課時(shí)訓(xùn)練18 Modules 10-12(九上)_第1頁
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1、.課時(shí)訓(xùn)練十八Modules 10-12九上限時(shí):30分鐘.2019·溫州 完形填空It was a Sunday morning. Lori was busy writing in her book. Marilyn was drinking coffee and I was reading a newspaper. Suddenly, Lori looked up and asked,“Why are there more pictures of Lisa than there are of 1? Lisa is our older daughter. I stared

2、 back, not understanding the 2. Lori left the room. I looked at Marilyn,“Are there more pictures of Lisa than of Lori? “I've never 3 them. I don't know, replied Marilyn. “But 4 would Lori ask such a question? I asked. After a few minutes of thought Marilyn said, “When Lisa was born

3、, you were taking photos. You hardly went 5 without a camera. When Lori was born, videos became 6. You used a video camera to record nearly everything in our life. There must be hundreds of videos of Lori in the computer that Lori has 7 seen or doesn't remember. Late that night, when we wer

4、e alone, I turned on the computer and found the 8 about Lori.  “What are you going to do? Marilyn asked.“Her birthday is coming, I said,“Let's make an album for her as a gift. I don't know if the album will answer her question, but at least she'll know that we 9 enough to find her a

5、n answer. Over the next few days, we secretly 10 all the videos. We watched and selected until we were 11. Marilyn had them made into photos. When the photos were returned, we placed them into an album. When we looked at the album, all the sweet memories came 12. We hoped it showed how 13

6、she was to us. On 7th June, when passing Lori's room to leave for work, I opened the door and slipped the album inside. Attached to it was a birthday card with a note 14 why her mother and I had put the album together. It was about eight o'clock when my office telephone rang. I pic

7、ked up the receiver. A tiny voice spoke,“I love you, Daddy, she said and disconnected. I knew our 15 had been received. 1.A.him B.her C.me D.them 2.A.question B.book C.newspaper D.answer3.A.seen B.counted C.taken D.bought4.A.where B.how C.when D.why5.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowher

8、e6.A.popular B.effective C.expensive D.obvious7.A.ever B.never C.already D.just 8.A.emails B.pictures C.news D.videos9.A.respect B.benefit C.care D.regret10.A.took up B.pointed out C.went through D.handed in11.A.relaxed B.satisfied C.active D.lucky12.A.back B.down C.off D.on13.A.kind B.helpful C.pro

9、ud D.important14.A.discussing B paring C.explaining D.supporting15.A.message B.prize C.memory D.view.詞匯運(yùn)用用方框中所給詞語的適當(dāng)形式填空。每詞限用一次。highcongratulationaddoffthanks to16. Lily, we finished the task on time. 17. to the winners! They've shown us their courage and ability. 18. He too much salt

10、to the dishes when he cooked at noon yesterday. 19.They arrived at a house the main road. 20.What's the of Mount Qomolangma? 閱讀下面短文,然后根據(jù)括號內(nèi)所給漢語意思寫出單詞的正確形式。每空限填一詞。Dear Li Hua,How are you going?I'm very happy to hear that you are going to have a trip to Australia, a 21.神奇的 count

11、ry in the coming vacation. I have read a good book about it and I want to introduce it to you. Here we go. The book, written by Lee Mylne, first came out in 22.十一月, 2019.Many areas of Australia are included in this book. From it you'll know that Australia is a multicultural society with peo

12、ple from both Europe and Asia. Taking sports seriously, people living there like outdoor sports such as 23.沖浪, swimming, 24.騎行. When it comes to animals, the 25.袋鼠 is the unique animal of this land. There are also many 26.綿羊. Farmers there cut 27.羊毛 themselves. Many famous sightseeing spots are also

13、 in the book, like the Great Barrier Reef and Ayers Rock. You can enjoy delicious food, such as 28.火腿, 29.色拉 and 30.葡萄.  I'm sure that, with the help of this book, you will enjoy yourself better during the two-week journey.Have a good journey!Li Ming.語法填空閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號中所給單詞的正確形式。

14、For this month's Young World magazine, I interviewed a 19-year-old Asian pop star,Candy Wang. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her 31.shy. Now she's not shy anymore and enjoys singing in front 32. crowds. I asked Candy how life was different

15、after she became famous. She explained that there are many good things, like being able 33.travel and meet new people all the time. “I didn't use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go. However, too much attention can also be 34. bad thing. “I always have to wor

16、ry about how I appear to others, and I never dare to be 35.care about what I say or do. And I have much less private time now 36. there are always guards around me. What does Candy have to say to all 37.that young people who want to become famous? “Well, she begins 38.slow, “you have to be prep

17、ared to give up your normal life. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. Many times I 39.think about giving up, but I fought on. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. Only a very small number of people make 40. to the top. .2019·金華 任務(wù)型閱讀閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)

18、文中信息完成一張海報(bào)。每空限填三詞。Doing “Clean ExerciseWhen you go for a run outside, chances are that you will find litter all around you. Do you just go past it, or do you stop and pick it up? If you choose the second, you're part of the latest popular sport in the West: plogging.The word “plogging is the Swe

19、dish phrase “plocka upp pick up and the English word “jogging running slowly put together.What a plogger needs is a rubbish bag and a pair of gloves to protect your hands. While collecting rubbish, ploggers learn to classify分類 and deal with it correctly, too.Plogging seems simple but it does a lot o

20、f good to both the environment and your health. It can not only make the world greener, but also get you full body exercise. For example, a 30-minute plogging burns around 288 calories卡路里, compared to 235 calories burned from just jogging.So next time you go out jogging, why not carry a rubbish bag

21、and collect some litter along the way? Your body and the environment will thank you.Let's go 41.! The latest popular sport!Just need 42. and a pair of gloves! Correctly classify and 43. the rubbish! It's simple but helpful to 44. and your body! Make the world 45. and your

22、self a lot healthier!  Join us now! The world says THANK YOU!.2019·武威 書面表達(dá)“讀萬卷書,行萬里路,旅行是學(xué)習(xí)的最好方式之一。請以“Travelling為題,根據(jù)以下思維導(dǎo)圖的提示,寫一篇短文,發(fā)表你的看法。注意1要點(diǎn)齊全,適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;2從思維導(dǎo)圖Sayings部分選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)母裱院侠砝迷诙涛闹?3句子及篇章構(gòu)造準(zhǔn)確、連接,書寫標(biāo)準(zhǔn);4詞數(shù):80100;5文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名、學(xué)校及其他任何個(gè)人相關(guān)信息。參考詞匯 biology生物memory 記憶_參考答案.主旨大意 本文是一篇記敘文。文章講述了小女兒抱

23、怨為什么家里的相片姐姐的比自己的多,當(dāng)父親提起這件事的時(shí)候,他的妻子說:“有了小女兒之后,他們一直用錄像機(jī)記錄她生活的點(diǎn)滴。于是父親決定把小女兒的相片整理出來,做成一個(gè)相冊作為孩子的生日禮物。最終,小女兒很快樂收到這個(gè)禮物。1.C考察代詞辨析。根據(jù)后文“Lisa is our older daughter.可推出,此處指“我。應(yīng)選C。2.A考察名詞辨析。結(jié)合上文語境可知,“我不明白Lori問的問題。應(yīng)選A。3.B考察動詞辨析。結(jié)合語境和選項(xiàng)可知,此處指“數(shù)一數(shù)。應(yīng)選B。4.D考察疑問詞辨析。結(jié)合語境可知,此處指“為什么Lori問這樣的問題。應(yīng)選D。5.A考察不定副詞辨析。anywhere常用于

24、否認(rèn)句中。應(yīng)選A。6.A考察形容詞辨析。結(jié)合語境和選項(xiàng)可知,此處指“當(dāng)Lori出生的時(shí)候,錄像剛流行。應(yīng)選A。7.B考察副詞辨析。根據(jù)語境和后面的關(guān)鍵詞“doesn't remember可判斷,此處填never從不。應(yīng)選B。8.D考察名詞辨析。根據(jù)上文“There must be hundreds of videos of Lori in the computer可知,作者翻開電腦發(fā)現(xiàn)里面有很多關(guān)于Lori的錄像。應(yīng)選D。9.C考察動詞辨析。根據(jù)語境可推出,此處填care關(guān)心。應(yīng)選C。10.C考察動詞短語辨析。根據(jù)上下文語境可推出,“我們偷偷地閱讀了全部有關(guān)Lori的錄像。go thr

25、ough意為“閱讀。應(yīng)選C。11.B考察形容詞辨析。結(jié)合語境可推出,此處指“我們挑選直到滿意為止。應(yīng)選B。12.A考察動詞短語辨析。come back意為“回來;come down意為“下來,下落;come off意為“成功;come on意為“加油,快點(diǎn)。句意:當(dāng)我們看影集時(shí),所有甜美的回憶都回想起來了。應(yīng)選A。13.D考察形容詞辨析。結(jié)合語境可知,此處指“她對我們來說很重要。應(yīng)選D。14.C考察動名詞辨析。根據(jù)語境可推出,此處填explaining解釋。應(yīng)選C。15.A考察名詞辨析。結(jié)合語境可知,此處指“我知道她收到我們的信件了。應(yīng)選A。.16.Thanks to17.Congratulations18.added19.off20.height主旨大意 這是一封李明寫給李華的信。李華要去澳大利亞旅游,李明向李華介紹了一本關(guān)于澳大利亞的書,并祝他旅途愉快。21.magical22.November23.surfing24.riding25.kangaroo26.sheep27.wool28.ham29.sal


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