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1、Contents1New Term新學(xué)期2Take the Birds Eggs掏鳥蛋3Happy Teachers Day!教師節(jié)快樂!4I Want to Be the Best 我想成為最好的5Tom, Sam and Jack 約翰,山姆和杰克6A Good Friend 一個(gè)好朋友7A Picnic 一頓野餐8Australia 澳大利亞9Womens Day 婦女節(jié)10The Police Will Have a Difficult Time 警察的日子又要不好過了11Riding a bike 騎自行車12Whats Two and Two? 二加二是多少?13I Like Pl

2、aying Sports 我喜歡做運(yùn)動(dòng)14In the Zoo 在動(dòng)物園15A Fox and the Grapes 狐貍和葡萄16Future Robot 未來的機(jī)器人17A Happy Week 快樂的一周18The Cat and the Bird 貓和小鳥19In the Park 在公園里20A Foolish Dog 一只愚蠢的狗21My Little Rabbit 我的小兔子22A Police Taxi 出租警車23Come and Meet My Family 來見見我的一家人24On My Holiday 在我的假期里25Where Are My Sandwiches? 我

3、的三明治在哪里?26A Happy Sunday 一個(gè)快樂的星期天27Snow 雪28Dream of Birds 關(guān)于鳥的夢(mèng)29Does the Dog Know the Proverb? 狗知道這個(gè)諺語嗎?30English Meals 英國(guó)人的飲食1. New Termterm n.學(xué)期classmate n.同班同學(xué)how about you? 你呢?begin v.開始first n.第一grade n.年級(jí)number n.數(shù)字teach v.教Im Jimmy. This is the first day of my new term. I see my classmates a

4、gain. Now my friend is coming. Jimmy: Hello! Tom. Happy to meet you again. What class are you in?Tom: Ah! Im in Class Three, Grade Four. How about you?Jimmy: Oh! Im in Class One, Grade Four. Tom: Whats your number? Jimmy: Im Number Thirty. And you?Tom: Im Number Twelve. Jimmy: Do you like your new E

5、nglish teacher? Tom: Yes, I do. I like my new class too. Exercises:選擇填空:( )1. What class is Jimmy in?He is in Class _, Grade _. A. One; Four B. Three; Four C. One; Three( )2. Whats Jimmys number? A. He is Thirty. B. His number is Thirty. C. His number is Twelve. ( )3. Whats two and five? A. Eight. B

6、. Three C. Seven( )4. Does Jimmy like his new Class? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know. 2. Take the Birds Eggsfall v.落下bird n.小鳥egg n.蛋nest n.鳥巢break v.破碎hospital n.醫(yī)院Its morning, Sam and Nancy are on their way to school. They see a birds nest up in a tall tree.“There must be many eg

7、gs there. Come on. Lets go up the tree and get the eggs,” says Sam.“No, dont take the birds eggs. The bird will be very sad,” Nancy says.“Help me to climb the tree,” Sam says.“No. please dont do it,” Nancy begins to cry.But Sam still begins to climb the tree. When he is near the birds nest, the tree

8、 breads. Sam falls down to the ground and breads his leg. He begins to cry loudly. “Go to the hospital and dont do it again,” Nancy says.Exercises:一 快速判斷( )1. Sam and Nancy are on the way home from school.( )2. Sam wants to take the birds eggs.( )3.Nancy doesnt help Sam to take the birds eggs.二、選擇填空

9、( )1. Why does Nancy cry?A. She feels sad for the bird. B. She feels sad for herself. C. She feels sad for Sam. D. She breaks her leg.( )2. Why does Sam cry?A. He cant get down from the tree. B. He breaks his leg.C. He begins to feel sad for the bird. D. He feels sad for Nancy.3. Happy Teachers DayC

10、hina n. 中國(guó)puzzle n. 拼圖等智力玩具card n. 卡片 puppet n.木偶o(jì)ffice n.辦公室Lily is an American girl, but now shes in China. She has two good friends. They are Wang Mei and Su Yang. They are in the same class. Their Chinese teacher is Miss Li. Lily likes puppets very much. She has a lot of puppets at home. Su Yang

11、 and Wang Mei like puzzle. Today is teachers Day. They go to Miss Lis office and say,” Heres a card for you, Miss Li. Happy Teachers Day.” Miss Li is very happy.Exercises:一 從短文中選詞完成下列句子,使句意完整1. Lily has two good_.2. Wang Mei and Su Yang are in the_class.3. Lily_puppets very much.4. She has_puppets a

12、t home.5.Today is_Day.6.Miss Li is very_.二快速判斷(正確的寫“T”,錯(cuò)誤的寫“F”)( ) 1. Lily is an English girl.( ) 2. Su Yang and Wang Mei are Lilys good friends.( ) 3. Mr Li is their Chinese teacher.( ) 4. Lily likes puppets very much.( ) 5. Wang Mei likes kites4. I want to Be the Bestreason n.原因charming adj.迷人的pre

13、tty adj.漂亮的I like my English class more and more. The reason is that my English teacher, Miss Brown, is so pretty! She has long, beautiful hair and a charming smile. All the boys like her.This morning, Miss Brown asked us to write a composition. We must hand it in tomorrow. Then Miss Brown will choo

14、se the best composition. The winner is to read his or her composition to the whole class. I am going to work hard on my composition. I want it to be the best one!Exercises一 快速判斷(正確的寫“T”,錯(cuò)誤的寫“F”)( )1. I like my PE class more and more.( )2. The reason is that the teacher is very pretty.( )3. All the g

15、irls like her.二選擇填空( ) 1. I like my English class_.A. better and better B. more and moreC. little by little D. much and much( ) 2. She has_, beautiful hair and a charming smile.A. short B. black C. long D. golden(金色的)( ) 3. _Brown asked us to write a composition. A. Miss B. Mrs C. Mr D. Doctor5. Tom

16、, Sam and Jackpool n.水塘,水坑either adv.也good idea好主意swimmer n.游泳者listen vi.聽Tom: Hi, Sam! Is Jack here?Sam: No, Jack is not here.Tom: Where is he?Sam: Hes in the swimming pool.Tom: Oh, I see. Hes a good swimming. Do you like swimming?Sam: No, I dont.Tom: I dont like swimming, either. Sam: What do you

17、like?Tom: I like reading English books and listening to music. Sam: Do you like watching TV?Tom: Yes, I do. I like cartoons.Sam: Lets go to the TV room. Tom: Good idea!Exercises一快速判斷( )1. Jack is in the TV room.( )2. Jack is good at swimming.( )3. Tom likes swimming.( )4.Tom likes swimming.( )5. Sam

18、 likes listening to music.二回答問題(根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題)1. Is Jack here?_2. Where is Jack?_3. Does Sam like swimming?_4. What does Tom like?_5. Does Tom like watching cartoons?_6. A Good Friendfriend n.朋友same adj.相同的playground n.操場(chǎng)small adj.小的next to緊挨著,在隔壁I have a good friend. Her name is Linda. She is very b

19、eautiful. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She and I are not in the same class. She is in Class Two. My classroom is next to her classroom. We play in the playground in the afternoon. I like my class. She likes her class. We like our school. We like our friends, too.Exercises一快速判斷( )1. Linda

20、is a beautiful girl.( )2.We are in the same class.( )3. We play in the playground in the afternoon.( )4. Linda and I dont like our classes.( )5. We like our school and friends.二選擇填空( )1. My friends name is_.A. Linna B. Linda C. Linlin( )2. She has _ and_.A. two big eyes; a small mouth B. two small e

21、yes; a small mouthC. two big eyes; a small mouth( )3. She is in _and Im in_.A. Class Two; Class One B. Class One; Class OneC. Class One; Class Two.( )4. My Classroom is_ her classroom.A. behind B. next to C. near( )5. We play _in the afternoon.A. in the playground B. at home C. in the classroom7. A

22、Picnicpicnic n.野餐favourite adj最喜愛的.what about怎么樣bee n.蜜蜂Today is Saturday. Jack, his sister Rose and his parents are in the garden now. theyre having a picnic. Now, mother is making the food for everyone, and father is reading on the grass. What about Rose and Jack? Rose is singing and dancing with

23、her favourite pet- a little cat. Wheres Jack now? Is he reading a storybook? No, he isnt. Is he catching the butterflies? Oh, no. hes not catching the butterflies, he is catching the bees. There are some bees in the garden now.They are having great fun.Exercises一快速判斷( )1. There are four people in Ro

24、ses family.( )2. Jacks family is having a picnic in the garden now.( )3. Jacks parents are cooking the dinner.( )4. Rose is reading a storybook now.( )5. Jack is catching the butterflies now.( )6. Everyone in Jacks family is having great fun.二回答問題1. What is Jacks mother doing?_2. What is Jacks fathe

25、r doing?_3. How many people are there in Jacks family?_8. Australiacountry n.國(guó)家weather n.天氣season n.季節(jié)dry adj.干燥的sea n.大海hope v.希望 different adj.不同的 south n.南部mountain n.山 fall v.落下,下降month n. 月份future n.將來,未來Australia is a very big country. There are many different kinds of weather there. In the so

26、uth of Australia, there are four seasons. Summer is hot and winter is very cold. And it snows in the very high mountains. In the middle of the country, it is usually very hot and dry. In summer, it can be 45 for a week or two. In winter, it falls to 32. People think the weather is nice and cool then

27、. Near the sea it is usually cool and its windy. It rains every month of the year. I hope I am going to visit Australia in the future.Exercises快速判斷( )1. There are many different kinds of weather in Australia.( )2. Near the sea it is usually cold and its windy in Australia.( )3. In the middle of the

28、country, it is usually very cold and dry.( )4. In the winter, it falls to 45.( )5.Australia is an interesting country.9.Womens Daymarch n.三月 a lot of 許多,大量have a good time過得愉快gift n.禮物 have a rest休息一下Today is March8. Its Womens Day. Look, what a sunny day! We get up then go to the shop to buy some g

29、ifts for our English teacher.When we come to school, we give our presents and say “Happy Womens Day” to our English teacher. She is very happy. She gets a lot of gifts. There are cards, books and so on.This afternoon, all the women teachers neednt work. They can have a rest. Im sure they are going t

30、o have a good time.Exercises快速判斷( )1. Today is Womens Day.( )2. On March8, my English teacher can get a lot of gifts. ( )3. In the afternoon, all the women must work.( )4. The women dont like Womens Day.二選擇填空( )1. Today is March8. Its_.A. Womens Day B. Childrens Day C. birthday( )2. What gift does o

31、ur English teacher get?A. Cards. B. Books. C. Cards and books.10. The Police Will Have a Difficult Timegroup n.組,團(tuán)體club n.俱樂部 keep order維持秩序pop singer流行歌手performance n.演出occasion n.場(chǎng)合The greenwood boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be a

32、rriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the workers Club. The greenwood boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual,

33、 the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.Exercises一 翻譯詞組1 a group of_2. at present_3. all parts of_4. young people_5. as usual_二快速判斷( )1.At present, they are visiting all parts of the world.( )2. Most of the young people in t

34、he town will be meeting them at the club.( )3.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the workers Club.( )4. As usual, the police will have a difficult time.11. Riding a bikeride v.騎,駕駛angry adj.生氣的go by通過duty n.職責(zé)Ann 1 to school by bike every day. She puts her bike in the garden 2 the school. Ther

35、e are 3 bikes there. 4 school the students ride their bike 5 . sometimes a policeman stops them all and lets the cars go by. Though some students carry heavy bags of books 6 them.One day Ann and Betsy are 7 one bike. The policeman stops them. Ann is angry. “Im ill. Let 8 go,” she shouts 9 the police

36、man. “Dont 10 this,” Betsy says, “He is right. Its his duty.”Exercises根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容,選擇合適的答案將短文補(bǔ)充完整( )1. A. go B. going C. goes( )2. A. for B. of C. at( )3. A. many B. much C. a lot( )4. A. At B. In C. After( )5. A. home B. to home C. at home( )6. A. for B. with C. and( )7. A. in B. at C. on( )8. A. us B.

37、we C. our( )9. A. to B. at C. in( )10. A. shout B. do C. like12. Whats Two and Two?taketo 帶到leave v.離開,把留在ff conj.假如 have to不得不 look out of 朝外面看already adv.已經(jīng)Millie has a cat. She likes playing with it at home. But shes seven now and her mother tells her to go to school. The teacher does not let her

38、 take the cat to the classroom. She has to leave it at home, so she isnt happy and doesnt want to be at school. She doesnt want to listen to her teacher and cant answer the teachers questions.Now they are learning Maths. Mr Brown sees Millie looking out of the window. He says, “Whats two and two, Mi

39、llie?” The girl stands up, but she cant answer it.“If your mother gives you two pencils,” Mr Brown says, “I give you two, how many pencils do you have?”“Five, Mr Brown.”“You are wrong,” Mr Brown says, “You have four.”“No, I have five,” the girl says, “I already have one in my pencil box.”Exercises一快

40、速判斷( )1.Millie goes to school at the age of six.( )2. At school Millie listen carefully to the teacher in class.( )3.Millie has five pencils in her pencil box.二選擇填空。( )1. Millie wants to_.A. listen to the teacher B. answer the questions C. be at home with her cat( )2. Millie isnt happy because_.A. s

41、he has to leave her cat at home B. she likes playingC. she doesnt like her cat.( )3. Mr Brown is Millies_teacher.A. Chinese B. Maths C. English( )4. Millies answer is_.A. wrong B. right C. good13. I Like Playing SportsNo. 1 Experimental Primary School第一實(shí)驗(yàn)小學(xué)chocolate n.巧克力 delicious adj. 美味的intereste

42、d adj,有興趣的 such as 例如My name is Feng Zheng. Im ten. I study in No.1 Experimental Primary School of Nanjing. My favourite class is English.I like playing sports. My favourite sport is ping-pong. I have a ping-pong table in my living room. I play ping-pong with my father every day. Its fun and we are

43、so happy. I like swimming, too. I can swim very fast. I like eating chocolate. Its very delicious. And I like drinking juice. It tastes good, too.Im interested in many other things, such as violin and computer. Do you like me? If you do, lets make friends!Exercises一快速判斷( )1.Feng Zheng is a student i

44、n No.1 Experimental Primary School of Nanjing.( )2.Feng Zheng doesnt like playing sports.( )3. He has a ping-pong table in his bedroom.( )4.Feng Zheng also likes playing the violin.二選擇填空。( )1. -How old is Feng Zheng?-He is _.A. eight B. nine C. ten( )2. What is Feng Zhengs favourite sports?A. Ping-p

45、ong. B. Swimming. C. Basketball.( )3. Feng Zheng plays ping-pong with his_every day.A. mother B. father C. brother( )4. Feng Zheng likes drinking_.A. juice B.water C. tea14. In the zoozoo n.動(dòng)物園 cute adj.可愛的giraffe n.長(zhǎng)頸鹿Today is Saturday. I am in a zoo now. It is a very big zoo now.There are many ani

46、mals in the zoo, such as elephants, horses, giraffes, monkeys and bears. Look, that elephant is so big. It is running, but slowly. A horse is running, too. It runs fast. A giraffe is eating leaves. Its neck is very long. It can get the leaves on the tall trees. Monkeys are playing and eating banana.

47、 They are so cute. Look at the bear family! Father bear is sleeping, mother bear is eating fruit. The baby bears are climbing a tree. They are so lovely! Oh, there is a lion house! I see a lion eating some meat in its house. All the animals are lovely. They are our friends. I love them. What about y

48、ou?Exercises一快速判斷( )1. It is a big zoo.( )2.An elephant is running fast.( )3.Mother bear is eating fruit.二,回答問題(根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題)1. Is it Saturday? _2. What kinds of animals can you see? _3.Which animal has a long neck? _15. A Fox and the Grapesgrape n.葡萄 stop v.停止top n.頂端,上面go away走開suddenly adv.突然 see

49、 vt.看見high adj.高的those pron.那些A fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Suddenly he stops. He sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall.“How nice they are! I want to eat them.” The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He cant get the grapes. The fox goes away and says, “I dont l

50、ike those grapes. They are not good to eat.”Exercises一快速判斷( )1.The fox is looking for his mother.( )2.There are many nice grapes at the top of the wall.( )3.The fox wants to eat the grapes.( )4.The fox doesnt like those grapes.( )5.The fox goes away because the grapes are not good to eat.二選擇填空( )1. The fox is looking for_.A. grapes B. fruit C. food( )2. The fox wants to eat them. So he_.A. runs and


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