



1、九Unit 7 Section A1. allow sb to do sth. 允許某人做某事Sb be allowed to do sth. 某人被允許做2. should (not) be allowed to do sth.應(yīng)該被允許做某事學(xué)習(xí)文檔 僅供參考3. no way 不行,沒門,絕對(duì)不可以學(xué)習(xí)文檔 僅供參考4. be worried about your safety擔(dān)憂你的平安5. drivers license 駕駛證6. sixteen-year-olds 16歲的人7. have part-time jobs有兼職的工作8. get ones ears pierced

2、穿耳洞get sth. done請(qǐng)別人做某事,使某事被做9. choose ones own clothes選擇某人自己的衣服 10. cut ones hair= get ones hair cut理發(fā)11. be excited about (doing )sth.對(duì)感到興奮12. use a flash 用閃光燈13.protect the paintings 保護(hù)油畫14. protectfrom保護(hù)以免受傷害15. a tiny baby 一個(gè)小嬰兒16.cry all night 整夜哭泣17. stay by my side 守在我身邊18. run through the fi

3、eld 穿過田野奔跑19.make sure 確信,保證from danger使 遠(yuǎn)離危險(xiǎn)21.hurt oneself 傷到自己22. give sb. a hug 給某人擁抱23. hug sb. 擁抱某人24. lift sb. up 抱起某人25. take a lift (to) 做電梯去26.cough badly 咳得嚴(yán)重27. talk back 回嘴,頂嘴28. give it to me 把它給我29. be back by ten 10點(diǎn)前回來30.should be told 應(yīng)該被告訴31. think back to 回憶起,回想過去32. have a dream

4、 做夢(mèng)33. regret to do sth. 遺憾要做某事34. regret doing sth. 懊悔做過的事35. sb be encouraged to do sth. 某人被鼓勵(lì)做某事36. do social work for their community 為他們的社區(qū)做社交工作37. keep away from 防止接近,遠(yuǎn)離 38. by chance 偶然,意外地39. have a chance to do sth. 有時(shí)機(jī)做某事40.make ones own decision自己做決定41.move out 搬出去42. educate sb to do sth

5、. 教育某人做某事43. sb be educated to do sth.某人被教育做某事44.manage their own lives應(yīng)付自己的生活45. continue to do sth. 繼續(xù)做某事Section B1. get to class late上課遲到2. take the test 參加考試3. pass the test 考試及格4. fail a test 考試不及格5. be strict with sb. 對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格6.be strict in sth. 對(duì)某事要求嚴(yán)格7. get in the way of 擋的路,阻礙8. as much as 像

6、一樣多9. a running star 一位跑步明星10. a professional runner 一位職業(yè)的運(yùn)發(fā)動(dòng)11. see sb achieve ones dream 看見某人實(shí)現(xiàn)夢(mèng)想12. support sb. 支持某人13. have nothing against sth. / doing sth. 不反對(duì)某事/ 做某事14. end up a professional runner最終成為一名專業(yè)的賽跑者15.decide for myself 為我自己做決定16.enter university 進(jìn)入大學(xué)17.be serious about doing sth.對(duì)認(rèn)

7、真,對(duì)極感興趣18. make a choice 做選擇 19.have a chance to do sth.有時(shí)機(jī)做某事20.in the end 最后21. (get) in the way 阻礙 (in) that way 用那種方式 on the way 在路上 by the way 順便說說,順便問一句九Unit 8 Section A1. belong to 屬于2. toy truck 玩具卡車3. her favorite writer她最喜愛的作家4. the only little lid 唯一的小孩5. listen to pop music聽流行音樂6. hair b

8、and 發(fā)帶7. attend a concert 參加音樂會(huì)8. in the music hall 在音樂大廳9. something valuable 貴重的東西10. go to a picnic 去野餐11. at the picnic 在野餐時(shí)12. the rest of my friends 我其余的朋友13. pick it up 撿起,拾起14. each other=one another 互相,彼此15. nothing much 沒什么事16. something unusual 不尋常的東西17. something strange 奇怪的事18. anything

9、 else 其它的東西19. be interviewed by 被采訪20. strange noises 奇怪的聲音21. outside our window 在我們的窗外22. next-door neighbor 隔壁鄰居23. at first 首先,起初24. run away 逃走25. feel uneasy 感到不安26. have no idea=dont know 不知道27. go away 走開,離開28. noise-maker 噪音的制造者29. have fun doing sth. 做某事開心30. create fear 制造恐懼31. in the ne

10、ighborhood 在社區(qū)32. There must be doing sth. 一定有在做某事33. in the laboratory 在實(shí)驗(yàn)室34. hear water running 聽見流水聲35. cough a lot 咳得厲害Section B1. run after 追趕2. a woman with a camera 一位拿相機(jī)的婦女3.might be late for work 可能上班遲到4. must be dreaming 一定在做夢(mèng)5. run for exercise 跑步鍛煉6. run to do sth. 跑著去做某事7. catch a bus

11、趕公共汽車8. make a movie 拍電影9. wear a suit 穿西服/套裝10. express a difference / result表達(dá)差異 / 結(jié)果11. add information 添加信息12. at the same time 同時(shí)13. a rock circle 一個(gè)石頭圈14. not only but also不僅而且s most famous historical places 英國最著名的的 歷史名勝16.receive more than 10 visitors 接待10多名游客17.on the longest day of the year

12、在一年中最長的那天18. ancient leaders 古代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者 19. communicate with the gods與上帝交流20.so many centuries ago許多世紀(jì)前21. point out 指出22. a kind of calendar 一種日歷23. put together 放在一起24. in a certain way 以某種方式25. on midsummers morning 在仲夏的上午26. shine directly into 直接照進(jìn)27. the center of the stones石頭的中心28. a medical purpo

13、se 一個(gè)醫(yī)學(xué)目的29. prevent illness 阻止疾病30. move up 上升,提升31. from your feet move up your body 從你的腳上升到你的身體32. the position of 的位置33.for a special purpose為了一個(gè)特別的目的34. a burial place 一個(gè)墓地35. a place to honor ancestors祭拜祖先的地方36. celebrate a victory over an enemy 慶祝戰(zhàn)勝敵人37. a long period of time 很長一段時(shí)間38. a grou

14、p of 一群 39. a bit late 有點(diǎn)晚兒 40. at work 在工作九Unit 9 Section A1. dance to (music) 隨著音樂跳舞2. sing along with 隨著一起唱3. musicians who play different kinds of music彈奏不同類型音樂的音樂家4. electronic music 電子音樂5. not much 沒什么事6. suppose sb to do sth. 猜測(cè)某人做某事7. be supposed to do sth 應(yīng)該做某事8. suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以

15、為9. have spare time 有空閑時(shí)間10. in ones spare time在某人的空閑時(shí)間11. spare the time to do sth 抽時(shí)間做12. a film director 一名電影導(dǎo)演13. think too much 想太多14. in that case 既然那樣15. World War II 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)16. smooth music 悅耳的音樂17. prefer A to B 比起B(yǎng)來更喜歡A18. prefer doing A to doing B 19. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

16、 20. feel like doing sth 想要做某事21. stick to 堅(jiān)持,固守22. be down 悲哀,沮喪23. cheer sb up 使 快樂/ 振奮24. have a happy ending有個(gè)美滿的結(jié)局25. try ones best to do sth.盡某人最大努力做26. less serious 不那么嚴(yán)重27. a good way to do sth 做某事的好方法28. make me feel even sadder 讓我感覺更傷心29. provide plenty of information about a certain subje

17、ct提供了大量的關(guān)于某個(gè)主題的信息30. shut off my brain 關(guān)閉我的大腦31. in time 及時(shí) on time 按時(shí)/準(zhǔn)時(shí)32. once in a while 偶爾的,有時(shí)33.write ones own lyrics 自己寫歌詞34.sing the words clearly歌詞唱的清楚Section B1. take sb to sw. 帶某人去某地2. Chinese folk music 中國民間音樂3.be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的4. move sb.感動(dòng)某人, sb. be moved by5. strangely beau

18、tiful 異常的/出奇的美6. sense a strong sadness and pain 感覺到一種強(qiáng)烈的傷感和痛苦7. one of the most moving pieces of music 最令人感動(dòng)的樂曲之一8. look up 查看,查閱9. be written by sb. 由/ 被寫的10. in the city of 在市11. play many musical instruments 彈奏很多的樂器12. by age 17 到17歲的時(shí)候13. be known for musical ability 因音樂才能而知名14. develop a serio

19、us illness得了一種很重的病15. become blind 成了盲人,變瞎16. for several years 幾年17. make money 賺錢18. get married (to sb) 和某人結(jié)婚19. continue to do sth. 繼續(xù)做某事20.perform in this way用這種形式表演21. during/ in ones lifetime在某人有生之年22. by the end of 到末為止23. Its a pity that 遺憾的是24. in total 總共25. be recorded for the future wor

20、ld to hear 被記錄下來供后人聆聽26. the great erhu masters 很棒的二胡大師27. master a foreign language掌握一門外語28. praise for 因?yàn)橘澝?9. Chinas national treasures 中國的國家珍寶30. paint a picture of描繪了一幅畫31. recall ones deepest wounds 喚起某人最深的傷痛32. painful experiences 痛苦的經(jīng)歷33. a time for spreading joy 傳播快樂的時(shí)間九Unit 10 Section A1.

21、be supposed to do sth 應(yīng)該做2. be expected to do sth. 應(yīng)該/被期望做3. shake hands (with) (和) 握手4. bow to sb. 向某人鞠躬5. for the first time 首次,第一次6. people in Korea 韓國的人們7. greet sb.( in) the wrong way以錯(cuò)誤的方式問候某人8. be invited to sw. 被邀請(qǐng)去9. be invited to do sth. 被邀請(qǐng)做10.welcome party 歡送會(huì)11. as soon as 一 就引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀從12.

22、as soon as sb can 盡可能快的。13.hold out (my hands) 伸出我的手14. on both sides of my face在我的兩個(gè)臉頰上15. be from= come from 來自16. be relaxed about 對(duì)放松/隨意17. a bit/ little late 晚一點(diǎn)18. value the time we spend with sb 珍惜我們與某人度過的時(shí)間 19.in our everyday lives在我們的日常生活中20. drop by 順便拜訪,隨便進(jìn)入21. make plans ( to do sth.) 方案

23、做某事22. plan to do sth. 方案做某事23. on the side of the face在臉的一側(cè)24. the town center 在城鎮(zhèn)中心25. as many as sb can = as many as possible 盡可能多的26. be on time 守時(shí)27. the capital of clocks and watches鐘表之都28. after all 畢竟,終歸29. at noon 在中午30. 15 minutes late 遲到15分鐘31. get / be mad (at sb) 生氣,氣憤32.make an effort

24、(to do sth) 努力做33.avoid heavy traffic 防止交通擁擠34.keep sb waiting 讓某人一直等候35.without calling first 沒有事先打 36.go abroad 出國 , at home 在國內(nèi)37. be important to 對(duì)是重要的38. bring your passport 帶護(hù)照39.clean off 把擦掉40 clean the chalk off the blackboard 把黑板上的粉筆字擦掉41.the northern coast of Norway挪威的北海岸42. during the wi

25、nter season 在冬季43. knock at/ on 敲門,窗44. take off 脫下,起飛45. be worth doing sth. 值得做46. table manners 餐桌禮儀Section B1. mind your manners 注意你的禮儀2. stick into 把. 插進(jìn)3.hit an empty bowl 敲空碗4. point at指著, point to指向側(cè)重方向5. at the table 在餐桌旁6. at table 在吃飯7.basic table manners 根本的餐桌禮儀8. my biggest challenge 我最

26、大的挑戰(zhàn)9. on my student exchange program 在我的交換生生活中11. go out of ones way (to do sth.)特地做某事, 格外努力做12.make sb feel at home使某人感到賓至如歸13. a teenage granddaughter一個(gè)十幾歲的外孫女14. talk to sb in French用法語和交談15.be comfortable doing舒服/輕松做某事16.behave well/ badly/ politely舉止好17. behave oneself 舉止規(guī)矩18. as you can imagi

27、ne 正如你想象的那樣19. be different from 與不同20.be / get used to sth 習(xí)慣于某事21. gradually get used to sth逐漸習(xí)慣某事22. cut it up 把它切開23. eat it with a fork 用叉子吃它24.put your elbows on the table 把肘部放在桌子上25. have a safe trip 一路平安,旅途愉快26. show up 出席,露面,到場(chǎng),如約趕到九Unit 11 Section A1. make sb do sth. 使/讓某人做2. make sb + adj

28、. 使/讓某人怎么樣4. would rather do sth than do ath.=prefer to do sth than do sth.寧愿做而不做5. wait for 等候6. drive sb crazy/ mad使某人發(fā)瘋/狂7. drive sb +adj. 使某人怎么樣drive sb to do ath. 使某人做某事8. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 過得愉快9. be sure that + 從句, 肯定 / 相信10.be sure of /about對(duì)有把握,相信11.be sure to do sth. 一

29、定做,務(wù)必做12.get to know 開始認(rèn)識(shí)13.the more , the more越,越14.have in common 有共同點(diǎn)15.be (better) friends with sb.16.why dont you do= why not do17.each time 每次each time + 從句 ,每次18. leave out 忽略,不提及 ,不包括19. feel left out 感覺被忽略/被冷落20. make our friendship stronger使我們的友誼更牢固21.a long time ago 很久以前22. there lived 過去

30、住著23. sleep badly 睡不好覺24. a pale face 一張蒼白的臉25. be pale as chalk 像粉筆一樣蒼白26. cry for no reason 無緣無故/ 無端哭泣27. call in 召來,叫來28. be called in to do sth 被叫來做某事29.examine the king /sb給國王/某人做檢查30. be all in his mind 都在他心中31. nor +謂語+主語。 也不 表否認(rèn)32.neither .nor 既不也不33.prime minister 首相,大臣34.be called to the palace 被叫到宮殿35. explain sth to sb 向某人解釋某事36.have a lot of power/ wealth 37.lose ones power 失去權(quán)力38.take ones position/ place取代的位置


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