已閱讀5頁,還剩16頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、旅游英語情景對話here is the tourist information center?旅游咨詢處在哪里?A:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the tourist information center is?打擾一下,你能告訴我旅游咨詢處在哪兒嗎?B:Im new here. You had better ask the policeman over there.我初來此地,你最好問問那邊的警察。A:Thank you all the same.謝謝你!Is there a tourist information center in this ci

2、ty?本市有沒有旅游咨詢處?A:Is there a tourist information center is this city?本市有沒有旅游咨詢處?B:Yes, there is one near the airport.有,在飛機場附近有一個。Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推薦一家較為廉價的旅館嗎?A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推薦一家較為廉價的旅館嗎?B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which

3、costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?有一家青年旅館,一晚上不到20美元,您覺得如何?A:OK! Thank you!好的,謝謝!Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach.我想要住在一間靠近海灘的旅館。A:May I help you?需要什么幫助嗎?B:Yes, Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach. Would you recommend one?是的,我想要住在一間靠在海灘的旅館。你能為我推薦一個嗎?A:Well, there is a Moonligh

4、t Hotel with excellent service near the beach.嗯,有個月光賓館,離海灘不遠,而且服務是一流的。B:Thank you!謝謝!小提示:初次踏入異國旅游,人生地不熟,在旅游咨詢處可問詢關于住宿的信息,可以根據(jù)自己的要求具體詢問。比如還有以下相關的問法:Do you have a hotel list? 這兒有旅館目錄嗎?Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 是否有每晚花費在50美元以下的旅館?Could you recommend a hotel in the city cente

5、r? 是否可推薦一家位于市中心的旅館?Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.請告訴我這座城市一些有趣的地方。A: Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.請告訴我這座城市一些有趣的地方。B: OK, what are you interested in?好的,你對什么感興趣?A: I want to visit some historic sites.我想?yún)⒂^一些歷史名勝。What are the places of special inte

6、rest here?這里有什么特別有趣的地方嗎?A: What are the places of special interest here?這里有什么特別有趣的地方嗎?B: Why dont you go to the Disneyland? Im sure youll have fun here.何不去迪斯尼樂園玩玩呢?我相信你在那兒肯定會玩得很開心。A: Thank you!謝謝!初到異地旅游若是不熟悉該國的旅游景點可以向別人詢問,其他類似的表達法還有:Could you recommend some interesting places to visit in the city?你能

7、為我介紹一些這座城市有趣的可供參觀的地方嗎?What are the best places to visit here, please?請問這里最好的旅游觀光處在哪里?Which places are the most-sees?哪些地方是必看之地?第一句:May I have a free city map?我可以要一張免費城市地圖嗎?A:Excuse me. May I have a free city map?打擾了,我可以要一張免費城市地圖嗎?B:Sure, here you are.當然可以,給你。A:Thank you very much. Thats very nice of

8、you.多謝了!您真好!B:Not at all.不客氣!第二句:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?你有這座城市的旅游手冊嗎?A:Do you have a sightseeing brochure for the city?你有這座城市的旅游手冊嗎?B:Yes, but Im afraid its not free.是的,但不是免費的。A:All right! Ill take one. Here is the money.沒關系,我買一本,給你錢。B:Here is your change. Have a nice trip!給

9、您找零,祝您路途愉快!知識延伸:想要索取或購買旅游手冊,還有以下相關的說法:Please give me a sightseers pamphlet.請給我一本觀光手冊。Where can I get a tourist handbook?我在哪里可以買到旅游手冊?第一句:Id like to know the route of the streetcar.我想知道電車行進的路線。A: Id like to know the route of the streetcar.我想知道電車行進的路線。B: Its shown on this map.地圖上有。第二句:Is there a bus t

10、o go to there?有到那兒的公汽嗎?A: Is there a bus to go to the Star Hotel?有到星星賓館的公汽嗎?B: Yes, the bus runs every hour.有,每小時一趟。A: By the way, could you tell me which bus to take to go there?順便問一下,能告訴我乘哪路公交去嗎?B: No. 12.12路。A: Thank you.謝謝!關于乘車路線的表達法還有:Is it far to walk?走到那兒遠嗎?Should I take a bus?要乘公共汽車嗎?Should

11、I go this way or that way?我應當走這條路還是那條路?Is there any landmark there?那個地方有路牌嗎?第一句:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?我如果在那兒待兩周要多少錢?A:How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?我如果在那兒待兩周要多少錢?B:It doesnt cost much, because its far from the downtown area.不會花費太多,因為那兒離市中心遠。A:Thats

12、 good.那還不錯。How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days?香格里拉7日游多少錢?A:Hello, CITS? How much is the Shangri-La tour for 7 days?你好,中國旅游嗎?香格里拉7日游多少錢?B:The winter program is 650 dollars.冬季游是650美元。A:For each person?每個人650美元?B:Yes, including meals.是的,包括飯錢在內(nèi)。旅游前選擇一家好的旅行社很重要,他們會安排行程、住宿和飲食等。如果詢問機票的話可以說:Is the t

13、icket included? 含機票嗎?Do you give a discount? 你們打折嗎?第一句:Do you have any tour including all these places?你們有沒有包含所有這些地方的旅游路線?A: What places do you prefer to go?你們想去哪些地方?B: We particularly want to visit Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Do you have any tour including all these places?我們特別想去北京、西安和上海。你們有沒有包含所有這

14、些地方的旅游路線?A: Yes, we do. But it is a little bit expensive!是的,我們有,但稍微有些貴!How much do you usually charge for a tour to China?到中國旅行一般收費多少?A: Here are the brochures that describe various tour routes in China. You can choose anyone you like.這些是介紹到中國旅行各種路線的小冊子。您可以選擇您喜歡的任意一種。B: How much do you usually charg

15、e for a tour to China?到中國旅行一般收費多少?知識延伸:出門前向旅行社咨詢信息很重要,他們一般會提供住宿、餐飲和交通方面的信息。如果想問機票是否打折的話,可以說:Do you have discount for air tickets?機票打折嗎?第一句:Room service, please.我要客房服務。A:Room service, please.我要客房服務。B:What can I help you?能為你做點什么?A:Please change our sheets and pillow cases.請換一下床單和枕套。第二句:Please come to

16、room No. 312.請到312房間。A:Room service. What can I do for you?客房服務部,您需要什么服務?B:Please come to room No. 312 and bring me bath towels.請給312房間送幾條浴巾來。A:OK, well send a waiter soon.好的,我們會馬上派服務員過來。B:Thank you.謝謝!知識延伸:尋求旅店的客房服務或主動提供客房服務時還可以說:Housekeeping, may I come in?我是房客服務員,可以進來嗎?Room service. What can I do

17、 for you?這是客房服務部,我能為你做點什么嗎?第一句:I have some laundry to do.我有衣服要洗。A:Room service, I have some laundry to do.客房服務部,我有衣服要洗。B:OK, Ill ask a maid to do.好的,我會叫服務員來做的。第二句:Could you send someone up for my laundry, please?你能叫人來把我的衣服拿去洗一下嗎?A:Is there anything I can do for you?我能為您做點什么嗎?B:Could you send someone

18、 up for my laundry, please?你能叫人來把我的衣服拿去洗一下嗎?A:Yes, madam. Ill send someone immediately.好的,女士。我馬上派人去。尋求旅店的客房服務或主動提供客房服務時還可以說:Housekeeping, may I come in?我是客房服務員,可以進來嗎?Room service, what can I do for you?這是客房服務部,我能為您做點什么嗎?第一句:When would you like me to do your room, sir?您要我什么時候來給您打掃房間呢,先生?A:Housekeepin

19、g. May I come in?我是客房服務員,可以進來嗎?B:Come in, please.請進。A:When would you like me to do your room, sir?您要我什么時候來給您打掃房間呢,先生?B:You can do it now if you like.如果你愿意,你現(xiàn)在就可以打掃。第二句:May I clean your room now, madam?女士,我現(xiàn)在可以打掃您的房間嗎?A:May I clean your room now, madam?女士,我現(xiàn)在可以打掃您的房間嗎?B:Im afraid not. Will you come b

20、ack in about half an hour?恐怕不行,你半小時后來好嗎?客房服務部說明整理房間時還會用這樣的表達:May I do the turn-down service now? 現(xiàn)在可以為您收拾房間了嗎?May I tidy your room right now? 我現(xiàn)在能為您整理房間嗎?客人也可以提出要求,比如說:How about tidying up a bit in the bathroom? 衛(wèi)生間稍微打掃一下行嗎?第一句:Would you please get me some hot water?你能給我送些熱水來嗎?A: Room service. May I

21、 help you?這是客房服務部,需要什么幫助?B: Would you please get me some hot water?你能給我送些熱水來嗎?A: All right.好的。第二句:Please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.請給我們送瓶剛燒開的水來。A: Is there anything I can do for you?我能為您做什么?B: Please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.請給我們送瓶剛燒開的水來。A: OK. Anything else I can do for y

22、ou?好的,還有其他要我為您做的嗎?B: No, thank you.沒有了,謝謝!請求客房服務部提供開水的相關表達法還有:I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.我想請你給我拿一瓶開水來。Is hot water available any time?隨時都有熱水供應嗎?Please bring me some ice cubes and water.請送給我一些冰塊和水。第一句:Id like to order my breakfast.我想預定早餐。A: Good morning. Id like to order m

23、y breakfast.早上好,我想預定早餐。B: All right, sir. What will you have?好的,先生,您要什么?A: Buttered toast, fresh ham and a cup of black tea.奶油吐司,鮮火腿和一杯紅茶。B: Wait a moment, please.請稍等。Please bring my breakfast at seven oclock.請在早上七點送早餐過來。A: Room service, please.客房服務部。B: Is there anything I can do for you?能為你做什么嗎?A:

24、Please bring my breakfast at seven oclock.請在早上七點送早餐過來。B: All right. Im glad at your service.好的,樂意效勞。向客房服務部說明在房間用餐或是訂餐的相關表達還有:Id like to have my breakfast in the room.我想在我的房間用早餐。breakfast 早餐,lunch 午餐,supper 晚餐,dinner 也指晚餐,但dinner一般指較正式的、豐富的晚餐。第一句:How many kinds of Chinese cuisine do you have?你們這有多少種中

25、國菜?A:Here is the meun. Which do you prefer, Western food or Chinese food?這是菜單。西餐和中餐您比較喜歡哪一種?B:A real Chinese dinner. How many kinds of Chinese cuisine do you have?要地道的中餐。你們這有多少種中國菜?第二句:May I have your order now?現(xiàn)在點菜嗎?A:May I have your order now?現(xiàn)在點菜嗎?B:Yes. Two shrimp cocktails and some fried peanut

26、s for appetizer.是的。要兩杯蝦仁雞尾酒和炸花生米來開胃。A:What would you like to drink?要喝點什么?B:Beer for me. Budweiser.我要百威啤酒。請別人吃飯時,可以說:treat sb. to.Would you like some dessert? After you.你要什么點心?您先點。dessert 是開胃的食品或飲料等,一般是在飯后用。After you. 您先點。這個短語用來請別人先干什么,如先走路、先下車等。第一句:Im checking out.我要退房。A: Im Mr. Li. Room 1024. Im ch

27、ecking out. Will you make out my bill, please?我是1024房間的李先生。我要退房。能把我的賬單準備好嗎?B: Yes. Well have your statement ready in a few minutes.好的。我們將馬上為您準備好賬單。第二句:Could you please explain this for me?您能為我解釋一下這個嗎?A: Id like to have a look. Could you please explain this for me?我想看一下。你能為我解釋一下這個嗎?B: They are a few

28、small bills from the bar.它們是酒吧的幾張小單子。知識點延伸:the cashiers desk 指的是結賬處,cashier指的是出納員,statement指的是結賬單,如果游客對賬單有異議的話,可以讓出納員核查一下,這時可以說:Could you please go through it one by one?你能一個一個核查一遍嗎?第一句:Do you have any plan on your mind?你有什么打算嗎?A:Do you have any plan on your mind?你有什么打算嗎?B:I want to go to Italy for

29、travelling this summer vacation.這個暑假我想去意大利旅行。Where do you plan to go?你打算去哪兒?A:Where do you plan to go this summer?今年夏天你打算去哪兒?B:Japanl, I suppose. What about you?你想是日本吧。你呢?A:Well, I have not decided yet, Id like to go to France.嗯,我還沒決定呢,我想去法國。知識點延伸:詢問假期旅行計劃的相關表達法還有:Where are you going on your vacatio

30、n?你打算去哪兒度假?旅行計劃用英語說是:travel planWhats your travel plan?你的旅行計劃是什么?第一句:Show us our itineraries.請給我們看看旅游日程吧。A: Show us our itineraries, please.請給我們看看旅游日程吧。B: Well first go to Versailes, then well go to Saint Denis.我們首先去凡爾賽宮,然后去圣丹尼斯大教堂。Can you show me a brochure for tour courses?你能給我看一下線路手冊嗎?A: Can you

31、show me a brochure for tour courses?你能給我看一下線路手冊嗎?B: Here it is. Take your time.給您,慢慢看。A: By the way, does the tour include meals?順便問一下,這趟旅行供餐嗎?B: Yes, we do.是的。有關旅游日程的表達還有:According to our schedule, today were going to visit.根據(jù)我們的行程安排,我們今天要去參觀Do you have night tours?你們有夜間旅游項目嗎?Where will we visit on

32、 the tour?這趟旅行我們將參觀哪兒?第一句:I prefer a package tour.我喜歡組團旅游。A: Do you like a package tour to travel alone?你喜歡組團旅游還是獨自旅游?B: I prefer a package tour, and we dont have to worry about accommodation, meals and sort of trivial things. And you?我喜歡組團旅游,不用操心住宿、吃飯等那樣的小事。你呢?A: Id rather travel alone, for I can h

33、ave more time to visit those that attract my attention.我寧愿獨自旅行,這樣我會有更多的時間去參觀那些吸引我注意的事物。第二句:Im going on a guided tour.我要跟導游團旅行。A: Im going on a guided tour in the mountain.我要跟導游團在山里觀光。B: Youll see the world-famous magnificent waterfall.你會看到世界著名的壯觀的大瀑布。組團旅游是:package tour,相對應的就是自助旅游:budget travelling或者

34、叫self-help tour,導游用英語說是tour guide,導游團則是guided tour。第一句:I want to visit some historic sites.我想?yún)⒂^一些歷史名勝。A: Where do you plan to travel?你打算去哪兒旅游?B: I want to visit some historic sites. Can you suggest some places for me, please?我想?yún)⒂^一些歷史名勝。請問,你能給我推薦一些地方嗎?A: How about visiting the Great Wall? I hear the

35、Great Wall is one of the eight wonders of the world.去參觀長城怎么樣?我聽說長城是世界八大奇觀之一。第二句:I want to see beautiful scenery.我想看看美麗的風景。A: I want to see beautiful scenery.我想看看美麗的風景。B: Why dont you go to the beach? You can enjoy fishing, boating and swimming.你為何不去海邊?你可以享受垂釣、劃船和游泳的樂趣。根據(jù)自己興趣的不同,旅游時可選擇不同景色,如歷史古跡histo

36、ric spots、名勝古跡places of interest 或文化遺址cultural relics 等等。第一句:Have a nive trip!旅途愉快!A: Next week Im going to Hawail for my holiday.下周我要去夏威夷度假。B: Have a nice trip!旅途愉快!第二句:Good luck!祝你好運!A: Ill visit Disneyland with my wife and children a couple of days later.過幾天我將和我的妻子和孩子們?nèi)サ鲜磕針穲@玩。B: I hear that there

37、 are often a lot of people there at this time of year.我聽說每年的這個時候會有很多人去那兒參觀。A: Oh, really? I hope there are not too many people then.哦,是嗎?我希望我們?nèi)サ臅r候人不是很多。B: Good luck!祝你好運!知識延伸:表達良好祝愿還可以說:Have a good trip!/Have a good journey! 旅途愉快!May you have a wonderful journey! 祝您旅途愉快!And a safe landing! 祝您平安到達!第一

38、句:Id like to speak to the ticket reservation department.我要接通電話。A: Hello. Id like to speak to the ticket researvation department.你好。我要接通訂票部。B: Just a minute, please.請稍等。A: Id like to book tickets from Huston to Shanghai.我要訂從休斯頓到上海的機票。第二句:When will the nearest flight be?最近的航班是什么時候?A: When will the nea

39、rest flight be?最近的航班是什么時候?B: Next Friday morning.下周五下午。A: OK. I want two tickets for children.好的。我要兩張兒童票。相關講解:1. 當接線員說Youre through to.時,意思是你與接通了。2. fix your tickets指的是辦理好機票。3. check in意思是辦理(住宿、登機)手續(xù),游客在訂票時應詢問相關的信息。第一句:May I have a look at your passport, please?可以看看您的護照嗎?A: May I have a look at your

40、 passport, please?可以看看你的護照嗎?B: Sure.當然。A: You have a tourist visa. Where will you be staying?您持有旅游簽證,準備待在哪兒?B: Mainly in Texas.主要在德克薩斯州。第二句:May I see your customers declaration form?可以看看您的報關表嗎?A: You may go to the baggage claim area and get your luggage, then proceed through the Customs.您可以到行李提取處拿您的

41、行李,然后進行海關檢查。B: Thank you.謝謝。A: May I see your customs declaration form.可以看看您的報關表嗎?B: Yes. Nothing illegal.好的,沒有什么違法的。第一句:May I have a look at your passport, please?可以看看您的護照嗎?A: May I have a look at your passport, please?可以看看你的護照嗎?B: Sure.當然。A: You have a tourist visa. Where will you be staying?您持有旅游

42、簽證,準備待在哪兒?B: Mainly in Texas.主要在德克薩斯州。第二句:May I see your customers declaration form?可以看看您的報關表嗎?A: You may go to the baggage claim area and get your luggage, then proceed through the Customs.您可以到行李提取處拿您的行李,然后進行海關檢查。B: Thank you.謝謝。A: May I see your customs declaration form.可以看看您的報關表嗎?B: Yes. Nothing

43、illegal.好的,沒有什么違法的。第一句: Id like to take a sightseeing tour.我想?yún)⒓右粋€觀光游。A: Id like to take a sightseeing tour.我想?yún)⒓右粋€觀光游。B: OK, what kind of tour would you like?好的,你想要什么樣的旅游路線?A: Are there any tours to visit the Polar World?有去極地世界的旅游路線嗎?B: Yes, we do.有的。第二句:Id like a half-day tour.我想?yún)⒓影肴沼?。A: Which tour

44、would you like to take?你想選擇哪種觀光游?B: Id like a half-day tour.我想?yún)⒓影肴沼?。相關的表達法還有:Id like to make a reservation for two this tour.我要預訂兩個人的行程。Is there a day/two hours tour?有一日/兩小時游嗎?Id like a full-day tour.我想?yún)⒓尤煊?。Do you have a morning tour?有上午的觀光游嗎?詞組記憶:a sightseeing tour 觀光游a half-day tour 半日游句型學習:Id li

45、ke to 我想,相當于I want toeg. I think thats something Id like to change in my country.我相信,那就是我想要在我的國家作出改變之處。eg. Lets say I pledge to run 100 miles this month. I can then enter the email addresses of people Id like to cheer me onmy wife, my mother, my boss.也許我發(fā)誓這個月要跑100英里,然后我就可以輸入一個電子郵件地址給那些樂于鼓勵我的人,例如我的妻子

46、,我的老媽,我的領導。小提示:Id like to take a sightseeing tour. 這句中to take 在雙方明白所指的時候也可以省去,例如:Id like a half-day tour.第一句:Please find me a Chinese-speaking guide.請幫我找位講中文的導游。A: Tourist Agency. What can I do for you?這是旅行社,你需要什么幫助?B: Please find me a Chinese-speaking guide.請幫我找位講中文的導游。A: OK. Please leave your tele

47、phone number, later well call you.好的,請留下您的電話號碼,等會我們會聯(lián)系你的。B: 850625. Thank you!850625。謝謝!第二句:Where can I ask a guide?哪里可以找到導游?A: Where can I ask a guide?哪里可以找到導游?B: You can find one through Tourist Agency.你可以通過旅行社找。詞匯學習:1.find a guide=ask a guide 找導游2. Chinese-speaking 講中文的3. throughprep. 通過;穿過;憑借adv

48、. 徹底;從頭至尾adj. 直達的;過境的;完結的We should temper ourselves through manual labour.我們應該 通過 勞動鍛煉自己。I liked to meander through familiar streets.我喜歡閑逛 穿過 熟悉的街道。The only way to find out is through a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.找到這些答案的唯一方法就是通過一場對美聯(lián)儲的 徹底 審計。He read through the manuscript.他把手稿 從頭至尾 看了。其他表

49、達:一般組團旅游有特定的導游,這時你可以問:What language is going to be used?導游解說使用何種語言?Will we have a Japanese-speaking tour guide?我們有說日語的導游嗎?Is there a guided tour in this area?這一地區(qū)有導游團嗎?第一句:How much is this tour?旅行費用是多少?A:How much is this tour?旅行費用是多少?B:60 dollars in all.總共60美元。A:Is lunch included?包括午餐嗎?B:Yes.是的。第二句:

50、How much is the guide fee for a half day?半天的導游費用是多少?A:How much is the guide fee for a half day?半天的導游費用是多少?B:Well, it depends. Usually its about 50 yuan.依情況而定,通常情況下大約是50元。相關表達:詢問租車游覽觀光及導游的費用時,還可以說:How much is the guide fee per day?導游費每天多少錢?詞組學習:1.in all 總共,合計eg. The new method departs from the old in

51、 all respects.這種新方法與舊方法在各個方面都不同。eg. He rooted about in all his drawers and found the lost ball-pen at last.他在所有的抽屜里翻來翻去,最后終于找到了丟失的圓珠筆。eg. In all of those areas you identified, what would you like to be different?在你指出的全部那些范圍內(nèi),有什么是你想要變得不同的?2.it depends 看情況而定eg. It depends who you ask.答案取決于你問誰?eg. It d

52、epends entirely, of course, on your condition.當然這完全取決于,你的身體條件。eg. Well, it depends, of course, whether I choose it pointing out or in.它取決于我對指向的選擇由里往外,或由外往里。第一句:What kind of tour do you have?你們有什么樣的旅行路線?A: What kind of tour do you have?你們有什么樣的旅行路線?B: We offer many kinds of tours.我們提供多種路線。第二句:What can I see on the


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