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1、.GlossaryGlossaryl1.Introduction Pharmaceutical Science of Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutics of Chinese Material Medica Pharmaceutics of Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Science of TCM 中藥藥劑學(xué). Pharmaceutics converts a drug into a medicine. drug pharmacologically active ingredient in a medicine. Interact

2、with a target in the body and exhibits desirable pharmacology alternatives of drug :medicinal agent, pharmacological agent, active principle, active ingredient, active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).A dosage form is the physical form of a drug that is presented to the patient. An excipient is gener

3、ally a pharmacologically inactive substances used as a carrier for the active ingredients of a medication. Any component of a dosage form, other than the drug substance, is an excipient.The excipients are pharmacologically inactive but can have a significant impact on the performance of medication.P

4、harmaceutics ,f:msju:tks n. 藥劑學(xué)Dosage form dsd f:m 劑型Biopharmaceutical baiu,f:msju:tikl adj. 生物藥劑學(xué)的Routes of drug administration 給藥途徑Excipients ekspnt n. 輔料,賦形劑Additives dtv n. 輔料,附加劑Formulation f:mjlen n. 處方Parenteral prent()r()l adj. 腸胃外的,注射的Gastrointestinal tract 胃腸道Absorption rate 吸收率.GlossaryGl

5、ossaryl2. Dispensing the chinese materia medicaprescription Official prescriptionAgreed prescriptionPhysicians prescriptionPrescription-only medicinesNon-prescription medicines/over the counter.GlossaryGlossaryl3 Sterilization and preservativeTechniques of sterilization refer to the complete destruc

6、tion of all living organisms and their spores or their complete removal from the preparation. Sterilization can be achieved by physical, chemical and other means. .GlossaryGlossaryl4 Comminution, sieving, mixingComminution ,kmnjn 粉碎Dry comminutionWet comminutionCryogenic comminution kradenkUltra-fin

7、e comminutionSieving 過篩.GlossaryGlossaryl5 The preparations of extractionsDecoctions dkk()n 湯劑mixture and oral liquid 中藥合劑與口服液劑syrups 糖漿劑simple syrups 單糖漿 decocting paste/concentrated decoctions 煎膏劑(膏滋)medicinal wine and tincture 藥酒與酊劑Liquid extracts and Extracts 流浸膏劑與浸膏劑.GlossaryGlossaryl6. Liquid

8、preparationsHomogeneous hmdns adj. 均相的Pharmacopoeia ,frmkpi n. 藥典Bacteriostatic water 抑菌水Distillation n. 蒸餾Efficacy efks n. 藥效Antioxidants n. 抗氧化劑Solubilisate n. 增溶質(zhì)Colloid kld n. 膠體Coarse dispersion 粗分散系.Non-aqueous solvents 非水溶劑Elixirs lks n. 酏劑Spirits sprt n. 醑劑Tinctures t(k)t n. 酊劑Isotonic ,as()

9、tnk adj. 等滲的Preservatives przvtv n. 防腐劑Microorganisms makrg()nz()m n. 微生物shelf-life n. 保質(zhì)期Clarity klrt n. 澄明度.Sediment sedm()nt n. 沉降Sedimentation rate 沉降速率Floccules flkjul n. 絮凝物Flocculation flkjulein n. 絮凝Deflocculated systems 反絮凝體系A(chǔ)ggregates grgt n. 聚集體Bioavailability ,bao,velblti n. 生物利用度.Sweete

10、ners swit()n n. 甜味劑Stabilizers steblaz n. 穩(wěn)定劑Suspending agents 助懸劑Emulsifer mlsfa n. 乳化劑Emulsification ,mlsfken n. 乳化Creaming n. 乳狀液分層Rheology rld n. 流變學(xué).hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) 親水親油平衡值Phase inversion 轉(zhuǎn)相Homogenizers hmdnaz n. 均質(zhì)機(jī)Coalescence n. 合并Microbial contamination 微生物污染.GlossaryGloss

11、aryl7. Solid preparationsPowders paudz n. 散劑Granules grnju:ls n. 顆粒劑Granulation grnjlen n. 制粒Tablet tblt n. 片劑Dry granulation 干法制粒Wet granulation 濕法制粒.Fluidized-bed granulation 流化床制粒Spray drying 噴霧干燥Hard gelatin capsules 明膠硬膠囊Freeze drying 冷凍干燥Die da n. 模具Punches pntiz n. 沖頭Adhesion dhi:n n. 粘附.Flow

12、ability flablt n. 流動性Disintegrant dsntgrnt n. 崩解劑Lubricants lu:brknts n. 潤滑劑Glidants ldnts n. 助流劑Colourants klrnts n. 著色劑Homogeneity hmdni:ti n. 均勻性Direct compaction 直接壓實(shí).Filler in tablets 片劑填充劑Hygroscopicity harskpst n. 吸濕性Absorption enhancer 吸收促進(jìn)劑Binder band n. 粘合劑Antiadherent ndhrnt n. 抗粘劑 Flavou

13、r flev(r) n. 調(diào)味劑Colourant klrnt n. 著色劑concentrated pills 濃縮丸Flour and water paste pill 糊丸Wax pill 蠟丸dripping pills 滴 丸.GlossaryGlossaryl8. Semi-solid preparationsOintments ntmnt n. 軟膏劑Hydrocarbon hadrk:bn n. 碳?xì)浠衔?,烴Creams kri:mz n. 乳膏Gels delz n. 凝膠劑Transdermal trnzd:ml adj. 經(jīng)皮吸收的Percutaneous p:kju:

14、tenis adj. 經(jīng)皮的Semisolid preparations 半固體制劑Hydrocarbon bases 碳?xì)浠衔锘|(zhì).Absorption bases 吸收性基質(zhì)Water-soluble bases 水溶性基質(zhì)Oleaginous bases 油脂性基質(zhì)GlossaryGlossaryl9. othersaerosols 氣霧劑sustained release preparation 緩釋制劑controlled release preparation 控釋制劑cyclodextrins complexs 環(huán)糊精包合物環(huán)糊精包合物hydrophobic cavity 親脂

15、性的內(nèi)穴親脂性的內(nèi)穴 .PillsPills are spherical or spherical-like solid dosage forms made of powdered crude drugs or crude drug extracts, proper binders or other excipients.丸劑系指原料藥物與適宜的輔料制成的球形或類球形固體制劑PowdersPowders may be defined as mixtures of pulverized crude drugs or extract of crude drugs which are used fo

16、r oral administration or external applicationpulverizedplv,raz 粉末狀的散劑系指原料藥物或與適宜的輔料經(jīng)粉碎、均勻混合制成的干燥粉末狀制劑。.GranulesGranules are soluble,suspensible or effervescent preparations in granular form with certain particle size made from drug extracts or finely powdered drug and suitable excipients. effervescen

17、tefvesnt 泡騰的顆粒劑系指原料藥物與適宜的輔料混合制成具有一定粒度的干燥顆粒狀制劑TabletsTablets are solid preparations laminal or various shapes compressed to extracts of crude drugs, or finely powdered crude drugs with suitable excipients, including extract tablets, semi-extract tablets and powdered crude drug drug tablets.片劑系指原料藥物或與

18、適宜的輔料制成的圓形或異形的片狀固體制劑。中藥還有浸膏片、半浸膏片和全粉片等。.TrochesTroches are solid preparations of various shapes made from fine powders of crude drugs and suitable binders(or using the binding property of crude drugs themselves).Troches:錠劑:錠劑錠劑系指飲片細(xì)粉與適宜黏合劑(或利用飲片細(xì)粉本身的黏性)制成不同形狀的固體制劑。Concentrated decoctionsConcentrated

19、 decoctions are semifluid preparations prepared by decocting the crude drugs in water, concentrating the decoction and adding honey or sugar.(or invertsugar)煎膏劑系指飲片用水煎煮,取煎煮液濃縮,加煉蜜或糖(或轉(zhuǎn)化糖)制成的半流體制劑。.GluesGlues are solid lump preparations intended for internal administration, prepared by decocting anim

20、al skin,bone,shell or born with water, concentrating into thick gelatinous mass and then drying.gelatinousdltns膠劑系指將動物皮、骨、甲或角用水煎取膠質(zhì),濃縮成稠膠狀,經(jīng)干燥后制成的固體塊狀內(nèi)服制劑。SyrupsSyrups are concentrated aqueous solutions of sucrose containing extracts of crude drugs.糖漿劑系指含有原料藥物的濃蔗糖水溶液。.MixturesMixtures are liquid pre

21、parations intended for oral administration, prepared by extracting the crude drugs with water or other solvents in suitable ways(package of a single dose is also known as oral liquids).合劑系指飲片用水或其他溶劑,采用適宜的方法提取制成的口服液體制劑(單劑量灌裝者也可稱“ 口服液”)。.CapsulesCapsules are preparations made by mixing crude drugs pro

22、cessed bysuitable methods and appropriate excipients,enclosing in capsule shell or sealing in soft capsule. Capsules are classified into hard,soft or enteric shells,mainly for oral administration.膠囊劑系指原料藥物或與適宜輔料充填于空心膠囊或密封于軟質(zhì)囊材中制成的固體制劑,可分為硬膠囊、軟膠囊(膠丸)、緩釋膠囊、控釋膠囊和腸溶膠囊,主要供口服用.Medicinal WinesMedicinal win

23、es are clear liquid preparations prepared by maceration and extraction of crude drugs with distilled wine.酒劑系指飲片用蒸餾酒提取制成的澄清液體制劑。maceration,msren 浸漬TincturesTinctures are clear liquid preparations of medicinal substances macerated or dissolved in ethanol of specified concentration or made by diluting

24、 the liquid extracts,extended for oral administration or external application.酊劑系指將原料藥物用規(guī)定濃度的乙醇提取或溶解而制成的澄清液體制劑,也可用流浸裔稀釋制成。供口服或外用。.GelsGels are semisolid or thick liquid preparations with gel natures which are made by mixing extracts of crude drugs and suitable bases. Gels are divisible into water soluble gets according to the characters of the bases used.凝膠劑系指原料藥物與能形成凝膠的輔料制成的具凝膠特性的稠厚液體或半固體制劑 Liquid extracts and ExtractsLiquid extracts or extracts are preparations made by soaking crude drugs in suitable solvents to extr


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