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1、Lesson 25教學目標和要求:學生能準確理解動詞不定式概念及不定式充當賓語的用法。掌握be able to; keep doing sth; give up; work on; own 等單詞短語的用法,學會Which would you most like to own?這樣的表達法。教學難點:不定式充當賓語的理解和運用。教學用具:錄音機,各種發(fā)明創(chuàng)造的幻燈圖片。教學步驟:一、通過小話題介紹對話中語言項目1:呈現(xiàn)以下對話。T:We are going to learn a story about a great man in this unit. Do you know who he i

2、s?Ss: Yes, he is Thomas EdisonT: What do you want to know about him?S1:I want to know when he was born.S2: I Want to know where he was from.S3: I want to know how Many inventions he made.等.2、教師問學生:why do you think he could make so many inventions? 學生展開討論并回答:He was very clever. 或He was hard-working等.

3、教師總結:Yes, he kept trying out his new ideas. He kept working on it .He never gave up.3、教師歸納討論Edison was able to be a great man because he was very hard_working.讓學生造同樣的句子:XXX is able to learn English very well because he likes it very much.They are able to speak Chinese very well because they have bee

4、n in China for two years等.二、聽錄音,回答問題。1、聽錄音,要求學生回答問題:(1)Whats He Pengs idea? (He wants to make a pen that has a machine in it to write faster).(2) What kind of person did Thomas Edison like?(He liked people who had ideas)學生回答若有困難,可給予幫助,并解釋a pen that has a machine in it people who had ideas的意思。三、讀、演1、

5、聽錄音、跟讀對話2、學生二人一組讀讀、演演3、抽其中幾組演一演四、問、答1、要求學生列舉一些愛迪生的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造和其他一些常見的發(fā)明創(chuàng)造。2、用幻燈片展示這些物品。問學生:Which of these do you think is the most( the second most / the third most) useful invention?Which would you most like to own?介紹動詞own請學生逐個回答,并進行連鎖操練。3、第二十五課第2部分利用幻燈片2人一組操練以上句型,并將答案填入書中表格。五、家庭作業(yè)1、完成練習冊25課練習2、查找更多有關愛迪生資

6、料。教學建議:本課內(nèi)在處理不定式時,只需學生把以前出現(xiàn)過的want to do sth; ask sb to do sth中的to do sth和不定式的概念聯(lián)系起來,不要強化訓練得太多。Lesson 26教學目標和要求:閱讀并理解文章意思,繼續(xù)在運用中掌握不定式的各種用法。掌握新詞匯:inventor; pupil; build; rush; safety; lifetime; frightened; track; telegraph和短語try out; at the age of; open up; become interested in; too to; see sb doing s

7、th; no matter等的意思和用法教學難點:不定式在具體實踐中的運用。教學用具:錄音機、幻燈片、或圖片等。教學過程:一、復習1、檢查核對家庭作業(yè)2、復習上一課第二部分內(nèi)容。二、問、答1、用幻燈片展示出愛迪生的照片,告訴學生:Today were going to learn something about this man. 問以下兩個問題。(1)who do you think the man is?學生回答后,教師補充:Yes, he is Thomas Alva Edison,a great American inventor 教學inventor.(2) What do you

8、know about him? 學生交流所收集有關愛迪生資料。2、要求學生展開討論:what kind of spirit do we need to become an inventor?先學習愛迪生的故事。三、閱讀理解1、學生快速閱讀全文。2、教師分配任務:要求學生4人一組,以年齡為線索,列舉愛迪生主要生平紀事。3、選擇幾組進行匯報,教師在黑板中寫出相應內(nèi)容。如:when Edison was a Child liked asking questions .tried out new ideas. was at school for three months became interest

9、ed in sciencewhen he was ten. built a chemistry lab.At the age of 12 started writing、printing、selling newspapers.when he was 16 left home to work in different cities.at the age of 22 went to New York and worked there most of his life4、教師利用圖片,介紹文中有關愛迪生的小故事,并教學生生詞track; frightened; rush; safety; teleg

10、raph等5、聽錄音,進一步理解文章意思6、學生朗讀文章,回答問題.7、分段進行課文復述。四、討論: 教師提出討論話題;(1)why could Edison become such a great inventor?(2) What kind of spirit do we need to become an inventor要求學生自由展開討論,然后各組派代表闡述各自觀點。五、家庭作業(yè)1、完成了練習冊26課練習 2、準備全文復述。教學建議:在交流有關愛迪生資料和自由討論時,鼓勵并幫助學生用英語完成。Lesson27教學目標和要求:正確運用不定式充當賓語,賓語補足語和狀語,掌握graduat

11、e; noisy; turndown(up)等詞的用法。教學難點:如何準確、自由地運用不定式教學用具:錄音機、調(diào)查樣表教學步驟:一、復習1、檢查家庭作業(yè)2、請幾位學生復述課文3、問、答教師問一些有關26課的問題,如:Why did Edison like asking questions? (He wanted to learn as much as possible)Why was Edison at school for only three months?(He asked too many questions)Why did Edison go to New York at the a

12、ge of 22?幫助學生回答:He went there to work as an inventor. 完成課文第4部分二、討論教師提出討論話題:What do you want to do after you graduate from school?學生自由討論,教師將調(diào)查樣表發(fā)給每組組長,之后,兩人一組進行問答。最后由組長匯報各組情況。完成課文第1部分。三、語言輸入1、打開錄音機并將音量放高,呈現(xiàn)以下對話:T:Dont you think the radio is too noisy?S: Yes, I do. Please turn it town. T: what do you

13、ask me to do?S:(loudly) we asked you to turn it down.T: ok 第27課第2部分 2操練 (1)教師呈現(xiàn)對話(請一學生回答問題)。A:Oh, pardon. (對著另一學生)Dont you think xxx is speaking too quietly?B: Yes, I do. Let me ask him to speak louder.(2)27課第3部分,二人一組進行類似對話操練(3)編對話,給學生一、二分鐘時間準備,然后表演對話。四、奇思妙想。1、教師拿出事先準備好的奇思妙想題目,請學生發(fā)揮想象,動手制作。2、學生提出各種奇

14、思妙想方案,由學生課后嘗試。五、家庭作業(yè)1、完成練習冊27課練習2、完成奇思妙想內(nèi)容。教學建議:有關26課的一條系列“Why”開頭的問題可以不拘一格,讓學生大膽進行提問和回答。在“奇思妙想”環(huán)節(jié)里提倡學生用英語表達。Lesson28教學目標和要求:熟練掌握和運用不定式,準確運用healthily、clearly、safely、 beautifully等副詞。了解疑問詞+不定式的正確用法。教學重點和難點:在真實或半真實交際環(huán)境中運用不定式教學用具:錄音機等教學步驟:一、復習檢查家庭作業(yè),請幾位學生上臺講述自己課前準備好的奇思妙想運作過程。二、聽力練習冊28課。聽錄音、完成練習聽力材料(略)參考答

15、案(略)三、說說、寫寫1、引出話題,連鎖操練T:Im not so good at working on a computer. I want to learn how to do it better to improve myself. what do you want to do to improve yourself?S:I want to learn how to learn carefully and to remember quickly .What about you?S2:I want to learn how to 2、學生2人一組操練第二部分對話。3、給學生2分鐘時間準備寫

16、一段對話,用以上所給不定式短語和副詞。4、要求幾位學生演出其中一段對話。四、讀、演1、第28課第3部分。聽錄音,要求學生回答:Why did Tina ask Ann to speak more clearly?(Its not a very good line.)Whats wrong with Anns radio?(Hers is broken)2、兩人一組朗讀并表演對話五、詩朗頌.Never give up.1、解釋其中生詞及詩意2、教師范讀,學生齊讀,個別學生有表情朗讀。六、家庭作業(yè)完成練習冊28課練習復習本單元內(nèi)容。教學建議:學生在寫對話時,教師應該環(huán)繞教室,不時走動,可以隨時給學

17、生糾正錯誤,提供幫助。詩朗頌時可選一曲合適的音樂配樂。教案 Lesson 29教學目標和要求:學生能正確運用不定式;能正確運用詞匯decorate、put up、angel、circle;能掌握smell nice, help decorate的用法。教學難點:不定式做主語 To be here at Christmas time is a dream 教學用具:收錄機、圖片、實物、幻燈機。教學步驟:一、復習導入 What festival are we going to talk about? Yes, Christmas. What do people often say on Chris

18、tmas Day?板書 Merry Christmas! 教學merry. Do you know something about it? Do you want to know something more ?二、語言輸入:1、出示教學幻燈片,教師問: What can you see in the picture? Where can people get the Christmas trees?(At the farm. In the shop,etc.) Cutting down the Christmas trees at the farm is a lot of fun, isnt

19、 it? What is Jim doing?(He is decorating the tree.) What about Lin Tao? (He is helping Jim. He is helping decorate the tree.) How do they decorate the tree?(They have to put up the lights and Christmas balls.And they also put an angel at the top of the tree.) How does Lin Tao help?(Circle the lights

20、 around the tree until they have put lights on the whole tree.) 通過問答教學decorate 、put up、angel、circle。 三、讀、演:1、 第29課,第一部分錄音磁帶:要求學生聽并且回答:Where is Lin Tao? What does the tree look like when they finish decorating it? 2、 兩人一組朗讀并表演對話。抽2-3組班前表演,看誰能不看書進行表演。.四、問答第29課,第二部分兩人一組問答操練。教師巡回指導。五、看圖寫話: 合上課本,再次看圖,要求學

21、生根據(jù)第一部分對話信息,寫一篇短文,看誰寫得又快又好.六、家庭作業(yè):1、 完成練習冊第29課練習。2、 搜集有關圣誕節(jié)的圖片、資料。教學建議1、為了加深學生印象,達到更好效果,教師可以帶一個小天使(angel)到課堂上。2、為了開拓學生視野,了解更多,教師可以鼓勵學生上網(wǎng)查詢有關圣誕節(jié)的資料。3、 練習看圖寫話時,最好推選1-2名學生上黑板演示,完成后當堂批改打分,同時朗讀部分較好的習作,學生們躍躍欲試,既培養(yǎng)了寫作的興趣,又提高了寫作的能力。板書設計(略)教案 Lesson 30教學目標和要求:利用掛圖 形象呈現(xiàn)內(nèi)容,引導學生理解文章,培養(yǎng)閱讀興趣、提高閱讀能力.能正確運用詞匯stockin

22、g 、 kind-hearted 、greet、 Eve;能掌握as well、 base on 、even though的用法。教學難點:如何理解、鞏固所學知識, 并用于語言實踐中。教學步驟:一、 復習1、檢查核對家庭作業(yè)。2、要求學生有表情流利地表演第29課對話。二 問答: 1、 What holiday is your favorite? Why?鼓勵學生回答 Why。. 資源共享.(談談你對圣誕節(jié)的了解 )。 2、 Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, What do you do? 二、 討論:What do the people in the wes

23、t do to celebrate Christmas?參考:1.Decorate the Christmas tree.2.Send Christmas cards.3.Send Christmas presents.4.Make a big Christmas cake.ect.三、閱讀: 第30課,第二部分1、把短文過一遍并討論同學們提出的疑難問題??纯赐瑢W們能否猜出所接觸到的一些生詞的詞義。2、仔細地再讀,然后回答下面問題:1、What do friends do during the Christmas season? Why do they do this?2、What do ch

24、ildren do before they go to sleep on Christmas Eve?Why do they do this?3、What do some people even do?4、What do children do early on Christmas Day?5、What do the family do on that day?6、What kind of person is Father Christmas?7、How does he come into the house?8、What does he do when he gets into the ho

25、use?9、Is Father Christmas real?10、Can you say something about Saint Nicholas?四、大聲朗讀錄音磁帶第30課,放錄音給學生聽并讓他們跟著讀。 五、復述看黑板上的提示,復述課文。六、家庭作業(yè):1、完成練習冊30課練習2、假如你是林濤,你從沒有到過英國,請設計5-8個詢問Jim有關圣誕節(jié)的問題。教學建議1、根據(jù)課文回答問題時,教師最好邊問邊板書問題的答案。板書設計 Christmas DayDuring the Christmas seasonfriendsget togethergo from house to house

26、For fun To bring the spirit of Christmas toOnChristmasEve-the night before Christmas Daychildrensome peopleput a stocking at the endput up stockings for petsFather Christmas will comeduring the nightOn Christmas Daychildrenwake up very early , and cant wait to open the presentswake up their parents

27、, calling, “Merry Christmas” the familyhave a delicious breakfastspend the day playing with and visiting their relativesthe relativesand friendsgreet each other with a hug and say “” Father Christmas Father ChristmasSaint Nicholasis very kind-heartedwas very shy .wanted to give money to the poorland

28、s on top of each house andclimbs down the chimneyclimbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney fills the stockings with presentsIt went into a stocking that a girl had hung by fireplaceis based on a real person in historyHis spirit of generosity lives on today.教案 Lesson 31教學目標和要求:學生能正確理解動詞不定式和疑問詞連用的用法;并能正確運用;能掌握been to和 gone to 的區(qū)別。教學難點:不定式和疑問詞的連用教學用具:收錄機、圣誕老人的圖片教學步驟:一、 復習1、檢查家庭作業(yè),請1-2個學生復述第30課;2、匯總學生準備的問題,以小組為單位,


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