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1、英語中表示倍數(shù)增加的表達(dá)方法(一)A is N times as great (Iong , much , )as B. ()A is N times greater(Ionger, more, )than B. ()A is N times the size(Iength, amount, ) of B. ()以上三句都應(yīng)譯為:A的大?。ㄩL度,數(shù)量,)是B的N倍咸A比B大(長,多,)N-1倍.e.g. This book is three times as Iong as (three times Ionger than/three times the Iength of) that one

2、.這本書的篇幅是那本書的 3 倍(即長兩倍)。注:當(dāng)相比的對(duì)象 B 很明顯時(shí), than( as, of) B 常被省去。(二)increase to n times ()increase n times n-foId ()increase by n times ()increase by a factor of n ()以上四式均應(yīng)譯為:增加到 n 倍(或:增加 n-1 倍)。e.g. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 集成電路

3、的產(chǎn)量比 去年增加了兩倍。e.g. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against l986 化肥產(chǎn)量比 1986 年增加了 4 倍。e.g. That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. 那可使代謝率提高到原來的 2 倍或 3 倍(即提高 1 倍或 2 倍)。e.g. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏電壓增加了 3 借(即增加到原來的 4 倍)。

4、注:在這類句型中 increase 常被 raise ,grow ,go/step up ,multiply 等詞所替代。(三)There is a n- fold increase/growthY)應(yīng)譯為:增加n-倍(或增至n倍)。這個(gè)句型還有其它一些形 式:e.g. A record high increase in value of four times was reported. 據(jù)報(bào)道,價(jià)值破記錄地增長了 3 倍(四)double (增加 1 倍),treble (增加 2 倍),quadruple (增 加3倍)。()e.g. The efficiency of the machi

5、nes has been more thantrebled or quadrupled 這些機(jī)器的效率已提高了 2 倍或 3 倍多。(五)此外,英語中還有一種用 again 而不用倍數(shù)詞來比較倍數(shù) 的方法,如:A is as much (large , long , )again as B. (= A is twice as much (large , long , )as B.()應(yīng)譯為: A 比 B 多(大,長, ) 1 倍。A is half as much (large, 1ong, ) again as B.(= A is one and a half times as much (

6、large, 1ong, ) as B.)(11)應(yīng)譯為:A比B多(大,長)一半(即A是B的一倍半)。英語中表示倍數(shù)增加的表達(dá)方法(一) A is N times as grea(t long, much,)as B.()A is N times greater (longer, more, )than B.()A is N times the size (length, amount ) of B. ()以上三句都應(yīng)譯為:A的大?。ㄩL度,數(shù)量,)是 B的N倍或A比B大(長,多,)N-1倍.e.g. This book is three times as long as (three time

7、s longer than/three times the length of) that one.這本書的篇幅是那本書的 3 倍(即長兩倍)。 注:當(dāng)相比的對(duì)象 B 很明顯時(shí), than( as, of) B 常被省去。(二) in crease to n times()in crease n timep n-fold ()in crease by n times()in crease by a factor of n ()以上四式均應(yīng)譯為:增加到 n 倍(或:增加 n-1 倍)。e.g. The production of integrated circuits has been incr

8、eased to three times as compared with last year.集成電路的產(chǎn)量比去年增加了兩倍。e.g. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against l986化肥產(chǎn)量比 1 986年增加了 4倍。e.g. That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. 那可 使代謝率提高到原來的 2倍或3倍(即提高 1倍或2倍)。e.g. The drain voltage has been increased b

9、y a factor of four. 漏電 壓增加了 3借(即增加到原來的 4倍)。注:在這類句型中 in crease 常被 raise, grow, go/step up multiply 等 詞所替代。(三)There is a n-fold increase/growth()應(yīng)譯為:增加n-倍(或增至n倍)。這個(gè)句型還有其它一些形式:e.g. A record high increase in value of four times was reported. 據(jù) 報(bào)道,價(jià)值破記錄地增長了 3 倍。(四)double (增加 1 倍),treble (增加 2 倍),quadrupl

10、e(增加 3 倍)。()e.g. The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled這些機(jī)器的效率已提高了 2 倍或 3 倍多。(五)此外,英語中還有一種用 again而不用倍數(shù)詞來比較倍數(shù)的方 法,如:A is as much (large, long,)again as B.( = A is twice as much (large, Iong,)as B.()應(yīng)譯為:A比B多(大,長,)1倍。A is half as much (large, 1ong, ) again as B.(=A is o

11、ne and a half times as much (large,1ong, ) as B.) (11)應(yīng)譯為:A比B多(大,長)一半(即 A是B的一倍半)。 英語中表示倍數(shù)增加的表達(dá)方法作者:佚名 新聞來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 點(diǎn)擊數(shù): 43 更新時(shí)間:2009-5-11(一)A is N times as great(Iong, much, )as B.()A is N times greater (Ionger, more, )than B.()A is N times the size (Iength, amoun,t ) of B. ()以上三句都應(yīng)譯為:A的大小(長度,數(shù)量,)是 B的N 倍

12、。e.g. This book is three times as Iong as ( three times Ionger than/three times the Iength o)f that one.這本書的篇幅是那本書的 3 倍(即長兩倍)。注:當(dāng)相比的對(duì)象 B 很明顯時(shí), than ( as, of) B 常被省去。(二)in crease to n times()increase n timesn-foId ()in crease by n times ()in crease by a factor of n ()以上四式均應(yīng)譯為:增加到 n 倍 (或:增加 n-1 倍)。e.g

13、. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year.集成電路的產(chǎn)量比去年增加了兩倍。e.g. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against l986. 化肥產(chǎn)量比 1986年增加了 4倍。e.g. That can in crease metabolic rates by two or three times 那可使 代謝率提高到原來的 2倍或 3倍

14、(即提高 1倍或 2倍)。e.g. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏電 壓增加了 3借(即增加到原來的 4倍)。注:在這類句型中 in crease常被 raise, grow,go/step up, multiply 等詞所替代。(三)There is a n-fold increase/growth()應(yīng)譯為:增加n-倍(或增至n倍)。這個(gè)句型還有其它一些形式:e.g. A record high in crease in value of four times was reported.據(jù)扌報(bào)道,價(jià)值破

15、記錄地增長了 3 倍。(四)double (增加 1 倍),treble (增加 2 倍),quadruple (增 加3倍)。()e.g. The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled. 這些機(jī)器的效率已提高了 2 倍或 3 倍多。(五) 此外,英語中還有一種用 again 而不用倍數(shù)詞來比較倍 數(shù)的方法,如:A is as much (large, Iong, )again as B( = A is twice as much(large, Iong, )as B.()應(yīng)譯為:A比B多(大,長

16、,)1倍A is half as much (large, 1ong, )again as B.(二 A is one and a half times as much (large,1ong, ) as B.)11)應(yīng)譯為:A比B多(大,長)一半(即 A是B的一倍半)。高考英語中“倍數(shù)”的常用表達(dá)方式有這樣一道高考題:( 2003 上海) The house rent is expensive. I've got about half th e space I had at home and I'm paying here.A. as three times muchB. a

17、s much three timesC. much as three timesD. three times as much該題的正確答案為 D . 顯然本題是在考查倍數(shù)的表達(dá)法。倍數(shù)表達(dá)法 是高中英語教學(xué)的重點(diǎn),也是歷年的高考熱點(diǎn)之一。掌握倍數(shù)的表達(dá) 法對(duì)于同學(xué)們學(xué)好英語具有重要意義。下面對(duì)倍數(shù)的幾種表達(dá)法作一 歸納:一、用 times 表示倍數(shù)(一般限于包括基數(shù)在內(nèi)三倍或三倍以上的 數(shù)。表示兩倍的數(shù),一般用 twice )。其句式有:Line AB is three times longer than line CD.1. “ times 形容詞 / 副詞的比較級(jí) than ”例如:線段

18、AB 是(線段) CD 的三倍長。This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 這個(gè)大廳比我們的教室大 5 倍。2. “times +as +形容詞/副詞的原級(jí)+ as”例如:This table is three times as long as that one. 這張桌子是那張桌子的三倍長。This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed fro m the library.這本詞典的厚度是你從圖書館借的那本(厚度)的 5 倍。3. “ times + th

19、e + 名詞(如:size, height, weight, length,width 等)+ of ”例如:The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的體積是月球的 49 倍。This river is three times the depth of that one. 這條河是那條河的三倍深。4.“ times + more +名詞+ than ”例如:He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago. 他現(xiàn)在掙的錢比十年前掙的多 5 倍。There are twice mor

20、e students in our class than in theirs. 我們班的學(xué)生人數(shù)比他們班多兩倍。5. “times +as many (或 much )+名詞+ as ”例如:We've produced twice as much cotton this year as ( we did ) te n years ago.今年我們生產(chǎn)的棉花比十年前多了一倍。 (漢語中的多一倍實(shí)際上也 指兩倍一樣多。)He has got three times as many books as his sister.他擁有的書的數(shù)量是他妹妹的 3 倍。6. “ times + wha

21、t 從句”例如:The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago.這條路的長度是三年前的 4 倍。The price of the meat is twice what it was last year.肉價(jià)是去年的兩倍7. “times + up on (或 over ) ”例如:The size of the sun is a million times over that of the earth.太陽的體積比地球的體積大一百萬倍。He is three times up on your age.他的年齡是你

22、的 4 倍(或:比你的年齡大 3 倍)。8. “ +by + times ”例如:Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three ti mes.與去年相比,我們的煤產(chǎn)量增長了 3 倍。His speed is faster than mine by four times.他的速度比我的快 4 倍。9. “ times + compared with 被比較對(duì)象”例如:The number of the students in our school has increased for times c ompared

23、with 1980.我們學(xué)校的學(xué)生人數(shù)比 1980 年增加了 3 倍。In this workshop the output of July was 3.5 times that of January.這個(gè)車間七月份的產(chǎn)量是元月份的 3.5 倍。 二、用分?jǐn)?shù)、百分?jǐn)?shù)表示倍數(shù)。例如: The box is one-third bigger than that one. 這個(gè)盒子比那個(gè)盒子大三分之一。Last year the output value of industry was 59 percent higher than t hat of 1976.去年工業(yè)產(chǎn)值比 1976 年增長了 59

24、 。My command of English is not half so good as yours. 我英語掌握得還不及你的一半兒好。三、用 again (一倍), double (兩倍), triple (三倍), fou rfold (四倍)等詞表示倍數(shù)。例如:My Aunt is as old again as I am. 我姑姑的年齡比我大一倍。The top-brand clothes are often sold as double the normal price her e.這里名牌衣服的售價(jià)經(jīng)常比正常的售價(jià)高一倍The new work procedure tripled the output. 新工藝使產(chǎn)量增加兩倍。The output of grain increased fourfold. 糧食產(chǎn)量增加了三倍。鞏固練習(xí)1. ( 2002 上


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