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1、 大學英語21) 美國人一般早早就安排好他們的退休生活。Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance.2) 他們通常被看做最有希望的歌手。They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers.3) 我從你的推薦人那里聽說雇主曾給他們打過電話。Ive heard from your references that the employer had called them.4) 請告訴我們具體時間,以便我們做好適當的準備。Would you please

2、 inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements.5) 我們對出席派對人數的估計與實際來的人數相差了一大截。Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile.6) 只要不成為閱讀負擔,你的報告可以包括足夠多的細節(jié)。Your report can include enough details without being a burden to read.Page21:6 .Pay attention to the

3、italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1.Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable.(雖然邀請函通常通過信函方式發(fā)出,但目前像電子郵

4、件、電話邀請 等非正式邀請越來越被普遍使用。)Although he has only studied English for two years, he can speak it quite well now.(雖然他學習英語僅2年,但是他現在英語講得相當好。)雖然生態(tài)環(huán)境有所改善,但生態(tài)安全狀況仍然嚴重。 (Although the ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious.) 盡管天色已晚,我還是有點想出去(Although it is late, Id quite like t

5、o go out.)2.For most formal occasions, its best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance.(大多數正式場合,最好提前三到四個星期發(fā)出邀請。)Its best to slice into a rich cake from the middle. (最好從中間切油膩蛋糕。)在中午太陽光線很強的時候,你最好避免外出。(Its best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun.)如果你應邀去參加正式的聚會,你最好穿上西裝,打上領帶。(If you are

6、 invited to a formal party, its best to wear a suit and a tie.)3.A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the companys image.(公司可以選擇使用自己想要的任何顏色的紙張,只要它有利于維護和提升企業(yè)的形象。)Your college or university will provide a report about your education as long as you continu

7、e to study there.( 你的學院或大學將為你提供成績報告單,只要你繼續(xù)在哪里學習。) 只要我還有錢維持, 我就在墨西哥待下去。(Ill stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.)只要我還活著,我就不會忘記那件(Ill never forget that as long as I am alive.)4.Either use the address or phone number printed in the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sen

8、t with the invitation.(可以使用邀請函左下角的地址或電話號碼回復,或者用邀請函所附的回復卡回復。)The interviewers will either ask you some basic questions about yourself or ask you to give a brief self-introduction.(面試者可以向你提問一些個人的基本問題或者要求你做一個簡單的自我介紹。)她不是今天來, 就是明天來。(She is coming either today or tomorrow.)你會說英語或者法語嗎?(Can you speak eithe

9、r English or French?)5.Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest”.(如果邀請函上沒有說明“邀請某某先生和朋友,就不能向邀請方要求帶客人。)People will never improve themselves unless they look to some higher standards.(除非考慮更高的標準要求自己,否則人們將永遠無法提高自身的水平。)你如果不努力,決不會成功。(You will never succeed unles

10、s you work hard.)我有一個朋友從來不鍛煉,除非她去進行馬拉松訓練。(I have a friend who never exercises unless shes training for a marathon.)6.Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.(如果帶上未受到邀請的朋友出席,就會造成讓大家都尷尬的局面,)Whatever the facts turn out to be, we make them public r

11、egardless of the consequences.(無論事實的結果怎樣,在不考慮后果的情況下,我們會將事實公布于眾。)如果你說有空,而結果是邀請你參加你不喜歡的活動,那么你就會處于一種反悔的境地。(If you say you are free and the invitation turns out to be something you hate to do, then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance.)那些看起來很現代的建筑實際是由木頭、稻草和泥土建造的。(Several of the modern-

12、looking buildings turn out to be made of wood, straw and mud.)Unit 21) 就我個人而言,我將永遠都習慣不了退休。get used toPersonally, I will never get used to being retired.2) 你想找個機會去中國西南部發(fā)現一個神奇又美麗的地方嗎?the chance to discoverWould you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China?3)

13、你學習英文時,會發(fā)現把英文句子逐字翻譯成自己的母語并不是聰明的辦法。word for word When you are learning English, you do not find it clever to put an English sentence word for word into your own language. 4) 如果我可以重提我們剛才討論過的問題的話,我認為我們應該盡一切努力 保護大熊貓。refer back toIf I might refer back to the problem we were discussing, I think we should

14、make every effort to protect pandas.5) 我們有沒有一些線索可以串聯(lián)起來,以便更好地理解這件事?clues and hints, piece togetherAre there any clues and hints for us to piece together to gain a better understanding of the matter?6 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by

15、 simulating the structure of the English sentences.1)Either way, its not an interactive conversation.(無論是哪種方式,都不是互動對話。)Either way, without the needed technology we can do nothing. (無論哪種情況,沒有必備的技術我們都是無能為力的)無論哪種情況下,這位女士都得一直站著,直至另外有人下車。(Either way, the lady will have to stand until someone else gets of

16、f.)無論哪種情況,許可證和檢查都是需要的。(Either way, a permit and inspection would be required.)2).Too many e-mail users assume that the minute someone receives an e-mail, the person will read it.(有太多電子郵件用戶認為,人們收到電子郵件就會馬上閱讀) I wrongly assumed that the minute he finished his paper, he would hand it in to me. (我錯誤的認為他一

17、完成論文就會交給我。)我想當然地認為,你一到家就會告訴他我需要見他。(I assumed that the minute you went back home, you would tell him I needed to see him.)這里的服務員似乎認為客人一坐到桌旁就喜歡先喝一杯茶。(The waiters here seem to assume that the minute guests sit down at the table, they would prefer to have a cup of tea.)3).The chance that all the partici

18、pants will read that message within the hour will be pretty small.(所有與會者都能在一小時內讀到該郵件的幾率是很小的)The chance that they will receive the invitation in time will be pretty high.( 他們及時使收到邀請函的幾率是很高的)他被這所大學錄取的機率將會很小。(The chance that he will be admitted to this university will be pretty small.)他被提升為公司總經理的機率將會很大

19、。(The chance that he will be promoted to the General Manger of the company will be pretty high.)4).It has no way to know if the person has read the message word for word.(它無法知道對方是否逐字閱讀了郵件的信息)We have no way to guess what she was like in her younger years.(我們無法猜想她青年時長的什么樣子他們沒有辦法證實他所說的是否屬實。(They have n

20、o way to confirm whether his saying is true.)即使天才的科學家也無法精確地 (precisely) 預測未來。(Even talented scientists have no way to precisely forecast the future.)5).All it can do is assure you that the person has looked at the first screen of the message.(這個功能所能做的只是使你明確對方已經看了郵件的首屏)The doctors could not cure his

21、disease. All they could do was delay his death for a few months.(醫(yī)生無法治愈他的病,他們所能做的是延長他的生命我所能做的就是保持笑臉。(All I can do is keep a smiling face.)我們沒有辦法處理它,唯一能做的是去適應它。 5. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 請給家里打個電話,告訴他們我正在去公司的路上。on the way toPlease dial home and tell them Im on the way to the

22、 company.2) 從那時起生產就一直沒有倒退過。Since then there has never been any setback in production3) 我看見他把鑰匙插入鎖中。I saw him insert the key into the lock.4) 我建議你把錢存入銀行。I suggest that you make a deposit at / with the bank.5) 你可以將這些揚聲器與你的激光唱機連接起來。You can connect these speakers to your CD player.6 Pay attention to the

23、 italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1)The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones.(公園里擠滿了用手機談話的人)The hall was filled with young people watching the performance.(大廳擠滿了看表演的年輕人)大廳里擠滿了等待面試的學生

24、。(The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview.)村子的廣場上擠滿了看世界杯足球賽的人。(The square of the village was filled with people watching the football match of the World Cup.)2)The telephone used to connect you to the absent.(電話過去常用來讓你聯(lián)系不在身邊的讓人)I used to write poems when I was his age.(我過去向他這樣年齡時

25、,經常寫詩)過去我們常常種漂亮的玫瑰花。(We used to grow beautiful roses.)過去彼得常常到那個小鎮(zhèn)去。(Peter used to go to the small town.)3).Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?(為什么我們聯(lián)系的越多,我們越是感到失去了聯(lián)系Why is it that the temperature in the room is rising higher and higher?(為什么室內的溫度越升越高)這個結論為什么會是錯的呢?(

26、Why is it that this conclusion is wrong?)她為什么會比我唱得還好呢?(Why is it that she can sing better than I?)4).As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up.(隨著幾乎所有人與人之間可以想象到的聯(lián)系變的自動化,疏遠的指數就上升了This thought grew as the days passed.(隨著時光的流逝這種想法就產生了)隨著我對他的進一

27、步了解,我發(fā)現我對他的第一次印象是正確的。(As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impression of him had been / was right.)隨著年齡的增長,我們變得更聰明。(We get wiser as we get older.)5)Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?(既然你可以用信

28、用卡在加油泵旁自動刷卡,免除與人打交道的麻煩,何必還要對加油站的工作人員打招呼呢?Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into the ATM?(既然你可以將信用卡插入取款機取款,何必還要和可能與你同住一個街坊的銀行職員說話呢既然能用塑料,何必非要用木料呢?(Why use wood when you can use plastic?)既然你能自己做,何必非要讓我做呢?(Why ask me to do it when you can do it yo

29、urself?)6).Its their unintended consequences that make me cringe.(正是這些通訊設備無意中帶來的后果確實我感到害怕。)It was last night that John phoned her sister.(就在昨天晚上約翰打電話給他的姐姐)是比爾寫的那篇文章使她出名了。(It was the article written by Bill that made her famous.)是上周一杰克接到瑪麗發(fā)來的一個電子郵件。(It was last Monday that Jack received an e-mail fro

30、m Marry.)Unit 61) 醫(yī)療網可以使病人共享信息和相互給予支持。The medical website enables patients to share information and offer each other support.2) 我很高興你和我們一起去。你不會因此后悔的。Im glad youre going with us. You wont regret it.3) 那是她所體驗過的最奇妙的感覺。It was the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced.4) 他以科普小說而聞名。He is known f

31、or his popular science novels.5) 二十年后他還能清楚地記起這件事。Twenty years later he could still clearly recall the event.6) 那首歌總是讓我想起我們的第一次約會。That song always reminds me of our first date.6 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the struct

32、ure of the English sentences.1)It is really worth breaking up your Expo visit with trips to the Bund, to Nanjing East Road, to ultra-modern Pudong, maybe even to neighboring Hangzhou and Suzhou.(的確值得把你參觀世博會的時間分一點去游覽一下外灘,南京東路,超現代化的浦東,甚至鄰近的杭州和蘇州)It is worth talking with your financial adviser before m

33、aking your final decision.(在你做最后確定之前,值得與你財務顧問談一談)這個地區(qū)的許多小鎮(zhèn)絕對值得去參觀一下。(Many of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.)在簽合同之前,你核查一下合同中的詳細條款是值得的。(Its worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it.)2)Believe me: the Expo itself will wear you out after Day One.(請相信我:第一天

34、參觀世博會以后就會把你累垮And believe me, my wife does not enjoy reminding me twice.(請相信我,我的妻子不喜歡提醒我兩次)當他們發(fā)現這件事后就會有麻煩了,相信我。(Believe me, therell be trouble when they find out about this matter.)這一切會惹出許多麻煩,相信我。(Believe me, all this is going to cause a lot of problems.)3)With over 200 pavilions and such limited tim

35、e and such long lines, you dont want your day at the Expo site to go to waste.(由于有兩百多個展館,而時間又那么有限還有那長長的隊伍,你不想把你在世博園的那一天白白浪費掉。The Africa pavilion reminded me of a college activities fair, with booths and stands for individual countries.(非洲館里的各個國家的展臺和攤位讓我想起大學校園里的集市活動。)由于這項工作有那么多的不確定性,所以很難做出完整的計劃。(With

36、 all the uncertainties about this job, its difficult to make out a complete plan.)她雙手放在膝蓋上,坐在那里面對面試官。(She sat there facing the interviewer, with her hands on her lap.)4)If youve been to France, theres no point waiting an hour to see the Fisher Price version of France in the French Pavilion (although

37、 still quite beautiful).(如果你去過法國就沒有必要排一個小時的隊,去參觀微縮版的法國了。(盡管這個展館很漂亮)Theres no point (in) paying rent on the apartment if youre not going to live there.(你沒有必要付房租,如果不打算住那兒的話)為他擔憂是沒有什么意義的。(Theres no point (in) worrying about him.)我覺得再討論下去已經沒有什么意義了。(There is no point discussing this any further, Im afrai

38、d.)5).Simply stated, the Shanghai Expo is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.(簡單的說,參觀上海世博會是人生只有一次的經歷)。Simply put, the tax cuts mean the average people will be about 3% better off.(簡單的說,減稅意味著平均每人將減去3%的稅收。)簡單地說,他被解雇了。(Simply put, he was fired.)簡單地說,這就是我所能做的一切。(Simply stated, this is all that I can do.)Un

39、it 75. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 那個建議在會上未引起多大興趣。That proposal aroused little enthusiasm at the meeting.2) 新來的軍官很快贏得了士兵的尊敬。The new officer soon earned the respect of his soldiers.3) 全村很快便人心惶惶了。 Fear spread quickly through the village.4) 現在主席要向大會發(fā)表演講。The chairman will now addre

40、ss the meeting.5) 好教師總是鼓勵學生獨立思考。Good teachers often encourage their students to think for themselves.6) 我正想把實際發(fā)生的情況告訴他,但他打斷了我的話。I was going to tell him what really happened, but he cut me short.7) 孩子們急切地等著兒童劇開演。The children were waiting expectantly for the pantomime to start.8) 她退休后去了佛羅里達,仍然過著忙碌的生活。

41、She retired to Florida and still led a busy life.6 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1.)Before long, through the door came a tall, unimpressive-looking man of about 40.(很快從門口走進一個高高的4

42、0來歲的男子,看上去其貌不揚。)In the armchair sat his mother, reading a novel.(她母親坐在沙發(fā)張,看小說。)樹下躺著一位大約70歲的老婦人。(Under the tree lay an old woman, of about 70.)大門前站著兩頭石獅子,一左一右。(In front of the gate stand two stone lions, one on the left and the other on the right.)2).His voice had a surprising tone of respect, almost as if he were addressing the Supreme Court instead of a group of youngsters.(她的聲音帶有一種令人驚訝的、尊敬的口吻,仿佛是在高等法院發(fā)表演說而不是面對一群青年在講話。)After the interruption, the speaker kept on talking as if nothing had happened.(在演講被打斷以后,演講者繼續(xù)發(fā)言好像沒有發(fā)生任何事情一樣)他談起


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