已閱讀5頁,還剩45頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Module 1題目Module 1題材(主要)內(nèi)容Lingling和Sam, Amy在央國。Amy和Lingling看到電視下目中記者在米 訪一位中國老太太。老人在采訪中談到了過去生活的艱苦和現(xiàn)在生活發(fā)生 的變化。教學目標語百知識目標功能談?wù)撊藗冞^去和現(xiàn)在的生活變化。語法(結(jié)構(gòu)、句子)本模塊繼續(xù)學習過去式。談?wù)撨^去: There weren ' t buses. We lived in a small house.比較現(xiàn)在:There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house詞匯聽能在聽錄首的過程中從語句中辨別出單詞:lif

2、e, different, ago,any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady, fire, radio, telephone, field, hope說能在句子中正確使用單詞:life, different, ago, any, television,fire, radio, telephone, field, hope, grandchildren讀能在圖片的提示下、跟著錄音在語句中正確朗讀單詞:life,different, ago, any, television, us, lady, fire, radio, telep

3、hone, field, hope寫能夠抄寫單詞:life, ago, us, radio, hope語百技能聽能在圖片的幫助下聽懂課文中的錄音材料。說能運用所學習的語句看圖說出圖中的變化。i目標讀能借助圖片讀懂課文中談?wù)撨^去和現(xiàn)在生活所使用的句子;能讀懂Lingling的信;能夠在讀詞的過程中體會字母組合ai, ay, al, au, ar在單詞中的發(fā)音。寫能用課文中所學語百看圖完成句子:Many years ago, thereweren't_. We lived. Now, there are.We live.學習策略積極與他人合作,共同完成學習任務(wù);主動運用所學內(nèi)容進行練習和實

4、踐;積極運用所學英語進行表達和交流。文化意識使學生初步了解現(xiàn)在生活條件的改善,知道祖國正在向前發(fā)展,從而更加熱愛我們的祖國。情感態(tài)度使學生養(yǎng)成觀察生活、熱愛生活的良好品質(zhì),啟發(fā)學生要有上進心和責任感為建設(shè)更美好的祖國及家園向奮斗。任務(wù)1 .談?wù)撨h古時代人們的生活與我們現(xiàn)在生活的不同;2 .介紹校園(班級、城市、社區(qū))里的變化;3 .通過畫畫,給同學說說自己家鄉(xiāng)的變化或者給筆友寫一封信說說自己 家鄉(xiāng)的變化。Unit 1 We lived in a small house.教學目標:1、知識目標:(1) 新單詞 life different, ago, any, television, grand

5、children, us, grandmother, lady 新句型:There be ,We lived manyWe lived many years ago. We live now.2、技能目標:能根據(jù)情境正確使用 There beyears ago. We livenow.句型談?wù)撋?、學習中的事物,提出問題并作出解答。3、情感目標:比較過去與現(xiàn)在的生活,體會并珍惜現(xiàn)在的幸福生活。教學重點:新單詞和新句型的教學與運用。教學難點:學會 There b e ,We lived many years ago. Welive now.句型并能在生活中靈活運用該句型。教學工具:兩幅畫有房子和

6、汽車的畫(房子一大一?。瑔卧~卡片, 點讀筆,貼紙,課件教學過程:Step1 Warming up (熱身復習)T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Ms Liang.T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you!T: You ' re welcome. Do you have a good time in your holidays?Ss: Yes.T: Now, let ' s sing a song Where did you go.Ok?Ss: Ok!T: Great! Who can

7、tell us were there any happy things in your holidays?(學生發(fā)言,通過這樣的師生交流,教師可以幫助學生回顧相關(guān)的語言知識,例如:一般過去時的用法、常用詞匯等,為后面的教學做鋪墊。)Step2 leading in(課文導入)T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Nowyou are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes.Everything is changing. No change, no progre

8、sses.教師邊說邊把新單詞“change”板書到黑板上,出示課題。Step3 : New teaching (課文教學)1、單詞教學T: I ama teacher, you are students. Weare different.(different 要讀慢且重讀)出示different 的單詞卡片.老師示范學生跟讀.T: OK. Look here! What ' s this?(指著電視機圖片問)T: Yes, it ' s a television.出示 television 單詞卡片,讓學生讀.T: Look at the blackboard.出示課件一個祖母

9、和幾個外孫女對話 .教師緊跟出示grandmother和grandchildren 的單詞卡片.學生讀. 老師出示 life 的單詞卡問:What' s the meaning in Chinese?Ss:生活.T:life 生活.Life / life /life ' 學生跟讀T:T am a lady(指著自己說)并出示單詞卡.學生讀.T: ago / ago / ago .one by one please.Ss: ago / ago / ago (us和any也如上面教法)單詞訓練游戲(把單詞卡粘貼在黑板上,讓學生競賽,聽老師說出某個單詞,學生迅速把該單詞卡片取下,快者

10、為勝。)2、課文教學教師把畫有房子和汽車的兩幅畫掛在黑板上,問學生:Are thereanythings in the picture?Ss: There are houses and cars.T:Yes. There are houses and cars. Welive in the house. Wewilllearn something about this picture. OK, Listen the radio.聽課文錄音的同時,請你們找出課文中出現(xiàn)的新單詞與新句型。(游戲“火眼金睛,找新單詞與新句型”。讓學生以競賽搶答的形式快速 找出課文中出現(xiàn)的新單詞與新句型。)3、課文訓練

11、學生了解了課文內(nèi)容后,教師播放領(lǐng)讀帶錄音,讓學生大聲跟讀 課文。然后分組分角色朗讀課文。4、重點句型操練先讓學生熟讀課文第二部分:Listen and say問一學生 t: Were there computer in your house?S: No.T: There were no computer in his house. Follow me.Ss: There were no computer in his house.以同樣的方式問幾個學生.T: They are very clever! Now, Wecan see a lot of buses and cars in the

12、road. Yes?S: Yes!T: There are a lot of buses and cars in the street.T: Are there anythings in our class?S: There are blackboard 、book5、延伸拓展出示課件第二部分的兩幅圖,讓學生分組討論準備,談?wù)搱D中內(nèi) 容,然后每個組派一個代表來講給全班同學聽。T: Boys and girls look at me. Whocan talk about these pictures?Ss: Four years ago, we lived in the small house.

13、 Now, we livein a big house.(老師幫助學生完成)Ss: Four years ago, Weflied kite. Now,we listen to the music.讓學生充分發(fā)揮想象,自由發(fā)言.Step4 Summary and homework(總結(jié)與家庭作業(yè))1. Summary(總結(jié))T: Today, we learn about the different between past and now.Now, we live in a happy life,we should love our life. and loveour parents.2.

14、Today' s homework (家庭作業(yè))a. Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite andact.b. Copy the new words and sentences.板書設(shè)計:Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house.weren 'tlived smallaren 'tlivebig練習:單項選擇(10分)1 () There weren buses .A. some B. any C. one2 () We lived a small ho

15、use. A at B in Con3 ()YesterdayI watched TV my grandchildren.A andB with C to4 () Thank you for me. A help B helping C helped5 () She TV every day. A watching B watched C watches.6 () It's a programme monkeys. A about B forC in7 () She have a bike last year. A doesn B didn't C don't8 ()

16、My mother worked the fields. A in B on C at9 () -do you go to school every day?-I go to school by bus.A How B What C When10() There three books on the desk one hour ago.A was B were C areUnit 2 She didn t have a television.教學目標:新單詞 fire, radio telephone, field, hope;音標教學: 字母組合ai/ay, al/au, ar的發(fā)音規(guī)則;一

17、般過去時的教學:She didn' t have a television. She worked in the fields.教學重點:單詞和音標教學,用過去時談?wù)撋钪邪l(fā)生的事。教學難點:一般過去時的運用。教學工具:點讀筆,課件,音標卡教學程序:Stepl :熱身復習讓個別學生到前面來用英語談?wù)撍蛩臓敔?、奶奶、外公或?婆過去的生活與現(xiàn)在的生活。即處理 Unit2, Part2:Think and talk about your grandparentsStep2:課文導入告訴學生:“自從Lingling昨天在英國看了那個關(guān)于中國的節(jié)目,她就非常想念自己的奶奶,于是她寫信給Da

18、ming,講述她看到的那個節(jié)目并傾訴她對親人的思念。下面我們一起來聽聽她在信中是如 何描述節(jié)目中那個老奶奶過去的生活的?!痹诼牭耐瑫r,請把你不認 識的單詞用橫線畫出來。Step3:課文教學先讓學生聽錄音,找出新單詞,然后教師叫學生根據(jù)所學過的音 標把單詞一個個讀出來,接下來老師把新單詞教給學生。再讓學生聽 第二遍錄音并回答以下問題:What programme did Lingling watch last night?What was the old lady ' s life like many years ago?Who does Lingling miss?教師播放第三遍錄音,

19、學生大聲跟讀課文。Step4:音標教學把字母組合 ai /ay, al/au, ar及相應(yīng)的音標卡寫、貼在黑板上先讓學生讀出這些音標,老師再糾正教授音標。游戲:聽音標競賽(教師準備兩套音標卡片,并將全班分成兩組, 每人發(fā)一張卡片,教師快速念音標,持有該音標卡片的學生應(yīng)迅速站 起來,最先站起來的人得兩分,后站出來的得一分,沒站出來的得零 分,得分多的組獲勝。)Step5: Chant的教學 讓學生先跟老師熟讀各句,然后聽錄音合著 節(jié)拍一起說Chant,最后讓學生組與組競賽說,看哪組說得最好。游戲:Do, ask and answer(拓展部分)Put nine cards on the desk

20、. Two students use cards to makedialogue.For example:A: Where was he/she seven days ago?B: He/She was A: What did he/she do there?B: He/She Step6 Homework (家庭作業(yè))用英語寫封短信給老師:介紹你的爺爺/奶奶/外公/外婆過去的 生活和現(xiàn)在的生活。板書設(shè)計:Unit 2 She didn t have a television.She didn ' t have a television.She worked in the fields

21、.練習:句型轉(zhuǎn)換1 She was a teache r.(變一般疑問句) a teacher?2 They will fly kites.(變否定句)They fly kites.3 They should cook vegetables.(變否定句)They cook vegetables4 He visited the British Museum yesterday.(變?yōu)橐话銓頃r態(tài))5 There were many buses.(變?yōu)橐话悻F(xiàn)在時態(tài))Module 2題目Module 2題材(主要)內(nèi)容Lingling拿出爺爺、奶奶年輕時候的照片給Sam和Amy看,他們對照片中 的人

22、物很好奇。于是Lingling向他們介紹了爺爺、奶奶過去的職業(yè)及語言 的學習情況。教學目標語百知識目標功能談?wù)撊宋锏穆殬I(yè)、語言的學習及昨天做過的事情。語法(結(jié)構(gòu)、句子)學習 is, dance, learn的過去式 was, danced, learnt 談?wù)撨^去: She was a dancer. She learnt English.詞匯聽能在聽錄首的過程中從語句中辨別出單詞:learnt, these, dancer, class, study, hard, retired說能在句子中正確使用單詞:learnt, these, class, study, hard, retired讀能

23、在圖片的提示下、跟著錄音在語句中正確朗讀出單詞:learnt,class, study, hard, retired寫能夠抄寫單詞:these, class, study, hard語百技能目標聽能在圖片的幫助下聽懂課文中的錄音材料。說能夠運用所學諦言談?wù)撟约籂敔斈棠踢^去的職業(yè)、諦言學習情況;同學之間能夠相互了解昨天所做的事情;能夠說出自己五年前的生活與現(xiàn)在生活的不同。讀能借助圖片讀出課文中對爺爺、奶奶過去職業(yè)及諦言學習情況 的介紹;讀懂Unit 2的課文;能在讀詞的過程中體會字母組合 aw, air, ass4單詞中的發(fā)音。寫能用所學語百看圖完成句子:Five years ago, he w

24、as_aHetaught/studiedNow, he is a學習策略看圖或照片描敘人物,猜測人物的職業(yè),建立詞語與事物間的聯(lián)系; 注意觀察圖片及生活中他人的變化,主動運用所學諦言進行表達和交流, 鍛煉語百表達能力。文化意識初步了解英語是一門世界語言及學習英語的普遍性和重要性。情感態(tài)度主動觀察生活及他人的變化,積極參與各種英語實踐活動,活動中樂于與 他人合作與交流,進一步增強學習英語的興趣和自信心。任務(wù)1 .說說爺爺奶奶退休前的工作及諦言學習情況;2 .談?wù)撜?k 家人的活動;3 .告訴同學自己五年前的生活與現(xiàn)在生活的不同之處。Unit 1 She learnt English.教學目標:1

25、、知識目標:目標語句: Did your grandmalearn English? Yes,she did. She is learning English now. 單詞:learnt these dancer 2、能力目標:能用英語來詢問過去所發(fā)生的事情以及他人過去和現(xiàn) 在的狀態(tài)。3、情感目標:激發(fā)學生的學習熱情,進行文明禮儀教育,感染學生,對其進行中華美德孝順的教育。教學重點: Did your grandma learn English? He is learningEnglish now.說明自己想要表達的過去和現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài)。教學難點:用英語描述過去和現(xiàn)在的變化。教學用具:Tape

26、recorder, CAI, some cards教學過程Step1. Warming upT : Boys and girls .I ' mhappy to enjoy English with you .Are you happy ? Are you ready for your English class ? Ss : Yes .T :Now, let ' s sing a song . Stand up and clap your hands .(教學評開始上課,給學生一個輕松的環(huán)境,師生同唱一個關(guān)于動詞 過去式的歌曲,學生能夠復習過去式,并為這節(jié)課的學習做鋪墊,復 習

27、已經(jīng)學過的知識。)Step2. PresentationT: Boys and girls ,last night , I watched TV and did somehousework .What did you do last night ? Did you do your homework? Did you learn English?Ss: Yes.T : Youlearnt English .She learnt English .Today, We ll learn Module 2 Unitl She learnt English.( 板書)First, Look at the

28、 screen .(利用課件、卡片學習單詞。分組練、男女生練 )Look at the picture, what is she? Can you guess? (Show thepicture of Yang Liping), ask: T: what is she? Ss: Sheis a dancer.T: She danced in lot of Chinese cities. (dance-danced-dancer ) (教學評析:注意/t/的發(fā)音,通過卡片讓學生充分練習)T:. whocan dance?(找同學上去跳舞)then ask: What did she do? 讓學

29、 生在真實情境中運用過去式,開火車讀出單詞。(通過楊麗萍的跳舞圖片讓學生練習dancer并很自然的學習了 danced ;讓學生上去表 演,提問并讓學生思考如何回答,這樣能把學到的過去式運用到具體 的語言環(huán)境中去。)T: We are learning English . English is aforeign language.(學習 foreign language , 同時介紹 Japanese ,French, Russian等外國語。Let ' s chant (師生拍手齊說)learn learnt是學習driver driver是司機these 這些those 那些舞蹈演

30、員是dancerthese clothes 這些衣服foreign languages 是外語Step 3.Listen to the tape and answer the questionsT : Weknow Lingling is still in England with Samand Amy. She misses China and she misses her grandmother. .Lingling is looking at some photos. Do you know what her grandmother like? What are they? Now li

31、sten and find the answer.1 ) Did lingling ' s grandma learn English?2) Did lingling ' s grandpa learn Eglish?3) What is lingling ' s grandpa doing now?Read in pairs and talk about the questions. 1、播放第一遍錄音,進行課文的整體呈現(xiàn)。2.再播放第二遍錄音,學生帶著問題聽錄音并尋找答案(Study in their groups. ) Step 4 、Practise in gr

32、oups(完成表格)actionsgrandnki grandpadanced in lots of citieska至 a drivermas a dancerlearnt Englishis learning English nowStep 5 小組合作分角色朗讀、表演對話。一般過去時歸納總結(jié)(出示課件)一、用法:一般過去時表示過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。二、構(gòu)成及變化:1. be動詞在一般過去時中的變化:am和is 在一般過去時中變?yōu)?was; are在一般過去時中變?yōu)?were;否定句在 was或 were后加not, 一般疑問句把 was或 were提前。2.行為動詞在一般過

33、去時中的變化:肯定句:主語+動詞的過去式I watched TV last Sunday . 否定句:主語 + didn ' t + 動詞原形.I didn ' t watch TV last Sunday .一般疑問句:Did + 主語 +動詞原形? Did you watch TV last Sunday? Yes, I did. No , I didn t .動詞過去式變化口訣(出示課件)過去式,不難記一般直接加-ed 以-e結(jié)尾只加-d 遇到一元一輔重讀閉音節(jié),末尾字母要雙寫遇到輔音字母+y ,變-y為-i加-ed;不規(guī)則變化要特殊記Step 6 homework 組內(nèi)

34、談?wù)摷胰说恼掌?e.g Many years ago, my grandpa was a driver / worker Now he is Did he /she Yes , he did . / No , he didn ' t .板書設(shè)計:Unit 1 She learnt English.Did she learn any foreign languages?Yes,she did./No,she didn't.He is learning English now.練習:按要求寫單詞.live(過去式)city(復數(shù))be(過去式)do(過去式) talk(現(xiàn)在分詞)d

35、ance(名詞)learn(過去式)come(現(xiàn)在分詞)英漢互譯在田地里be tired努力學習 teach Chinese讀書by school bus做蛋糕foreign languages談?wù)搇earn English50Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.教學目標:(1) 句子:Mr. Li was a teacher. (2)單詞:retired, study, hard.教學重點:新單詞,談?wù)撨^去并與現(xiàn)在做比較;音標教學:字母組合 aw, air, ass的發(fā)音規(guī)貝U .教學難點:be的過去式was, were的用法和retire, study 的過去 時.教學工

36、具:圖片或照片、點讀筆、單詞卡、課件教學程序:Step 1 Warming up (熱身復習)1、師生問候。2、做“看一看,說一說”的游戲,比一比每組說得快又好,運用:What did she do yesterday ? She watched TVStep 2 Lead in (課文導入)1、教師請一名學生帶著英語課本走到講臺并和自己站在一起,先指著自己介紹:I am a teacher ,然后指著講臺上的學生引導其他學 生一起說:She is a student (pupil)接著告訴學生:I am teaching English now . 2、教師拿出自己學生時代的一張照片,指著照

37、片告訴學生:Tenyears ago . I was a student 然后指著自己說 “ Now I am a teacher :' 教 師繼續(xù)對學生說:“接下來讓我們一起看看課文中主人公的過去和現(xiàn) 在的變化。" Ok, let ' s comettie text.Step 3 New teaching (課文教學)1、利用多媒體出示本課掛圖,教師播放課文錄音,呈現(xiàn) 3B活 動1,請學生帶著以下兩個問題: What did they do ten years ago ? What do they do now ?認真聽錄音。聽過后,問文中出示了哪兩個人物?Mr L

38、i和Chen Hai。讓學生看圖辨別出 Mr Li和Chen Hai ,并 試著說出在不同的圖畫中他們的身份及活動。2、再次播放錄音,學生邊聽邊在書中勾出生詞和短語,學習新詞:studied學習一一原形study , class班級,hard努力地,講解動詞:taught原形teach ,retired退休的。3、請學生再看書,并播放錄音,同時找出時態(tài)的動 詞或短語,教師將本課的重點句型寫在黑板上:Mr Li was a teacher .He taught Chinese . Chen Hai is an English teacher . He' s teaching MrLi .

39、 4、教師將重點句型中表示時態(tài)的單詞或短語( was taught , is , is teaching)用紅筆標出,并將寫有不同時間狀語(now , ten years ago 的紙片貼在句子后,告訴學生不同的時態(tài)要用不同的時間狀語。Step 4音標教學:字母組合aw, air, ass的發(fā)音規(guī)則。首先,聽音學說,找出共同發(fā)音.再讓學生試著找出其他學過的單詞,如果沒有,教師可以寫出 一些生詞,讓他們大膽試讀,以加深他們對這種拼讀規(guī)則的理解。 Step 5 Summary and homework(總結(jié)與家庭作業(yè))(1)熟讀課文,背誦Part 2重點句子。(2)抄寫單詞及句子。板書設(shè)計Unit

40、 2 Mr Li was a teacher.Mr Li was a teacher.He taught Chinese.Chen Hai is an English teacher.He' s teaching MLi.練習選詞填空。who what where do did1-were you last night? -1 was at school.2-is the old lady? -She' s my grandma.3-she do yesterday? -She learnt English.4-they watch TV every day? -No, the

41、y don ' t.Module 3題目Module 3題材(主要)內(nèi)容Daming收到Lingling從英國發(fā)來的電子郵件,了解到有關(guān)英國的飲食習慣。教學目標語百知識目標功能說明中西方飲食文化的不同。語法(結(jié)構(gòu)、句子)學習運用have及過去式had談?wù)擄嬍常篧hat did she have for breakfast yesterday? She had eggs and sausages. Sam ate six hamburgers.詞匯聽能在聽錄首的過程中從語句中辨別出單詞:egg, email, sandwich,traditional, delicious, hambur

42、ger, ate, gave, drank, tonight說能在句子中正確使用單詞:email, sandwich, traditional, delicious,hamburger, ate, gave, drank, tonight讀能在圖片的提示下、跟著錄音在語句中正確朗讀單詞:email,sandwich, delicious, hamburger, ate, gave, drank寫能夠抄寫單詞: egg, email, ate, drank, gave語百技能目標聽能在圖片的幫助下聽懂課文中的錄音材料。說能夠看圖或在語境中與他人談?wù)?、交流飲食習慣及喜歡的食物。讀能夠看圖讀出課文中

43、對英國飲食習慣的描述;能夠讀懂Amy寫給Daming的信;能夠在讀詞的過程中體會出字母組合 ea, ee, ear, ere, e在單詞中 的發(fā)音。寫能看圖仿照本模塊中的例句寫句子:What did you have for lunchyesterday? I had sandwiches.學習策略課堂中積極與同學配合進行有關(guān)課文話題的交流。文化意識初步了解英語國家的飲食習慣、食品名稱及中西方飲食文化的/、同。情感態(tài)度主動探索、發(fā)現(xiàn)、了解英語國家的飲食文化,樂于接觸異國文化,拓展國際 視野。任務(wù)1 .給外國朋友發(fā)電子郵件,說說中國的飲食文化;2 .列出昨晚的食譜,說說自己吊歡或/、吊歡的食品。

44、Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages教學目標1、知識技能目標:(1) Words:復習鞏固與食物、水果、飲料、一日三餐單詞;掌握本課四會詞:email、egg、sandwich、delicious 。 Sentences:What did she /he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips.2、情感、文化目標教育學生養(yǎng)成良好的飲食習慣,利于健康。教學重點:掌握向別人詢問昨天一日三餐吃過什么的具體表達方法。教學難

45、點: What did/he she have foryesterday?She/he had .。教學工具:單詞卡,圖片、課件、點讀筆教學程序Stepl Warm up (熱身復習)T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Liang.T: What ' s your favourite food?S: My favou rite food is 課件出示大量食物的圖片,引發(fā)學生的頭腦風暴,復習學過的食 物如何用英語表達。然后提問個別學生最喜歡的食物是什么, 師生互 動。Step 2 Presentation (課文導入)T: I had bre

46、ad this morning, what did you have?Ss: I had rice/milk/noodles T: We always have rice, noodles, and dumplings for meals. They are Chinese food. Do you know English food?Ss: Talk about English food which they know.T: Tell the student Daming get an email from Lingling. It ' s talk about English fo

47、od. Now let ' s see what Lingling introThenswrite the title.Step 3 Teaching new lesso n(課文教學)1 Show them some new word cards and teach them the pronunciation.2 Open their books; listen to the tape for the first time, ask the students to find out the new words and the name of the food. And explai

48、n some English eating habits.3 Give the student some questions:a.What did Daming have got?b.What did Lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Listen to the tape for the second time, ask the students to answer the question, and then check the answer together.4 Ask the students to see the pictures and

49、 play the tape, the students read after it. At last the students read the text in pairs.Step 4 Practice (練習)1 .Ask the student to see the third part of the text. Use the sentences to make dialogues in pairs.2 .誰是最佳營養(yǎng)師?請學生四人小組為Angela和Horper列出早中晚餐的食譜,并用英語表達,最后評比看誰是最佳營養(yǎng)師。五、Homework (家庭作業(yè))Read the text

50、3 times. Pay attention to the important sentences and the name of the food.板書設(shè)計:Unit 1 She had eggs and sausagesWhat did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?She had 練習:按要求寫單詞.give(過去式)city(復數(shù))drink(過去式)sing(名詞)eat現(xiàn)在分詞)study(±去式)different(反義詞) shop(現(xiàn)在分詞) know (同音詞) . wear (同音詞)3用動詞的正確形式填空(5分)1)

51、.Many years ago, she(cook) on a fire.2) .Let ' s(gto) the supermarket.3) .He(do) her homework last night.4) .They(be) going to cook English food.5) .Lingling had a sandwich because she-(like) hamburgers.Unit2 Sam ate six hamburgers教學目標:(1)能運用已學的食物單詞表達自己吃過什么;(2)能運用句型與朋友交流昨晚吃(喝)過什么以及今晚想吃(喝)什么;教學重點

52、:1詞匯:動作詞?匚: eat / ate drink / drank tonight食物詞匯: cake milk noodles fish bread juice2 句型:What did you eat / drink last night ?I ate /drank.What did you going to eat / drink tonight ?I am going to eat / drink.教學難點:正確理解區(qū)分和運用單詞 eat / ate drink /drank教學工具:多媒體課件、飲料食物單詞卡片、點讀筆教學程序Step 1. Warming upT: Good m

53、orning.Ss: Good morning.T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?Ss: I had T: What ' s your favourite food?Ss: My favourite food is Step 2. PresentationTake out a pictu re of hamburger and ask the students“ Do you likehamburger? ”“ How many hamburgers can you 80i?ents answer thequestions.

54、 T: Let ' see how many hamburgers Sam can eat. Then write the title on the board.Step 3. new lesson1 .學習新單詞:eat / ate drink / drank(1)老師出示單詞卡片:eat / ate drink / drank 帶讀單詞,全 班學生跟讀。并強調(diào)ate和drank是過去的吃與喝。學習用 eat / ate 造句。舉例子:I eat rice / noodles .學生仿造句子造句。出示一張食物的幻燈片,學生自己練習用eat / ate 造句。然后請學生表演。(2)學習

55、用drink / drank造句。老師拿出牛奶/可樂/水,拿起這些 飲料說:I drink .把飲料放下說:I drank . 幫肋學生理解drank是一個過去的動作。讓學生用I drank .造句。小組練習造句,然后展示自己的句子。2 .學習句型 What did you drink last night ? I drank.(1) T: I drank milk / water / Cola last night .What did you drink last night?老師不停的提問: What did you drink last night ?學生回答:I drank .(2)老

56、師帶讀 What did you drink last night ?首先全班學生跟讀,然后分男女生跟讀。(3)鼓勵學生向老師提問:What did you drink last night ?(4)學生自己練習對話 :What did you drink last night ? I drank .然后請學生展示自己的對話。5 學習句型:What did you eat last night ? I ate.(1) T: What did you drink last night ? S: I drank.T: What did you eat last night ?出示一張食物幻燈片,鼓勵學生說出:I ate .(2)學習句型: What did you eat last night ? I ate .老師帶讀,全班跟讀。(3


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