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1、語法專題復(fù)習(xí)(四)狀語從句講解狀語從句指句子用作狀語時,起副詞作用的句子。它可以修飾謂語、非謂語動詞、定語、狀語或整個句子。 一般可分為九大類,分別表示時間、地點、原因、目的、結(jié)果、條件、讓步、比較和方式。盡管種類較多,但由于狀語從句與漢語結(jié)構(gòu)和用法相似,所以理解和掌握它并不難。狀語從句的關(guān)鍵是要掌握引導(dǎo)不同狀語從句的常用連接詞和特殊的連接詞即考點?,F(xiàn)分別列舉如下: 1I fell asleep when he was doing his exercises .他正作練習(xí)時我睡著了。(時間狀語從句)3She always sings as she walks .她總是一邊走一邊唱。(時間狀語從

2、句)4I waited until he had finished his work .我等到他做完活。(時間狀語從句)5It was not long before he told me about this affair .不久,他就告訴我這件事。(時間狀語從句)6He has worked very hard since he entered the factory 自從他進廠,工作一直很努力。(時間狀語從句)1 時間狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:when, as, while, as soon as, while, before, after, since , till, until特殊引導(dǎo)詞:

3、the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner than, hardly when, scarcely when種類從屬連詞例 句說 明時whenwheneverWhen I came into the room, he was writing a letter.當我進屋時,他正在寫信。We shall go there whenever we are free.我們什么時間有空,我們就去那里。when指的是“某一具體的時間”。whene

4、ver指的是“在任何一個不具體的時間”。間狀whenI was walking along the street when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.我正在街上走著,這時忽然有人從后面拍我的肩膀。when意為“這時”或“在那個時候”,可以看作是并列句,這種用法的when分句一般位于句末。語whileWhile it was raining, they went out.天下雨的時候,他們出去了。I stayed while he was away.他不在的時候我在。while指“在某一段時間里”,“在期間”,w

5、hile引導(dǎo)的動作必須是持續(xù)性的。asShe always sings as she walks .as引導(dǎo)持續(xù)性動作,強從她總是一邊走一邊唱調(diào)主句和從句的動作同時發(fā)生。句beforeBe a pupil before you become a teacher.先做學(xué)生,再做先生。before譯為在之前afterHe arrived after the game started.比賽開始后,他到了。till We waited till (until)he came back .我們一直等到他回來。如主句動詞是持續(xù)性動作,常用肯定式,表示“直到為止”時until She didnt stop

6、working until eleven oclock .她到11點鐘才停止工作。Until he had passed out of sight, she stood there.她站在那里看著,直到看不見他的身影。如主句動詞是瞬間動詞,常用否定式,表示“直才”“在以前不”,從句放在句首表示強調(diào),一般用until間狀since as soon asGreat changes have taken place in China since 1978.自從1978年以來中國發(fā)生了巨大的變化。As soon as I arrive in Shanghai, Ill write to you.我一到

7、上海就給你寫信。狀語從句在主句之前時一般用逗號與主句分開,如從句在主句之后則不必用標點符號。語從句hardlywhenno soonerthanI had hardly got home when it began to rain.我剛一到家,就下雨了。=Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.No sooner had we got to the station than the train left.我們剛到車站,火車就走了。Hardly had we begun when we were told to stop.我們剛開始就被叫停。har

8、dlywhen和no soonerthan的意義相當于as soon as,但只表示過去發(fā)生的事情,主句為過去完成時,從句為過去時,如hardly或no sooner位于句首時語氣強,而且主句的謂語要用部分倒裝。every time, by the time, the moment等Every time I travelled by boat, I got seasick.我每次乘船都暈船。The moment I heard the song, I felt cheerful.我一聽到這首歌,就感到很愉快。Next time you come ,youll see him.下次你來的時候,就

9、會見到他。在時間狀語從句中,不能用將來時或過去將來時,而要用現(xiàn)在時或過去時代替將來時。2 地點狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:where特殊引導(dǎo)詞:wherever, anywhere, everywhere地點狀語從句wherewhereverWhere there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。Where there is water there is life.哪里有水,哪里就有生命。You are free to go wherever you like.你可以隨意到你喜歡的任何地方去。Wherever you go, you must obey the la

10、w.無論你去哪都要遵守法律。where與wherever意義基本相同,但后者語氣較強,多用于書面語。3 原因狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:because, since, as, since特殊引導(dǎo)詞:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that, considering that,  原因狀becauseI came back late yesterday because I was on duty.昨天我回來晚了,因為我值班。because用來回答why 的問題,語氣最強一般放在主句之后語從句sinceSince e

11、veryone is here, lets begin our meeting.既然大家都到了,我們開始開會。since表示既然或全已知的理由,稍加分析即可表明的原因,多放句首asAs he didnt know much English, he looked up the word in the dictionary .由于他英語懂得不多,他在字典中查閱這個單詞。從句常放在句首,說明原因,主句說明結(jié)果,常用于口語中。now that, seeing thatNow (that) the weather has cleared up, we can start our journey.鑒于天氣

12、已經(jīng)晴朗,我們可以啟程了。Seeing (that) he was badly ill, we sent for the doctor.鑒于他病情嚴重,我們派人去請醫(yī)生去了。seeing (that), now that 和since, as 意義相似,他們都有“鑒于某個事實”的意思,that可以省去。4 目的狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:so that, in order that特殊引導(dǎo)詞:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that目的狀語從句thatI shall writ

13、e down your telephone number that I may not forget.我要把你的電話號碼記下來,以免忘記。Well tell you the truth so that you can judge for yourself.我把真實情況告訴你,使你能自己作出判斷。They worked harder than usual in order that they could finish the work ahead of time .他們比往常更加努力工作,為了能提前完成工作。Put on more clothes lest (= for fear that )

14、you should catch cold.多穿點衣服,以免患感冒。目的狀語從句中常用情態(tài)動詞may (might) can (could) ,should 等放在動詞之前,從句往往放在主句之后,主從句之間不用任何標點符號so thatin order thatlest = for fear that5 結(jié)果狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:so that, such that,特殊引導(dǎo)詞:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that,結(jié)果狀so that sothatWe turned up the rad

15、io, so that everyone heard the news.我們把收音機的音量放大,大家都聽到了新聞。He was so excited that he couldnt say a word.他十分激動,以致一句話都說不出來。so that前有逗號為結(jié)果狀語從句。sothat的so后面跟形容詞或副詞。語從句suchthatHe gave such important reasons that he was excused.他說出了這么重要的理由,得到大家的諒解。It is such an interesting novel that all of us want to read i

16、t. It is so interesting a novel that all of us want to read it.這是一本十分有意思的書,大家都想看。suchthat的such后面跟名詞,如果名詞是單數(shù)就要用such a /anthat還可以轉(zhuǎn)換用sothat,語氣較強6 條件狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:if, unless, 特殊引導(dǎo)詞:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, suppose that, in case that, on condition that 條件狀語 從 句if Difficulties are noth

17、ing if we are not afraid of them.如果我們不怕困難,困難就算不了什么了。We shall go there tomorrow unless it rains.unless從句的謂語只能用肯定式。unless和ifnot同義,unless是書面語,ifnot是口語,通常二者可以換用。條件狀語從句中的謂語動詞的時態(tài)一般要用現(xiàn)在時或過去時代替一般將來時或過去將來時。unless除非下雨,我們明天就去那里。= We shall go there tomorrow if it doesnt rain.as/so longSo/As long as you work har

18、d, you will succeed. asin case so far as只要你努力工作,你就一定能成功。In case I forget, please remind me about it .萬一我忘了,請?zhí)嵝盐乙幌?。So far as I know, the book will be published next month.據(jù)我所知,那本書下月出版。7 讓步狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:though, although, even if, even though特殊引導(dǎo)詞: as(用在讓步狀語從句中必須要倒裝),while ( 一般用在句首 ),no matter , in spite o

19、f the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever 讓 步 狀 語thoughAlthough (Though) he was over sixty, (yet) he began to learn French.雖然他六十多歲了,但仍開始學(xué)習(xí)法語 。We were not tired though (although) we had在句子中一般用了“雖然”就不能再用“但是”(but)但可以與yet或still連用。though / although意義相同,用法基本一樣,前者通俗,

20、口語化,后者正式多放主句的前面。although worked all day.雖然我們干了一天活,但并不累。 從 句even ifeven thoughIll go even if (though) it rains tomorrow.即使明天下雨,我也要去。even if 和even though的意思為“即使”“縱使”有退一步設(shè)想的意味,多用于書面語中。 讓 步as Child as he is , he knows a lot .雖然他是一個孩子,但他懂得很多。Cold as it is, (= Though it is cold,)the children play outdoors

21、.雖然天氣冷,但孩子們?nèi)栽趹敉馔?。as引出的狀語從句多用于書面語,它比用though或although引導(dǎo)的從句,語氣強,更有表現(xiàn)力,從句常放在句首,語序部分倒裝。 狀 語 從no matter (who, what when, where which, how)Do it no matter what others say.不管別人怎么說,盡管干。No matter how busy he was, he studied English every day.不管他多忙,他都每天堅持學(xué)習(xí)英語。No matter who takes up the matter for me ,I shall b

22、e very grateful.不管誰為我處理這件事,我都將非常感激。no matter與 who-ever引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句意義基本一 樣,no matter引導(dǎo)的從句可是以位于主句前或主句后。 句whever (whatever whoever whenever whichever however)Whatever happens / may happen , we shall not lose heart.無論發(fā)生什么,我們都不要失去信心。Whoever comes, he will be welcome.無論誰來,都會受到歡迎。whever從句中的動詞有時可以和may連用。判斷whev

23、er引導(dǎo)的是狀語從句還是名詞性從句的一點是,名詞性從句,主句中一定有一個成分要在從句擔任,一般從句與主句之間沒有逗號。不可將no matter與whever連用8 比較狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:as(同級比較), than(不同程度的比較)特殊引導(dǎo)詞:the more the more ; just as , so; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no more than; not A so much as B 比 較 狀 語asas not so/as asthe same assuchasMary is as old as my sister.瑪利和我姐姐一樣大。H

24、e doesnt run so (as) fast as Jack (does).他不如杰克跑得那樣快。His book is the same as mine.他的書和我的一樣。Henry is not such a good worker as Peter .享利這個工人不如彼得那樣好。連詞表示同程度級的比較,肯定句用asas否定句可用not asas 或not soas 從 句thanShe has made greater progress this year than she did last year.她今年比去年進步更大。He bought fewer books than I

25、(did).他買的書比我買的少。表示不同程度之比較,主句中用比較級的形容詞或副詞。比較狀語從句the more the moreThe more you read, the better you understand.你看的書越多,你懂得的就越多。The more tickets you sell, the more money you will get.你賣的票越多,你的收入也越多。 The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你工作越努力,你取得的進步就越大。The sooner, the better.越快越好。The

26、warmer, the better.越暖和越好。 the morethe more 意思為越越,通常的語序為從句在前主句在后,這兩個the都是表示程度的副詞,用在比較級的形容詞或副詞前面。句子意思明顯,句子的主語和動詞都可省略。9 方式狀語從句常用引導(dǎo)詞:as, as if, how特殊引導(dǎo)詞:the way 方 式 狀 語 從 句as Draw a cat as I taught you .按照我教你的畫一只貓。Do as you are told.按照人家告訴你做的去做。此處as譯為,按照或正如as if或as though的意義和用法基本一樣。從句中可以用現(xiàn)在時表示可能符合事實,也可以

27、用虛擬語氣。as ifas thoughShe looks as if she is ill.看上去她好象是生病了。He acted as if (though) nothing had happened.他的行動就好象什么也沒有發(fā)生。They treat the black boy as if (though) he were an animal.他們對待這黑孩子仿佛他是一頭牲口。10特殊的特殊形式的狀語從句that We are sure (that )the four modernization will be realized in China .我們相信四化一定會在中國實現(xiàn)。Im s

28、orry (that) I didnt have time to write you sooner.很抱歉,我沒有抽出時間早點給你寫信。I am afraid that I cant go with you.恐怕我不能同你一起去了。that 引導(dǎo)的從句,往往跟在一個做表語的形容詞后面,從句概念上看是賓語,所以有的語法家把它看做是賓語從句,但結(jié)構(gòu)上看,也可以把它看作是一個特殊的狀語從句,用來修飾表語的形容詞。這種從句的連詞常常被省略。 狀語從句的簡化狀語從句的省略狀語從句同時具備下列兩個條件:主句和從句的主語一致,或從句主語為it;從句主要動詞是be的某種形式。從句中的主語和be動詞??墒÷?。例

29、如:When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year . Hell go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible.另外,比較狀語從句經(jīng)常省略。例如:Im taller than he (is tall ). The higher the temperature (is), the greater the pressure (is ). 狀語從句的"簡化"現(xiàn)象常存在于以下五種狀語從句中:由if, u

30、nless等引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句;由although, though, even if / though等引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句;由when, while, as, before, after, until / till等引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句;由as, as if等引導(dǎo)的方式狀語從句;由as, than等引導(dǎo)的比較狀語從句。下面針對這五種情形作一歸納。 If (it is) possible, he will help you out of the difficulty.如果可能的話,他會幫你擺脫困境。 You must attend the meeting unless (it is) inconv

31、enient to you.除非情況對你來說不方便,否則你必須出席這次會議。 As (he was) young, he learned how to ride a bike.他小時候就學(xué)會了騎自行車。 Whenever (she is) free, she often goes shopping.她有空就去逛商店。 Work hard when (you are) young, or you'll regret.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。While (he was) a you ng boy, he was always ready to help others.他在孩提時代就樂于助人

32、。 Although (he is) doing his best in maths these days, he has still got no good marks.盡管近來他一直在學(xué)數(shù)學(xué),但他仍然沒有取得好成績。d.連詞+過去分詞The concert was a great success than (it was) expected.這場音樂會出乎意料地取得了巨大成功。He stood up as if (he were) to say something.當時他站起來好像要說什He wouldn't solve the problem even if (he were)

33、to take charge.即使他來負責(zé),他也解決不了這個問題。f. 連詞+介詞短語She looked anxious as though (she was) in trouble.她看上去很焦急,好像遇到了麻煩。He had mastered the English language before (he was) in the USA.他到美國之前就懂英語了。tips:只用as不用when或while的情況1、用于表示同一個人的兩種動作交替進行,指“一邊一邊”,如: The girl sings as she goes to school.2、表示兩個同步發(fā)生的動作或行為如: As t

34、ime went by,she became more and more beautiful. 3、表示兩個動作緊跟著發(fā)生,如: As he was going out,it began to rain, 4、接在名詞后面表示某一個年齡段時。如: As a young man, he was active in sports.連接詞when,while,as的用法區(qū)別1、while引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句的謂語動詞必須是可持續(xù)的,而when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句的謂語動詞既可以可持續(xù)的,也可以是表短暫性動作的動詞。 WhenWhile he was eating his breakfast,he hea

35、rd the door bell rang. When I stopped my car,a man came up to me.(while不可用) 2、從句動作發(fā)生在主句動作之前時,只能用when 引導(dǎo),不可用whileas,如: When you have finished your work,you may have a rest 3、表示“隨著”,連詞用as,不用whenwhile,如: As the election approached,the violenve got worse. 4、如果主句表示的是短暫性的動作,從句用延續(xù)性動作的進行時態(tài)表示一段時間內(nèi)正在進行的動作時,三者可互相交換使用。如: WhenWhileAs I was walking down the street,I came across an old friend of mine.till,until和notuntil用法1、untiltill引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句用于肯定句中時,主句的動詞時延續(xù)性動詞,表示動作或狀態(tài)一直持續(xù)到untiltill所表示的時間,意為“某動作一直持續(xù)到某時間點才停止”,譯為“直到為止”。 You may stay here until the rain stops. 2、用于否定句時,主句謂語動詞時非延續(xù)性動詞,從句為肯定


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