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1、北京二中教育集團(tuán)2020-2021學(xué)年八年級下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷英 語命題人:孟舟審核人:宋明陽考查目標(biāo)1.知識:(1)熟練掌握教材第一至第五模塊的重點詞匯和句型。 (2)熟練掌握教材第一至第五模塊中相關(guān)的語法知識。2.能力:(1)能從文章中找出關(guān)鍵信息,猜測詞義,概括文章大意,理解不同文體的行文特點。 (2)能運用不同時態(tài),寫一篇關(guān)于旅游經(jīng)歷的短文。 (3)能聽懂對話和簡單的文段,并提取重要信息。 卷面成績卷面80%學(xué)業(yè)成績總評閱讀10%過程性10%考生須知1.本試卷分為試題卷和答題卡,共14頁;其中試卷12頁,答題卡2頁。全卷共八大題,63道小題。2.本試卷滿分100分,考試時間100分

2、鐘。3.在試卷指定位置和答題卡的密封線內(nèi) 準(zhǔn)確填寫班級,姓名,考號。座位號。4.考試結(jié)束,將答題卡交回。聽力理解(共26分)1, 聽后選擇。(每小題2分,共16分)聽小面4段對話或獨白,從每題所給的A,B,C三個選項中選出最佳選項。每段對話或獨白你將聽兩遍。請聽一段對話,完成第1至第2小題。( )1. When does the girl have to be home?A. By 8:00 p.m. B. By 9:00 p.m. C. By 10:00 p.m. ( )2 What's the boy allowed to do on weekends?A. To watch TV

3、. B. To go shopping C. To play basketball. 請聽一段對話,完成第3至第4小題。( ) 3. Why does Peter look upset today?A. Because he broke a window. B. Because he lost the ball game. C. Because he ate something bad.( )4.What does the mother ask Peter to do?A. To learn from Mr. Green. B. To say sorry to Mr. GreenC. To g

4、ive some presents to Mr. Green請聽一段對話,完成第5至第6小題。( )5. Where did Lisa spend her whole holiday?A. At her aunt's home. B. At an old people's home. C. At a children's home. ( )6. What did Lisa do there?A. She cooked meals.B. She washed clothes.C. She read newspapers請聽一段獨白,完成第7至第8小題。( )7. How

5、long has Chinese brush painting lasted?A. Over 2000 years. B. Over 4000 years. C. Over 6000 years. ( )8 What does the speaker mainly tell us?A. How to learn Chinese painting. B. Why Chinese painting is famous. C. What we can show in Chinese painting.二、聽后回答。(每小題1分,共5分)(請將此題答案作答在答題紙上)聽下面5段對話或獨白,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容

6、回答問題。每題你將聽兩遍。( )9. How is the weather now?_( )10.When can they get to the airport?_( )11.Whose schoolbag is it?_( )12.Why does the man want to change the cat?_( )13.How will the woman go to the Peoples Park?_三,聽后記錄信息。(每小題1分,共5分)(請將此題答案作答在答題紙上)聽兩遍短文,然后根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容和提示將所缺信息填寫在相應(yīng)位置上。Why do people love visitin

7、g museums?14 subjects:have special themes; cant found outside this_15_ Colorful_16_:take an audio guide to 17 more;create ones own work of art;Try on special clothes.Close to life:show our values and_18_知識運用(共24分)2, 單項選擇。(每小題1分,共14分)從下面各題所給的A,B,C,D四個選項中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項。( )19.Sally is tall_ long hair

8、and she_ friendly.A. and; look B. with; looks C. or; sounds D. with;sound ( )20.-Helen, thanks for_ me with my English.-My pleasure.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped ( )21. Tom likes playing the guitar and he enjoys dancing_.A. however B. as well C. either D. also( )22-Have you ever _to Haikou

9、?-Yes, there with my family last August.A. gone, wentB. been; went C. been; gone D. been; going ( )23. Parents should spend some time communicating _their children.A. to B. for C. of D. with ( )24.Mary_to see the film because she_ it twice.A. won't go; saw B. didn't go; will see C. won't

10、 go, has seen D. didn't go; has seen ( )25.-Look at the stars. Can we count them clearly?-No. There are _stars in the skyA. two billion B. billions of C. billionsD. billion of( )26.My mother tells me_ food is good for my_.A. healthy, health B. junk, healthC. junk: healthy D. health; healthy ( )2

11、7-We've lived here_1987.-So you've lived in Beijing_over 30 years!A. for; sinceB. since; for C. for; for D. since; since ( )28.He as several books on the desk, _of them is on history.A. all B. both C. neither D. none ( )29.I have_cleaned my bedroom, but I haven't washed my clothes_.A. ye

12、t; yet B. yet; already C. already; just D. just; yet ( )30.Batman is one of the cartoon_who have appeared in the books.A. hero B. heroes C. heros D. hero's ( )31.-Please look at these stamps. I_them for five years.-Wow, they are fantastic!A. have bought B. have borrowed C. have kept D. have been

13、 ( )32-I think he carton was boring. -_. We all laughed from the beginning to the end.A. That's the problem B. I don't think we agree C. Sure, we'd love to D. It's a pity五、完形填空。(每小題1分,共10分)閱讀短文,掌握其大意,然后從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選擇最佳選項。 We all have moments in our lives that we will never forget.

14、For me, it was the first tine 33 a bike. I was about eight years old, Being the youngest of the neighborhood kids. I was always treated like a little baby. I couldn't do most of the things they could do, and it was caster for 34 to leave me behind.One day, after being left out of a game of follo

15、wing the leader, I was sitting on my porch and crying. I felt sorry for myself. I was a loser I was left out all the time I didn't know how to do anything and never tried to 35 . However, it was the right time to change the situation, I stood up with great determination (決心)and 36 myself that I

16、would learn to ride a bike.Luckily, it was summer vacation so I could 37 all day long. I started with my sister's old bike that had training wheels. I mastered that in a few days and moved up to a regular bike. For the next few days,1 scraped (擦傷) my knees and hurt myself so many times that 38 b

17、andaged grape. Little by tittle, however, I fell 39 often and I could go a few paces without my mother 40 me. The neighborhood kids were having a bike race the next month, and I decided to take part in it, too. I started to practice longer and work harder than ever so I could 41 my skills to others

18、in the raceThe kids were quite 42 when I appeared at the race. I rode my bike with them happily. Let's just say that after that, I never got left out again.( )33. A. bought B. rode C. had D. sold ( )34. A. them B. him C. me D. her ( )35. A. play B. learn C. listen D. speak ( )36. A. promised B.

19、allowed C. planned D. decided ( )37. A. rest B. practice C. work D. play ( )38. A. looked likeB looked for C. looked after D. looked up( )39. A. too B. more C. less D. quite ( )40:A. watchingB. leading C. holding D. driving ( )41. A. gave B. taught C. improved D. showed ( )42 A troubledB. proud C. p

20、atient D. surprised 閱讀理解(共40分)6, 閱讀理解。(每小題2分,共30分)從短文后各題所給的A,B,C,D四個人選項中,選擇最佳選線。AEmma has just finished traveling alone in Europe. Are you interested in her journey? Let's read some of her travel diaries.Emma June 12 at 19:35-New YorkI am so excited. Also a little nervous! I am off on a journey

21、on my own. Yes! Alone! I am feeling so brave and cant wait to start. Im going to Europe to see some cities. I really want to visit, Im going to travel by train in Europe.Emma June 15 at 15.30-SalzburgNow I am in Salzburg , Austria. The quite hills of Austria are a great place to relax. The Sound of

22、Music was filmed around this area. I can enjoy the view of the mountain and the river from my hotel window. EmmaJune 17 at 8:15-Amsterdam The train ride to Amsterdam was a long one. It gave me time to write some postcards to send back home. Amsterdam is a fun of friendly locals and tourists. I spent

23、 the whole day visiting the art museums here. The museums are historic and filled with beautiful art.EmmaJune 19 at 21:20-CopenhagenTraveling alone, I have been very careful to keep safe. Luckily, I am in Copenhagen, Denmark, and I am told that it is one of the safest places in the world. Anderson,

24、a famous writer of childrens books, was born in this city. I bought two of his fairy tale books.( )43.Emma is going to travel by_in Europe.A. bus B. plane C. train D. coach ( )44. On June 15, Emma was in_.A. SalzburgB. Amsterdam C. New York D. Copenhagen( )45.Emma spent_visiting the art museums in A

25、msterdam.A. four days B. three days C. two days D. a whole day ( )46. What did Emma buy in Copenhagen? A. Shoes. B. Books. C. Boats. D. PostcardsBSuspended (待用的) CoffeeThis story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter day One day, my friend and I entered a little coffee house and ordere

26、d two cups of coffee. While we were waiting, two young men came in and began to order, “Five cups of coffee, please. Two of them for us and three suspended.” They paid for their order, took the two and left. I asked my fiend: “What are those suspended coffees?” Instead of giving me the answer, he to

27、ld me to wait and see.Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee each, paid and went away. Then came three lawyers who paid for seven coffees-three for themselves and four suspended. While I still wondered what the suspended coffees were, I enjoyed the sunny weather and the beautiful view

28、 in front of the coffee house. Suddenly a poor man like a beggar came into the coffee house, He kindly ordered a suspended coffee and sat there to drink it.At that moment, I knew the meaning of the suspended coffees. It's simple - people pay the coffee in advance (預(yù)先) for someone who can't a

29、fford it. The tradition with the suspended coffees started in Italy, but it has spread all over the world. Meanwhile, I understood suspended coffee is not only a cup of coffee, but also the warmth and love to someone in need. ( )47.How many cups of coffee did the two young men order?A. One. B. Four

30、C. Five. D. Seven. ( )48. Who ordered a suspended coffee? A. My friendB. Two girls. C. Three lawyers. D. A poor man. ( )49. The tradition with the suspended coffee started in_.A. America B. Italy C. EnglandD. Canada ( )50. The writer wants to tell us to_.A. pay for others B. enjoy the sunshine C. he

31、lp someone in need D. order more than beforeCAfter eight months of living with other astronauts on the international Space Station (ISS), with four months to go before his space task is finished successfully. Scott Kelly said he could use some more workmates from the earth. “There are people on the

32、ground we expect to meet, Id be nice to have them here, too.” He told over 60 middle school students on November 19th, 2015, when they communicated through a live video chat.The students, who were attending East Sid Middle School in New York City, brought questions for Kelly and his fellow NASA astr

33、onaut Kjell Lindgren. The two space explorers floated on the video screen as they listened to the questions, and occasionally flipped (翻動) their bodies even to show the students the danger of living in a zero-gravity environment.“Floating in space is something you never feel you could get used to.”

34、Lindgren said. “But after you are up here for a month, it feels natural. It's much fun to float.”The students were excited about the program and about asking the astronauts and the other speaker questions about how the astronauts clean the ISS, which freeze-dried foods taste best and the most su

35、rprising things about living on the station.Evan McKiernan asked what it's like to drink water on the station given that human urine (尿) is recycled on the ISS. “We don't think about it too much.” Lindgren said, “In fact, the water tastes great-it tastes like fresh water.” He called the recy

36、cling progress “important technology to have as we think about going on the Mars. We're going to need technology like that so that we needn't bring everything we need with us.”The program included comments (評論) from Jeffrey Kluger, an author at TIME magazine who is good at writing about scie

37、nce and technology. Kluger explained how 17 countries worked together to build the ISS. Additionally, Matthew Pearce, an education expert, brought samples(樣本) of the packaged foods the astronauts eat and the special type of sleeping bag the astronaut use.( )51.The program is designed for students in

38、 order to_. A. show them the achievements of scientific research B. help students learn how to recycle things on the US C. make them improve the skills of asking questions D. encourage them to take interest in an astronaut's life( )52 According to the passage, what do the astronauts think of the

39、 water they are given on the International Space Station? A. They can't stand it. B. They don't mind it.C. They feel awful when they drink it.D. They think it tastes better than the fresh water.( )53. Why does the writer write this article?A. To tell about the development of space station. B

40、. To show us how the astronauts live in space.C. To teach how to connect with astronauts from the earthD. To talk about some disadvantages of the space trainingDNo one wants to work at a messy desk and look lazy or sloppy. But does a messy desktop actually make you either of those things? Not all di

41、sorders mean you're out of control. Even Steve Jobs thought his personal charm came from his messy desktop.People who prefer a messy desk have their own ideas. Some think it makes them comfortable. A too-tidy room can sometimes make them uncomfortable, because it seems there is no place to rest

42、their feet. Some believe it helps them concentrate more easily. Messy tables can make it easier to focus on the tasks, just like some novelists can write patiently in a noisy cafe. Others may be perfectionists. For those who strive for perfection, tasks are either 100% or 0% performed. Therefore, th

43、ey usually put away the less important things and perform the most important ones perfectly, which leads to paper mountains on the desktop.Many people are labeled as “sloppy” and "inefficient" because of messy tabletops. However, when we see the desks of Albert Einstein, Mark Twain and Mar

44、k Zuckerberg - pioneers of their times- things might change. Obviously, the world embraces uniformity and order, it also never refuses regular disorder, which seems like a mess but runs in an organized way.In an experiment done by psychologist Kathleen Vohs, participants (參與者) were asked to come up

45、with new uses for ping-pong balls. Both participants in the messy and clean offices created the same number of ideas. However, those in the messy room came up with more interesting and creative ideas. People who don't keep a neat and tidy desktop can actually develop organizational skills and ma

46、nage work and thoughts successfully, even while swamped in (淹沒于) piles of books.notes and documents.In spite of great disorder, a messy desktop presents information clearly, which can sometimes inspire us unconsciously (無意識地). Research has found people working with a messy desktop are more likely to

47、 be creative and willing to take risks, while people with a tidy one tend to follow the rules and are less likely to try new things. Vohs says, “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights.”But a messy desk might not be ideal all the time. Whe

48、n you need new ideas, a messy desk might be a good choice; but when you want to be efficient (高效的) and perform a task successfully, it seems better to make a desk clean and tidyNo matter what kind of desk you prefer, we hope you feel comfortable and enjoy it!( )54. The underlined phrase "strive

49、 for" in Paragraph 2 probably means "A. fight for B. is interested in C. is afraid of D. keep away from ( )55.The writer talks about the experiment in the fourth paragraph toA. encourage people to have messy desks as they like B. explain the reasons why people like the messy desks C. intro

50、duce a new way of being creative and interesting D. show the influence of messy desks on people's minds( )56.The writer probably agrees that people with messy desks might_. A. be intelligent and successful B. have good behaviors and habits C. become idea men and risk takersD. finish the task qui

51、ckly and perfectly( )57.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Messy Desk: Do People Need to Change It?B. Messy Desk: Do People Find Excuses for It? C. Messy Desk: Does It Make People Comfortable?D. Messy Desk: Does it Help People Work Efficiently?七,閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題。(每小題2分

52、,共 10分)(請將此題答案作答在答題紙上)You may think that inventions are far away from your everyday life. But in fact, most people can invent. It's just that they do not know that their idea could be the start of an invention. Once inventors see their ideas have some practical value. they don't let them go away.For example, the inventor of the dishwasher, American Josephine Cochrane. loved to give dinner parties. But she found it took too long to wash her dishes by hand and too many of them broke. She decided that a machine could do the job faster an


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