



1、虛擬語氣用法小結(jié)一、虛擬語氣在條件從句中的用法條件句有兩類,一類是真實條件句,一類是虛擬條件句。如果假設(shè)的情況是 有可能發(fā)生的,就是真實條件何。在這種真實條件句中的謂語用陳述語氣。 如:If it doesn ' t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.如果假設(shè)的情況是過去或現(xiàn)在都不存在的,或?qū)聿淮罂赡馨l(fā)生的,則是虛擬條件句。女口 : If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about i如果 他昨天見到你,他會問你這件事的。(事實上他昨天沒見到你,因此也未能問你 這件事。)1

2、.在含有虛擬條件句的復(fù)合句中,主句和從句的謂語都要用虛擬語氣。虛擬條 件從句和主句的動詞形式列表如下:主從句時 態(tài)虛擬條件句主句例句與現(xiàn)在事 實相反的 假設(shè)If+主語+動詞 的過去式(be 動詞用were)主語 +should, would, could, might+動詞原形If I had eno ugh money no w, I would lend it to you.If I were you, I should seize the cha nee to go abroad.與過去事 實相反的 假設(shè)If+ 主語 +had+過去分詞主語 +should, would, could,

3、might + have + 過去分詞She would have come to enjoy the part if she hadn ' t been very busy.If you had take n my advice, you would not have failed the exam.與將來事 實相反的 假設(shè) If+主語+ 動詞過去式 If+主語+ were to+動詞原形 If+主語+ should+動詞原形主語 +should, would, could, might +動詞原形If you came tomorrow, we would have the mee

4、ti ng.If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meet ing would be put off.If he should not come tomorrow, we should put off the meeting till next Mo nday.2錯綜時間條件句:有時條件從句中的動作和主句中的動作發(fā)生的時間不一致(表示錯綜時間的虛擬語氣),這時動詞的形式要根據(jù)它所表示的時間加以調(diào)整。If you had listened to the doctor, you would be all right now. 如果你當(dāng)初聽了醫(yī)生 的話,身體

5、現(xiàn)在就好了。(從句動作指過去,主句動作指現(xiàn)在)3. 省略連詞if (倒裝)。在書面語中,如果虛擬條件從句中有were,had或should,可以把if省略,把這幾個詞放到主語之前,構(gòu)成主謂倒裝。Should he come (If he should come), tell him to ring me up.Were I you (If I were you), I would not do it.Were I to meet him tomorrow (= if I were to met him tomorrow), I should ask him about it.要是我明天見到他,

6、我就會問他這件事的。Had I had the money last year (= if I had had the money last year), i would have bought the house.如果我去年有了這筆錢,我就買那所房子了。Should there be any trouble with the boiler, the automatic controlling unit would cut off the fuel oil supply.假如鍋爐出問題的話,自控裝置會自動切斷燃油的供給。4. 含蓄條件句:句中沒有明顯的虛擬條件句,而是利用某他手段或方式來暗示

7、存在虛擬條件。其虛擬的結(jié)構(gòu)形式通過主句來表現(xiàn)。常用來表示含蓄虛擬條件的 方式有:(1) 介詞或介詞短語(代替狀語從句):but for (要不是),without (假若沒 有),with (假若有)With your help, I could have finishedthe work ahead of time.如果有你的幫助的 話,我本可以提前完成這項工作。Without air and water, there would be no living things on the earth. 如果沒有空氣 和水,地球上就不會存在生物。But for the rain, we shoul

8、d have hada pleasa nt journey.女口果不是因為下雨,旅途 會很愉快。What would you do with a million dollars?如果有了一百萬美元,你會做什么?(2)用or,otherwise否則),等類似轉(zhuǎn)折詞He teleph oned to inform me of your birthday, or I would have known nothing about it.I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have takenpart in the sports meet ing.(3)根據(jù)上下

9、文語境來表示某種假設(shè)情況Five minutes earlier and youcould have mether at the station.早來五分鐘的話,你 就能在車站見到他了。You could have donebetter, but you didn't tryryost.5. 省去條件從句或主句:表示虛擬語氣的主句或從句有時可以省略,但其含義 仍可以推知。(1)省去條件從句。如:You could have washed your clothes yourself你本可以自 已洗衣服的。省去了 “ If you had wan ted to事實是:你自己沒洗衣服,因為你

10、 不想洗。)(2)省去主句(常用以表示愿望)。如:If my grandmother were with me!如果我的祖母與我在一起多好啊!(事實是:祖母 已不在世。)If only she had not left!如果她沒走就好了 !(事實是:她已經(jīng)走了。)二、(Should) +動詞原形類1. 在 suggest dema nd, order,propose, in sist,comma nd, request, desire, recomme nd 等動詞后的賓語從句中,謂語動詞用“should +動詞原形”表示建議、要求、命令等。女口 : I dema nd that he (sh

11、ould) an swer me immediately.注意:當(dāng)suggest表示暗示、表明時,不用虛擬語氣,用陳述語氣。如:The smile on her face suggested that shw as satisfied with our work.當(dāng)insist表示堅持認(rèn)為,堅持說”之意時,不用虛擬語氣用陳述語氣.表示堅持 要求,堅持主張”用虛擬語氣。如:The man insisted that hdiad never stolen the money.我們可以用 一二三四”法巧記這些動詞:一、二、三、四”法,即一個堅持(insis” , 兩個命令(order,command

12、),三個建議(suggest, propose, adviSe,四個要求(demand, require, request, ask。2. advice, idea, order, plan, demand, proposal, suggestion, reque等名詞之后的表語從句和同位語從句中.如:My suggesti on is that we (should) hold a meeti ng this eve ning.My proposal is that we( should)set a deadline for handing in the plan.The general s

13、ent the order that the battle(should) be held on until the complete failure of the en emy.3. 在 It is / was suggested(desired, ordered, demanded, required, requested, proposed, etc.) that It 'requestedthat we (should) keep the stability of the society for the people ' s peaceful life.4. 虛擬語氣在

14、主語從句中的用法:在“ It is important (strange, natural,necessary) that”這類句型里,that所引導(dǎo)的主語從句中的謂語動詞常用“ shoul十動詞原形”結(jié)構(gòu),表示某事是重要、奇怪、自然、必要”等意義。如:It is importa nt that every member (should) inform himself of these rules.重要的是每 個成員知道這些規(guī)則。It is n ecessary that the badly woun ded ma( should) be treated immediately.It is (

15、was) importa nt (n ecessary, n atural, stra nge, etc.) thatIt is (was) a pity (a shame, no won der, etc.) thatShould在此類句型中可理解為表示應(yīng)該,必須”或驚訝、遺憾,不以為然”等語氣。此類的形容詞或名詞三種: 形容某件應(yīng)該做的事是 必需的”、重要的”、適當(dāng)?shù)摹?、自然的”、緊迫的” 等。女口: important, necessary unnecessary strange natural,possible, impossible, fortunate,advisable, des

16、irable, essentia。 形容某件居然發(fā)生的事令人驚訝的”失望的”可怕的”好笑的”等。如:surprising, amazing, pleasing, dreadful, funny 表明某事是一種遺憾。如:a pity, a shame no wanderIt ' s strange thatsteould) have actectoward his parents like that.(竟然會)It ' s surprising/amazing/pleasing/that should) win over her mother.(居然會)It 'stsan

17、ge that he(should) leavewithout telling us.(竟然會)It ' s natural that $sbould)make such a mistake,不以為然的語氣,會”)It ' s a pity/a shame/no wonder that our teshu(jld) losethe game.遺憾或不以為然 的語氣,竟會”) 三、虛擬語氣的其他用法1. wish的用法與現(xiàn)在事實相反,用were或動詞的一般過去式;與過去事實相反,用had+過去分 詞;表示將來沒有把握或不太可能實現(xiàn)的愿望,用would/could/might+動詞

18、原形,后 的從句不能用should.如:I wish she were here.I wish you would go with us tomorrow.I wish she had taken my advice.2. It is (high) time that后面的從句謂語動詞要用過去式或用should加動詞原形,但should不可省略。It is time that the children went / should go to bed.3. 用在would rather, had rather后的賓從中謂語動詞應(yīng)用過去時或過去完成時。I would rather you were

19、 not here.I ' d rather yduad beenpresent.4. 在帶有even if / even though引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句的主從復(fù)合句中,主句和從句都用虛擬語氣,動詞形式與含有非真實條件句的虛擬語氣相同。如:Eve n if he had beenill, he would have goneto his office.即使生了病,他倆去辦公 室。5. 由as if或as though引導(dǎo)的狀語從句表示比較或方式時。從句謂語形式為動 詞的過去式(be用were)或 “ ha十過去分詞”。如:He treated me as if I were a str

20、a nger.She talked about the film as if she had really see n it.注:如果表示的事情可能會發(fā)生,那么方式狀語從句中的謂語動詞可用陳述語氣。6. 在in order that或so that引導(dǎo)的目的狀語從句中,謂語動詞多用“ coul或might(有時也用should)+動詞原形”。如:Mr green spoke slowly so that his students could (might) hear clearly.7. 用在If only句型中,意思是 要是就好了”。女口:Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I had followed your advice.only if 表示 只有 ” I wake


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