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1、七彩教育網(wǎng) 教學(xué)資源分享平臺,無需注冊、無需登錄即可下載一、 背景新目標(biāo)初中英語教材采用任務(wù)型語言教學(xué)(TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING)模式,融會話題、交際功能和語言結(jié)構(gòu),形成一套循序漸進(jìn)的生活話的學(xué)習(xí)程序。以學(xué)生語言技能、語言知識、情感態(tài)度、學(xué)習(xí)策略和文化意識的發(fā)展為基礎(chǔ),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生英語綜合語言運用能力。強調(diào)從學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣、生活經(jīng)驗和認(rèn)知水平出發(fā),倡導(dǎo)學(xué)生體驗、實踐、參與和交流來中發(fā)展學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能力。增加了情感因素、學(xué)習(xí)策略以及文化意識和跨文化交際能力等方面,體現(xiàn)了以人為本的教育觀念,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的終生學(xué)習(xí)能力,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生健全的人格和技能發(fā)展能力,提到了教育成功的

2、核心。任務(wù)型的教學(xué)模式,其過程應(yīng)該形成一種師生交往、積極互動、共同發(fā)展的過程。應(yīng)該形成一種民主、開放的課堂教學(xué)氛圍。讓學(xué)生在教師的指導(dǎo)下,通過感知、體驗、實踐、參與和合作等方式,實現(xiàn)任務(wù)的目標(biāo),感受成功。在學(xué)習(xí)過程中進(jìn)行情感和策略調(diào)整,以形成積極的學(xué)習(xí)態(tài)度,促進(jìn)語言實際運用能力的提高。二、課題: 八年級英語(新目標(biāo))下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? Section A (1a2c)三、教材分析本單元教學(xué)以“不明飛行物到達(dá)時你在做什么?”導(dǎo)入,圍繞“談?wù)撨^去發(fā)生的事情”這個這個話題展開教學(xué),引導(dǎo)學(xué)生通過學(xué)習(xí)本單元的語言素材看圖說

3、話、句型操練、實際描述、對話表演,使學(xué)生學(xué)會用英語講故事。這個話題貼近學(xué)生的生活,讓他們有話可說。本單元的教材特點是話題集中,但句型不多。主要語法內(nèi)容為when 引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句及過去進(jìn)行時。 我選取的是本單元的第一個課時,本課出現(xiàn)了大量的地點名詞(短語);一些實意動詞;學(xué)習(xí)過去進(jìn)行時及when和while 的用法。四、教學(xué)方法用計算機輔助教學(xué),以任務(wù)型教學(xué)法為主體,以小組活動,兩人協(xié)作為依托。以游戲、聽力、口頭練習(xí)和筆頭練習(xí)為載體開展教學(xué)。根據(jù)材料的信息,課后完成小短文來檢查鞏固這節(jié)課的知識。五、教學(xué)內(nèi)容及過程教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1. Master the key words and phrase

4、s . 2. Learn to talk about the past events. 3. Learn to tell a story using the past and past progressive tense.教學(xué)重難點:1.Learn to talk about the past events,using the target language. 2.Master the same and differences between when and while. 3.Can talk about things and tell stories by using the past a

5、nd past .progressive tense.情感目標(biāo): 1.Raise the students curiosity and interest in science by talking about The UFO. 2. Encourage them to explore the unknow world.教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備: CAI Tape recorder教學(xué)過程:(Procedure)Step 1 Lead in Hello, everyone ! Did you have a good time last weekend ? Were there something new thi

6、ngs in your weekend holiday life ? Last Saturday evnening , I went to GanZhou for shopping . Do you know what happened?(板書happen 發(fā)生) An unusual object flew in the sky .Can you guess what it is ? And then what happened ? Do you want to know? Now lets see a short video.Step 2 Presentation1. Show the v

7、ideo again for the class , and teach new words: UFO (Unidentified Fly Object 不明飛行物 飛碟)n. alien (外星人)n.land (登陸)v.2. Show out the statements of 2a by CAI (復(fù)習(xí)一般過去時)( ) The alien visited the Museum of Flight. (visitvisited) ( ) The alien bought a souvenir. (buy-bought)( ) A UFO landed on Center Street

8、. (land-landed)( ) The alien went into a store . (go-went)( ) An alien got out of the UFO. (get-got)3. Play the tape,listen and order these statements1-5, then read the sentences.4. Now lets see where alien was going .(Present new phrases and sentence structures.)Show 6 pictures of real situation ab

9、out where the alien was.Teach new vocabulary and sentence structures.Picture 1In the bathroomPicture 2In the kitchenPicture 3In the barber shop Picture 4In the bedroomPicture 5in the barbers chairPicture 6In front of the libraryA: Where was the alien?(point to picture 1)B: It was in the bathroom A:

10、Where was was the alien?(picture2)B: It was in the kitchen(lead student say other pictures, and at the same time wtite these new phrases on the blackboard ).Students finish 1a.Read these vocabulary after the teacher ,then students read together.Can you ask and answer like me ?(point the big screem,

11、let students practice above dialogues) 5. Later, I did a survey about where my friends were when the UFO arrived?1. cut hair (Lucy) in a barber shop2.Cook dinner(Kate) in the kitchen3. cut hair(Tom) in the barbers chair4.Sleep (Jim) in the bedroom5. Talk on the phone (Allen) in front of library6. Ta

12、ke a shower(Tina) in the bathroomPresent (lead student say)A:Where was Lucy when the alian landed?B: She was in the barbers shop when the alien landed.(practice other people as this) A: And what was Allen doing when the alien landed? B: He was talking on the phone in front of the library when the al

13、ien landed. (lead student say out others like this)Sum up: past progressive tense ( was/were + doing) 過去某一時刻或某一時段正在進(jìn)行的動作。Step 3 Practice1. Can you tell me about what you or your friends were doing? (Students practice this sentence structures by themsvlve, two or four in a group.) Like this : A: hell

14、o! Where were you when the UFO arrived? B: I was +地點 C: I was +地點 D: I was +地點A: What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?B: I was +(doing)C: I was +(doing)D: I was +(doing)A: where was your friend (某某)when the UFO arrived?B: He/She was +地點A: What was youe friend doing when the alien landed? B: He/

15、She was +(doing)A: Where were your parents when the UFO arrived? B: She was + 地點A: What were your parents doing when the alien landed?B: They were +(doing)2. Promt some pairs or groups to act out.3. Play gamesShow 6 pictures ( 6 gold eggs). If you want to play this game ,you could choose one of thes

16、e 6 eggs, and then I will open your egg which you pick out, and here will some information in it .You should use the information (have been write on )to make conwersations.3. Listen to the tape and finish 1b ,then check the answers. And read the conversation .4.Try to complete 2b with “when”and “whi

17、le”.Students can see grammar focus first. And then play the tape for students to , and check their answers.5. Play the tape again and the studeuts read sentence by sentence after the tape. Pay attentation to the pronunciatin and intonation.Then read together by imitating .Step 4 Consolidation1. Stud

18、ents look at 2b and grammar focus , see the same and the differences between when and while .2. Lead students find out their differences當(dāng)?shù)臅r候后接的動詞(一般)后接的時態(tài)(一般)when短暫性一般過去時while延續(xù)性過去進(jìn)行時3Make up sentencesIt was raining I got out of my roomIt was raining when I got out of my room.(例句)While it was rainin

19、g,I got out of my room. The girl wasshoppingI met herThe girl was shopping when I met her. We were eatingdinnerMy mother Arrived home While we were eating dinner,my aunt arrived home.The students Were readingThe teacher Came in 4.Do some exercises. Lucy was playing the guitar (when/while)her mother

20、was cleaning the house. The students were cleaning the classroom (when/while) the teacher came in. (when/while) Cathy was playing the guitar,the other girls listened and kept quiet. What were you doing (when/while)Mum came back from work? (when/while)I was doing my homework,someone knocked at the do

21、or.Step 5 Summary and homeworkToday we have learnt some new things about the UFO and alien. And some knowledge about new words, short phrases, new sentence structures,past progressive tense . And the differences between when and while. After class please finish the following passage . And review tod

22、ays knowledge.My bad day (writing)(sleep,ring) (go out of home,rain) (watch TV,was broken) (play computer games,the electic power cut(停電) (sleep,ring again). Last Sunday, I had a bad day. In the morning I was sleeping when the telephone rang, my friend Tom asked me to have a picnic with him. , .I ha

23、d to stay at home. .Then I thought of my computer, ,the Electirc power cut. I had nothing to do. I slept again . 六、教學(xué)反思針對上述教學(xué)設(shè)計和具體的教學(xué)活動,筆者事后又一下幾點思考:一、好的方面1、飛碟和外星人對于學(xué)生來說是新鮮事物,通過看外星人登入的視屏來導(dǎo)入新課,使學(xué)生對學(xué)習(xí)充滿興趣并感受英語學(xué)習(xí)的樂趣,從而營造良好的課堂氛圍。2、在學(xué)習(xí)生詞和短語時通過CAI輔助予真實的情景來呈現(xiàn),把單詞和短語放在具體的語境中學(xué),避免了學(xué)習(xí)生詞和語法的枯燥無味。通過小組合作,操練句型,包括語法點when 和while在用法上的不同之處的講授(通


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