(lái)越少, 而對(duì)其間接的依賴(lài)卻越來(lái)越多。人類(lèi)與大自然血肉相連, 誰(shuí)都無(wú)法生存于大自然之外。 然而人與自然之間原來(lái)存在的動(dòng) 態(tài)平衡已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)崩潰的跡象。 人口爆炸、 生態(tài)失衡、 資源匱乏等問(wèn)題已成為阻礙人類(lèi)社會(huì)進(jìn) 一步發(fā)展的主要因素。斯伯金教授認(rèn)為, 要解決這一問(wèn)題, 人類(lèi)唯一的選擇就是明智地協(xié)調(diào)好生產(chǎn)和對(duì)大自然 的關(guān)愛(ài)之間的關(guān)系。Human beings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers

2、 in nature, but also transformers of it. With thedevelopment of society and its economy, people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but indirectly theirdependence grows. Human beings are connected with nature by blood ties. No one can live outside nature. However, theprevious dynamic b

3、alance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down. Problems such as the populationexplosion, ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources have become major factors keeping human societyfrom being further developed. Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human bei

4、ngs is the wise organization ofproduction and care for Mother Nature.U2目前, 許多人都享受著過(guò)去歷代人想象不到的物質(zhì)和技術(shù)進(jìn)步帶來(lái)的好處。隨著科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展,人們的生活水平越來(lái)越高,壽命也大幅度延長(zhǎng)。然而, 奇怪的是, 許多人并不感到比以前幸福。 可見(jiàn),人們的收入和幸福并非密切相關(guān), 畢竟幸福是金錢(qián)買(mǎi)不到的。盡管大多數(shù)人對(duì)生活并不十分滿意,可還是樂(lè)意活著。他們?cè)诘厍蛏仙畹臅r(shí)間越長(zhǎng), 感覺(jué)越好。重要的是,僅在物質(zhì)上富有是不夠的,人們還需要精神上的幸福。Nowadays, many people are enjoying t

5、he benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable inprevious eras. With the development of science and technology, people s standard of living is getting higher and higher.People s life expectancy has soared, toHowever, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than t

6、hey used to be. It can be seen that there is no closecorrelation between people s income and their happiness. Happiness cannot, afterall, be bought with money. Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive,and the more time they get on earth, the

7、 better off they feel they ll be.What is important is that material wealth is far from enough. People need spiritual happiness, too.U4 有些人認(rèn)為只要自己準(zhǔn)時(shí)上下班就算完成任務(wù)了,從不思索什么是工作和為什么要工 作。其實(shí),“工作”涉及到智慧、熱情、想象力和創(chuàng)造力等各方面的問(wèn)題。要做好工作, 工作者必須有奉獻(xiàn)精神, 能夠吃苦耐勞, 此外他還應(yīng)該具有主動(dòng)性和創(chuàng)造 性。所謂主動(dòng)性,就意味著工作者要隨時(shí)把握住機(jī)會(huì),展現(xiàn)自己非凡的工作才能。其次,工作者要弄清楚自己所從事的

8、工作的性質(zhì)和意義,對(duì)自己的所作所為負(fù)起責(zé)任, 以旺盛的熱情投入到工作中去。如果能做到這一點(diǎn),他就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn), 工作不再是一種負(fù)擔(dān),而 是他生活中不可或缺的一個(gè)重要組成部分。 不管從事什么工作,他總能從工作中找到價(jià)值和 樂(lè)趣,在平凡的崗位上取得不平凡的業(yè)績(jī)。Some people think that theyve fulfilled their tasks as long as they go on duty and come off duty on time. They never thinkabout what is meant by work and why they should work

9、 at all. In fact, work involves such qualities as wisdom, enthusiasm,imagination and creativity. To do his work well, a worker must have a spirit of dedication, and be capable of bearinghardships and standing hard work. In addition, he should have initiative and creativity. Having initiative means t

10、he workershould be ready to grasp every opportunity to display his outstanding ability. In addition, a worker should make clear thenature and significance of the work he does, be responsible for whatever he is doing and plunge himself into the work withvigorous enthusiasm. If he can do so, he will f

11、ind a job no longer a burden but an indispensable part of his life. Whatever hedoes, he can always find values and pleasure in the work and achieve extraordinary results in otherwise ordinary work.U6真理是什么?真理是人們對(duì)客觀世界及其規(guī)律的正確反映。 真理讓人們充滿希望, 讓人 生充滿光彩, 所以許多人把追求真理作為人生的最高目標(biāo)。 歷史上許多人為了追求真理, 獻(xiàn) 出了自己寶貴的生命,對(duì)人類(lèi)做出了

12、杰出的貢獻(xiàn)。真理是絕對(duì)的, 又是相對(duì)的。 我們說(shuō)真理是絕對(duì)的, 是因?yàn)檎胬砟軌蚩陀^地反映事物的 本質(zhì)。但是,任何真理都只是人們對(duì)事物發(fā)展在一定階段的正確認(rèn)識(shí),所以它又是相對(duì)的、 不斷發(fā)展的。真理的光芒有時(shí)可能會(huì)黯淡,但永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)熄滅。對(duì)某些人來(lái)說(shuō),真理也許太遙遠(yuǎn), 實(shí)際 上真理就在我們身邊,只要我們用心去尋找,就一定會(huì)追求到真理What is truth? Truth is the correct reflection of peoples knowledge about the objective world and its laws. Truth makespeople full of ho

13、pe and life full of brilliance and glory. Therefore, many people regard the pursuit of truth as the ultimate goalof their lives. In human history, many people devoted their lives to the pursuit of truth and made outstanding contributions tomankind. Truth is both absolute and relative. We say that tr

14、uth is absolute because truth can objectively reflect the essentialsof things. However, any truth is but peoples correct understanding of the development of things at a certain stage. Therefore,truth is relative and develops constantly. Sometimes, the brilliance of truth may dim but it will never di

15、e out. For some people,truth may seem beyond their reach. In fact, it is close at hand. We can find truth as long as we keep pursuing it heart and soul.U7薩拉和邁克爾本來(lái)是一對(duì)全日制上班的夫妻, 自己有房子, 兩部汽車(chē), 還用一大筆貸款 買(mǎi)下了一艘大船。 倆人都忙于各自的工作, 有時(shí)周末還要到外地公務(wù)出差。 所謂的家庭生活 僅僅局限于下班后的那幾個(gè)鐘頭。 他們的確掙了不少錢(qián), 可是他們對(duì)這樣快節(jié)奏的生活方式 厭煩了。所以,女兒出生后不久,他們

16、便決定改變自己的生活方式。他們把兩個(gè)全職工作換成了兩個(gè)半日工作, 并努力縮減消費(fèi)。 他們賣(mài)掉了原來(lái)那所富麗 堂皇的房子,搬進(jìn)了自己親自設(shè)計(jì)的,既漂亮又節(jié)能的小住宅。他們減縮了家當(dāng), 把那些昂 貴但長(zhǎng)期閑置的雜物都處理掉了。他們還賣(mài)掉了那艘大船,而和另外一家人共享一艘小船, 照樣可以享受到海上航行的樂(lè)趣。 他們放棄了多余的汽車(chē)和職業(yè)裝, 也放棄了一些昂貴的嗜 好;他們很少在外面吃飯,由此也減少了許多開(kāi)支。如今他們不再憑一時(shí)沖動(dòng)購(gòu)物,只把錢(qián) 花在最基本的必需品上。人們可能以為他們對(duì)自己太吝嗇了,其實(shí)不然。他們選擇這種簡(jiǎn)單、節(jié)省的生活方式完全是自愿的行為, 絕不是因?yàn)槲镔|(zhì)匱乏。 他們認(rèn)為, 簡(jiǎn)樸的生

17、活無(wú)論對(duì)社會(huì)還是對(duì)個(gè)人都有 好處。Sara and Michael used to be a two-career couple with a home of their own, two cars and a large boat bought with a large loan.They were both busy with their respective work and sometimes they had to make business trips at weekend. The only timefor their so-called home life was restri

18、cted to the few hours after work. Indeed, they had made a lot of money, but they got fedup with such a fast-paced lifestyle. So soon after their daughter was born, they decided to change their lifestyles. They tradedtheir two full-time careers for two part-time jobs, and tried hard to curtail their consumption. They sold their splendid houseand moved into a smaller but pretty and energy-efficient home designed by themselves. They downsized their possessionsand discarded all the expensive clutter. They also sold their


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