



1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上第一集 1、 “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius 子曰:“攻乎異端,斯害己也?!?2、 When I was a little girl, my understanding of revenge was as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind, neat little morality slogans, like, “Do unto others” and “Two wrongs dont ma

2、ke a right.”當我還小的時候,我對復仇的理解,簡單停留在對主日學校學的諺語的理解,簡單的道德標語,比如“己所不欲勿施于人”、“冤冤相報何時了”。 3、But two wrongs can never make a right, because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places:Absolute forgivenessor mortal vindication. This is not

3、 a story about forgiveness. 冤冤相報永無終止,因為兩種傷害永遠不能抵消。對于真正受傷害的一方而言,真正的滿足只能通過兩種途徑實現(xiàn):徹底寬恕,或者用死亡洗脫罪孽。這不是一個講述寬恕的故事。 4、They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But sometimes its as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died in innocent man. 俗話說君子報仇十年不晚,而有時十年后的仇恨不減當年。我父親含冤而終。 5、When everything you love has be

4、en stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.當你所愛的一切被人剝奪,你所剩下的唯有復仇。 第二集 1、 And mistakes are life and death, collateral damage is inescapable.走錯一步,攸關生死;殃及魚池,在所難免。 2、 Ems:That our past defines who we are. 我們的過去造就了我們的現(xiàn)在。 Vic:I would say our choices are what define us. 我會說我們的選擇造就了我們的現(xiàn)在。 Em

5、s:May be for the lucky. 對于幸運的人來說也許如此。 3、 Trust is a difficult thing, whether its finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting our heart is the riskiest thing of all. In the end, the only person we can truly trust is ourselves. 信任來之不易,無論是找到值得你信任

6、的人,還是相信就連他們也會背叛你。但相信自己的心卻是最最大的冒險。最終,唯一能夠真正信任的人,只有自己。第三集 1、 Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.信任這種奢侈之物我可承擔不起。(Vic) 2、 For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacherous, its only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve. 對于那些無辜的人,過去承載著美好的記憶。但對于那些背信棄義的

7、人,他們最終會為自己丑陋的過去而得到應有的報應。第四集 1、 You have really outdone yourself.你真是百尺竿頭更進一步。(Nolan) 2、 Count on it.正合孤意(Ems) 3、 The greatest weapon anyone can use against us is our mind. Are we true to ourselves? Or do we live for the expectations of others? And if we are open and honest, can we ever truly be loved

8、? Can we find the courage to release our deepest secrets? Or in the end, are we all unknowable even to ourselves? 外人對抗我們最有力的武器是我們的內心。我們對自己坦誠嗎?又或者我們只是為別人的期望而活著?如果我們坦誠相待我們就能收獲愛情嗎?我們有勇氣說出心靈深處的秘密嗎?或者最終,我們都茫然不知,即便是對我們自己。 第五集 1、 In revenge, as in life, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In t

9、he end, the guilty always fall. 復仇時,和生活中一樣,每一舉動都有正面或反面的結果。但最終,正義將戰(zhàn)勝邪惡。 2、 Never underestimate the power of guilt; it compels people to some pretty remarkable places. 永遠不要低估邪惡的力量,它會將人逼至意想不到的境地。 3、 Guilt is a powerful affliction. You can try to turn your back on it, but thats when it sneaks up behind

10、you and eats your life. Some people struggle to understand their own guilt, unwilling or unable to justify the part they play in it. Others run away from their guilt, until theres no conscience left at all. But I run toward my guilt. I feed off of it. I need it. For me, guilt is one of the few lante

11、rns that still light my way. 愧疚是一種磨人新的東西。你可以試著假裝它不存在,但同時它也在不知不覺中啃噬著你的生命。一些人掙扎著想認清自己的內疚,不愿或不能為自己洗脫罪名;令一些人則逃之夭夭,直到它完全殆盡。而我卻與愧疚正面對峙,甘之若飴,求之若渴。對我而言,愧疚是余下的少數(shù)幾盞照亮我前路的燈。第六集 1、 They say vengeance taken will tear the heart and torment the conscience. If theres any truth to it, then I now know with certainly

12、that the path Im on is the right way. 俗話說復仇是撕心裂肺的痛楚,是折磨良知的苦澀。如果此言非虛,我可以肯定我正走在自己復仇之路上。 2、 Like life, revenge can be a messy business. And both would be much simpler if only our heads could figure out which way our hearts will go. But the heart has its reasons, or which reasons can not know. 復仇如同生活,猶如

13、一團亂麻。如果我們的理智能夠指引心的方向,一切都能迎刃而解。然而人心是無法控制的,也是無法讀懂的。第七集 1、 As Hamlet said to Ophelia, “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.” The battle between these two halves of identity who we are and who we pretend to be, is unwinnable. 哈姆雷特曾對奧菲利亞說,“上帝給你一張臉,你卻為自己再造了另一張?!闭鎸嵉淖约号c外在的偽裝相互斗爭,勝負難分。

14、2、 Never underestimate your enemy and never let your guard down. 永遠不要低估你的敵人還有永遠不要放松警惕。 3、 Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every person. One that we reveal to the world and another we keep hidden inside. A duality governed by the balance of light and darkness.凡事皆有兩面

15、,每個人也同樣擁有兩面。一面我們展露于世,另一面我們深埋于心;而兩者共存、平衡于人性光明與黑暗之間。 4、 Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold the true power. 每個人心中都有一個天使一個惡魔,只有那些游刃于道德界線邊緣的人,才是真正的強者。第八集 1、 Theres an old saying about those who cannot remember the past bei

16、ng condemned to repeat it. But those of us who refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it. 有句古話說道,忘記過去的人注定會重蹈覆轍。而忘不了過去的人,亦注定會重蹈覆轍。 2、 The past is a tricky thing. Sometimes its etched in stone. And other times, its rendered in soft memories. But if you meddle too long in deep, a dark thing,

17、 who knows what masters youll awaken? 過去是對命運的捉弄。有時它銘刻在磐石之上,有時它又回旋于虛幻的記憶中。但如果你許久深陷在黑暗的過去,你無法預期會驚醒怎樣的猛獸。第九集 1、 Its been written that a lover is apt to be as full of secrets from himself as is the object of his love from him. For my father, the secrets withheld by the woman he loved proved powerful eno

18、ugh to destroy him. Im just now to beginning to understand the enormity of that burden. 書中有言,之其所愛,若非以誠相待,則亦以私待之。對于我父親來說,他愛的人所隱藏的秘密足以毀掉了他的人生?,F(xiàn)在我才逐漸明白,那些壓力有多么巨大。 2、 Inside the vipers nest, you must be viper, too. 要想在毒蛇的巢穴中生存,你就必須以毒攻毒。 3、 We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the wor

19、ldFriendship we pretend, relationships we hide. But worst of all is that love we never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves. 每個人都有不愿為外人所知的秘密:虛情假意的友情、密不可宣的關系 但最糟糕的是我們深埋心中的愛意。這些隱瞞于心的秘密才是最危險的。 第十集 1、 How does it feel now that your targets are no longer

20、 more ideas, but flesh and bones? 當那些你假象的復仇目標現(xiàn)在就活生生地在你面前,你有什么感覺? 2、 The task in front of you requires absolute focus. If you let your emotions guide you, you will fail. 荊棘的復仇之路需要你坐到心無旁騖。如果你還放不下兒女情長,你會一敗涂地。 3、 You are on you own. 你孤軍奮戰(zhàn)吧。 4、 Mt father wrote,” Always question where your loyalties lie.

21、The people you trust will expect it, your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you treasure the most, will, without fail, abuse it.” 我父親寫道,“你需時刻警惕自己效忠的對象:親者期望你的忠誠,仇者垂涎你的忠誠。而越是你最在乎的人,越是會忘用你的忠誠,無一例外?!?5、 Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while there maybe, there is a catch. True loya

22、lty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.有人說忠誠能激發(fā)無窮無盡的希望,這背后或許還有一句潛臺詞真正的忠誠,成于成年累月,卻可在彈指之間灰飛煙滅。第十一集 1、 Defense lawyers use the term” Duress” to describe the use of force, coercion, or psychological pressure exerted on a client in the commission of a crime. When duress is applied to the e

23、motionally unstable, the result can be as violent as it is unpredictable. 辯護律師常將“脅迫”一詞用在實施犯罪的委托人身上,以此來描述力量強迫,或是心理壓力對他們產生的影響。當在一個人情緒不穩(wěn)時加以脅迫,結果可能會難以預料地可怕。 2、 Duress impacts relationships in one of two ways. It either tears people apart, or strengthens their connection, binding them tightly in a common

24、 objective. 威脅逼迫對感情有兩種影響,或令人們分道揚鑣,或令心靈更加緊密,為了同一目標,將彼此牢牢綁緊。第十二集 1、 For the average person, leading an ordinary life, fame hold an hypnotic attraction. Many would sooner perish than exist in anonymity. But for the unlucky few whove had notoriety forced upon them, infamy can be a sentence more damning than any prison term. 對平民百姓而言,名望易令智昏;很多人寧愿飛蛾撲火,也不愿碌碌茍活。但對于少數(shù)不幸者而言,被強加于身的狼藉聲名,是比任何刑期都難逃的罪責。 2、 Sometimes bad things happen to good people. 有時候好人卻得不到好報。 3、 People are fond of saying that you cant unring a bell. But some words ring out likes church bells, rising above the din, callin


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