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1、heso-calle d Outl ook4. peopleresponde dtothestartingpoint ofthequestion,andreplied toquesti ons poi nt. Man isthe sumofsocial relationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,e ntertaini ng,andevencertain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland socialenvironme nt, and

2、soon.n nee ds,allw alksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. People create fortheireir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalnee ds,emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization neow n personal ity,ha sitsown dig nity. Person innee d ofcare,y ou needtounderstand, needy,returnis one

3、 ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers totheattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievement. 1.11. objective thi ngs are ofnovalueand thevalue offundamentalperspes, howtoevaluate performance, a nd so on.What values,what k.-. - 一. -II_ I.一. ctive.Differen

4、tvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-orientek.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti> - 一 - I. . L , J J - . d- Ing the id focus onhuman value and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvaluenterestsand powerofpeopl e, creati ng a popul ar,warmhe a

5、rts,steady heL 一一.-.- - _- - . I_ rue s.A dheretoheartperforma non. Due to huma n no pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevel nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievement- . I . - - L .opme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit s,and overallconstruction

6、ofwell-offsociety and pry,and live a happi er;is deep lyconcer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of social a ndhuman developmentof rationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on i nthe ov eralladvancement ofSociali

7、 st civilizati on toa higher level.Alsowant toomoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde nvironme nttostrengt

8、hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimpr.11- 一.一I 1_1 J- _ _.11I 一 一一. |_II._ nlI _ 11_1一一 一一I _ _|_ . _|_ .一I I _ . |. I _ I 1|_ 一 _1I. 一一一oftheconstr uction.Colorfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreatin of man.Therefore, anywork wedo, thestarting

9、pointis human,whatarepeople.Ule.Us speed updevelopment,theneedssee thatovementmtomeetthesent, de penee ds ofot hers andthe community.A dheret ope ople -or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers,benefici altothe community ofpeople.Tpotentialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave peo

10、ple totalka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce.電子設計大賽元器件清單類別名稱規(guī)格或型號電阻碳膜電阻RT 0.25W電阻碳膜電阻RT 0.5W電阻碳膜電阻RT 1W電阻碳膜電阻RT 1W電阻小型碳膜電阻RTX 0.125W電阻金屬膜電阻RJ 0.125W電阻金屬膜電阻RJ 0.25W電阻金屬膜電阻RJ 0.5W電阻金屬膜電阻RJ 1W電阻金屬膜電阻RJ 1W電位器藍色長方,102102電位器藍色

11、長方,103103電位器藍色長方,104104電位器藍色長方,105105電位器藍色長方,504504電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器合成膜電位器WH 0.5W電位器線繞電位器WX 0.5W電位器線繞電位器WX 0.5W電位器線繞電位器WX 0.5W電位器線繞電位器WX 0.5W電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷電位 器3296電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷電位 器3296電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷電位 器3296電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷電位 器3296電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷

12、電位 器3296電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷電位 器3296電位器金屬微調(diào)陶瓷電位 器3296規(guī)格數(shù)量1 Q-1MQ1001 Q-1MQ1001K10010K1001 Q-1MQ1001 Q-1MQ1001 Q-1MQ1001 Q-1MQ1001K10010K100100100100100100470 Q1001K10010K10033K100100K100470K1001M1004.7 Q100470 Q1001K10010K100470 Q1001K10010K10033K100100K100470K1001M100proveprentralcoll ective le>IL I - - .

13、LIin-depth tonepoftug ht,with sIII_ I- - . I-Ihing, is ourforthey de ci-. "_ - .一一一.LLJ . .satisfactionofplacem odifie d up,notmake nominal offormalism,not do grandstandi ng ofcosmetic,tsyearremains: Advance d civil strife,localbrand. The County (City)PartyCommittee officesand unitspoliticalpar

14、ticipation based on conspiracyto adhereto people-oriententific Outlookn development, is theneve lea dershiptothe devel opme nt ofconnotation,developmentesse ntials, furtherdee penthe essence of developmentand innovation, is' s ruling i dea aleap.Atprese nt,establishi ngand impleme nting thescies

15、 the Office ofpartyCommittee,wn promotii ng comprehensive, coordinatedand sustainaore suggestions,do more research,summarizedthe typical.One isdrafted toraise thelevelofyour presentatii on.our prsentationisthe main Officeof"products",isthe ba siccarrierstaffservice,is import antto measures

16、ervice levels.Thequalityofyour pre sentation,mai nlyde pends on howm uchwe drafteda docume nt recognize dbythe leadershi p, howmanyare l isteni ngto thepemanpow erdevel opme nt,andseeki ng,major probl em andfostera dvantage industry, a nd adjustme ntagricult uralstructure,a ndcarriedople i n favour

17、ofthe report,how manypaiddividendsintcticalw ork. Imsentati on draftinglevel,requirementswe a ccurategraspled intent,Generalled care ofwork aretoas understand,Generalled consi derofpr oblem arethinki ng;re quirement swehighlightplace features, putsuperiorapproa ch poli cyand locala ctual combi ned u

18、p,putpresentationoftheme t- - II IIhrust a nd masses ofbythoughtby wants to combined up; r equirementswe seeks tostreamlined clear,wit h simple oflang uage expression dehoug hith short oflength hostedrih ofconnotation. Second,then ofthe ba se,the road tosuccessi ssometPartyCommittee'spolicye cis

19、ion ag ood idea,an important partr,tofocusar ound i ndustrialXINGcity,andfarmers increheso-calle d Outl ook4. peopleresponde dtothestartingpoint ofthequestion,andreplied toquesti ons poi nt. Man isthe sumofsocial relationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,e

20、 ntertaini ng,andevencertain politi cal,e conomic,cult uraland socialenvironme nt, andsoon.n nee ds,allw alksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. Pe ople create fortheireir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalnee ds,emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization needs.It shoul d

21、be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, notthe slave ofan object, nottobecontrolleunderstand, needis one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers totheattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievement . 1.11. objective thi ngs are ofnovalueand thevalue offund

22、amentalperspes, howtoevaluate performance, a nd so on.What values,what k.-. - 一. -II_ I.一. ctive.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-orientek.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti> - 一 - I. . L , J J - . d- Ing the id focus onhuman val

23、ue and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvaluenterestsand powerofpeopl e, creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heL 一一.-.- - _- - . I_ rtomeet.Itis saidthat inthe "agriculturalsociety, peoplepl ant" in"industrialsociety, man isananimal""the information society,returnue s

24、.A dheretoheartperforma non. Due to huma n no pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevel nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievement- . I .一 一_ L .opme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit s,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pry,and live a ha

25、ppi er;is deeply concer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of so ciala ndhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on inthe ov eralladvancement ofSociali st civilizati on toa higher level.Alsowa

26、nt toomoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvir

27、onmentimpr.11- 一.一I .I J- _ _.11I 一 一一. |_II._ nlI _ 11_1一一 一一I _ _|_ . _|_ .一I I _ . |. I _ I 1|_ 一 _1I. 一一一oftheconstr uction.Colrfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreatin of man.Therefore, anywork wedo, thestarting pointis human,whatarepeople.Ule.Us speed up

28、development,theneedssee thatovementmtomeetthesent, de penee ds ofot hers andthe community.Apotentialforsustai nabl edevel opmeII -J . I . |.A dheret ope ople -or iented,to stronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers,benefici altothe communityofpeople.Tnt. Leave people totalka bout"values&q

29、uot;are worthlessand leave peoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce.IL I- - .1.1II_L - - _I -. I .- - - -d.Pe opl e havetheir own personality,hasitsow n personal ity,has its owndignity. Person innee d ofcare,y ou needto電位器 電位器 瓷片電 容 瓷片電 容 瓷片電 容 瓷片電 容 瓷片電 容 瓷片電 容 瓷片電 容 瓷片電

30、容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容 電解電 容瓷片電容 瓷片電容 瓷片電容 瓷片電容 瓷片電容 瓷片電容 瓷片電容 瓷片電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容 鋁電解電容3296329610210310410522122447268210u 25V10u 50V22u 16V1u 50V33u 16V47u 50V47u 100V100u 25V220u 50V330u16V

31、330u50V470u 25V1000u 35V20K10010k100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100100.-I - - . II.L_L I I_- s thene wCe ntralcoll ective lenglevel,requirement>IL I - 一一 -. LII- - . I I - - - I _- -. .II IL M . . 一 I . ,II. .1 IOffice ofpartyCommittee,w- - II IIonht,with s-I- . .一 -

32、.一一一.LLJ . -do up,frommasses mostcareof hotproblem grabbed,frommasses most notsatisfactionofplacem odifie d up,notmake nominal offormalism,ndi ng ofcosmetic,tpe ople i s notonlyanidea,itisajobre quirement.Philosophy thrsyearremains: Advance d civil strife,localbrand. The County (City)PartyCommittee

33、officesand unitspoliticalparticipation based on conspiracyto adhereto people-oriented, will be around topomotecoordinationDevelopme ntevents, greatsearchi ngs.The16sessi on oftheparty's scientific Outlook on development, ive lea dershiptothe devel opme nt ofconnotation,developme ntesse ntials,fu

34、rt herdee penthe essence of developmentand innovation, isourparty' s ruling i dea aleap.Atprese nt,establi shi ngand impleme nting thescies then promotii ng comprehensive, coordinatedand sustainaore suggestions,do more research,summarizedthe typical.One isdrafted toraise thelevelofyour presentat

35、i on.our prsentationisthe main Office of "products",is t he ba siccarrierstaffservice,is importanttomeasureservice levels.Thequalityofyour pre sentation,mai nlyde pends on howm uchwe drafteda docume nt recognize dbythe leadershi p, howmanyare l isteni ngto thepemanpow erdevel opme nt,andse

36、eki ng,major probl em andfostera dvantage industry, a nd adjustme ntagricult uralstructure,a ndcarriedople i n favour ofthe report,how manypaid dividendsint hepra cticalw ork. Im provepre sentati on draftingls we a ccurategrasp led intent,Generalled care ofwork aretoas understand,Generalled consi de

37、rofpr oblem aret-depth t hinki ng;re quirement swehighlightplace features, putsuperiorapproa ch poli cyand locala ctual combi ned up,putpresentationoftheme thrust and masses ofbythoughtby wants to combined up; r equirementswe seeks tostreamlined clear,wit h simple oflang uage expression deith short

38、oflength hostedrih ofconnotation. Second,then ofthe ba se,the road tosuccessi ssomet hing, is ourforthePartyCommittee'spolicyde cision ag ood idea,an important partr,tofocusar ound i ndustrialXINGcity,andfarmers incre電谷 電容 電容普通二極管 普通二極管二極管二極管 LED紅燈二極管 LED紅綠二極管 LED白二極管 LED綠 二極管 LED藍 二極管 LED黃三極管三極

39、管 三極管 三極管 三極管 三極管晶振晶振晶振LED數(shù)碼LED數(shù)碼管 官LED數(shù)碼匚門加疝咨管 LED數(shù)碼官LED數(shù)碼30pF 獨石104獨石1031N40011N4007 4148LED 燈-5mm LED 燈-5mm 5mm高亮LED 燈-5mm LED 燈-5mm LED 燈-5mm 9012 9013 9014 80508550 3DG6 32768 12M 11.0592LG5011BSRSMKW0.56 寸共陰紅色片電 電 電 電 熱成 成 成 成 散集路集路集路集路YA25555 定時器NE555運放 4558集路集集集集集集光耦 :TPL521-1光耦 :TPL521-2光耦

40、:TPL521-4( 放大器) uA741( 放大器) OP07( 音頻功放) LM386( 音頻功放) TDA2822MLM7805LM78152001000500100200200100100200100100100100100100100100100505050100100100100200100100100100100100100100200100集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集集LM7812 7809LM7905 LM7915LM7912 LM317 LM311(A/D)AD574TDA2030A 74LS00 74LS01 74

41、LS02 74LS04 74LS08 74LS10 74LS1174LS1474LS2074LS2174LS2774LS3074LS3274LS5174LS86 74LS13674LS13874LS15474LS24574LS244 ADC0809 DAC0832 74LS373 82C79 LM324 4069 40607407 CC4072 CC4556 CC14539 CC14584CC4010 CC4011CT74LS00才才才才才 3 .W -W -W 塑材塑材 塑材塑材塑材000011000011211111111111111111111111 110000004550000000

42、00000000000000000000000000000000005050005000000010010000110000000000111114. peopleresponde dtothestartingpoint ofthequestion,andreplied toquesti ons poi nt. Man isthe sumofsocial relationshi ps. Weca nnot leav ethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourism andentertainment,e ntertaini ng,andevencertain polit

43、i cal,e conomic,cult uraland social environme nt,and soon.n nee ds,all walksoflifewillcomeintobei ng. Pe ople create fortheireir survival,a nd conti nueenjoying theresultsds, emoti ona lnee ds and self-actualization needs.It shoul d be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, notthe slave ofan object,y,

44、returnis one ofthepra cticalformofvalue s.Theso-called val uesrefers totheattitude is onthe re cord, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievement. 1.11. objective thi ngs are ofnovalueand thevalue offundamentalperspes, howtoevaluate performance, a nd so on.What values,what k.-. - 一. -II_ I.一. ct

45、ive.Differentvalues, people's behaviour, attitudes,ways aredifferent.People-orientek.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremiseofrespecti> - 一 - I. . L , J J - . d- Ing the id focus onhuman value and reality,weneedthe br oade stmassesasvaluenterestsand powerofpeopl e, creati ng a popul

46、 ar,warmhe arts,steady heL 一一.-. . - I- . . _. I_ rue s.A dheretoheartperforma non. Due to huma n no pe ople -oriented val ues, ist omakethe economymoredevel nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievement- _ . I _ 一一 L .opme nt,improve democracy, cult uralprosperit s,and ove

47、rallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pry,and live a happi er;is deeply concer nedt hat huma n deve lopme ntand humanvalue s, devel opme nt of social a ndhuman developmentofrationalunified,insisted i nthe materialcivili zation,political civilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on inthe ov eralladvanc

48、ement ofSociali st civilizati on toa higher l evel.Alsowant toomoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; cha nges in bot h ur ban a nd rural change; both harde nviro

49、nme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimpr.11- 一.一I 1_1 J- _ _.11I 一 一一. |_II._ nlI _ 11_1一一 一一I _ _|_ . _|_ .一I I _ . |. I _ I 1|_ 一I_ 一.一oftheconstr uction.Colorfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreatin of man.Therefore, anywork wedo,

50、 thestarting pointis human,whatarepeople.Us speed updevelopment,theneedsofpe ople, incl udi ng survivalneesee thatovementmtomeetthesent, de peneeds ofot hers andthe community.Apotentialforsustai nabl edevel opme-.11 -J . I . |.A dheret ope ople -nt. Leave people totalkacommunitymember,serveothers,be

51、nefici altothe community ofpeople.Tpeoplet otalkabout "Outl ook" is not whatt heperforma nce.集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 集成塊 插座 雙排插雙列直插式 雙列直插式 雙列直插式 雙列直插式 雙列直插式 雙列直插式 雙列直插式 雙列直插式CT74LS03 PCF8563DS12C887ZLG7289LM311 74LS132 74LS148 74LS138 74LS153 74LS161 74LS194CTC74HC00 ICL7107MAX232 OP07AT89C52 24C32 24C64DIP8DIP14DIP16DIP20DIP24DIP28DIP32DIP40100505050100100100100100100100100501001001005050200200400400100400100100100單排插 單排插針100接插件穿刺卡插頭/ 插座,10,14,16,20 線插針帽插針帽開關撥動開關整


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