



1、小升初英文奧數(shù)專題解析(三)1、An ant covers a distanee of 90 metres in 3 hours. The average speed of the ant in decimetres per minute is。2、The AikkuI:w Ivllow ing (liL'lcrciin ihiinirmbcf zLtm:I 一C-100V -5D-500X工1(VI=10曲皿.L=50TIka used (best nitiiK'Rik h> nisik< numbers 購 lbll;v5:'I -JM-6II -2VI

2、I匚7| =3VIM=8I =4IX9V =5X工10h etc.So, lor exmnple, X</1X is 99.W'liat is the vrIuc of XI. VI'?3、In a certain town some people were affected by a ' flu ' epidemic. In the first month 20% of the populati on con tracted the flu whilst 80% were health y.In the followi ng mon th 20% of

3、the sickpeople recovered and 20% of the healthy people con tracted the disease.What fracti on of the populati on is healthy at the end of the sec ond mon th?4、Mpho, Barry, Sipho, Erica and Fatima are sitting on a park bench.Mpho is not sitting on the far right. Barry is not sitting on the far left.S

4、ipho is not sitting at either end. Erica is sitting to the right of Barry,but not necessarily next to him. Fatima is not sitting next to Sipho.Sipho is not sitt ing next to Barry.Who is sitt ing at the far right?5、Of the 28 T?shirts in a drawer, six are red, five are blue, and the rest arewhite. If

5、Bob selects T?shirts at ran dom whilst pack ing for a holiday, what is the least nu mber he must remove from the drawer to be sure that he has three T?shirts of the same colour?"good maths skills r SorgNurf klagood in gold ” .What is “ harmony gold6、In an alien Ianguage, jalez borg farn means m

6、eans “ maths in harmony ” and darko klar farn means this Ian guage?7、Five children, Amelia, Bongani, Charles, Devine and Edwina, were in the classroom when one of them broke a win dow. The teacher asked each of them to make a stateme nt about the eve nt, knowing that three of them always lie and two

7、 always tell the truth. Their statements were asfollows:Amelia:Charles did not break it, nor did DevineBongani:"I didn ' t break it, nor didDevine?!?Charles:" I didn ' t break it, but EdwinaDevine:“ Amelia or Edwina brokeit?!?Edwina:“ Charles broke It Who broke the window?8、Did you

8、 know? A palindrome is a number which reads the same forwards as backwards e.g. 35453. Next year 2002 is an example of a pali ndromic nu mber. What is the differe nee betwee n 2002 and the nu mber of the previous pali ndromic year?9、If a ?b = (2 a)?(3 :b) then the value of 2 ?(3 ?5) is。10、Two ants start at point A and walk at the same pace. One ant walks around a 3 cm by 3 cm square whilst the other walks around a 6 cm by 3 cmrectangle. What is the minimum distanee, in cen timetres, any one mustcover before they meet aga in?參考答案:1、 單位換算,注意單詞,90X10琨3 >60)=52、463、0.6


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