1、精選文檔WOODWORKING GUIDE: BASIC JOINERY木工指南:基本連接方式2010-10-26 21:03 上傳下載附件 (16.32 KB) Close isn't really good enough. A perfect fit is what counts.“差不多”還不夠好,我們要的是精準的結合。When building furniture, there are many ways to construct joints. The simplest are those that use mechanical fasteners, like nails a
2、nd screws. While these are sometimes appropriate, they're not often used in first-class work, especially in visible areas. What's preferred is a direct joint between parts, bonded with glue.做家具的時候,有很多連接構件的方法。最簡潔的就是使用機械連接件,比如頂子、螺絲。雖然這方法有時候適用,但在高級木作尤其是看面上卻很少使用。人們更寵愛構件之間直接通過膠水來連接。Of course, the
3、 type of joint you need depends on a variety of factors, like the nature of the materials being joined, the function of the joint, strength and appearance requirements, what machinery and equipment are available, and your own level of skill. Whole books are devoted to this disciplineand most are far
4、 from comprehensive because the possibilities are almost endless. In light of this, joinery can certainly seem intimidating to the beginner. But it doesn't have to be. By mastering two primary joints, the edge joint and the mortise and tenon, you can build an astounding array of furniture.當然,選用哪
5、種連接方式取決于多種因素,包括所要連接材料的性質、連接點的功能、強度和外觀的要求、可用的工具裝備以及你的技術水平。有很多書整本都在講這些內容,但大多都講得不全面,由于有幾乎很多種可能的狀況。鑒于此,連接方法的內容對于新手來說往往很嚇人。但實際上大可不必,只要把握兩種主要的連接方法邊的連接和方榫連接你就能做出很多種家具了。Edge Joints邊的連接The first requirement of a good edge joint is that the two mating surfaces must fit together perfectly. This means there are
6、 no discernible gaps. Second, the mating surfaces must be either on the edge or the surface of a board. End grain is not a candidate for edge joining because of its open cellular structure. When glue is applied to these cells, they act like straws, pulling the glue deep into the wood instead of leav
7、ing it near the surface where the bond takes place. When end grain must be joined to edge or face grain, the joint of choice is the mortise and tenon. More on this later.做好邊的連接的第一個要求就是對接的兩條邊必需能完善地拼合。這意味著拼合處不能有可見的縫隙。其次,拼合的部位必需要么是板子的側邊,要么在板子的大面上。板子的端頭(木紋截斷面)不能用這種方法連接,由于這個面上的孔狀結構太多了。當膠水涂到這些小孔上時,它們就像吸管一
8、樣把膠水吸到木材的深處而不是讓膠水留在膠結面四周。當一塊板子的端面必需和另一塊板子的側邊或板面連接時,就要選用方榫連接,這會在后面講到。For edge joining, the mating surfaces must be flat and square to both faces of the board. To achieve this, first scribe a straight reference line on one surface, using a long straightedge. Then clamp this board to the side of your w
9、orktable and use a bench plane to flatten the edge. Check your progress relative to your reference line frequently. And check for square frequently with a combination square.對于邊的連接,對接面必需平整、方正(和相鄰兩面垂直)。為了達到這個要求,先在板子的一側用長靠山畫一條參考線,然后把板子加在工作臺的側面,用臺刨(手動的)刨平這條邊。刨的過程中要經(jīng)常依據(jù)剛才畫的參考線檢查刨削的進度,并用組合直角尺檢查是否方正。Once
10、you're satisfied with the edge on the first board, repeat the same process on the mating board. When you've flattened this edge, lay the two boards together on a flat surface and check for fit. Usually some additional work will be required to get a perfect joint. When you've achieved it,
11、 just spread glue on both mating edges (Photo 1) and clamp the boards together until the glue sets (Photo 2).刨好第一塊板子的結合邊后再用同樣的方法去刨另一塊板子。兩塊都刨好后將他們放在一個平面上試拼一下,通常你還需要修整幾次才能達到完善的拼接效果。修整好之后,只需在對接的兩邊涂上膠水(如圖1),并用夾鉗固定好這兩塊板子知道膠水固化(如圖2)。1-A simple edge joint requires only the proper fit of the parts and a thi
12、n coat of glue. Be sure to spread the glue evenly.圖1.簡潔的邊連接只需兩條邊能緊密拼合并在上面涂薄薄一層膠即可,膠水肯定要涂勻。2010-10-26 21:03 上傳下載附件 (19.78 KB) 2-Pull the edge joint tight with clamps. Make sure that both boards are aligned correctly, so that the surface is flat.圖2.用夾鉗加緊對接的木板,確保兩塊木板對齊,這樣才能保證拼出來的是一個平面。2010-10-26 21:03
13、上傳下載附件 (17.93 KB) Doweling圓木榫連接One common problem with edge joining is that the glue often acts as a lubricant between the boards. This can cause the boards to slip when clamped, which makes it difficult to achieve a flat joint. There are three common solutions to this problem: dowels, joining plate
14、s and splines. Because the last two require some fairly specialized equipment, dowels are the best choice for the beginner. All you need for the job is a drill and a doweling jig.邊連接的一個常見問題是膠水經(jīng)常在兩板之間起到潤滑劑的作用,使得用夾鉗固定的時候板子簡潔相對滑動,導致很難保證連接處的兩邊在一個平面上。一般有三種方法來解決這個問題,圓木榫、餅干榫和木楔。由于后兩種都需要一些特殊裝備才能搞定,所以圓木榫就成了新
15、手的首選。使用圓木榫只需預備電鉆和圓榫打孔模具即可。For standard 13/16-in.-thick stock, 1/4-in.-dia. x 1-in.-long dowels are a good choice. Start by laying out the dowel locations every 6 in. to 8 in. along the joint. Next, install the 1/4-in.-dia. bushing in your doweling jig and center the hole in the jig bushing over your
16、 first mark. Tighten the jig in place and bore a hole in the edge (Photo 3). Make sure that the hole is deep enough to allow a 1/16-in. space at each end of the dowel for excess glue. Repeat the same procedure for all the holes along the joint.對于標準的13/16英寸厚的木料,應當選用直徑1/4英寸、長1英寸的圓木榫。先在要對接的邊上每隔68英寸畫一個圓
17、榫定位標記。然后在圓榫開孔模具上裝上1/4英寸直徑的軸套,將模具上的孔對準你畫的標記。固定好打孔模具,并在要對接的邊上鉆孔(如圖3)。在兩塊板上都要保證孔的深度超過圓榫的長度1/16英寸,以便給多余的膠水留有空間。重復上述操作,打完全部的孔。3-Using small dowels helps with edge joint alignment. Bore the dowel holes with a doweling jig and an electric drill.圖3.用圓木榫來幫忙對齊接口。用電鉆和圓榫開孔模具來打圓榫孔。2010-10-26 21:37 上傳下載附件 (15.99
18、KB) Keep in mind that birch dowel stock, in 36-in. lengths and in diameters from 1/8 in. to 1 in., is commonly available at hardware stores and lumberyards. When using this material, it's a good idea to cut a narrow groove down the length of each piece to create an escape route for excess glue.
19、You can use the corner of a sharp chisel to scratch the side of the dowel. You also should slightly bevel both ends of the dowel with a piece of sandpaper. This bevel makes aligning the dowels in their mating holes easier. You can also buy readymade dowels from mail-order suppliers.記住,你通常能在五金店或木料場買到
20、36英寸長、直徑1/8至1英寸的樺木圓榫料。使用圓榫的時候,最好在每個圓榫上沿長度方向切出一條凹槽,以便讓多余的膠水可以順著凹槽擠出。你可以用鑿刀的刃角刮出這個凹槽。你還應當用砂紙給每個圓榫的兩端倒個角,這樣能讓圓榫更簡潔對準榫孔。你也可以買現(xiàn)成的圓木榫。Once your dowels are cut to size, spread a thin layer of glue in all the dowel holes and along the edges of the mating boards. Then gently tap the dowels into the holes (Ph
21、oto 4). Next, align the mating board so the exposed dowels meet their corresponding holes (Photo 5) and use clamps to pull the joint tight. Tighten the clamps slowly to allow any excess glue to escape and leave the joint clamped until the glue sets. 做好圓榫后,在要對接的兩邊和榫孔內都涂上薄薄一層膠水。然后輕輕地把圓榫敲到一側的榫孔中(如圖4),接
22、著對準另一塊板子,讓凸出的圓榫對準相應的榫孔(如圖5),并用夾鉗夾緊。要漸漸緊固夾鉗,以便多余的膠水能被擠出來,在膠水固化前始終保持夾持狀態(tài)。4-Once the holes are bored, spread glue in the holes and along the board edges. Then gently tap the dowels into place.圖4.鉆好孔后,在對接邊和榫孔里刷膠,然后輕輕地把圓榫敲進榫孔。2010-10-26 21:37 上傳下載附件 (17.56 KB) 5-Position the mating board so its holes ali
23、gn with the dowels in the first board. Then squeeze the two boards together.圖5.對準另一塊板子,第一塊板子上的圓榫頭對準其次塊板子上的榫孔,然后把兩板擠在一起。2010-10-26 21:37 上傳下載附件 (17.56 KB) Mortise And Tenon方榫連接As mentioned earlier, the mortise-and-tenon joint is the best way to join end grain to long grain. The tenon is the male port
24、ion of the joint that is cut on the end of one board. It's designed to fit into an identically sized slot, the mortise, in the mating board.就像前面提到的,當一塊板的端頭需要和另一塊板的側面連接時,方榫連接是最好的方法。方榫頭是這個連接中凸出的那部分,它是在一塊板的端頭上切出來的。方榫頭插到另一塊板子上的一個合適大小的槽里面,也就是榫槽。Beginners often avoid this joint because the skills requ
25、ired seem out of reach. But if you take care in layout and cutting, you can easily achieve good results. Of course, it's always a good idea to practice on some scrap wood first. The tools you'll need are a combination square, marking gauge, drill, doweling jig, backsaw and sharp chisel.新手通常不
26、情愿做這種連接,由于做它所需的技術看起來遙不行及。但是假如你認真劃線并切割,你可以輕松地做好它。當然,最好還是在下腳料上先練習練習。做方榫所需的工具有:組合直角尺、劃線器、鉆、圓榫開孔模具、夾背鋸和鋒利的鑿刀。To lay out the joint, begin by marking the tenon shoulder line. This represents the length of the finished tenon, which is usually 1 in. to 1 1/2 in. long. Use a square and pencil to extend this
27、shoulder mark to both sides and edges of the board (Photo 6).在劃線的時候,先畫好榫頭的肩線,也就是標識榫頭長度的線。榫頭通常長11.5英寸。用直角尺和鉛筆畫肩線的延長線,使之延長到相鄰的兩個側面上。(如圖6)6-Begin laying out a tenon by marking a shoulder line on all four sides of the board. Use a square and a sharp pencil.圖6.給榫頭劃線的時候,先在木料的四周畫好肩線,使用直角尺和削尖的鉛筆劃線。2010-10-2
28、8 09:23 上傳下載附件 (18.29 KB) Next, set up your marking gauge to scribe the tenon width on the center of the board end. For 13/16-in.-thick stock the tenon is usually 3/8 in. thick with 7/32-in. shoulders on both sides. But a 5/16-in.-thick tenon with 1/4-in.-thick shoulders is also perfectly acceptable
29、. Scribe these guide lines across the end grain and down the two edges till they meet the shoulder line (Photo 7). Clamp the board in place with the joint end pointing up and use a backsaw to cut along the guide lines(Photo 8). Be sure your saw kerf always stays on the waste side of the line, and st
30、op cutting when ou reach the shoulder mark.接下來調整好你的劃線器,在木材端頭的中間畫榫頭寬度線。對于13/16英寸厚的木料,通常的厚度是榫頭3/8英寸,兩肩各7/32英寸。但也可以做成榫頭厚5/16英寸,兩肩各1/4英寸。將寬度線延長到木料的兩側,直到與肩線相交。(如圖7)將木料榫頭方向朝上固定好,用夾背鋸沿著榫頭寬度線切割。(如圖8)肯定要讓鋸片在寬度線以外(不能傷到榫頭),始終切到肩線。7-Use a marking gauge to mark the tenon lines on the edges and the end of the boa
31、rd. Center the tenon on the end of the board.圖7.用劃線器在木料端頭和兩個側面畫好榫頭線,把榫頭定位在端面的中心。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件 (18.62 KB) 8-Clamp the board upright and use a backsaw to cut along the layout lines. Be sure to cut on the waste side of the line.圖8.將木料豎著夾緊,用夾背鋸沿標劃的線切割。肯定要讓鋸在標線的榫頭以外部分切割。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件
32、(17.86 KB) Next, clamp this board flat on your worktable and use a backsaw to cut along the waste side of the shoulder line (Photo 9). When this cut is complete, the waste should fall from the side of the tenon. Repeat the same process for the other side of the joint. Then use a sharp chisel to pare
33、 the sides of the tenon (often called the cheeks) down to the guide lines (Photo 10).接下來,將木料平方在工作臺上并夾緊,用夾背鋸沿肩線外側切割(不能傷到榫肩)(假如圖9)。切好之后,廢棄的小木塊就會自己從木料上掉下來。再另一面也這樣切,然后用鋒利的鑿刀削掉榫頭側面(通常成為榫臉)多余的部分,直到與榫頭寬度線契合。9-Once the cheek cuts are made, lay the board flat and make the shoulder cuts. Again, stay on the wa
34、ste side of the line.圖9.切出榫臉之后,將木料放平來切榫肩。再次提示,在標線的廢料側切割。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件 (19.21 KB) 10-Use a sharp chisel to remove the saw marks on the cheeks and to cut the tenon to the finished dimension.圖10.用鋒利的鑿刀削去榫臉上的鋸痕,并把榫頭尺寸最終修整到位。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件 (19.89 KB) Most tenons also have shoulder cuts
35、 on the top and bottom edges. To cut these, first lay out the guide lines using a marking gauge. Then cut along the length of the tenon using a backsaw (Photo 11). and finish by cutting along the shoulder line on both edges (Photo 12). Set the tenons aside for the moment and begin working on the mor
36、tises.大多數(shù)榫頭除了在長邊方向有榫肩,在兩個短邊方向也有榫肩。為了切出這兩個方向的榫肩,先用劃線器畫出引導線,然后用夾背鋸沿榫頭長度方向切割(如圖11),最終沿兩個短邊的肩線切割(如圖12)。榫頭就算做好了,下面來做榫槽。11-Lay out the top and bottom shoulder cuts. Then clamp the board upright and make the long cuts with a backsaw.圖11.畫出兩短邊的榫肩切割線。然后將木料豎直固定,用夾背鋸切割。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件 (17.02 KB) 12-Lay
37、 the board on its edge and make the shoulder cuts on the tenon with a backsaw. Cut on the waste side of the line.圖12.將板子側面朝上放平,用夾背鋸切榫肩??隙ㄒ陂炯缇€的廢料側切割。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件 (18.59 KB) Use the marking gauge and square to mark guide lines for the mortise in the mating board (Photo 13). Because cutting
38、 a mortise requires accurately removing a great deal of stock, a drill and doweling jig are your tools of choice. Just insert a bushing in the doweling jig that matches the width of your mortise. Then clamp the jig onto the board with the hole centered between your layout lines. Slide the drill bit
39、into the bushing and bore a series of overlapping holes until all the waste is removed (Photo 14).在另一塊板上用劃線器和直角尺畫出榫槽線(如圖13)。由于做榫槽需要精確地挖掉一大塊木頭,最好選用電鉆和圓榫開孔模具來作為工具。在模具上安裝一個和你要做的榫槽一樣寬的軸套,然后將模具固定在板子上,確保模具孔的中心對準榫孔的中心。用鉆頭在軸套里沿榫槽打出一系列相互重疊的孔,始終打到榫槽邊緣(如圖14)。13-Use a square and a marking gauge to lay out the mortise. Double-check that the mortise and tenon widths match.圖13.用直角尺和劃線器畫出榫槽線。再次檢查,確保榫頭和榫槽的寬度契合。2010-10-28 09:23 上傳下載附件 (21.22 KB) 14-Use a doweling jig and drill to bore overlapping holes within the mortise layout lines. This removes most of th
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