



1、愛華教育2017年寒假班級:八年級英語試卷 姓名:聽力部分(30分)I.聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個句子讀一遍。(5分).5.n .聽句子,選擇正確答案。每個句子讀一遍。()6. A. Beijing.B. San Francisco.(5分)C. Athens.()7. A. Good idea!B. What bad news! C. It s very kind ofyou.()8. A. Orange.B. Yellow.C. Blue.B. What a pity! C. Thesame()9. A. I m sorry to hear that. to you.()10

2、. A. Really?B. Good idea!m.聽對話及問題,選擇正確答案。()11. A. He played the piano.C. Thank you.每段對話及問題讀兩遍O(5分)( )12. A. Traveling by plane.B. He danced. C. He sang.B. Traveling by train. C. Traveling bysea.( )13. A. She is shy.B. She is polite.C.Sheisattractive.( )14. A. To see Beijing Opera.B. To go to library

3、.C.To gotosupermarket.()15. A. Ride a bike.piano.IV.聽對話,判斷正(T)誤(F)B. Play computer games. C.對話讀兩遍。(5分)Playthe()16. The man will go camping.()17. He will be away for a week.()18. He will leave on May 1st.()19. He will buy a tent.()20. No one will go with him.()11.- You look really tired. ? - I didn t

4、 sleep well last night. 1I had a headache.A. how are youB. what should I do2C. what s the matterD. how are you feeling now3( )12. -1 have a sore back - You should down and rest.卜A. to lieB. lying C. lie D.lied4( )13. I used to_ newspapers and watch TV after dinner. But nowI m used 5to a walk.7A. rea

5、d; take B. read; taking C. reading; taking D. reading; take( )14.-1 ve made much progress in grammar. The ideas you worked outfine.-Glad I could help.A. came up with B. ran out ofC. looked up to D. tookcare of( )15. His grandpa lives in a small house, but he doesn t feel.A. lonely; aloneB. alone; lo

6、nely C. lonely; lonely D. 一alone; alone三.所給單詞的適當形式填空。(5分)r1 .We shouldn t (argue) with our parents.p2 .How about (go)hiking this afternoon?i3 .I think Chinese is as (important)as math.t4 . She works here once a week(help) kids learn to sing.15 . I think books make a big (different) to us young peopl

7、e.p四.根據(jù)句意及首字母提示寫單詞。(5分)(1.I didn t catch the bus, so I had to go to school on f . (2.Just now I took my sister s temperature and I knew she didn t have a f(3.I have ( 幾個)good friends in my class and they love me very much.(4.In China, some poor families can not o their children a good education.(5.L

8、ook,there are lots of c in the sky. It s going to rain.(五.根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。(10分)()8. A. can tB. not C. no D. isn()9. A. find B. help C. seeD. meet()10. A. in B. atC. on D. after()11. A. one B. twoC. three D. four()12. A. new B. brokenC. black D. whitec b hi()13. A. do B. do the()14. A. in B. on()15. A. do

9、n t do八、閱讀理解。(15分)C. play D. play theC. at D. forB. don t likeC. doD. likes g y (This is Cara and Ben. They are twins(雙胞胎).They are twelve. This is their bedroom. It s a nice room. Th ere are two beds in the room. The yellow bed isCara s and that green one is Ben s. The twins have one desk and two c

10、hairs.(The chairs look the same. Cara s sweater is on his bed. Ben s coat is on hischair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags(are behind the chairs.( )1. Cara and Ben are.A. brother and sister B. brothers C. sisters D. friends( )2. Cara and Ben have.A. two chairs a

11、nd one desk B. two desks and one chairC. two chairs and two desks D. one desk and one chair( )3. Cara s is yellow and Ben s is green.A. chair;bed B. sweater; sweater C. bed;chair D. bed; bed()4. Cara s sweater is.A. on his bed B. on Ben s bed C. on the chair D. on the deskt()5. Which is right?tA. Th

12、eir class is very nice. B. Their two beds look the same.C. Their schoolbags areunder the chairs.ED. They live in the sameroom.卜BdHi, I mBrian.Thi s isthe photoofmyfamily. Mygrandfather is with glasses. h is very heavy. Her husband, Mr. Green is coming to the supermarket and carry(搬 運)the rice.()11.

13、Where s the supermarket?A. In Mrs. Green s house. B. Near Mrs. Green s house.C. Under the street. D. In the mall(商業(yè)街).()12. Who likes biscuits?A. Mrs. Green and Mr. Green. B. Mrs. Green and Tim.C. Mrs. Green and Mimi. D. Tim and Mimi.()13. Mimi likes.A. fish B. hot dog C. rice D. vegetable()14. Does Mrs. Green buy a bag of rice?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt .C. Yes, she is.D. We dont know.()15


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