



1、三年級牛津英語下學(xué)期填空題培優(yōu)補差專項班級:_ 姓名:_1. 選詞填空。1This is _.(I/ me)2I''m Alice, I''m a _.(boy/girl)3I''m a rabbit. My _ are long.(ear/ears)4She is _ friend.(my/I)5Two fat _ are in the classroom.(boy/boys)2. 填空題。1_(ride) is a very interesting ac

2、tivity.2Alice found_(her) alone in a long, low hall.3Mozi used wood to make a bird. (同義句)Mozi_a bird_wood.4Mike_(not go) to bed until 12o''clock last night.3. 選擇正確單詞,補全句子。1Whats _ (in / at) your storybook?2That _ (is / are) my father.3I dont like _

3、0;(honey / hamburger).4_ (What / How) old are you?5This is _ (my / me) uniform.4. 補全單詞并選出相應(yīng)的圖片。A.  B.  C.  D.  E.  1h_n_ (_) 2f_ _t (_)3l_g (_) 4_e_d (_)5a_m (_)5. 選詞填空(詞匯運用)。1What did you eat for lunch _ (tomorrow/

4、yesterday)?2Tom''s sister is a _(cook / nurse). 6. 按要求填空。1is not(縮寫形式)_2whats(完全形式)_3Im(完全形式)_ 4I(賓格形式)_5arent(完全形式)_7. 根據(jù)漢語提示寫單詞,將句子補充完整。1I like _(葡萄).2This is my _(女兒).3Act like an _(大象).4Is this your _(外套)?5Its _(九)oclock.8. 用is; are; am; do; does填空

5、。(注意大小寫)1. What_ this?It_an elephant.2. This girl_short. The boys_tall.3. _your sister go to school on Mondays?4. _you like fish?5. Does Xiaoming like football? Yes, he_.6.  _you at the zoo? Yes, I _.7. _your friends like basketball?9. 選詞補全句子。school  teacher1.Thank

6、 you to my _.2.This is my English_, Ms Smart.10. 讀一讀,寫一寫。(一個4遍)  eleven twelve   thirteen fourteen   fifteen play 11. 想一想,選一選。careful plus parrot quietclever   nice   bit helpful1Hes very _.He can make e-cards.2Shes very _.She always helps people.3Be _.(小

7、心)4Be _(安靜)5Whats _like?6Whats seven_two?7Sam is a _shy.8Dogs are _for people.12. 根據(jù)漢語提示選詞填空,補全句子。brothers   She   beautiful   family   you   This   man 1Who''s that  (男人)?2Nice to meet  (你).3All my  (家人)

8、60;help each other.4 (她) is my sister.5Sarah is a  (美麗的) girl.6 (這個) is my friend.7I have two  (哥哥). They are very clever.13. 根據(jù)中文提示,選擇合適的單詞,補全句子或?qū)υ?。arm leg head foot hand1. Point to your_(頭).2. This is my_(手).3. That''s his_(腿)and that''s

9、 his_(腳).4. Is this your_(胳膊)?Yes, it is.14. 根據(jù)圖片選擇正確的單詞寫在四線格上,每個單詞只用一次。pear apple banana orange1.   2.  3.   4.  15. 按要求寫單詞。1shes(完整形式) 2is(復(fù)數(shù))3hi(同義詞) 4I am(縮寫形式)5he(對應(yīng)詞)16. 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。1Look! The bus is_ (come).2My sister_ (have) a

10、 red skirt.3Can you_ (put) the apple on your head?4What_ (do) he have?5I like_ (draw) pictures.17. 選詞填空,每詞限用一次。(只寫序號)  some   meet  sister   Here   old  name    an    you  at1Nice to _ you!2Sure. _ you are!3Whats your _?4Sh


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