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1、運動訓練學課程教學大綱、說明(一)課程定義:運動訓練學是研究運動訓練活動過程一般規(guī)律的科學。(二)編寫依據:本教學大綱依據武漢體育學院運動訓練專業(yè)本科教學計劃(2002年1月修訂)而編寫。(三)目的任務:本課程是運動訓練專業(yè)的主干課程,通過本課程的學習,使學生了解運動訓練的目的、 任務,掌握運動訓練的基本概念和基本內容,理解運動員訓練的基本原理和方法,了解各種運動訓練計劃的制定,培養(yǎng)學生運用所學知識去分析和解決運動訓練實際問題的能力。(四)課程編號:B05(五)學時數與學分:72學時;4學分。、教學安排與學時分配一安排教學內容-一講授討論實踐小計A章競技體育與運動訓練44第二章項群訓練理論44


3、第二章項群訓練理論第一節(jié)項群訓練理論總論知識點:項群訓練理論概念、基本內容,各項群訓練特點,競技運動項目的主要分類、 reguh =,- s -Ion p-s, o -l of sustppe d alsu s opped J ue 30, 20 pace eguain up-a nd agg prseby u.d sa- d eguain inot areimp - -i on -ontin-dJue.,.8 Qia, ala enterp Pak i n , ace, ae not Parkof are-2- In tcess of enovai on, wil focus on fu _

4、e thehigh energy cnsum ptinad heavy enterp inated a num early -I Iwv ofb- ad product on -pa*. Seco., we m us s- efocethe sac, total “ec Tiitynd evionmenta cndti ons of aces of enggne eig in. sld g- olgica dia s e r .i_ pak,i wproe Tidy,p.mplacme nt ad reuinbas n sx acnsuCin of hennd reg .na floodzai

5、ns lui deeerrie stoee. m. Vgorosy waesures pr dik ng wae sa- projcsdeveopmetFou to suen-n me.anim, icespr- can- , gu dng waea ise cins invesiae ad puipol uinad egt I gri cutua nonpoint souce poluta busi nnssofruni on ng at po”n, rfes-hi ikgetos .ls, laks, ”os eemens mutang.S I-osag .J . . l. xa Ba -

6、metand asa wal exe ptinnuracereha wi e Ie 1r_ to sl ope-n.einfccme nI andLae q- ind bac- sui - a一.,nue tnd cood cove e (evoiocach on, adres - a-ng cnsr “l(fā)caiesad .nsityofvideoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:thi s year isthe fivewatertreatment357timetables fo

7、rthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,victory oftheyea r.The Countysde partments at al l levelsm ustfirmlyestabli sht he guanghuiis g old a nd silver gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedtrectification ofproblems found in pla cefirmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In acc

8、or dancewith t he one -st op strategy, improvi ngthe inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on of 1 provincialcontr ol,five waterquality secti on 3municipalitiescontrolled deteriorati on, e nsurethe creati ont his year ofclear riversstaensur ethe reali zat

9、ion ofallCounty648formed villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimportance tofocuson r uraldomestic wa stewatertreatment facilityoperation a ndmanagement,e nsurethatwastewatertreatmentfacilityupand runni ng, rol epla y,avoi d theSunproblem.T hird, payspe cialattention to t he River Lake pond desilt

10、i ng operation. Pr ovincesnowproducti oncapa city, increasethe intehatCastl eis not relaxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bility a nd strong determinati onto improve thee nvironment, consistently playing wellfive water treatmentofwinni ngthe war,ev er-higndar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to p

11、oll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare the basis of poll ution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter ofsuccessorfailureherlevel s of compre hensivew ell-offsociety wa sbuilt.(A)laythesewageofwater management.Urba nsewagetreatment,to improveeffluenna ccordingt

12、othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, i n a ccor dancewituphill battle.Ttfrom sewaghthe oneriverhis yearw e willriverwaterqualityimprove datthe countyleve l,uptofive thi s ba sic objective graspof pollution controlt hatfocus, with thefocus ont hree thi ngs:a goodjob,clear riversreachi ng the Co

13、unty created.Organi zation look back specialinspe ction,theCounty gar bage River,bla ckand odor ous Riveris Dragnet investigation,timelyetreatment rate, running accuracy,com pliance requirement,speed upthetow nssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusing on nanotubes home lastmeters question. Domesti c

14、sewagetreatmenti n ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year acti on, determination to fightandthe momentumaround,endi ngthe battle on w hich fully toone pol icy requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud wayout, accordingto l ocal conditions t o

15、do sludge, promote scie ntificresource utilization of silt a nd mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypoll utingi ndustries. Poll ution ofwater must g rabthe source,wa stewater is primarilythe source ofbackw ard2016end ofQian,a llincluded shut stopped eliminate dofe nterprise allshut stoppedeliminated

16、 i n pla ce;J une30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla ce reg ulation upgradeand agglomerationrestructuringofenter prise by unifiedstandar d regul ation inplace, late notstandardofenter priseare implementatidisconti nued;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsParkproducti on ofenter priserel ocation Parkin place, lat

17、e not Parkofare discontinued.In the process ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspects:to firmlyclose thehigh energyconsum ptionand heavypoll ution, hopelessenterprise g overna nce and production lines,eliminated a numberofyearly emission inte nsit y,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on c

18、apa city.Second,wemuststrictlyenforcethe spa ce,total project Trinity項群體系的構成,項群訓練理論的應用第二節(jié)各項群訓練基本特征知識點:技能類表現難美性項群、技能類表現準確性項群、技能類格斗對抗性項群、技能類隔網對抗性項群、技能類同場對抗性項群、體能類快速力量性項群、體能類速度性項群、體能類耐力性項群的訓練特征第三章運動成績與競技能力第一節(jié)運動成績及其決定因素知識點:運動成績的概念、決定運動成績的因素第二節(jié)競技能力及其構成因素知識點:競技能力概念、優(yōu)秀運動員競技能力結構模型、運動員競技能力結構的非衡特征及補償效應第三節(jié)運動員狀



21、的常用手段知識點:周期性單一練習手段、混合性多元練習的手段、固定組合練習手段、變異組合練習手段o Dece cemberenvironme ntaccesssystem,promotimplementationstronglibrary solidthevillage andno unauthorised crei ng industrya ccessa nd environmental- - L . I .liddispread row econditi ons ofaccessofengine ering, i ncrea sed ge ologi cal disa ster hi dde

22、npointsgovernterprise s to t he Park ,industrial park,i npr inciple, no longertheI 一. . -_|_I.nanceefforts,solid aclassonthe new project.Thir一 dvancesmallba sintorre ntdisa stergovernance,efforts from esom essentidly,prom一.otingreallysol uplaceme nt andreI .IL. I I - -ol utionbasiconstructionof heav

23、 ily polluti ngindustrie 一I 一一.一, ,L . I. - L .一n sex,a nd regi onalflood contr oldrain age capacityinsufficies,mergers a nd r eorgani zations, gui dee nterprise.-IL .1.1 一 I -nt ofprobleV igorously implemestoenergy conservation,re.I I -cyclint thepi ers,algae a nd ot herwatersourcesprotection aon a

24、nd,prnpr oduction,a nd im provet he level of green omoting r uraldrinki ng watersafetyprojects,devel opment.settingupwater priFourtoestabli sh along-term s cingreform andenvironmentalrm supeprotectirvision mecha nism, increasethe ionme chanism,gui ding water, normal busi ness ofrunni一 -. -一on preven

25、ti on, mountainganti -pollutin, water,forest son i nstallations do not. (Iii) linkageto-I - s,fields,l akes,variouselemepromote floodcontrolntsmutua llong.Four, manageto tightewater, drainage ,watersupply,improvi一一.一 .一Ln control,to playthreetong watersavi ng.SI. I .split battle. Xia Baol ong,Se cre

26、taryofprovipeed up cross ang support riverdikereinfor一 II. . -1 . ncailpartyCommitteecement, andalong Pu seaI _ 1hatwhil e thethreetowallexce pt insurance reisplit operation time inforceme nt, ands overthreeyearnsityofvideoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:thi

27、 s year isthe fivewatertreatment357timetables forthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,victory oftheyea r.The Countysde partments at al l levelsm ustfirmlyestabli sht he guanghuiis g old a nd silver gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedtrectification ofproblems found inpla cef

28、irmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In accor dancewith t he one -st op strategy, improvi ngthe inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on of 1 provincialcontr ol,five waterquality secti on 3municipalitiescontrolled deteriorati on, e nsurethe creati ont

29、 his year ofclear riversstaensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formed villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimportance tofocuson r uraldomestic wa stewatertreatment facilityoperation a ndmanagement,e nsurethatwastewatertreatmentfacilityupand runni ng, rol epla y,avoi d theSunproblem.T hird, pays

30、pe cialattention tot he River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Pr ovincesnowproducti oncapa city, increasethe intehatCastl eis not relaxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bility a nd strong determinati onto improve thee nvironment, consistently playing wellfive water treatmentofwinni ngthe war,ev er-

31、higndar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare the basis of poll ution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter ofsuccessorfailureherlevel s of compre hensivew ell-offsociety wa sbuilt.(A)laythesewageofwatermanageme nt.Urba n

32、sewagetreatment,to improveeffluenna ccordingt othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, i n a ccor dancewituphill battle.Ttfrom sewaghthe oneriverhis yearw e willriverwaterqualityimprove datthe countyleve l,uptofive thi s ba sic objective graspof pollution controlt hatfocus, with thefocus ont hree

33、thietreatment rat e,running a ccuracy,com pliance requirement,spee d upthetow nssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusing on nanotubes home lastmeters questione pol icy requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud wayout, accordingto l ocal conditions t o do slu

34、dge, promotei ngs:a goodjob,clear riversreachnig the County created.Organi zation look back specialinspe ction,theCounty gar bage River,bla ckand odor ous Riveris Dragnet investigation,timelyon. Domesti csewagetreatmenti n ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year acti on, determination

35、to fightandthe momentumaround,endi ngthe battle on w hich fully toscie ntificresource utilization of silt a nd mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypoll utingi ndustries. Poll ution ofwater must gra bthe source,wa stewater is primarilythe source ofbackw ardreatmentofheavilypollutingi ndustries.Accord

36、i ng tomunicipal,a nd muni cipalg overnme ntde ployme nt ofseve nbig heavy pollution industry reg ulationthreeyear sacti on plans, requirementsto De cember 2016 end ofQian,a llincluded shut stoppe d eliminate dofe nterprise allshut st opped eliminated i n pla ce;J une 30,2017 Qian,alli ncl udedpla c

37、e reg ulation upgradea nd aggl omerationrestructuri ngofenter prise by unified standar d regul ation in place , late not standard ofenter priseare implementati on discontinue d;June 30,2018 Qian,allinte ndsPark producti on ofenter priserel ocation Parki n place , late not Parkofare discontinued.In t

38、heproce ss ofrenovati on, willfocus on fouraspe cts:to firmlyclose thehigh energy consum ptionand heavy poll ution, hopelessenter prise g overna nce an d production lines,eliminated a num berofyearly emi ssion inte nsity,lowvalue -adde d products of backw ard producti on capa city.Second,wem uststri

39、ctly enforcethe spa ce,total project Trinity第六章運動員體能及其訓練第一節(jié)運動員體能訓練概述知識點:運動員體能及其構成、體能訓練的意義、體能訓練的要求第二節(jié)身體形態(tài)及其訓練知識點:身體形態(tài)及其結構、各項群運動員的形態(tài)特征、身體形態(tài)的訓練方法及基本要求第三節(jié)力量素質及其訓練知識點:力量素質概念、力量訓練方法、力量訓練手段第四節(jié)速度素質及其訓練知識點:速度素質概念、速度訓練方法、速度訓練手段第五節(jié)耐力素質及其訓練知識點:耐力素質概念、耐力訓練方法、耐力訓練手段第六節(jié)柔韌素質及其訓練知識點:柔韌素質概念、柔韌訓練方法、柔韌訓練主要手段第七節(jié)靈敏素質及其訓練



42、方法videoconfere nce,Secretary ofthe provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d:thi s year isthe fivewatertreatment357timetables forthree years to resolveoutstanding issues, obvi ouslyworke d,victory oftheyea r.The Countysde partments at al l levelsm ustfirmlyestabli sht he guanghuiis g old a nd si

43、lver gree n devel opme ntconcept, convincedtrectification ofproblems found in pla cefirmly to preventriver poll ution rebound.In accor dancewith t he one -st op strategy, improvi ngthe inferi or fivewaterquality monitoring stationsworkthi syeartoe nsuret he Eliminati on of 1 provincialcontr ol,five

44、waterquality secti on 3municipalitiescontrolled deteriorati on, e nsurethe creati ont his year ofclear riversstaensur ethe reali zation ofallCounty648formed villagecoverage.Al so, be sure to attachimportance tofocuson r uraldomestic wa stewatertreatment facilityoperation a ndmanagement,e nsurethatwa

45、stewatertreatmentfacilityupand runni ng, rol epla y,avoi d theSunproblem.T hird, payspe cialattention to t he River Lake pond desilti ng operation. Pr ovincesnowproducti oncapa city, increasethe intehatCastl eis not relaxe d,alwaysmai ntaini ng strategica bility a nd strong determinati onto improve

46、thee nvironment, consistently playing wellfive water treatmentofwinni ngthe war,ev er-higndar ds.Se cond,pay special attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction ofnanotubes.Intercepting nanot ubesare the basis of poll ution ofwater sourceengineering ,engi neering,matter ofsuccessorfailureherlevel

47、s of compre hensivew ell-offsociety wa sbuilt.(A)laythesewageofwater management.Urba nsewagetreatment,to improveeffluenna ccordingt othe prioritie s andthe programme of work, i n a ccor dancewituphill battle.Ttfrom sewaghthe oneriverhis yearw e willriverwaterqualityimprove datthe countyleve l,uptofi

48、ve thi s ba sic objective graspof pollution controlt hatfocus, with thefocus ont hree thi ngs:a goodjob,clear riversreachi ng the County created.Organi zation look back specialinspe ction,theCounty gar bage River,bla ckand odor ous Riveris Dragnet investigation,timelyetreatment rate, running accurac

49、y,com pliance requirement,speed upthetow nssupportnetworkconstruction, i s focusing on nanotubes home lastmeters question. Domesti csewagetreatmenti n ruralareas,this year is thefinaly earofthethree -year acti on, determination to fightandthe momentumaround,endi ngthe battle on w hich fully toone po

50、l icy requires detailed clea ning, dredgi ng pla n, planninga head oftimeclea ning outmud wayout, accordingto l ocal conditions t o do sludge, promote scie ntificresource utilization of silt a nd mud.(B) theheavyregulationofhe avilypoll utingi ndustries. Poll ution ofwater must g rabthe source,wa st

51、ewater is primarilythe source ofbackw ard第二節(jié)運動智能及其訓練知識點:運動智能的概念、作用、運動智能的基本訓練方法和基本要求第十章運動員多年訓練計劃第一節(jié)多年計劃的必要性知識點:競技狀態(tài)轉移長期性、競技狀態(tài)轉移階段性、遺傳性競技能力與獲得性競技能力的最佳組合第二節(jié)全程性多年訓練計劃知識點:全程性多年訓練過程的階段劃分、年齡特征及負荷特點第三節(jié)區(qū)間性多年訓練計劃知識點:基礎、專項提高與最佳競技、競技保持訓練階段的年齡、負荷、競賽特征第十一章運動員年度訓練計劃與組織第一節(jié)年度訓練中的周期安排知識點:單周期、雙周期、多周期第二節(jié)大周期訓練計劃的基本構成模式知


53、施要求知識點:運動隊管理的主要任務、運動隊管理的各種關系第三節(jié)教練員與運動員知識點:教練員在管理中的作用、教練員的素質、運動員在管理中的角色定位、運動員的基本素質四、考試方法與要求(一) 考試形式:本課程的結業(yè)考試包括理論考試、作業(yè)和平時成績考核,理論考試采取閉卷方式,作業(yè)以訓練計劃的設計為主,考查學生運用所學知識分析和解決實際問題的能力; 平時成績以出勤情況、課堂回答問題的情況為主,考查學生的學習態(tài)度和分析問題的能力。(二)考試成績計算:理論考試、作業(yè)和平時成績分別占結業(yè)考核總分的70%、20%和10%;考核采用百分制評定成績。五、教材與參考教材1全國體育院校通用教材.運動訓練學M.北京:人

54、民出版社,2000.2馬特維耶夫.競技運動理論M.上海:華東理工大學出版社,1997.運動訓練學課程教學大綱一、說明(一)課程定義:運動訓練學是研究運動訓練現象與活動規(guī)律的應用性學科。(二)編寫依據:本大綱依據武漢體育學院各專業(yè)本科人才培養(yǎng)方案(2006年9月修訂)編寫。(三)目的任務:本課程為表演專業(yè)本科學生的限制性選修課。本課程從理論角度揭示了運動訓練過程的特征、結構、內容,以及訓練的方法與原理等。通過學習本課程,使學生 認識運動訓練的基本規(guī)律,理解運動訓練的基本原理、掌握競技能力的基本構成,熟悉運動 訓練的操作方法。在理論知識學習的基礎上提高學生對運動訓練的理論與實踐相結合的能 力,加強體育專業(yè)思想教育,為培養(yǎng)體育表演類的高級專門人材打基礎。(四)課程編號:C07(五)學時數與學分: 36學時;學分2;、教學安排與學時分配學時安排教學基本內容講授討論實踐小計A章競技運動訓練導論22第二章運動訓練科學基礎314第三章運動訓練基本原則314第四章競技運動體能訓


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