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1、下面是贈送的合同范本,不需要的可以編輯刪除!教育機構(gòu)勞動合同范本 為大家整理提供,希望對大家有一定幫助。 一、_ 培訓學校聘請_ 籍_ (外文姓名)_ (中文姓名)先生/女士/小姐為_ 語教師,雙方本著友好合作精神,自愿簽訂本合同并保證認真履行合同中約定的各項義務。 二、合同期自_ 年_ 月_ 日起_ 年_ 月_ 日止。 三、受聘方的工作任務(另附件1 ) 四、受聘方的薪金按小時計,全部以人民幣支付。 五、社會保險和福利: 1.聘方向受聘方提供意外保險。(另附2 ) 2.每年聘方向受聘期滿的教師提供一張_ 至_ 的來回機票(金額不超過人民幣_ 元整)或教師憑機票報銷_ 元人民幣。 六、聘方的義

2、務: 1.向受聘方介紹中國有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)和聘方有關(guān)工作制度以及有關(guān)外國專家的管理規(guī)定。 2.對受聘方提供必要的工作條件。 3.對受聘方的工作進行指導、檢查和評估。 4.按時支付受聘方的報酬。 七、受聘方的義務: 1.遵守中國的法律、法規(guī),不干預中國的內(nèi)部事務。 2.遵守聘方的工作制度和有關(guān)外國專家的管理規(guī)定,接受聘方的工作安排、業(yè)務指導、檢查和評估。未經(jīng)聘方同意,不得兼任與聘方無關(guān)的其他勞務。 3.按期完成工作任務,保證工作質(zhì)量。 4.遵守中國的宗教政策,不從事與專家身份不符的活動。 5.遵守中國人民的道德標準和風俗習慣。 八、合同的變更、解除和終止: 1.雙方應信守合同,未經(jīng)雙方一致同意,任

3、何一方不得擅自更改、解除和終止合同。 2.經(jīng)當事人雙方協(xié)商同意后,可以變更、解除和終止合同。在未達成一致意見前,仍應當嚴格履行合同。 3.聘放在下述條件下,有權(quán)以書面形式通知受聘方解除合同: a 、受聘方不履行合同或者履行合同義務不符合約定條件,經(jīng)聘方指出后,仍不改正的。 b 、根據(jù)醫(yī)生診斷,受聘放在病假連續(xù)30天不能恢復正常工作的。 4.受聘方在下述條件下,有權(quán)以書面形式通知聘方解除合同: a 、聘方未經(jīng)合同約定提供受聘方必要的工作條件。 b 、聘方未按時支付受聘方報酬。 九、本合同自雙方簽字之日起生效,合同期滿后即自行失效。當事人以方要求簽訂新合同,必須在本合同期滿90天前向另一方提出,經(jīng)

4、雙方協(xié)商同意后簽訂新合同。受聘方合同期滿后,在華逗留期間的一切費用自理。 十、仲裁: 當事人雙方發(fā)生糾紛時,盡可能通過協(xié)商或者調(diào)解解決。假設協(xié)商、調(diào)解無效,可向國家外國專家局設立的外國文教專案局申請仲裁。 本合同于_ 年_ 月_ 日在_ 簽訂,一式兩份,每份都用中文和_ 文寫成,雙方各執(zhí)一份,兩種文本同時有效。 聘方(簽章)_ 受聘方(簽章)_ 簽訂時間: 年 月 日二手房屋買賣合同范本由應屆畢業(yè)生合同范本 賣方:_(簡稱甲方) 身份證號碼:_ 買方:_(簡稱乙方) 身份證號碼:_ 根據(jù)?中華人民共和國經(jīng)濟合同法?、?中華人民共和國城市房地產(chǎn)管理法?及其他有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)之規(guī)定,甲、乙雙方在平等

5、、自愿、協(xié)商一致的根底上,就乙方向甲方購置房產(chǎn)簽訂本合同,以資共同信守執(zhí)行。 第一條乙方同意購置甲方擁有的座落在_市_區(qū)_擁有的房產(chǎn)(別墅、寫字樓、公寓、住宅、廠房、店面),建筑面積為_平方米。(詳見土地房屋權(quán)證第_號)。 第二條上述房產(chǎn)的交易價格為:單價:人民幣_元/平方米,總價:人民幣_元整(大寫:_佰_拾_萬_仟_佰_拾_元整)。本合同簽定之日,乙方向甲方支付人民幣_元整,作為購房定金。 第三條付款時間與方法: 1、甲乙雙方同意以銀行按揭方式付款,并約定在房地產(chǎn)交易中心繳交稅費當日支付 首付款(含定金)人民幣_拾_萬_仟_佰_拾_元整給甲方,剩余房款人 民幣_元整申請銀行按揭(如銀行實際

6、審批數(shù)額缺乏前述申請額度,乙方應在 繳交稅費當日將差額一并支付給甲方),并于銀行放款當日付給甲方。 2、甲乙雙方同意以一次性付款方式付款,并約定在房地產(chǎn)交易中心繳交稅費當日支 付首付款(含定金)人民幣_拾_萬_仟_佰_拾_元整給甲方,剩余房款 人民幣_元整于產(chǎn)權(quán)交割完畢當日付給甲方。 第四條甲方應于收到乙方全額房款之日起_天內(nèi)將交易的房產(chǎn)全部交付給乙方使用,并應在交房當日將_等費用結(jié)清。 第五條稅費分擔甲乙雙方應遵守國家房地產(chǎn)政策、法規(guī),并按規(guī)定繳納辦理房地產(chǎn)過戶手續(xù)所需繳納的稅費。經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商,交易稅費由_方承當,中介費及代辦產(chǎn)權(quán)過戶手續(xù)費由_方承當。 第六條違約責任甲、乙雙方合同簽定后,假設

7、乙方中途違約,應書面通知甲方,甲方應在_日內(nèi)將乙方的已付款不記利息)返還給乙方,但購房定金歸甲方所有。假設甲方中途違約,應書面通知乙方,并自違約之日起_日內(nèi)應以乙方所付定金的雙倍及已付款返還給乙方。 第七條本合同主體 1.甲方是_共_人,委托代理人_即甲方代表人。 2.乙方是_,代表人是_。 第八條本合同如需辦理公證,經(jīng)國家公證機關(guān)_公證處公證。 第九條本合同一式份。甲方產(chǎn)權(quán)人一份,甲方委托代理人一份,乙方一份,廈門市房地產(chǎn)交易中心一份、_公證處各一份。 第十條本合同發(fā)生爭議的解決方式:在履約過程中發(fā)生的爭議,雙方可通過協(xié)商、訴訟方式解決。 第十一條本合同未盡事宜,甲乙雙方可另行約定,其補充約

8、定經(jīng)雙方簽章與本合同同具法律效力。 第十二條雙方約定的其他事項: 出賣方(甲方):_ 購置方(乙方):_ 身份證號碼: _ 身份證號碼: _ 地址:_ 地址:_ 郵編:_ 郵編:_ 電話:_ 電話:_ 代理人(甲方):_ 代理人(乙方): _ 身份證號碼: _ 身份證號碼: _ 鑒證方: 鑒證機關(guān): 地址: 郵編: 電話: 法人代表: 代表: 經(jīng) 辦 人: 日期:年月日 鑒證日期:_年_月_日 93年8月 托福聽力文字Part A1. I'm about to go swimming.2. He doesn't like to drive at night unless he

9、has to.3. I can't get used to this hot weather.4. I preferred to sit in the aisle seat.5. Didn't the summer just fly by!6. No sooner had I turned on TV than the phone rang.7. The bookstore's out of lined notebook paper.8. No one understands cameras better than Mary.9. My father makes me

10、promise to study hard.10. They can't go to Europe this summer because of college expenses.11. You haven't gone to the dean yet?12. Cathy is running out of time on her project.13. The meeting shouldn't take more than ten minutes or so.14. She was afraid she'd miss her class.15. What a

11、 week this has been!16. Nancy got Ann to answer the phone for her.17. I can't deny that what you say may have some basis in fact.18. Masmi's looking into the possibility of getting a loan.19. Carl was broke after his vacation.20. You need to spell out clearer instructions for me.Part B21. Do

12、 you mind if I use your phone?Of course not. What does the woman mean?22. It's a nice pen, where did you get it?It came in the mail yesterday from my mom and dad.What does the man say about the pen?23. I can't stop thinking about my research.Neither can I. I am working on my these day and ni

13、ght.What does the man mean?24. Do you think the price of our meals will go up next term?There is no question about it.What does the woman expect?25. I wish I could find that new grocery store. It must be around here some where.Maybe you'd ask the newsstand, they are often helpful.What does the w

14、oman suggest that the man do?26. Thanks for bringing the books back.I thought you need them to study over the weekend.Thanks for letting me use them.What does the man done?27. Will you come to my poetry reading next week?I'll be out of town then.What does the man mean?28. Why were you late for t

15、he meeting this afternoon?I just lost track of time. What does the man mean?29. We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don't have much money for advertising.How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service announcement.What does the man suggest

16、 that they do?30. Janison said he wanted to get involved in the student government this year.But he hasn't gone to a single meeting, has he?What does the man imply about Janison?31. It's almost five o'clock and Fred'd not here yet.If he doesn't hurry, he won't make his flight

17、.Why is the woman worried?32. I heard there are a few seats left for tonight show.Really? I was under the impression that they were sold out a long time ago.What does the woman mean?33. The students have been protesting against the increasing tuition.Yes, I heard about the protest, but I don't k

18、now how much good it will do.What does the man mean?34. Would you pass me the sport section, please?Sure. If you give me the classified ads and editorial section. What are the people doing?35. Professor Cux said you can pick up your term paper at her office.So, she has graded it.What had the man ass

19、umed?Part C Questions 36-39, listen to a conversation.M: I'm thinking about transferring out of state college into another school in the fall.W: After a year and a half? How come? I thought you liked it here.M: I do. But here our flight program doesn't give degrees, only licenses, and I need

20、 both a license and a degree.W: So where do you want to go?M: I wouldn't wind going to Makmillen university. It has an excellent reputation for its school of aviation, but I have a feeling it's very selective.W: But you've gotten good grades in the three semesters you've been in the

21、state college, haven't you?M: Yah, mostly A's and B's.W: So what were you worried about then, just ask your professors to write letters of recommendation for you, and you'll be set.36. Who is the man planing to do?37. What kind of career is the man interested in?38. What concern does

22、 the man have about Makmillen University?39. What does the woman tell the man to do?Questions 40-42, listen to a talk:Good afternoon! As you know, this is a course in beginning political theory. We'll be meeting each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 clock for the next twelve weeks. Each Mo

23、nday, I'll give a lecture on the different concept of political thought and I will talk about justice for example. On Wednesday, you'll have to hand in one-page paper on the topic, and as a group. We'll discuss the issues involved. On Thursday, I'll turn your paper with suggestions f

24、or a revision. Also on Thursday, we'll explore through lecture and discussion what prominent political thinkers had to say about the topic. Over the weekend, you'll revise your paper and hand it in on the following Monday. I'll grade only the revised. Keep your papers brief, because I

25、9;ll accept on papers that exceed a single page. I'll be available on Tuesday and Friday afternoons to discuss your papers with you. Are there any questions?40. What is the speaker's purpose in this talk?41. When will the speaker be available to discuss papers?42. What must a student do with

26、 the paper that is returned on Thursday?Questions 43-46, listen to a conversation between two people as they are walking down the street:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.W: I thank so too. Is it strange how you can sense it?M: I know what you mean.W: Look at the cloud

27、s in the sky. Whenever they seem dark and low like this, you know it's going to rain, or look at the object that's far away, if it seems clear to you, it's probably going to pour.M: Yes, and everything seems to have a stronger smell to me then.W: I know, and people often say it's goi

28、ng to rain when they have aches and pains in certain parts of their body. My mother always complains that her knee hurts just before a storm.M: And have you noticed how the animals react before a storm?W: Sure, horses and cows will seem to go a protected area and huddle together.M: Yah, but with all

29、 these sensible signs, how come we aren't carrying our umbrella with us now?43. What is the main topic of the conversation?44. What does the woman say how distant object looks to her before a storm?45. What does the man say seem to happen to his sense of smell?46. What do the speakers have this

30、time?Question 47-50, listen to a talk given in a biology class: Today, I'd like to discuss about the first known instance of a strange evolutionary strategy. This phenomenon occurs in the lowering plant called the scarlet jelly. The scarlet jelly depends on both hummingbirds and months for pollination, and the


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