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1、中考專項復習教案初三使用初中英語時態(tài)與語態(tài)分析與歸納Tiger縱觀現(xiàn)行的初中英語教材,無論是人教版、新目標、廣州版等等,都沒有脫離教學大綱的要求;對于時態(tài) 和語態(tài)的要求是一致的。在初中階段,學生必須了解和掌握八種時態(tài),兩種語態(tài)。只有很好地掌握好時態(tài) 和語態(tài),才能為進一步運用語言打下堅實的基礎。下面,我們一起對此做一分析和歸納。(一) 時態(tài)所謂時態(tài),在英語中,就是通過動詞的不同形式變化來表達不同時間內以不同的方式發(fā)生的動作或存在的 狀態(tài)。初中階段要求掌握的時態(tài)如下表:時1式句一般進行完成現(xiàn)在一般現(xiàn)在時現(xiàn)在進行時現(xiàn)在完成時一過去一般過去時過去進行時過去完成時將來一般將來時不做要求不做要求過去將來

2、:一般過去將來時不做要求不做要求從上面的表格中,我們可以整體上把握時態(tài)的形式與結構;我們再具體分析如下:1. 一般現(xiàn)在時2. 含義:一般現(xiàn)在時表示經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作或經(jīng)常存在的狀態(tài)、習慣或客觀事實與真理。3. 基本結構:主語(非第三人稱單數(shù))+動詞原形(be例外)e.g. I play tennis .主語(第三人稱單數(shù))+動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式e.g. She doesn ' t play tennis. The train leaves every morning at 8 a.m.4. 基本用法:A)表示現(xiàn)在經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。特征:常常與頻度副詞或時間狀語連用如:alw

3、ays ,usually , ever, never , often , sometimes , every day ( week , month etc )等等。經(jīng)典例析:Peter often goes to his office by underground .”皮特常常坐地鐵上班?!盕ather doesn ' t smoke . "父親不吸煙?!盉)表示不受時間限制的客觀存在。所謂不受時間限制的客觀存在即包括客觀真理、格言、科學事實等等。 注意:在賓語從句中,動詞時態(tài)不變。e.g. The sun rises in the east and sets in he w

4、est .“太陽東升西落?!盇 rolling stone gath ers no moss.“滾石不生苔”。Our teacher said that the moon turns around the earth .C)表示主語的特征、性格、能力等等。e.g. John is an American .She has brown hair .5. 特別提醒:一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來時間:1) 某些瞬間動詞如:begin , come , start , leave, arrive, go , come ,stop, return ,open , close等等,強調事實的客觀性或不可變更時,常常

5、用一般現(xiàn)在時替代一般將來時。e.g. The plane leaves at 7:30 .Class begins at 8:00 every morning .2)由 if / when / as soon as / before 等 引導的條件狀語從句或時間狀語從句(動詞時態(tài)用一般現(xiàn)在時), 主句用一般將來時或祈使句,或者主句含有情態(tài)動詞+( V 原形)來表示將要發(fā)生的動作。e.g. If the phone rings , can you answer it ?Will you go and help to get in the crops when the harvest time c

6、omes ?Work hard and you will succeed .l考點透析: 近來的中考題加大了綜合能力的考查,把幾種時態(tài)糅合在一定的語境中或透過相應的句式結構來考查學生l解題對策:不能單一地從語法角度考慮,而應是結合語境,綜合思考。5 中考鏈接: They usually TV in the evening . (北京 1999 )A. watchB. will watchC. are watchingD. watches I ll tell Mrs. Green about it as soon as she back . (浙江 2000 )A. will come B. i

7、s coming C. comesD. came - Can you guess if they to play basketball with us ?-I think they ll come if they _ free . ( 2001遼寧 )A. come ; are B. will come ; will beC. will come ; are D. come ; will be We will have to clean the plates before Mother home .(2003 廣東 )A. will comeB. is comingC. come D. com

8、es We re not sure if it tomorrow . If it , we won t climb the South Hill ( 2004西寧市 )A.will snow ; snowsB. will snow ; will snowC. snows ; snowsD. snows ; will snow He said that light much faster than sound . ( 沈陽 )A. travelledB. will travelC. travelsD. is travelingII.一般過去時1 基本結構:主語 + 動詞過去式( 規(guī)則動詞是在其后

9、+ ed , 不規(guī)則動詞變化要記?。? 基本用法:A) 表示過去經(jīng)常或反復發(fā)生的動作。特征:常常與頻度副詞連用如:always , usually 等等B) 表示過去習慣性的動作,但現(xiàn)在已終止。用used to 來表示。C) 表示在過去某一時間內的某個時刻或某一段時間內發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。特征: 常常與表示具體的過去時間狀語連用如:yesterday, last week , just now , a week ago , in 1998, when she was14 等等。D) 特別提醒:特殊句式:It is / has been + 時間名詞+ since 從句 ( 用一般過去式)3

10、 中考鏈接: Sorry , Miss Wang . I the key to the door of the classroom at home. I have togo back for it ( 2001 黑龍江 )A. leftB. missedC. forgot D. lost It ten years since they to France . ( 2001河北 )A. was; moved B. was; have moved C. is ; have movedD. is; moved - I m sorry , Mr Wang . I my homework at home

11、- That s OK . But don t forget it to school tomorrow . ( 2004安徽蕪湖)A. forgot ; to takeB. left ; to bringC. forgot ; to bringD. left ; to take He used to very late , but now he is used to early . (2003濰坊市)A. get up ; getting upB. get up ; get upC. getting up ; get upD. getting up ; getting upIII. 一般將來

12、時1 基本結構:A. 主語 + will / shall + V 原形 (通常 shall 用于第一人稱)B. 主語 + be going to + V 原形 ( be 隨著主語的變化,而對應變化)2 基本用法:1) 表示在將來某個時間內要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。特征:常與表示將來的時間狀語連用。如:tomorrow , next week ( month , year etc. ) from now on等等。e.g. My father will go to Beijing tomorrow .3 特別提醒:1) be going to + V 原形 ; will +V 原形 在表示“將來

13、”的區(qū)別。A. 表示說話人的計劃、打算、或準備要做的事,常用be going to 結構表達。e.g. He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii .We re going to meet each other tonight at 7:00 PM.B. 表示根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的情況一種推測或預言將要發(fā)生的事情。常用be going to 結構表達。e.g. Look at the cloud. It is going to rain .2) 在時間狀語從句和條件狀語從句中,常用一般現(xiàn)在時來表示將來。e.g. I ll give the note to him

14、 as soon as he comes back .4 中考鏈接: - Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow .- Yes. But if it , we ll v isit the museum instead . ( 2001河北 )A. you have ; will rainB. you will have ; will rainC. you will have ; rainsD. will you have ; rains I don t know if she me when she .(2000 黑龍江)A. tells ; arriv

15、esB. tells; will arriveC. will tell ; will arriveD. will tell ;arrives. - Do you know when the world cup next week ?- Next Friday . When it , I will ring you .A. begins ; beginB. begins ; will beginC. will begin ; will beginD. will begin ; beginsIV. 一般過去將來時1 含義:表示在過去某個時間內將要發(fā)生的動作。2 基本結構:would + V 原形

16、; was /were going to + V 原形。常常用于賓語從句中。經(jīng)典例析:She said that she would go to Sweden .Tom said he was going to swim next week3 特別提醒:would 常??s寫成為d. 如: I d ; you d . 等。4 中考鏈接:1) The teacher said that she us to the park the next day . (北京 1993 )A. will takeB. has takenC. would takeD. is taking2) - What did

17、the scientists say ? (2001廣州 )- He said he wondered if into space by spaceship one day .A. he had to flyB. he could flyC. can be flyD. could he flyV.現(xiàn)在進行時1 基本結構:主語+ be + V ing (be 的形式隨主語的變化而變化)2 基本用法:1) 表示現(xiàn)在正在進行的動作。特征:常常與 now或具體的時間連用,有時句中會有感官動詞來提示,或上下文來暗示。e.g. Look ! The car is coming to you .- What

18、 are you doing ?- I m writing a letter to my mother.2) 表示現(xiàn)階段一直進行的動作。特征:這類動詞常常是延續(xù)性動詞。常與at present , this week ,these days 等連用。e.g. At present , computers are playing a more and more important role .3 特別提醒:A. 表示位置移動的動詞如:come , go , leave , arrive , start , begin , fly , return 等,常常用其進行時來表示將來。e.g. I am

19、 leaving for Nanjing tomorrow .B. 感官動詞不能用于進行時態(tài)。如:see , hear, smell , taste, feel等等。C. 表示感情的動詞如:love ,hate , fear, like , prefer等不能用于進行時。D. 表示思考和理解意義的動詞如:know , understand , believe, think , forget, remember 等等不能用于進行時。4中考鏈接:.Don t talk loudly here. My little baby . ( 2003遼寧 )A. has gone out B. is sle

20、epingC. sleeps D. went to school People in Qingdao learning English to get ready for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. is active inB. takes an active part in(2003 青島 )C. are taking an active part inD. are joining Be quick ,the monitor for you in the library . (河南 )A. was waitingB. waitsC. is waitingD. waite

21、dVI. 過去進行時1 基本結構:主語 + be (was / were ) + V ing (形式)2 基本用法:表示在過去某個時刻或某一段時間內正在進行或發(fā)生的動作。特征:常常與表示過去的時間狀語連用如:then , at this / that time , at 9 last night等等。經(jīng)典例析:I was watching TV at 9 last night .3 特別提醒:表示位置移動的動詞如:come , go , leave , arrive , start , begin , fly , return等,常常用其進行時來表示過去將來要發(fā)生的動作。He didn t s

22、aid when he was going .特殊句式:A. 主語 + ( 過去進行時); when 引導的從句(一般過去時) 表示動作的暫時性When she knocked at the door , I was doing my homework.有時,when引導的從句,也可以用進行時,關鍵看這個動詞是不是延續(xù)性動詞。When I was walking in the park , I dropped my wallet .B. 主語 + (一般過去時); while 引導的從句(過去進行時) 表示動作的延續(xù)性While Jim was making a cake , the bell

23、 rang .C. 主語 + (過去進行時);while 引導的從句(過去進行時) 表示兩個動作同時發(fā)生或進行Some students were playing basketball , while others were walking around the corner .4 中考鏈接:1) When her father came back home , Joan with her friend . ( 2002南州市 )A. talkedB. talksC. is talkingD. was talking2) - Hi! Lin Tao . I didn t see you at

24、the party .- Oh, I ready for the maths exam .A. am getting B. was gettingC. gotD. have got3) When the teacher came in , the students about the new film . ( 2004烏魯木齊)A. are talking B. were talkingC. talked D. talks4) - Rick ! Your jacket is wet through . Didn t you listen to the weather report this m

25、orning ?- No, I didn t . I was in a hurry . Besides , it when I left . ( 2004廣州市)A. hadn t rained B. would rainC. rainedD. wasn t rainingVII. 現(xiàn)在完成時1 基本結構:主語+ have / has + V ed(形式)2 基本用法:1) 表示過去發(fā)生的動作,但強調對現(xiàn)在產生的影響。特征: 不能與表示具體的時間狀語連用。如: yesterday ,last week , when I was a child , at that moment , that d

26、ay , when I lived in Japan .等等; 但常常與 ever , never , already , once , many times , several times , before , so far , yet , just等一起使用。經(jīng)典例析:I have seen that movie three times .There have been many earthquakes in California .2) 表示過去發(fā)生的動作一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,還可能繼續(xù)下去的動作或狀態(tài)。特征:常常與since , for , inthe past + 時間名詞,in the

27、last + 時間名詞時間狀語連用, 而且謂語動詞要求是延續(xù)性動詞。經(jīng)典例析:I have lived in Guangzhou for five years .My English has really improved since I moved to Australia .The old farmer has been dead for a month . (不能用 has died )3)表示一種“經(jīng)歷或體驗”. 既可以表示經(jīng)歷過也可以是從來都沒有經(jīng)歷過。經(jīng)典例析:I think I have seen that movie before .He has never traveled

28、by train .3 特別提醒:區(qū)分have been to 與 have gone tohave / has been to “表示到過/ 去過某地”強調此人在此地。Have gone to "表示去的途中“強調此人不在此地。4 中考鏈接:1) I don t think Iyou in that dress before . ( 2003北京海淀區(qū))2) - Mum, may I go out and play basketball- youyour homework yet ?( 2003 天津 )A. Do ; finishB. Are ; finishing3) - Lu

29、cy , you your ticket ?- Not yet .C. Did ; finishD. Have ; finished( 2003 河北 )A. did ; findB. have ; foundC. has; foundD. do ; find4) - Oh, Mrs King , your necklace looks nice . Is it new ?- No, I it for two years .A. hadB. have had( 2003 黃崗)C. boughtD. have bought5) - Where s Mr Lee ? I have somethi

30、ng unusual to tell him . ( 2003黑龍江)A. have seenB. was seeingC. sawD. see- You find him . He Japan .A. may not ; has gone toB. may not; has been toC. can t ; has gone toD. can t ; has been toVIII. 過去完成時1 基本結構:主語+ had + V ed (分詞) 2 基本用法:1)表示過去某個時間或動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成的動作。就是“過去的過去”經(jīng)典例析:I had studied a little En

31、glish when I came to the U. S.2)表示從過去某一時間開始,持續(xù)到過去另一時間的動作或狀態(tài)。特征:常常與由for / since 引導的表示一段時間或從句連用。Comrade Hu had taught inNo. 1 Middle School for ten years before he came here.3 特別提醒:當我們強調動作的先后關系,句子由before , after , as soon as , when等引導從句,從句用一般過去時,此時,主句的時態(tài)可以用過去完成時也可用一般過去時。I had finished my homework befo

32、re 10 o clock yesterday evening .When we got to the cinema the movie had begun .By the end of last year , I had collected five hundred stamps .4 .中考鏈接:1) - Did you see Tom at the party ?- No, he by the time I got there.A. leftB. was leavingC. had leftD. has left2 ) Why didn' t you go to the movi

33、e yesterday ?一Because I it before .( 2 0 0 4 山東煙臺)A. had watched B. have seenC. have watchedD. had seen ( 二 ) 語態(tài)所謂語態(tài),就是說明主語和謂語之間關系的一種動詞形式。分兩種形式:主動語態(tài):句中的主語是動作的執(zhí)行者或發(fā)出者。被動語態(tài):句中的主語是動作的承受者或接受者。語態(tài)的考查是全國各地中考的熱點,也是初中必須掌握的語法之一。我們重點學習被動語態(tài)。? 實際上 , 英語中的被動式就相當于漢語表達中的”把字句和被字句”. 即 : ”把怎樣“;”被 怎樣”初中階段我們學習了七被動式結構,歸納如

34、下: 一般現(xiàn)在時的被動式:?結構:am /is / are + Ved(過去分詞)?例句: My brother asks me to clean the windows.( 主動句句式)?步驟:?1).找到主動句中的賓語,如果有雙賓語(間賓/直賓),把間賓作為被動句中的主語.?2).確定主動句中的動詞時態(tài).?3).對應變換為被動結構.?4).有時,主動句中的主語在被動式中可省略.?被動式:I am asked to clean the windows by(my brother ).現(xiàn)在完成式的被動式:?結構:主語+ have / has + been +Ved.?例句:?We have f

35、inished our homework already.?改: Our homework has been finished already (by us )現(xiàn)在進行時的被動式:?結構: am / is / are + being Ved?例句:?Look, the students are playing basketball in the open air.?Basketball is being played by the students in the open air .過去式的被動結構:一般過去時的被動式:?結構:was / were + Ved?例句:?We cooked th

36、e lunch an hour ago .?改:The lunch was cooked ( by us ) an hour ago .?We didn' t make the model plane.?The model plane wasn ' t made by us.過去進行時的被動式:?結構: was / were + being + Ved?例句:?He was watching TV when I called him last night.?TV was being watched by him when I called him last night .過去完成式的被動式 :?結構:had +been+ V ed?例句:?By the end of last term , we had learned about eight hundred English words .?About eight hundred English words had been learned by us ,by the end of last term .一般將來時的被動式:?結構 : will / b


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