



1、新概念英語青少版入門級A 期末測試卷name _ class:_ score:_ 一聽錄音寫出正確的序號。(1x4=4分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I J L T Yt y i j lW M K N Xm n w x kW M K N X二 連線。(第1題1x10=10分,第2題1x6=6分)1)2)train sausagesweater zebra catmonkey三讀一讀,涂上正確的顏色。(2x6=6分)(一a red tomato a yellow T-shirt a red applea green hat a green frog a blue ball 四看圖片,圈出正

2、確的單詞。(2x6=12分)1、A.dog B.frog C.rabbit D.tortoise2、A. three B.ten C. fourD.five3、A. dancer B. kiteC. policemanD.teacher4、A. umbrella B. violin C. mouthD.boy5、A. Yuk! B. Yummy! C. Oops! D. Hello!6、A.rubber B. school bag C. ruler D.pencil 五.根據(jù)給出的中文意思,選擇正確的序號。(2x8=16分)( )1.它是紅色嗎? A. Is it blue? B. Is it

3、 red?( )2.是的,它是。 A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. ( )3.看我的鼻子。A. Look at my nose. B. Look at my mouth. ( )4.這不是一輛汽車。 A. This is a car. B. This isnt a car.( )5.我是一個男孩。 A. I am a boy. B.I is a boy.( )6.這是我的媽媽。 A.This is my dad. B. This is my mum.( )7.乖狗。 A. Good dog. B. Bad dog.( )8.那是我的書。 A. This is my

4、salad. B. Thats my book.六、在正確的詞組下打勾。(2x10=10分) a nose( ) a apple( ) a pig( ) a orange( ) a egg( )an nose( ) an apple( ) an pig( ) an orange( )an egga jelly ( ) a hat( ) a insect( ) a kite( ) a girl ( )an jelly( ) an hat ( ) an insect( ) an kite( ) an girl ( )七選擇正確的選項。( 2x5=10分 )1. What colour is your T-shirt? ( ) A. Its red. B. Its small. C. Its on the desk.2. Where is the pen? ( )A. Its blue. B. Its small. C. Its on the desk.3. Happy birthday! ( )A. Its blue. B.Thank you. C. Its on the chair.4. Whats your name? ( ) A.My name is Robort.


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