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1、2019-2020 學年度第二學期期末學情診斷八年級英語試題2020. 7友情提示:相信自己,祝你成功!1. 本試題滿分 120分, 考試時間為 120 分鐘。2. 答卷前務必將試題密封線內及答題卡上面的項目填涂清楚。所有答案都必須涂、寫在答題卡相應位置, 答在本試卷上一律無效。3. 非選擇題用黑色鋼筆或碳素筆作答。一、聽力測試(共20 小題 ; 每小題 1 分 , 滿分 20 分)(一)聽對話和問題 , 根據(jù)對話內容選擇每個問題的最佳答案。對話和問題讀兩遍。 (共 5小題 , 每小題 1 分 , 共 5 分)1. What does the girl's friend look li

2、ke?A. Friendly and clever.B. Short and beautiful. C. Tall and beautiful.2. How many times has the girl been to the lake?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.A. It was too expensive.3. Why did Jack give up his hobby?B. It took up too much time. C. It took up too much space.4. What is their plan for the af

3、ternoon?A. To play volleyball.B. To go bike-riding.5. How long had Dave practiced for the driving test?A. 3 months.B. 6 months.(二) 聽對話 , 根據(jù)對話內容選擇每個問題的最佳答案分, 共 10分)聽第一段對話, 回答第6、 7 小題。6. How is Alex today?A. Very bored.B. Very happy7. Who will come to the boy's home to stay?A. His cousin.B. His un

4、cle.聽第二段對話, 回答第8、 9 小題。8. Where did Jerry work in the past?A. At home.B. In a college.9. What does Jerry think of working from home?A. Free.B. Boring.C. To build a tree house.C. 9 months., 對話讀兩遍。 (共 10 小題 , 每小題 1C. Very sad.C. His friend.C. In a company.C. Strange.聽第三段對話, 回答第 10-12 小題。10. When did t

5、he first Tingting story appear?A. In 1939.B. In 1829.C. In 1929.A. Works for a school.11. What does Tingting do?B. Works for a newspaper C. Works for a bank.C. Good endings.C. Go climbing.C. 5012. What kind of endings do the stories always have?A. Bad endings.B. Sad endings.聽第四段長對話,回答第13-15小題。13. Wh

6、at is the boy going to do for a holiday?A. Go swimming.B. Go fishing.A. 314. How many people are going for the holiday?B. 1515. Where will they sleep?A. In camps.B. In hotels.C. In a friend's house.(三)聽獨白,根據(jù)所聽內容完成表格信息,每空一詞。(共5小題,每小題1分,共5分)Survey on hobbiesHobbies of boys and girlsBoys and girls

7、have 1 _hobbies.The girls like singing and _2.The boys like playing 3 .They both enjoy playing table tennis.Hobbies' qualityIt is 4 to have hobbies. We can learn about new things and develop new5 .、閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項中選出最佳選項。Tian Yu tong, 14, Wuhan Foreign Language SchoolSta

8、rting from Jan 23, I stayed at home and didn't take one step outside from then on. In the first week, my family was kind of in a panic (恐慌).We were worried that we wouldn't have enough supplies (物資),not to mention my favorite milk tea. We were also worried about my father, who is a police of

9、ficer. He had to go out every day for work. The whole family was enveloped (籠罩)in anxiety.Later, my mother went on line to buy food and other supplies every day. We were able to get enough of them as we got used to our new lives. I learned tai chi from my grandma and took online classes. In March, I

10、 even joined our school orchestra's (管弦樂隊) "cloud performance and recorded a song named March of Steel Torrent (車W鐵洪流進行曲 ).On April 8, when I heard the cars' sound again in the streets, I was very excited. I wrote a note to myself-I want to be a doctor and save lives in the future.Li Ha

11、iyi, 15, Wuhan National SchoolBefore the lockdown (封城),my family went to my parents' hometown in Caidian, a village of Wuhan. Villagers closed their doors and didn't go out. Life went on quietly. But it was difficult for me to keep up my studies while I was in the countryside, as the Interne

12、t is very slow there. I often had trouble connecting to my online classes and couldn't study effectively (有效地) Without my textbooks, I had to read and do exercises on a computer screen, which hurt my eyes. Luckily, our teachers helped us do eye exercises and offered psychological guidance (心理輔導)

13、Gradually, life fell into a new routine. I studied online, went to bed and got up early. Every afternoon, I would run around the backyard for a while to strengthen my body. I wanted to be prepared for the coming entrance examination for high school.It was my birthday when Wuhan was allowed to reopen

14、. Seeing stores selling hot dry noodles again, I think I'll remember this birthday forever.16. The two kids are talking about their experiences of in Wuhan.A. studying at homeB. learning tai chiC. shopping onlineD. getting through the days of lockdown17. Why was it difficult for Li Haiyi to keep

15、 up his studies? He didn't like his teachers. The Internet is slow. He had no text books. There was no Internet in the countrysideH His eyes were hurt.A.B.C.D. He had trouble connecting to his online classes.to the Mouse that her cousin18. Which of the following statements is Not True according

16、to the passage?A. Tian Yutong's father works at a police station.B. Li Haiyi has passed the entrance examination for high school.C. Li Haiyi was born on April8, 2005.D. The lockdown of Wuhan lasted for 76 days.BA cat met a mouse and described the great love and friendship she felt for her. And t

17、hey agreed to live together. "The winter is coming. So we must prepare food for it. "said the Cat. "You, little mouse, cannot run everywhere, or you will fall into a trap. "The mouse followed the cat's advice. So they bought a pot of fat and hid it in the church.But the Cat h

18、ad a great longing (渴望)for it, so she lied (撒謊)had a little son and wanted her to be the godmother. But in fact, the Cat went straight to the church and licked the top of the fat off. And she told the Mouse the child's name was Topoff. Soon, she told the same lie to the Mouse and ate up half of

19、the fat. And the child's name was said to be Halfgone. Not long after this, the Cat's mouth began to water once more. So she lied again and ate all the fat up. This time, the name was Cleangone. Every time the Cat was gone, the Mouse was busy making the house tidy.When the winter came, the M

20、ouse found the pot empty in the church, so she found out the trick. But it was too late and the Cat ate her.You see that is the way of the world.19. How did the Cat treat the Mouse at the very beginning?A. The Cat didn't like the Mouse at all.B. The Cat wanted to cheat the Mouse for food.C. The

21、Cat wanted to be friendly to the Mouse.D. The Cat wanted to prepare food for the Mouse.20. After the Cat lied for the second time, what did the Mouse think?A. The Mouse believed in the Cat.B. The Mouse doubted (懷疑)the Cat's words.C. The Mouse thought the fat was halfgone.D. The Mouse thought som

22、eone else ate the fat.21. What does the underlined word " water" in paragraph 2 mean?A.澆水B.流眼淚C.供水D.流口水22. What does the author mainly tell us in the text?A. The Mouse likes doing housework for the Cat.B. We should learn from the Cat to trick others.C. The Cat likes cheating the Mouse for

23、the fat.D. We should not believe others' words all the time.CDeath Valley (死亡谷)is famous for its moving rocks. Since the early 1900s, visitors to Racetrack Playa, a dry lake bed in California have always wanted to know how the rocks can move on their own.These rocks leave long tracks (軌跡)behind

24、them. The long tracks show that the rocks have moved along the ground. Those rocks only move at night and only move once every year or two. And they don't move at the same time or in the same direction. But how do they move? How can a 350-kilogram rock move? Now scientists have known the key to

25、the question!Here's how it happens.Death Valley is one of the hottest places in the world, but it is cold at night. When it rains, the hard ground becomes soft and wet. When it gets cold enough, the water on the ground will change into very thin ice. Then the strong wind can move flat(平的) rocks

26、along the flat ground. In themorning, the sun comes up and dries the ground.Moving rocks can be found at other places in the world as well, but Death Valley is the most famous.23. Visitors to Racetrack Playa are most interested in in Death Valley.A. the mountains around Death valley B. the secret of

27、 the moving rocksC. the dry lake bedD. the scenery of Death Valley24. From Paragraph 2 we can know that.A. the rocks move at the same timeB. the rocks move in the same directionC. the rocks move day and night all year.D. the rocks leave long tracks after moving25. How is the weather in Death Valley?

28、A. Hot in the day and wet at night.B. Cool in the day and dry at night.C. Hot in the day and cold at night.D. Cold in the day and windy at night.26. What's the main idea of the passage?A. How the rocks in Death V alley move.B. Where the Death Valley is.C. What Death Valley is like.D. Why the Dea

29、th Valley is famous.DPeople didn't pay more attention to their health before, but now more and more people try to make sure that they are healthy. Today, I will tell you a few ways to keep fit.First, you can do exercise every day to keep fit. _27_People have different ideas. Some people think th

30、at doing simple things like cleaning the house is helpful. Other people think that doing heavy exercise every day such as running or swimming is good.Second, healthy food is also important to us. _28Third, try to relax yourself when you have too much stress (壓力).Today, we all have stress in our live

31、s. Different things bring stress for different people. Money problems can bring stress.29 But you should remember that you can never keep yourself away from the stress in y life. It will always be with you. So you need to know the reason for the stress and find ways to reduce (減少)it. _ 30 _Exercise

32、is a great way to reduce stress. Thinking about things in an optimistic (樂觀的) way can also reduce stress. Try to live for now, and don't worry about the future.閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內容,從短方框中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。(有一項多余)A. There are several ways to help you.B. But how much exercise is enough?C. Good things like getti

33、ng married can also bring you stress.D. Early to bed and early to rise can make healthy.E. We should eat more vegetables and fruits but less meat every day. 三、語言知識運用(共 30小題,滿分35分)(一)完形填空(共 10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分) 閱讀短文,從每小題的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。Shark Tale is a cartoon film. It tells the story of a fish named

34、 Oscar.Oscar was a fast-talking little fish. He always dreamed of being rich and famous.In the deep of the 31 , lived a group of shark gangsters (鯊 魚匪徒).They did many bad things. The head of the group was called Lino. He had two 32 , Frankie and Lenny. He 33 them. He wished them to be able to go on

35、with his work in the future.One day, a dropping anchor (車苗)near the sea killed (殺死)Frankie. Oscar happened to see this. He decided to use this 34 to show his ability of killing the shark. No matter where he went, he told others that he killed the shark. His friends believed 35 he said. They thought

36、of him as a great hero. Oscar even 36 on TV, and soon he became a superstar. He was excited to see his dream finally 37 .But as you can imagine, his big lie brought him 38 . Knowing that Oscar killed his son, Lino tried 39 best to catch him. Oscar could do nothing but run away as fast as he could. I

37、n the dangerous game, Oscar had little chance to live on and this was 40 his big lie.31. A. parkB. mountainC. forestD.sea32. A. sonsB. cousinsC. daughtersD.friends33. A. understoodB. lovedC. protectedD.beat34. A. tripB. chanceC. suggestionD.dream35. A. whyB. whenC. whatD.who36. A. stayedB. liftedC.a

38、ppearedD.hid37. A. come trueB. come onC. go backD.go out38. A. troubleB. luckC. adviceD.money39. A. herB. hisC. theirD.your40. A . in order toB. according toC. except forD.because of(二)詞匯運用A.用下列句子中所給單詞的正確形式填空。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)41. Would you like to try(some)of my pizza?42. It is(possible) to imagin

39、e how large the universe is.43. We should avoid(make) any noise in the library.44. Snoopy celebrated his(sixty)birthday in 2010.45. His stories have sold about 200(million)copies.46. He was still doing her homework when I(go)to bed.47. Cairo is one of the(busy) cities in Africa.48. His daughter is q

40、uite shy when she is with(strange).49. It's so quiet in the park that I can even hear the birds(sing).50. Lily doesn't feel very sure of(her) in her new school.B.閱讀下面的短文,用括號內所給單詞的適當形式填空,必要時可加助動詞。(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)What is the solar system? It is our sun and other 51 (planet) that travel ar

41、ound it. The sun is in the centre of it and52 (it) shape looks like an egg.Our solar system 53 (include)the sun, the Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, urn, Uranus and Neptune. Our solar neighbourhood is an 54 (excite)place. Most people think we have to live in outer space, although no one 55 (co

42、mmunicate) with us so far. One reason is that some of us can hardly live on earth because of increasing population, and the other reason is that perhaps some 56 (science) will create some space like our earth for people to live in. Are you 57_ (expect) that?While others disagree with the ideas above

43、. They believe we 58 (prefer)inner space to outer space in the future. We are not certain if we can live 59 (safe) in outer space because it is changing all the time. As a result, most people will refuse 60 (live)there.Which one do you believe? Let's wait and see.四、翻譯句子用括號內所給的詞或短語,將下列句子譯成英語(共 5小

44、題;每題2分,共10分)。61 .父母應該鼓勵孩子多嘗試。(encourage)62 .這些卡通都是反映真實生活的。(true to)63 .這首歌贏得了全世界年輕人的心。(win the heart of64 .我爺爺每天通過遛狗來鍛煉身體。(by)65 .那個男孩迫不及待地想見到他的母親(can't wait)。五、閱讀表達(共5小題;每小題2分,共10分)Have you ever tried to understand something new by yourself but found it a bit too difficult in books or on the In

45、ternet? Don't be worried you can get help at Khan Academy (可汗學院)KHANKhan Academy is an online learning website created in 2007 bySalman Khan, an American teacher. In order to provide "a free world-classeducation for anyone anywhere", Khan offers more than 4, 200 free small lectures at

46、khanacademy. org.The classes cover fields like history, chemistry and art. They usually last for 15 minutes or less. Unlike traditional classes, Khan mainly offerscourses for students below college level. The classes can also help those who are planning to takethe SAT, an exam often required for stu

47、dents who wish to enter a college or university in the USA.So can you start your learning journey at Khan Academy?First of all, enter the website with a personal email account (賬戶).Your personal homepageat Khan Academy is designed to help you learn math. You can take a pre-test first to see your lev

48、el.The academy then suggests exercises at the right level for you.If you are interested in other subjects, click "LEARN" to see all topics on offer. Try "Art History", for example. This will take you to all the things in that area like text articles, videos and questions. You can

49、 also put key words into the search box to see related topics.Don't worry if you find it difficult to follow the courses in English. The courses have been translated into other languages, such as Chinese.66 . How many lectures does Khan offer at khanacademy. org. ?67 .根據(jù)短文內容補全句子,每空一詞。The classes

50、 at khanacademy. org usually last for a of an hour or less, and they canalso be if you are planning to take the SAT.68 .在文中 處填入一個適當?shù)倪B詞,使句意連貫,語法正確。69 .翻譯劃線的句子。70 .請給本文擬一個最佳題目。六、寫作(共15分)假設彳是Lily,本學期即將結束,同學們在 QQ群里開展了今年暑假里是否參加兼職工作的 討論。以下是兩種不同的觀點 ,請你給某英文報社寫一封信,介紹一下討論的情況及你自己 的想法。Is it OK to take the part-

51、time job this summer holiday?It's OK !No!Your opinion (觀點)1. get experience1.dangerous,novel1.2. make friendscoronavirus2. too tiring2. ,.注思:1 .文章必須包括上表中的內容,并適當拓展;2 .你的觀點至少兩條,不能重復表中內容;3 .文章開頭、結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);4 .將給出的開頭、結尾抄在答題卡相應的位置;5 .詞數(shù):80左右。參考詞匯:novel coronavirus (新型冠狀病毒);be infected (被傳染);wear a

52、face mask(戴口罩)Dear Editor,I'm writing to tell you about our discussion about if it's OK to take the part-time job this summer holiday.Yours, Lily2019-2020 學年度第二學期期末監(jiān)測八年級英語參考答案聽力(每小題 1 分 , 共 20 分 )1-5 CABCB5-10 BCCAC11-15 BCCBA聽力填空: 1. different 2. dancing 3. football 4. good 5. skills閱讀理解(共1

53、5 小題;每小題 2 分 , 滿分 30 分)16-18 DCB 19-22 CADD 23-26 BDCA 27-30 BECA30 小題 , 滿分 35 分)(每小題 1 分, 滿分 10 分) 31-35 DABBC 36-40 CAABD( 二 ) 詞匯運用(共20 小題;滿分25 分)45. million50. herself55. has communicated60. to live( 41-50 每小題 1 分)41. some42. impossible46. went47. busiest( 51-60 每小題1. 5 分)51. planets52. its56. sc

54、ientists57. expecting43. making 44. sixtieth48. strangers 49. singing53. includes54. exciting58. will prefer59. safely5 小題;每題 2 分 , 共 10 分)61. Parents should encourage their children to try more.62. These cartoons were true to life.63. The/This song has won the hearts of young people all over the wo

55、rld.64. My grandfather gets exercise by taking his dog for a walk every day.65. The little boy can't/couldn't wait to meet his mother.五、閱讀表達(每小題 2分, 共 10 分)66. More than/Over 4, 20067. quarter; helpful.68. 如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)很難跟上(聽懂)這些英語課程, 別擔心。 (意思對即可)69. how70. Khan Academy/ An online learning website(-

56、 Khan Academy)/Online learning(studying)六、參考例文。 (15 分)Dear Editor,I'm writing to tell you about our discussion about if it's OK to take the part-time job this summer holiday.Some students like to take the part-time job as usual because they think they can get different experiences and make s

57、ome friends. What's more, they can improve themselves by doing the work. However, some students think that it's dangerous to take the part-time job this summer , because novel coronavirus has not gone. And they also think it's usually too tiring to work in summer.In my opinion, I believe

58、 that it is a good idea for students to take the part-time job in the summer holiday. Of course, if you are afraid to be infected, you can wear a face mask. The most important is, after working we can understand our parents better and love them more.Yours,Lily評分標準1 .內容充實,拓展合理,結構完整,語句流暢,能使用較為豐富的語法結構和關聯(lián)詞匯,語法、詞匯拼寫錯誤極


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