



1、高級口譯翻譯技巧(無主句,斷句,長句) 一.無主句的翻譯 中文的文章中存在不少無主句,政論中不可避免地存在無主句。比如這里的第二句:要強調(diào)國際監(jiān)管核心原則和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的一致性,同時要充分考慮不同國家金融市場的差異性,提高金融監(jiān)管的針對性和有效性。 對于無主句,我們有多種處理方式。首先可以考慮用被動語態(tài)。比如:要擴大出口:Export should be expanded. 其次可以增添主語,政論文章增添we是經(jīng)常地對策。如: 要強調(diào)國際監(jiān)管核心原則和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的一致性,同時要充分考慮不同國家金融市場的差異性,提高金融監(jiān)管的針對性和有效性。 We need to stress the consistency

2、 of core principles and standards of international supervision and regulation and, at the same time, take into full consideration the differences between financial markets of individual countries to make financial supervision and regulation more focused and effective. 無主句還可以對于動詞短語進(jìn)行被動處理。強調(diào)lay emphas

3、is on可以轉(zhuǎn)化為Emphasis should be laid on 考題中的這句話前半句也可以譯成: Emphasis should be laid on the consistency of core principles and standards of international supervision and regulation. 當(dāng)然,特殊句型It is necessary / essential to.也是可以用的處理方式??碱}中的第二句可以譯成: It is necessary to stress the consistency of core principles an

4、d standards of international supervision and regulation and, at the same time, take into full consideration the differences between financial markets of individual countries to make financial supervision and regulation more focused and effective. 二.斷句原則 漢語中的逗號不一定等同于英語中的逗號,如果句子意思比較復(fù)雜,分句數(shù)量眾多,我們必須當(dāng)機立斷,

5、當(dāng)斷則斷。我們來看翻譯考題的第一個句子: 我們應(yīng)該牢記國際金融危機的深刻教訓(xùn),正本清源,對癥下藥,本著簡單易行、便于問責(zé)的原則推進(jìn)國際金融監(jiān)管改革,建立有利于實體經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的國際金融體系。 We must learn the hard lessons of the international financial crisis, take effective measures to address the root causes of the crisis, and push forward reform to ensure that the future international financ

6、ial supervisory and regulatory regime is easy to operate and highly accountable. It is important to establish an international financial system that is good for the growth of the real economy. 這句話中我們?nèi)绻炎詈蟮男》志洹敖⒂欣趯嶓w經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的國際金融體系”作為不定式結(jié)構(gòu)添加到前面的譯文上去,勢必產(chǎn)生句子的歧義,“to establish an international financial sys

7、tem that is good for the growth of the real economy”也有可能緊接 在形容詞短語“highly accountable”后面,和前面的不定式結(jié)構(gòu)“to operate”遙相呼應(yīng),構(gòu)成并列短語。這樣的歧義偏離了我們準(zhǔn)確翻譯政論的目的,所以要謹(jǐn)慎加以處理,當(dāng)斷則斷。 我們再來看翻譯考題的最后一個句子: 實現(xiàn)世界經(jīng)濟強勁、可持續(xù)、平衡增長是一個長期復(fù)雜的過程,不可能一蹴而就,既要持之以恒、堅定推進(jìn),也要照顧到不同國家國情,尊重各國發(fā)展道路和發(fā)展模式的多樣性。 我們可以適當(dāng)?shù)募右赃B接,比如將前面的兩個句子用定語從句進(jìn)行連接: It will take

8、a long and complex process to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy, which cannot be done overnight. 后面的兩個小分句可以考慮為并列關(guān)系加以銜接: We must make persistent efforts to push forward this process and also take into account specific circumstances of individual countries and respec

9、t their diverse development paths and models. 如果這兩個部分還要強行銜接起來,在英語中就顯得邏輯關(guān)系不夠明確,倒不如切分以后意義來得明晰。 三.長句的意群分析 到了高級翻譯的層面,我們會碰到大量的長句,尤其在嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)姆晌募?,長句更是司空見慣的現(xiàn)象。長句的翻譯需要我們對于意群準(zhǔn)確的分析和定位。我們用英譯中部分的第一句話舉一個簡單的例子: During the term of this Contract, all technical documentation, including but not limited to manufacturing t

10、echnologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques and know-how, to be provided by one Party to the other shall be treated by the recipient as "Confidential Information". 要確定句子的意義并且合理地進(jìn)行翻譯,我們首先需要辨析意群的數(shù)量以及各個意群之間的關(guān)系: 1 During the term of this Contract, all technical documentation, 2 including but not limited to manufacturing technologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques and know-how, 3 to be provided by one Party to the other 4 shall be treated by the recipient as "Confidential Information". 我們把第一個句子分成了四個意群,第


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