已閱讀5頁,還剩11頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。v衛(wèi)生間隔斷招標樣本山東廣播電視中心媒體產(chǎn)業(yè)大廈目錄(1) 談判函(2) 報價表(3) 技術規(guī)范偏離表(4) 售后服務承諾(包括:維護期限、維護方式、服務響應時間、故障排除時限、聯(lián)系人、聯(lián)系電話等)(5) 受邀方的業(yè)績合同(6)報價單位簡介及相應資質證明文件 a、營業(yè)執(zhí)照復印件b、稅務登記證復印件c、組織機構代碼證復印件d、法定代表授權委托書復印件f、授權代理人身份證復印件g、質量管理體系認證復印件i、受邀方認為有必要提供的其他資質文件復印件(7)施工方案(安裝方案)施工準備、施工順序主要分部分項工程施

2、工要點與方法資源需用計劃施工進度計劃安排及人員配備情況保證質量措施安全保證措施文明施工保證措施一、談 判 函河口區(qū)便民服務中心 : 東營市舒欣裝飾工程有限公司授權張增光經(jīng)理為全權代表,參加貴方組織的 衛(wèi)生間隔斷談判的有關活動,并對該項目進行報價,為此:1、提供談判須知規(guī)定的全部報價文件報價文件正本 壹份,副本 肆份;資格證明文件 2、保證遵守報價文件的有關規(guī)定和收費標準。 3、保證忠實的執(zhí)行買賣雙方所簽的經(jīng)濟合同,并承擔合同規(guī)定的責任義務。4、原意向貴方提供任何與該項談判有關的數(shù)據(jù)、情況和技術資料。5、本項目談判有效期為 30 個日歷天。 6、與本談判有關的一切往來通訊請寄:地址:東營市東七路

3、21號郵編: 257400電話:真:邀方全稱(公章):授權代表(簽字): 日 期:2012年3月27日二、報 價 表河口區(qū)便民服務中心辦公樓:序號貨物名稱單位數(shù)量單價(元)合價(元)1衛(wèi)生間隔斷平方米約24017040800.00合計:小寫:¥40800.00,大寫:肆萬零捌佰圓整受邀方全稱(公章):授權代表(簽字):2012年3月27日三、技術規(guī)范偏離表序號貨物名稱數(shù)量談判文件要求受邀方供貨成熟偏離說明1平開門平開門平開門 投與招一致2顏色 淺灰色淺灰色投與招一致3規(guī)格600mmX1700mm600mmX1700mm 

4、;投比招優(yōu)越材質實木顆粒板實木顆粒板投比招優(yōu)越4厚度18 mm18 mm 投與招一致5配件鋅合金鋅合金 投與招一致6拉桿及門檔金屬色鋁合金金屬色鋁合金 投比招優(yōu)越受邀方全稱(公章):授權代表(簽字):2012年3月27日四、供貨時間及售后服務的承諾(包括:維護期限、維護方式、服務響應時間、故障排除時限、聯(lián)系人、聯(lián)系電話等)我公司對所有承接、并按本公司材質工藝說明完成的工程項目,實行二年保質、終生維護。意外情況僅收取工料成本費。針對系列產(chǎn)品服務內容,我公司鄭重承諾:一、 本公司所有產(chǎn)品均說明售后服務熱線。二、 接到甲方通知后2日內送貨到指定地點,并按照甲方要求于20

5、天內保質保量完成工期。三、 在質保期內,我方將提供免費維修。若是因為使用不當而引起產(chǎn)品損壞,我方以合同價收取材料費,免收人工費。四、 我方維修人員在接到通知后30分鐘內電話響應,4個小時內派技術人員上門服務,當日內修復。質保期外,我公司仍一如既往地做好售后服務工作。五、 質保期外,我公司負責終身維修,維修所需地面材料,我公司將以合同價同樣優(yōu)惠提供;隨時接受用戶的咨詢和求助。六、 我公司建立完善了完整的質量監(jiān)督程序和客戶對應檔案;實行以客戶為中心的產(chǎn)品售后服務微機化管理;配備專門機構,跟蹤調查用戶使用情況,保證售后服務。想用戶之所想、急用戶之所急,為您提供放心滿意的全方位服務。七、 附:貨物質量

6、承諾書、售后服務承諾書單位:東營市舒欣裝飾工程有限公司; 授權人: 地址:東營市東七路21號 郵編:257400 聯(lián)系電話傳真聯(lián)系手機2012年3月27日貨物質量承諾書現(xiàn)就河口便民服務中心辦公樓衛(wèi)生間隔斷采購項目在貨物質量方面,我公司鄭重承諾:1、提供的實際供貨產(chǎn)品與投標樣品無差異,未經(jīng)使用過的全新產(chǎn)品。2、供貨方式:汽運至工地現(xiàn)場。3、針對本工程具體情況,制定詳細的施工方案。4、建立專業(yè)的、責任分工明確的施工隊伍。投標方名稱(簽章)聯(lián)系人:張增光聯(lián)系電話機2

7、012年3月27日 2012年3月27日五、2008年以來受邀方的業(yè)績合同序號項目名稱供貨內容合同金額(元)供貨時間用戶名稱用戶代表聯(lián)系方式備注1淄博萬杰醫(yī)院綜合樓三聚氰胺防潮板衛(wèi)生間隔斷450000.002010年5月淄博萬杰醫(yī)院孫主營市人民醫(yī)院綜合樓抗貝特板材624000.002009年10月東營市人民醫(yī)院李主任158651829893臨淄區(qū)新建高中綜合樓學生公寓A1-A7號樓衛(wèi)生間隔斷制作安裝三聚氰胺防潮板衛(wèi)生間隔斷276774.002010年6月臨淄區(qū)教育局鄭主淄區(qū)新建高中綜合樓衛(wèi)生間隔斷制作安裝35mm塑鋼板材衛(wèi)生間隔斷22


9、65466360010濱州國際大廈35mm塑鋼板材衛(wèi)生間隔斷210000.002009年8月濱州國際大廈姜主任1370546978711榮軍醫(yī)院25mm塑鋼板衛(wèi)生間隔斷280000.002009年11月勝利建安公司宋工1356336169912天圓銅業(yè)公寓樓35mm塑鋼板材衛(wèi)生間隔斷65200.002009年5月天圓銅業(yè)李經(jīng)理133566195777establishment of perfect quality control system. Comprehensive understanding of engineering quality control points, develop

10、specific comprehensive quality control measures, clear quality control responsibilities, company, Department, three-level quality control system in the construction area of the project. Concrete quality control system block diagram. 4.1 quality control principles: (1) quality control follow the &quo

11、t;prevention first" principle, insisting on quality in advance control, eliminate hidden quality in spurts stage. (2) adhere to the high standards of quality assessment, and all data is strictly prohibited on imagination-do. 4.2 quality control: quality control procedures, see next page. Qualit

12、y control elements list construction prepared process a design low-down 1 drawings since trial project technicians drawings information whether complete, whether meet construction need drawings technology file a, 2 design low-down project technology head understand design intent proposed problem dra

13、wings technology file design low-down records 3 drawings triage project technology head on drawings of integrity, and accuracy, and feasibility for triage drawings technology file drawings triage records II developed construction process file 4 construction organization design project technology hea

14、d by related file requirements prepared construction Organization and standard approval drawings for approval of construction organization design of 5 construction plan project technical personnel above drawing standards proposal . Officer for check acceptance, through the layers of quality control

15、to ensure that the project meets quality standards. 3.9 breach of construction regulations, construction techniques according to the person in charge of construction quality accident reporting system specifications, design and construction process guide the construction personnel, shall not be an il

16、legal command. The operator must operate in accordance with the relevant norms and regulations is, not brutal construction. Construction managers found that the operators violated the construction specifications, be stopped immediately, and report technical leader, urged the operator immediately cor

17、rected. Quality accident on violations of construction rules, and size, as appropriate, timely escalation the company, management and owners and record in writing reports. Quality the right to stop any violations of construction quality accident of construction can occur. 3.10 summary quality improv

18、ement system for a week on a regular basis the quality of construction of the project for a comprehensive measurement and evaluation, the use of statistical techniques in quality scientific statistical methods, identifying the principal contradiction. To find out the major quality problems and quali

19、ty problems by the relevant departments to seriously study, find out ways to solve the quality problems anddins de l'espatlla a espatlla laminació. Començant des de la carretera a ambdós costats de l'espatlla dur a rodant camí Centre. 1 - 2 vegades més pressió a

20、 banda i banda de carretera. Procés rodant la roda del darrere 1/2 roda ample, darrere de superposició roda amplada del paviment acabat, s'ha acabat. Rodant velocitat dels rodets, les dues primeres vegades han de ser tractats amb 1.5-1.7km/h, després 2.0-2.5km/h. Corró est

21、24; estrictament prohibit a l'acabat o està posant en un tram de carretera de torn o fre (fora de la zona de construcció a volta). Aixafar controlada en la humitat òptima humitat contingut contingut flotant al voltant del 1% - 2% (prova personal controls en qualsevol moment en l&#

22、39;obra si construcció) i, si s'escau, recàrrega artificial d'aigua, consum d'aigua és 1kg/m2, l'operació real grava tot humit, i la calçada és no formar aigua, portar l'aigua a les necessitats. gestió de la qualitat de l'i avaluaci&

23、#243; del control de dimensions de construcció estàndard del projecte inspeccions graduada proporciona freqüència de mètode de prova de valor d'elevació 1 secció longitudinal (mm) única 20.1 metres Secció 5, nivell-10, per secció 3-5 2 gruix (mm)

24、 endoll mesurar valor representatiu de-8 sol 100.6 metres d'amplada límit-10 3 (mm) disseny estàndard per 40,1-metre. Estàndards de qualitat i toleràncies de les taules de vorera projecte estàndards de qualitat i toleràncies de grau subgrade de compactació del

25、grau de compactació de subgrade de suavitat ± ± 10MM 110mm creu pendent requisits 10MM i menys de 0,3% amplada no inferior a l'estructura de paviment disseny constructiva mètode (1): 15cm de trencat graduada pedra base + 3 cm gruix ciment morter + 6 cm gruix poró

26、s sorra coixí. (2) primària 15cm el gruix de paviment trencat graduada pedra base, preparació, barreja de procés amb les carreteres, classificava aixafat grau pedra base, motor, pavimentació, anivellament artificial, corró compactar. (3) maó permeable pres tant con

27、trol fil horitzontals i verticals, assegura articulacions uniformes, lineals i suaus, superfícies plana. Tancat 25x12cm pedra especificacions, C20 prefabricats formigó requereix la mateixa mida, angular, força compleix els requisits de disseny. 9.6 asfalt estructura de paviment de asf

28、alt de paviment de formigó de dalt a baix les següents: 4cm asfalt molt específics concrets (AC-13) gruixudes partícules en asfalt formigó + 6 cm (AC-20) + 14 cm gruix el betum estabilitzat grava (LSM-30). Materials d'asfalt amb trànsit pesat asfalt (AH-70). Abans d

29、e paviments de formigó asfàltic, primer en l'acceptació de superfície de pedra triturada graduada de la construcció de macadam bituminoses sincrònic segellat. Punts claus i dificultats en gran mida asfalt construcció paviment d'asfalt estabilitzat picat ped

30、ra capa, com una nova tecnologia, el disseny de barreja de gradació per a l'esquelet estructura dens, per tal d'evitar la segregació més greu d'àrid gruixutElectricity lines, equipment inspections, found hidden in time for rectification, maintenance, and security. 9,

31、do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burning stove, lit candles, mosquito repellent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household appliances is not allowed. 10, live on campus faculty members, must lead by example, and educate families and children ready to fire.

32、11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-proof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, dining room must be qualified, and annual testing of pressure vessels, to regularly check, the canteen workers must be certified,

33、strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsibility. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 Xi

34、ang Liu Jia ping elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school governance covers personal and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated governance shall obtain wide support and full cooperation of the

35、 community. On the surrounding environment in schools should be closely monitored. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school environment, should take the initiative to contact the district police station, the village Committee, Correctional Centre, Town

36、ship government, business management and other departments to do a good job management. 3, teacher on duty with the exception of inspections in schools, should also pay attention to environmental inspections near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment o

37、f students and a variety of accidents, according to different situations reported school officials or the police station in a timely manner, to protect the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind students, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, should educate students to respect

38、 social ethics, and various regulations, maintaining public order, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students ' self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and deployed. Song Lin X

39、iang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organizations out of safety management system organization activities between teachers and students, to draw up a precise plan and security measures must be signed by the school officials

40、to review the programme of activities agreed upon Correctional Center agreed to implement. Organization to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Education Bureau in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a specific responsibility, pay attenti

41、on to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, activities, location, field surveys should be carried out in advance. 4, activities for the means of transport should explain the situation to the school to comply with vehicle, safety requirements, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must ha

42、ve security, emergency response plan for accidents. 6, picnics, hiking, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, prevention of fall accidents 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requirements of the Organization and not let student

43、s into the water 其他工程:章丘市交警大隊辦公樓;東營市實驗中學;濰坊市政大樓;花官鄉(xiāng)政府辦公樓;石油大學體育館;河口區(qū)民政局辦公樓;東營市商業(yè)銀行;河口區(qū)移動公司辦公樓;利津縣公路局;河口土管局;河口區(qū)農業(yè)局辦公樓;東營市中心血站;東營市供電公司辦公樓;勝大集團辦公樓;墾利油區(qū)辦辦公樓;東營衛(wèi)生局辦公樓;濱州交通大廈;濱州一中新校區(qū);東營市二中;濰坊實驗學校;昌邑市人民醫(yī)院;油田七受邀方(公章):授權代表人(簽字):日期:2012年3月27日六、受邀方簡介公 司 簡 介 東營市舒欣裝飾工程有限公司主要從事辦公屏風和衛(wèi)生間隔斷產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)、銷售、安裝及新產(chǎn)品研制開發(fā)。公司擁有多方面


45、入,不斷承接新的工程項目。產(chǎn)品已受到廣大客戶的一致認可。公司自成立以來,信奉“顧客就是上帝”的原則,建立了完善的售后服務管理系統(tǒng)。重點加強了售后服務隊伍、設備及配套管理體系的建設。建立了完整的質量監(jiān)督程序和客戶對應檔案;實行以客戶為中心的產(chǎn)品售后服務微機化管理;配備專門機構,跟蹤調查用戶使用情況,保證售后服務。想用戶所想,急用戶所急,為消費者提供放心滿意的全方位、一體化服務。 七、施工方案1.施工準備、施工順序我公司由工程技術部等相關技術人員,參加設計交底及圖紙會審,做出工程施工圖,工程開工前,按照施工合同材料需用量計劃,施工機具需用量計劃,進行施工物資的準備和前期的籌備工作,確定倉庫和堆積面積,并組織運輸,以確保物資的供應。2.主要部分項工程施工要點與方法在施工全過程中,嚴格按照建設單位、監(jiān)理工程師批準的施工組織設計進行施工管理。在自檢、專檢的基礎上,接受監(jiān)理工程師的驗收和檢查,并按照監(jiān)理要求,予以整改。貫徹已建立的質量控制、檢查、管理制度,杜絕現(xiàn)場施工人員不服從甲方及建設單位監(jiān)理工程師工作的不正常現(xiàn)象發(fā)生,是建設單位及監(jiān)理工程師的一切指令得到全面執(zhí)行。所有進入施工現(xiàn)場的成品、半成品、設備、材料、器具,均主動向監(jiān)理工程師提交產(chǎn)品合格證或質


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權或不適當內容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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